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A Q-sort was used to examine the self-percepts and ideal self-percepts held by counselors-in-training at the beginning and end of a quarter in which they received formal instruction. The aim was to determine the change, if any, as a result of instruction over this period of time. The results indicate no significant difference or change in perceptions of self and ideal self. The high level of congruence between and among the sorts suggests a measure of adjustment by the counselors-in-training. Several interpretations of the relationships are offered.  相似文献   

一个世纪以来,中外考古的巨大进展为我们广泛深入地研究匈奴历史的各重要课题提供了较为丰富的实物资料,也以无可辩驳的实证为我们重新勾画出历史上匈奴帝国在扩张、掠夺和迁徙过程中曾经留下的足迹,通过研究分析匈奴文化的分布范围、文化因素波及的地区和时间的前后关系,我们可以较为清晰地描绘出匈奴民族的起源、匈奴帝国统治的疆域、她征服的领地和附属部族的范围,以及各个不同阶段随着国力的消长,其疆域的变迁、文化侵入和传播势头的由强至弱、直至最终被更强势的文化所融合、同化的线索。  相似文献   

This study was designed to clarify findings from the parents' beliefs literature concerning the nature and the effects of parental accuracy. Subjects were 60 second- and fifth-grade children (mean ages = 8–5 and 11–5, respectively), their mothers, and teachers. Each child responded to 4 cognitive tasks, predicted how he or she would perform on each task, made self-assessments of preferences and personality traits, and predicted the response of 2 peers to all of the measures. Both the child's mother and the child's teacher were shown the tasks and made similar predictions of the child's probable response. As in previous studies, mothers were above chance but far from perfect in predicting their children's cognitive performance and preferences and traits. Teachers were as accurate as mothers in judging cognitive abilities; they were less successful, however, on the preference and personality items. The children's predictions, whether for self or peers, were less accurate than those of the adults on all tasks. The accuracy of the mothers' predictions correlated positively with external measures of the child's cognitive performance. This finding is compatible with the Hunt "match hypothesis," although other bases for the correlations also exist.  相似文献   

This study investigates the perceptions of counselors, counselor educators, and legislators regarding the impact of counselor licensure in Ohio.  相似文献   

从文化差异看翻译的再创造   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
语言是文化的组成部分,同时也是文化的载体。不同语言间的差异不仅表现在语言形式上,而且还表现在文化特征上。因此,翻译不仅是语际间的转换,而且也是文化信息的传递。译者作为不同语言文化间进行交流的使者,需对原作者所认识的事物进行再认识和再创造。“再”这个词表明这种创造是有限的,是要用译语来再现原语所载文化信息。本文从不同侧面探讨了译者在翻译实践中如何把握好再创造的尺度,以便用通顺流畅的译语来再现原语的文化内涵。  相似文献   

Attachment and social-cognitive theories of interpersonal relations have underscored the integral role that internalized cognitive representations may play as mediators of the link between family and peer relationships. 3 predictions consistent with this conceptualization received support in the present study of 161 7–12-year-old school children. In Part 1 of the study, significant connections were found among different components of cognitive representations, including social perceptions, interpersonal expectancies, and schematic organization and processing of social information. Moreover, generalization was found among children's representations across 3 interpersonal domains–that is, family, peer, and self. In Part 2, negative representations of self and others were found to be associated with increased social impairment, including dysfunctional social behavior and less positive status in the peer group. Implications of the findings for theories of interpersonal competence and interventions with socially impaired children are discussed.  相似文献   

“新北约”与神圣同盟虽然是两个不同时代的同盟组织,也没有历史的亲缘关系,但两的发展轨迹却惊人地相似,“以史为鉴”,通过对神圣同盟的透视有助于分析和预测“新北约”的未来走向。  相似文献   

In this study, significant relationships were found between several dimensions of intergenerational family relationships and supervisor ratings of counselor behavior.  相似文献   

语文学习是一个注重学生情感体验与个体感悟的动态、发展的过程.感悟教学应是理想语文课堂的应然选择.感悟教学是指在教学场域内,教师指导和帮助学生在语文学习中充分调动学生已有的感知体验,积极激发学生的情感联想,促使学生通过感悟和体验来获取语文知识与间接经验,提高自身的语文素养,进而培养学生健全人格和良好个性的一种整体性的教学观和教学形式.在语文实践教学中,可以采取引导学生感悟学习的措施:涵泳品味,以读促悟;创设情境,激发感悟;联想想象,深化感悟;鉴赏点评,升华感悟.  相似文献   

采用自编的“大学生理想-现实自我差异问卷“和流调中心用抑郁量表,考查了447名1~4年级大学生的理想-现实自我概念差异状况及其与抑郁的关系.结果表明:大学生被试的理想自我概念与现实自我概念存在一定程度的差异;大学生被试的理想-现实自我概念差异在学业、情绪和总分上存在显著的年级差异;家庭经济状况差的大学生被试的理想-现实自我概念差异显著大于家庭经济状况好的被试;大学生的理想-现实自我概念差异与抑郁具有显著的正相关,情绪、人际、家庭自我差异等对抑郁的影响作用较大.  相似文献   

Recommendations for the training of rural school counselors are derived from characteristics of the rural American population and the resultant role of the school counselor.  相似文献   

从铸币业的发展看辽代经济的盛衰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
契丹本土铸币业的发展,除了受到汉族化的巨大影响之外,最根本的因素还是本国经济发展规律在起作用。契丹立国前铸币业的萌芽、辽初铸币业的初步发展、中期货币经济的确立、末期的货币紧缺正是契丹国家经济产生、发展、衰落过程的投影。  相似文献   

There is current interest in the use of small group interaction in shaping skills and attitudes of counselor candidates enrolled in practicum. A major and desirable goal is increased understanding and sensitivity toward the needs of others. The literature on small groups describes the potential of group forces for behavior change, but few specifics are directly applicable to counselor education. The present study investigates the relationship of rapport elements to the empathic process among counselor candidates within discussion groups. It is assumed that defensiveness will be minimal within an atmosphere of acceptance, understanding, and ease of communication (rapport).  相似文献   

This article explores how the global trends of marriage migration and tightening of immigration policies in the West interconnect with second language learning motivation. Specifically, this article considers how social positions, governmental regulations, and everyday contexts come together to complicate the expectations of language learning that underlie much public discussion on “integration.” Applying narrative analysis to excerpts from interviews and conversations, I investigate the case of Mulenga, a younger Zambian woman who moved to Denmark to marry an older Danish man. Framed by the L2 motivational self system, the analysis reveals a self-discrepancy between her ideal self (hopes of a better life) and her actual self (lived reality in Denmark) and highlights how motivation and images of self traverse, combine, and reconfigure different cross-temporal experiences. The findings stress the importance for language educators to pay more attention to personal narratives and experiences outside the classroom when attempting to understand learner motivation.  相似文献   

中日甲午战争失败后,1895-1898年,清政府进行了以“因时制宜”上谕所涉内容为核心的改革,这次改革既非“洋务运动”的简单延续,也不能看做是戊戌“百日维新”的序幕。由于清政府在“变法”问题上形成了某种共识,因而这次改革涉及许多方面,其达到的深度也是前所未见的,而且大部分得到或多或少的执行。也正因为如此,改革使清政府体制中一系列问题更加明显地暴露出来。无论对哪一派的改革而言,这些问题都是他们推进改革时必须解决的。  相似文献   

身体美:我国青少年理想身体自我特点   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对14、17和20岁青少年理想身体自我的研究发现,我国青少年理想身体自我是多维度的,有明显的性别差异。对男性理想身体,女性更喜欢性感和相貌因素,男性更看重力量因素;对于女性理想身体,男性更重视性感因素,女性更重视相貌因素。随年龄增长.青少年越来越看重性感因素,对男性身体越来越强调力量因素和一般魅力因素,对女性身体越来越强调相貌因素。体型指数BMI对青少年女性理想身体偏好有显著影响。  相似文献   

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