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The Counseling Evaluation Inventory (CEI) was used to elicit information about the relationship between secondary school counselors with and without a practicum and their clients. The 167 counselors who volunteered for this study represented a 61 percent return. Analysis of variance procedures were used to test the difference between counselors with and without a practicum and to test the influence of age, teaching experience, counseling experience, and sex on these results. The results indicate that counselors with a practicum experience are rated significantly higher on the CEI than counselors without a practicum. When the factors of age, years of counseling experience, years of teaching experience, and sex were partialled out, client ratings of counselors with a practicum continued to be rated significantly higher than client ratings of counselors without a practicum.  相似文献   

The effect of teaching experience on school counselor performance was examined by comparing principals' ratings of counselors with previous teaching experience to counselors certified without classroom teaching experience.  相似文献   

In a study of 123 secondary school counselors in three states the authors found significant correlations among tested personality characteristics and supervisor-rated job performance. Counselors rated as effective by supervisors expressed higher job satisfaction, tested higher in tolerance for ambiguity and in self-esteem, and had more congruent personality-environment Holland codes than did their ineffective counterparts. Sex, age, years of experience, certification status, and academic degrees held were not correlated with effectiveness ratings. Results were considered tentative and heuristic in nature because many aspects of effectiveness could not be tested.  相似文献   

This study is an evaluation of a behavioural skills training course (known as the Education of the Developmentally Young‐‐EDY) which was run for eight classroom assistants (all trained nursery nurses) at an ESN (S) school in Manchester. It arose out of a previous study (Farrell, 1982) which suggested that while teachers improved their practical skills following EDY training, classroom assistants did not. In this study the classroom assistants were filmed working with an individual child on four occasions; twice prior to their training, once immediately following it and once more ten weeks later. The video tapes were randomly arranged and shown to two independent and trained raters. The raters rated the classroom assistants on four aspects of behavioural teaching, all of which are integral parts of the EDY course. The results showed that taking all the teaching techniques together, the classroom assistants made significant gains following training but that these gains were only evident on two of the behavioural techniques when they were analysed separately. When comparing the findings of this work with other studies, the main conclusion is that, although classroom assistants do benefit from EDY training, their progress may not be so marked as that of classroom teachers.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a study in which 102 American Indian 11th and 12th grade high school students rated 7 dimensions of perceived counselor credibility and utility. Results indicated that Indian counselors were perceived as more effective than non-Indian counselors and that the non-directive, “facilitative” verbal response style was rated as less effective than either a directive or a cultural/experimental style.  相似文献   

This study compared principal and self ratings of performance of guidance functions for practicing counselors who did not have teaching experience. The sample consisted of 43 counselors and their principals from throughout the United States. The ratings indicate better-than-average initial counselor acceptance by administrators, teachers, students, and parents with the degree of acceptance being greater after they had counseled for a while. Principal and self ratings differed significantly on initial acceptance by students and present acceptance by other counselors. Ratings of acceptance by both school psychologists and social workers were below average. There was no significant difference in counselor and principal ratings of counselor understanding of various school procedures and policies or of their ability to perform basic guidance activities. A majority of the principals who had worked with the counselors with non-teaching backgrounds indicated they would recommend the hiring of such a person to their school board.  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to study the effective competencies and personality traits of secondary school counselers. A questionnaire was designed to measure counselor competencies, and a simple one way analysis of variance was used for each major competency area to test the differences between counselors who were rated high or low by their supervisors. The 16 Personality Factor Test was also administered to measure differences in personality traits between the two counselor groups. The results are consistent with previous research. It was also found that there are differences between high and low rated counselors in several personality traits.  相似文献   

This study compares the effects of three supervisory techniques—modeling, feedback, and experiential intervention—in teaching counseling students to communicate empathic understanding. The students participated in three simulated counseling interviews during which their responses to standard clients were rated on the degree of empathic understanding conveyed. After each of the first two interviews students in the experimental groups were given one of the three supervisory treatments; students in the control group received no supervision. The ratings indicated that the modeling method of supervision was more effective than the feedback method and the feedback method was more effective than the experiential method in helping the counselors communicate empathy. No significant differences were found between students receiving experiential supervision and those in the control group. The interaction between method and sex was significant in that male students responded better than female students to the feedback method.  相似文献   

A web-based questionnaire was sent to all elementary and middle school teachers in Iceland. The population list, with e-mail addresses, was obtained from the teaching union. The teachers were asked to indicate their major, as well as their experience in teaching Icelandic as classroom teachers or subject teachers. They then rated their competence in teaching Icelandic on a scale from 1–10. Responses were received from 1033 elementary and middle school teachers. Of all teachers, 83.9% had taught Icelandic as classroom teachers and 37.3% had taught Icelandic as subject teachers. All teachers rated their competence as high. Statistically, Icelandic majors and older teachers were significantly more efficacious than others in teaching Icelandic. Those with the lowest competence ratings in teaching Icelandic were sports and home studies majors. However, teachers from all majors had taught Icelandic as classroom teachers, and a significant number of them had taught Icelandic as a subject.  相似文献   

The transition between school or college and higher education can be a challenging time for a student. Schools, colleges and universities work together in a number of ways in order to try and ease this process. However, many students still find their first-year experience difficult to adjust to, which can impact on their own development and achievement. This article documents critical reflections on a case study of a teaching, learning and research partnership currently being undertaken between a secondary school where students are taught AS and A Level psychology and a department of psychology in a post-1992 university in England. Drawing upon a social constructivist framework together with Healey’s model of the link between research and teaching, the aims of this study were to explore how undergraduate dissertation students can work with AS and A Level students on their dissertation projects. The study showed that the AS and A Level students found it an enjoyable practical experience, which they felt enhanced their understanding of university studies. The dissertation students found that the experience might be useful for postgraduate studies and future employment. This article highlights the benefits of the process but also the challenges for those involved, particularly if it was to be conducted on a larger scale.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine some of the knowledge transformations which occur amongst first-year pre-service teachers as a result of their reflections upon their initial fieldwork experiences and course content. We pay particular attention to the changes which herald a shift from school student perceptions of what constitutes a 'good' teacher to the perceptions of pre-service teachers who are becoming immersed in educational discourses. In many instances this immersion represents a knowledge loss. Accompanying the movement of a school student knowledge of effective teaching to a more 'professional' or 'disciplined' knowledge is a lack of attention to an 'ethic of care' as an integral component of teaching. Our reflections upon this loss lead us to suggest that the knowledge about the teaching act which first-year education students bring to education faculties should be valued, and serve as an important standpoint from which other pedagogical knowledges can be viewed.  相似文献   

就业指导教育是高等教育的重要组成部分,深刻认识把握就业指导过程中的教育主客体,充分发挥教育主客体间积极情感关系,对于促进就业指导工作的有效开展如虎添翼.从辅导员作为高校就业指导工作骨干力量的角度出发,对就业指导工作实践经验进行总结归纳,论述辅导员基于教育主客体间积极情感关系开展就业指导工作的作用,并提出辅导员从真诚知学...  相似文献   

We use a unique longitudinal sample of student teachers (“interns”) from six Washington state teacher training institutions to investigate patterns of entry into the teaching workforce. We estimate split population models that simultaneously estimate the impact of individual characteristics and student teaching experiences on the timing and probability of initial hiring as a public school teacher. Not surprisingly, we find that interns endorsed to teach in “difficult-to-staff” areas are more likely to find employment as public school teachers than interns endorsed in other areas. Younger interns, white interns, and interns who completed their student teaching in suburban schools are also more likely to find a teaching job, all else equal. Prospective teachers who do their internships at schools that have more teacher turnover are more likely to find employment, often at those schools. On the other hand, few of the characteristics of an intern's cooperating teacher are predictive of workforce entry. Finally, interns with higher credential exam scores are more likely to be hired by the school where they did their student teaching.  相似文献   

This article describes the experience in Spain of a specific collaboration between university teachers and school counselors, which used case-based approaches in a teacher training program. The collaboration ran for four years and involved 300 graduate students, two university teachers, and six school counselors. Three basic features enabled this collaboration: a) horizontal relationships, b) a spirit of mutual help and confidence, and c) autonomy. The outcome of the experience can be evaluated in terms of both the case-based teaching process itself and its impact on student learning and the professional development of teachers and counselors involved.  相似文献   

This analog study presented 173 practicing school counselors with one of four case scenarios depicting a student new to their school. Each scenario manipulated one of two levels of the independent variables, which were perceived poverty and academic achievement. Main effects indicate that participants rated students as more attractive counseling participants when they are perceived as poor and/or strong academic performers. Implications for school counselors and further research are discussed.  相似文献   

This study compared parents,' teachers,' and counselors' Behavior Problem Checklist ratings of 57 elementary and middle school children in counseling. Although a larger sample might have produced more significant results, analysis of variance revealed only one difference among the raters. School counselors perceived more personality problems in the children than the teachers did. Otherwise, parents, teachers, and counselors did not differ in their perceptions. Correlations were low to moderate, with mother-father agreements being higher than those of parent-teacher, and teacher-counselor observations.  相似文献   

The ability to access, evaluate and synthesise high-quality research material is the backbone of critical thinking in academic and professional contexts for Engineers and Industrial Designers. This is the premise upon which teaching and library staff developed Information Literacy (IL) components in Engineering & Industrial Design Practice—a first-year unit of study in the School of Engineering at the University of Western Sydney. This paper documents the IL teaching and learning experience and evaluates and reflects upon how effective it was at helping students navigate their first tertiary level research tasks. It concludes that library sessions and assessment tasks were effective in introducing IL skills in concurrent development of critical thinking, based on feedback from library sessions, an online IL test, and assessment results.  相似文献   

根据用户满意度理论和利益相关者理论,编制"学生评价高等职业教育服务质量评量表",并对我国27个省、市、自治区28所高职院校应届毕业生进行在线抽样调查。结果显示,学生的总体满意度较低,为74分,期望值为81.4分,满意度与期望值的差距值为7.36分;学生对"关心学生"、"入学与学籍管理"、"收费"、"校园安全"评价较高;对"学校生活环境"、"实践教学"与"就业服务"评价较低。研究发现,学生评价结果与人才培养水平评估结果、与学校是否是示范性学校关系不密切,与教师、学校管理人员的评价也不同;加强对学生的学习与实践指导、密切校企合作、提高选修课程比例和创造更舒适的校园生活环境是改进高职院校服务质量的优先事项。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship of depressive symptomatology to type of classroom placement in a sample of adolescents with learning disabilities who attended an urban public high school. Fifty-two students, half of whom were in self-contained classrooms and half of whom were in general education classrooms with resource room, self-rated their depressive symptoms. Their guidance counselors also rated these students' depressive symptoms. Self-ratings of depression did not differ depending on classroom placement. Guidance counselors rated students with learning disabilities who were in general education classrooms as more depressed than students placed in self-contained classes.  相似文献   

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