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Educational agencies in East Asia have heeded the advice of research findings and therefore acknowledge the value of assessment for learning (AfL) practices through various policy initiatives. At definitional level, the evolving conceptions and theories of AfL have consistently streamed in from overwhelmingly European and Anglophone-based research. We present a review of mainly peer-reviewed journal articles on selected AfL research in East Asian countries. The findings show that the current implicit and atheoretical approach towards defining and implementing AfL suggests opportunities for further deliberation and theorisation about what constitutes AfL in East Asian countries. It is conceivable that teachers who understand the principles and frequently prepare students for summative assessment in the East Asian classroom are concurrently practising a particular process and practice of AfL. We conclude that the practices of AfL can therefore not just be variable; they will also be very situated and contested.  相似文献   

明代讲会,除了学术性较强的讲学聚会,还有颇显庶民性、宗族性特征的所谓“乡会”。当时乡会的社会管理功能已超过了讲学教化,其学术性、精英性也已逐渐让位于庶民性、宗族性。如果说随举之“会”的特征在于它的群众性.那么书院之“讲”的特征便在于它的精英性,其目的都是为了崇德教化、净化社会。阳明学在中晚明的突出面向是从精英到草根的转向与变异。这一转化过程主要发生在远离政治中心的江右地区和其它边缘地区。尽管在阳明学的草根化的转化过程中,还同时存在着政治精英化的倾向,但就中国思想史的主体而言,阳明学的草根化要明显强于它的知识精英化,而且较之其政治精英化,其草根化的趋势或许更具颠覆性的意义。  相似文献   

中日两国是一衣带水的邻邦,在文化、教育上既各具特色,又多有共通之处。日本“综合学习时间”与中国“研究性学习”具有同类性质,同属于世纪初基础教育课程改革的重要特色。通过从政策演进、课程目标、课程实施、课程内容、课程评价、课程开发等方面对二者进行深入细致的比较研究,可以透析彼此的亮点和不足,从而为“研究性学习”的深入开展提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

国外社会保障基金投资模式比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
国外社会保障基金投资模式主要可以划分为三种类型:政府直接负责社保基金投资运营模式——以新加坡为例;完全民营化社保基金投资运营模式——以智利为例;部分私营化社保基金投资运营模式——以美国为例。我国应当遵循的原则:谨慎原则,长期投资原则,多元化原则。  相似文献   

中西隐喻的文化含义之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
每个民族都有自己的文化.隐喻,作为语言的一种重要表达方式,更是反映民族文化的一面镜子.从认知语言学及语用学角度,对中外隐喻在建构上与表意上的重合之处、差异之处及空缺之处作一系统的比较,并探讨其内在的原因,可以拓宽我们的发展思路,增进互相了解.  相似文献   

通过比较分析亚太主要国家美国、日本、加拿大、澳大利亚和印度等高校产学研合作教育的模式特点,发现其值得借鉴的经验;在剖析我国高校产学研合作教育现状与问题的基础上,提出我国高校产学研合作教育模式选择的建议,即"政府组织推动、国家示范带动、高校(科研院所)主导主动、企业重视联动"。  相似文献   

科研论文中综述语介绍其他研究者的理论、实验、发现、观点,为作者的观点论证作有效铺垫。语料库调查显示,综述语常用的时态为一般现在时、一般过去时和现在完成时,主被动态的比值为 1. 91 综述语主语可分为四大范畴:参与者域、语篇域、假设域和现实域。本文探讨综述语时态与句子功能的相关性、语态与综述主语范畴的相关性,阐述综述语的评价语用特征及该调查对写作教学的启示。  相似文献   

发达国家在教师教育,教师培养院校的建设和管理方面突出以实为本,以教师能力的培养为主要导向,为我国中小学教师继续教育在思想认识,课程设置,教育教学管理以及提高教师在职培训质量方面的提供了许多有益的经验。  相似文献   

This article examines one major research journal from China and one from the United States. The study compares the two journals with regard to three questions: 1) Who is doing research published in the journals? 2) What are the major issues and concerns represented in the journals? 3) What research methodologies are favoured in the journals? The authors believe that understanding another country's educational research practices, through addressing these questions, can better enable domestic researchers, educators and policymakers to acknowledge the major educational concerns and issues that exist across countries. As boundaries between national borders continue to blur, this understanding can help educational researchers better interpret and present their findings with greater international relevance.  相似文献   

意识与潜意识有三种相同的反映现实生活的方式:主观虔诚方式、自由思考方式和感性观照方式。艺术和梦虽然一属意识,一属潜意识,但都是人类以感性观照方式反映现实生活的精神产品。因此,二者有很多相同的特性,这表现在生活源泉、形象塑造、反映生活的方式等诸多方面。对艺术与梦进行比较研究,不仅能够通过艺术了解梦,也能够通过梦了解艺术,从而做到学科互补,在理论研究中良性互动、相得益彰。  相似文献   

福建背山临海,东面与浙江相连、西边与江西接界,西南与广东毗邻,东望台湾一水之隔。自秦以降至魏晋隋唐,大批中原士民入闽遂与闽越古族铸融为一体,形成了福建独特的区域民俗文化。正因如此,福建区域民俗文化不可避免带有其地方特色,这种差异对民间工艺美术的影响也就不言而喻,木板年画也不例外。本文基于此,探究区域民俗文化差异对木板年画的造型工艺的潜在影响。  相似文献   

本讨论了Internet中Qos的两种服务:综合服务(Integrated services,Intserv),区分服务(Differentiated services,Diffserv),对综合服务和区分服务进行了对比,讨论了各自的优缺点.  相似文献   

Although online learning is expanding in availability and popularity, the high dropout rates remain a challenging problem. In this paper, we reviewed the existing empirical studies on online course dropouts in post-secondary education that were published during the last 10 years. We identified 69 factors that influence students’ decisions to dropout and classified them into three main categories: (a) Student factors, (b) Course/Program factors, and (c) Environmental factors. We then examined the strategies proposed to overcome these dropout factors: (a) understanding each student’s challenges and potential, (b) providing quality course activities and well-structured supports, and (c) handling environmental issues and emotional challenges. Finally, we discussed issues regarding dropout factors and strategies for addressing these factors and offered recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

区域主义(一译“地区主义”)于二十世纪在欧洲得到了较好体现,但东亚区域主义将在自由贸易区建成后面临一个发展的瓶颈。这主要是由于东亚区域主义自身的脆弱性和东亚国际关系的复杂性共同造成的。中国战略机遇期内能否通过有效的双边外交解开周边外交中的“疙瘩”、增进东亚区域主义的认同、更好地以一个和平崛起的大国身份参与东亚事务,决定了中国国家利益能否得到充分实现。从而进一步提升中国的国际地位。  相似文献   

时殷弘(中国人民大学国际关系学院教授): 首先,多边主义既是构建国际安全体制的途径,又是追求传统国家利益的国家战略工具或对外政策手段.中国多边主义的目的和价值也在这两方面.从这样的双重考虑出发,可以设想大有助于亚洲安全和中国和平崛起的一类至关重要的"平台",那就是中国至少参与主导的多个亚洲次区域多边安全体制与经济合作体制.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, there has been a revolution in policy, planning and management practices in higher education in the developed world. The decline in the traditional college-age population and the stressful fiscal conditions of the late 1970s and early 1980s, after over two decades of growth, were catalysts for new approaches to public policy and institutional management. There has also been increased research on the effectiveness of policy and management methodologies in the West. This paper explores the applicability of contemporary western policy and management methodologies to the technical sector of postsecondary education in three Far Eastern countries: Pakistan, Bangladesh and the Philippines. Case studies are analyzed to explore the applicability of these methodologies to the developing world. The major finding is that, because of new conditions facing higher education in these countries, contemporary approaches to policy and management are applicable. However, specific methodologies require adaptation to accommodate the political, institutional and cultural environments in these settings.An earlier version of this paper was presented at American Education Research Association, 1986 Annual Meeting.  相似文献   

本文主要以韩国金融危机为例,探讨东亚经济模式与金融危机的内在联系,认为金融危机的根源在于经济模式的弊端。中国与韩国等国在某些方面有相似之处,应从金融危机中吸取深刻的教训和启示,采取有效的措旅,防治和化解金融风险,以防重蹈覆辙。  相似文献   

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