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The present study examined whether the use of concept mapping is more effective in teaching expository material in comparison to a traditional, lecture only, approach. Its objective was threefold. First, to determine if multimedia concept mapping produces differential learning outcomes compared to digital text-based concept mapping. Secondly, to compare the above experimental approaches to traditional teaching and finally to demonstrate if there are significant differences in the level of satisfaction reported by children under the three instructional approaches used. Thirty fifth grade children participated from which three groups of poor readers were formed, matched on age, gender and reading ability. The two experimental groups were taught with the use of digital text-based and multimedia concept maps respectively and the control group was subjected to the traditional teaching method of expository material. Each group had three sessions of instruction on three different expository texts. The results indicated that concept mapping can be an effective means for teaching expository content. However, there were no differential learning outcomes when adding multimedia elements to concept maps. Moderate satisfaction was reported for all three approaches. The findings coincide with the body of literature emphasizing the importance of concept mapping in the learning and instruction of children with reading difficulties. The study’s results inform potential educators on the use of multimedia with poor readers in elementary school.  相似文献   

利用多媒体与计算机技术,设计集"看、听、模仿、练习"四位一体的人机互动式英语音素教与学模式。展现FLASH技术创作"学习英语音素"课件的探索,把英语48个音素发音的口形、舌位、声带的运动过程与教师的发音要领讲解、发音示范通过动画手段同步展示给学生。课件还设置了"跟读演示"和"单词练习"键,人机可互动交流。另外对在FLASH制作中遇到的问题及解决方法与注意事项加以说明,为使用FLASH软件丰富多媒体教学与网络自主学习资源,提供帮助。  相似文献   

动画广告创意课程是高职动漫制作专业一门实践性很强的专业课。为提高学生理论学习效果和实践操作能力,采取对不同教学内容有侧重、多媒体教学与实践教学相结合、改变传统考核方式等来加强教学的效果,提高学生的实践动手能力。  相似文献   

论文在分析中职数学教学特点的基础上,针对中职学生基础较弱、学习习惯较差,对数学有恐惧心理,传统的教学方式存在单一、效率低、表现力差的现状,探讨应用信息技术提高数学课程教学效果的途径和手段,并从多媒体课件、计算机网络、专业融合等方面阐述了信息技术在教学中的应用,真正体现"以学生为本"的教育理念,为学生搭建自主学习、协作学习的平台。  相似文献   

Emphasis on 21st Century Skills development has increased expectations on teachers to take advantages of emerging technologies to support student learning. Yet it is not clear whether teachers are well equipped with the necessary skills, support, and positive attitudes toward integrating them in their practices. Even though student-centered teachers are considered receptive to collaborative technologies and likely to use technology meaningfully in teaching, to what extent teaching style influences their Web 2.0 adaption requires further investigation. This study attempts to identify K12 teachers’ attitudes toward the use of Web 2.0 technologies in their teaching. 161 teachers from eight middle and high schools in both rural and urban locations of West Virginia participated in this cross sectional survey study. Overall, the findings indicate that while teachers are fairly proficient in their computer and internet skills and have fairly high computer self-efficacy, their workload and a structured and standardized curriculum were inhibitors of Web 2.0 adoption. Age, self-efficacy, workload, and views about Web 2.0 in teaching were observed to be significant factors predicting teachers’ likelihood to find Web 2.0 appealing for teaching. Teaching style was not a significant predictor. The findings suggest infrastructural improvements, workload adjustments, and increased professional development opportunities allowing teachers to observe, discuss, and practice Web 2.0 technologies in their particular disciplines.  相似文献   

The core purpose of this paper is to draw together research issues and concrete problems with the use of multimedia technology at the graduate level in higher music education by examining one university’s responses to the challenges posed by the use of multimedia technology as a teaching and learning aid for music education. Between June and July 2006, this study conducted a simple questionnaire and interview survey of 16 postgraduate students. The results suggest that music students are confident in their abilities to use multimedia technologies but that many do not believe that the introduction of multimedia technologies into the curriculum will improve the quality of their education. Whilst students’ motivation to learn depends on their interest in the subject and their lecturer’s approach, the incorporation of technology should always be relevant to each individual module. The results of this case study could help other universities respond to the changes brought about by electronic learning and other educational multimedia technology.  相似文献   

This pilot study compared the use of an enriched multimedia eBook with traditional methods for teaching the gross anatomy of the heart and great vessels. Seventy‐one first‐year students from an Australian medical school participated in the study. Students' abilities were examined by pretest, intervention, and post‐test measurements. Perceptions and attitudes toward eBook technology were examined by survey questions. Results indicated a strongly positive user experience coupled with increased marks; however, there were no statistically significant results for the eBook method of delivery alone outperforming the traditional anatomy practical session. Results did show a statistically significant difference in the final marks achieved based on the sequencing of the learning modalities. With initial interaction with the multimedia content followed by active experimentation in the anatomy lab, students' performance was improved in the final test. Obtained data support the role of eBook technology in modern anatomy curriculum being a useful adjunct to traditional methods. Further study is needed to investigate the importance of sequencing of teaching interventions. Anat Sci Educ. 7: 19–27. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

在多媒体课件制作领域,Flash越来越成为教育工作者首选的软件。Flash多媒体课件的运用改变了单一的课堂教学形式,弥补了课堂教学直观性差的缺憾,在教学实践中取得了良好的效果。Flash多媒体课件引入课堂包括几个环节:多媒体教学课件的形式;多媒体教学课件脚本的撰写;Flash课件中素材的使用以及Flash课件的综合应用。  相似文献   

对多媒体“地质地貌学”课程的教学理念、教学模式和教学方法等认识上的偏差,使得多媒体“地质地貌学”教学中出现一些新的问题,影响了教学效果。建立正确的多媒体教学理念,正确认识多媒体技术在“地质地貌学”教学中的地位和作用,以先进的教育、教学理论为指导,注重多媒体与传统教学方法的综合运用,才能真正发挥多媒体教学的优势。  相似文献   

高等数学教学应结合学校专业实际情况,采用与学生专业相结合的教学方法:结合专业特色,制定相应的教学大纲;采用将教师分组的形式,分院系或专业进行教学;加强任课教师的相关专业知识学习,提高教学能力;借助多媒体和数学软件进行教学,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高教学效果。  相似文献   

文章通过课程调查问卷的方式,了解学生对《流体输配管网》课程认知程度、学习情况、教学内容的满意度以及希望教师采用的教学方式等。通过归纳总结,得出如下课程认知与规律,对今后教学具有很好的指导意义:《流体输配管网》在学生学习与专业领域具有重要位置与作用;教与学方法协调,调整课程中理论与实践的占比,使学生能够通过实际案例更好地学习课程理论;教学方式采用“虚拟仿真”等实训平台及现代教育技术,激发学生学习兴趣与学习动力,有助于提升教学质量。  相似文献   

In this era of rapid change, educators increasingly recognize that students must learn how to develop and apply knowledge creatively, not simply remember what they have been told. To meet these demands, teachers need professional development opportunities that support them in a transformational process. New technologies appear to hold promise in overcoming the traditional limitations of professional development. In this chapter, we describe and analyze a program designed to provide such professional development. We begin by summarizing recurrent challenges and promising approaches to professional development organized around a set of qualities that characterize effective learning. Next, we use these qualities to describe a program that explicitly incorporates a model of teaching for understanding into the design of an online learning environment and professional development activities for educators. Finally, our analysis of this program emphasizes the Internet's unique advantages, as well as some remaining issues to resolve in online professional development for educators.In this era of rapid change, educators increasingly recognize that students must learn how to develop and apply knowledge creatively, not simply remember what they have been told. This goal requires shifting from traditional lessons based on transmitting information toward approaches that help learners build robust and flexible understanding. Such transformation of curriculum and pedagogy is a complex process for teachers who must develop new knowledge, skills and beliefs.To meet these demands, teachers need professional development opportunities that support them in a transformational process. Unfortunately, most learning opportunities for teachers fall short. They tend to be short-term workshops, focused on general topics rather than deep knowledge of subject matter and pedagogy, inattentive to teachers’ individual interests, disconnected from specific classroom practices, and isolated from ongoing support by coaches and colleagues. Formal professional development activities are often the antithesis of what is known to promote effective learning.New technologies appear to hold promise in overcoming the traditional limitations of professional development. The World Wide Web, with its rich trove of multimedia resources, interactive tools, and telecommunication facilities, accessible from anywhere on the planet, seems full of potential as a facilitator of teacher learning. Yet we know that mere access to technical resources is not sufficient to generate learning or to change practice. How might the Internet be used to support communities of reflective practitioners committed to teaching for understanding?  相似文献   

随着计算机信息技术的快速发展,多媒体教学手段目前已经广泛应用于各类学校的课堂教学之中。本文从多媒体教学对学生学习过程的影响出发,探究影响学生学习过程的主要因素,分析了多媒体教学对学生学习过程的积极作用与消极作用,并针对多媒体教学的消极影响提出了通过多媒体教学改善学习效率的相应措施,从而最大限度优化教育教学,保证学生顺利高效地完成各项学习任务,提高学习效率。  相似文献   

数学理解障碍是数学学习中不容忽视的一种障碍.从数学认知、教育心理学等层面来讲,中学生的数学理解障碍有认知型障碍,表象型障碍,联系型障碍,语言型障碍;克服这些障碍相应的教学对策有:帮助学生生成正确的数学表象;利用实物、模型等,增强学生对知识的感性认识;利用多媒体进行辅助教学;注重数学交流;加强学生对数学知识的自主探究与实际应用等来加深理解。  相似文献   

施工技术课程改革,应从六方面进行:将传统经典知识与现代技术有机融合,实施理论知识现场教学,采用多媒体动画教学,进行典型案例教学,教授学习策略与培养独立学习能力,采取多元化考核。  相似文献   

刘巧丽 《衡水学院学报》2012,14(5):105-107,117
教育信息化背景下,各国都在教育改革中全力探索采用新模式和新途径来推进教师专业发展.我国传统教师专业发展模式存在诸多不足.因特网具有资源丰富、更新及时、交互多样、通讯快捷、学习自主、时空不限等特征,能为教师的专业发展提供一个良好空间.依托网上学习支持平台,教师学员可以经过自主学习、专题学习、案例研讨、实践教学、主题研讨与问题解决、反思教研、修正教学实践等环节,经历认识——实践——反思——再认识——再实践——再反思的不断循环往复,主动地提高自身专业化水平.  相似文献   

多媒体教学是广告学课程最常用的教学形式,但在广告学的实际教学中,多媒体往往只是教师专用的教学手段,学生很少有机会利用它来进行能力培养,这既使多媒体的教学优势没能得到充分发挥,也影响了学生的实际学习效果。为此,教师可以利用多媒体作为技术手段,通过布置广告创作任务、组建学生创作团队、展示学生创作成果、分析评价成果等途径,有效发挥多媒体的教学优势,提高学生专业能力和综合素质。  相似文献   

While tertiary teaching staff are familiar with teaching strategies used in traditional course delivery, the design and delivery of courses integrating new technologies such as online materials poses new challenges for many. Hence, although technology may be used, its use is often at a superficial level, failing to have significant impact on teaching practice. Motivated by the authors' belief that the development of online learning materials is an endeavour aimed at improving the quality of the learning environment, this paper explores the experiences of several lecturers within Griffith University as they engage in the design and development of online materials as part of the university's flexible learning initiative. Insights into the experiences and perceptions of teaching staff developing online materials are used to highlight issues that can then be used to inform appropriate professional development support for tertiary staff. This in turn will enable the integration of technology into the learning environment to act as a catalyst for positive changes to teaching practice.  相似文献   

古代文学是一门传统课程,本文结合传统的教学方法通过对多媒体教学手段在古代文学实际教学中教学效果的探究,分析了多媒体教学在其使用的手段、方式、效果等方面的优点,认为多媒体的应用比传统课堂教学更为丰富多彩,激发学生学习兴趣;增加了课堂知识容量,增强课堂效果,提高学习效率;能优化课堂教学,有效配置时间,增加信息量的传递。合理使用对古代文学教学有很大裨益。  相似文献   

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