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Unit 9 How was your weekend?1.How was your weekend?(P53)你周末过得怎么样?How did kids spend the weekend?(P57)孩子们是怎样过周末的?1)how是常见的疑问副词,用法较多。第一句中的how用来询问感受,意为“怎么样”;  相似文献   

Unit1 Where's your pen palfrom?1.W here is your pen pal from?(P1)你的笔友是哪儿的?1)pen pal意为“笔友”,可以用pen friend替换。2)be from意为“是……地方的人”或“来自于……”,可以用com efrom替换。例如:W here are you from?(=W here do you com e from?)你是哪里人?2.She蒺s from Japan.(P1)她是日本人。1)此句可以用“She com es from Japan.”替换。2)注意:“She蒺s from Japan.”的否定句应为“She isn蒺tfrom Japan.”,而“She com es from Japan.”的否定句应为“She doesn蒺t com e fromJapan.”。3.W hatlang…  相似文献   

Unit 7 What does he look like?1.What does your friend look like?你的朋友长得什么样?(P41)1)询问和描述他人的外貌特征时,常用:“What do/does+主语+look like?(“……长得怎么样?”),回答时可用“Sb is+形容词/名词”或“Sb has+名词”句式。  相似文献   

Unit 11 What do you think of game shows? 1. stand v. 忍受 Her friend Jeff says he can%t stand the scarf.(P69) 她的朋友杰夫说他受不了这条围巾。 I can%t stand the hot weather. 我受不了炎热的天气。 [ 解析] stand 在此是及物动词, 多用于口语, 意为"忍受( 疼痛、侮  相似文献   

Unit11What time do you go to school?●单元知识梳理一、询问某人做某事的时间询问某人何时做某事时,常用what time或when提问。请看例句:Mike usually gets up at six o8clock.(对划线部分提问)"What time/When does Mike usuallyget up?注意:when和what time都可用来询问时  相似文献   

Unit11一、词汇(10分)A.根据句意和汉语提示写出空白处所缺的单词。1.M rs B lack can t(忍受)the cold weather there.2.M y father is a(了不起的)doctor.3.O ur lives are(多彩的).4.Y oung people like to follow the(时尚).5.M y daughter wants to be a(主持人).B.根据句意和首字母提示补全空白处的单词。1.H e has n to do,so he decides to go to the m ovie.2.Its hothere.D o you m opening the window?3.The girl with a red hair c is his sister.4.There is no m oney in m y w.5.D ifferentpeople have different o abo…  相似文献   

◆词汇、短语大看台:【重点词汇展示】1.hairhair通常用单数形式表示总体。若用作主语,谓语动词也用单数形式,但如果表示若干根头发,则需用其复数形式。例如:His hair is gray.他的头发灰白。He has a few white hairs.他有一些白头发。  相似文献   

Unit11What time do you go to school?Ⅰ.词汇A.根据句意及句中划线部分所示时间,从右栏的A,B,C,D,E五个选项中选择正确答语。1.—What3s the time?—It3s7:50.A.six thirty2.—What time is it?—It3s6:30.B.nine o3clock3.—What time do you play volleyball?—We play volleyball at4:15.C.four fifteen4.It3s9:00now.Let3s go to bed.D.eleven forty5.It3s11:40.It3s time for lunch.E.seven fiftyB.根据句意,从括号中选出合适的单词填空。6.We begin our classes(at,on)8:00.7.What time does she get(up,to)school?8.Her…  相似文献   

Unit11What do you think of game shows?Ⅰ.词汇A)根据句意及所给的首字母提示,写出空白处所缺的单词。1.—Do you like Beijing Opera?—No.I canBt s it.2.—What does your mother t of sitcoms?—She likes them.3.—Do you m my smoking?—Of course not.4.I want to be a h like Wang Xiaoya and Li Yong.5.She doesnBt a with me.She thinks IBm wrong.6.There is much money in my w.7.I donBt like talk shows.I think they are b.8.Tony doesnBt like soap opera.How a you?9.She isnBt busy today.She has n to d…  相似文献   

Unit 11 Could you please clean your room?1.Give him water and feed him.(P69)给他水喝,并喂他东西吃。feed用作及物动词,意为喂养、饲养。例如:How often do youfeed your dog?你多久给狗喂一次饭?She is feeding a baby with milk.她正在用牛奶喂孩子。feed one's mind意为充实某人的思想。例如:  相似文献   

1.Peter,could you please take out the trash?(P65)彼得,请你把垃圾带出去好吗?(1)trash是美语中的一个不可数名词,意为“垃圾”、“废物”、“碎屑”,相当于英国英语中的rubbish。(2)take out是“动词+副词”构成的短语动词,相当于及物动词,意思是“取出”、“拿出”。例如:The dentisttook outhis bad tooth yesterday.昨天医生拔掉了他的一颗坏牙。Y ou can t take the book out ofthe reading-room.你不能把书带出阅览室。2.C ould you please sweep the floor?(P65)请你把地板打扫一下好吗?floor意为“地板”、“地面”。floor还…  相似文献   

1.dishdish用作名词时,意为“盘”、“碟”,其复数形式为dishes。例如:Y ou m ust wash the dishes before you go out.出去之前你必须把盘子洗好。D o you often help your m other w ash the dishes?你经常帮助你妈妈洗盘子吗?dish用作名词时也可以指“一道菜”。例如:They were w arm ly served a cold dish and a m ade dish soon afteroolden7.1they entered the restaurant.他们一进那家饭馆,很快便有人热情地端上来一个冷盘和一个拼盘。H e cooked a chicken dish for dinner.晚餐他做了一只鸡。[特别提醒]do the dishes意为“洗餐…  相似文献   

1.take与bring(1)take是动词,意为"拿走,带去"。take...to...意为"把……带给(拿到)……"。例如:Please take these books to the classroom.请把这些书带到教室去。(2)bring意为"拿来,带来"。bring sth./sb.to+地点意为"把某物带到某地来"。bring+sth.+for+sb.意为"给某人带来某物"。例如:Could you please bring the eraser forme?你可以把橡皮拿给我吗?2.good,well与nice(1)good意为"好的,合适的,擅长的",  相似文献   

1.Where did you go on vacation?你去哪儿度假了? ①vacation意思是“假期;休假”,与holiday是同义词,但要注意二者的区别:holiday通常指规定的不工作的日子,表示“假期”时常用复数,是英国用法;vaca- tion则指任何节假日或休假日,单复数都可以,主要是美国用法。例如:  相似文献   

(满分:100分)Ⅰ.听力。(20分)A.听对话,选出与图画内容相符的选项。(共5小题,计5分)听句子,选择正确的答语。(共5小题,计5分)6.A.No,I don’t.B.Yes,he does.C.Yes,they do.D.No,she doesn’t.7.A.His favourite subject is music.B.Because music is fun.C.He has  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇根据句意和括号中所给的单词或首字母或汉语提示填空,每空填一词。1.I don't want to go(shop),because there are many people in the shop.  相似文献   

词汇、短语大看台: 【重点词汇展示】 1.hair hair通常用单数形式表示总体。若用作主语,谓语动词也用单数形式,但如果表示若干根头发,则需用其复数形式。例如:  相似文献   

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