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作者从环境知识、环境态度、环境行为、环境教育意识四个方面设计问卷。通过问卷调查和访谈的方式.对浙江师范大学师范生的环境意识进行抽样调查。调查结果显示:师范生对环境知识的掌握方面体现出专业上的不平衡性:在环境态度上,各专业师范生表现较为均衡,并都表现出一定的环境代价意识;在环境行为方面,师范生对于一些环保活动的参与度不是很高,没有形成习惯.存在“态度超前、行为滞后”的现象;在环境教育上,师范生最乐意接受的环境教育方式是参与活动,其环境及环境教育的知识主要来源于教师讲授、电视和图书。  相似文献   

在校大学生环保意识调查与分析——以宁波大学为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过采用自编“大学生环保意识调查问卷”,本文以分层随机抽样的方式对776名在校学生的环保意识作了调查和分析,结果发现:(1)在校大学生环境知识掌握程度较低,且在学科、年级上存在显著性差异;(2)在校大学生环保意识较强,但环保行为相对滞后于环保意识;(3)在校大学生获取环保知识的自觉程度较低,但高度认同环保教育课程的普及。针对调查结果,本文提出了进一步加强环境教育、有效开展环保课外活动及科研活动的相关建议。  相似文献   

通过2001~2011年武汉市大学生环境意识的调查比较,发现过去10年间虽然大学生在环境意识上有所提高,幅度不太明显.总体上大学生环境意识和行为表现较为一致,但是涉及到自身生活时,环境意识与行为产生背离现象.相关环境知识的欠缺成为限制大学生环境意识提高和规范环境行为的主要因素.  相似文献   

通过2001~2011年武汉市大学生环境意识的调查比较,发现过去10年间虽然大学生在环境意识上有所提高,幅度不太明显。总体上大学生环境意识和行为表现较为一致,但是涉及到自身生活时,环境意识与行为产生背离现象。相关环境知识的欠缺成为限制大学生环境意识提高和规范环境行为的主要因素。  相似文献   

青年学生社会公德意识淡薄的原因主要有: 青年学生自身心理特点的消极影响; 道德教育自身的缺陷; 我国传统道德文化的负面影响; 公共生活的迅速发展与青年人道德观念滞后的矛盾; 社会公德建设的措施不够健全和得力  相似文献   

政治意识与我国当代青年的成长方向、政治行为、政治理想的形成与发展密不可分,青年政治意识培育关系到国家的前途命运。当代青年无论是从政治信息获取到政治参与实践都与互联网息息相关,网络环境既激发了青年参与政治生活的热情,又冲击着青年正在形成和发展的政治意识。因此,在网络环境下,青年政治意识培育应该以党校家三者联动,坚持主流意识形态引领,培育中国青年在网络环境下的政治理性。  相似文献   

毕业生就业是现在社会非常关注的热点问题之一。该报告通过采用专项调查问卷,对昆明地区部分高校1008名大学生的就业心态进行调查,通过统计分析,了解大学生的就业心态,并针对问题提出解决办法。  相似文献   

季学军  吴朝琴 《文教资料》2011,(18):224-225
本文运用问卷和访谈相结合的方式调查分析了“90后”大学生职业生涯规划意识现状。研究发现:“90后”大学生情感上肯定职业生涯规划的重要性:认知上缺乏对职业生涯规划的了解:行为上缺少职业生涯规划的具体行动。在对调查结果分析的基础上.还对“90后”大学生职业生涯规划意识存在问题进行了分析,并提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

物质主义通常指一种强调物质拥有重要性的个体价值观。本文探讨物质主义价值观与幸福感和人际信任之间的关系。通过问卷法对918名深圳居民进行调查,结果发现:(1)物质主义价值观与幸福感的各个指标之间存在高相关。它与生活满意度、正向情绪之间显著负相关,与负向情绪之间显著正相关;(2)物质主义价值观与人际信任之间显著负相关;(3)社会比较在物质主义与幸福感和人际信任的关系中起到中介作用。  相似文献   

为了探讨物质主义价值观和幸福感之间的关系,以及自尊在其中的中介作用,本研究采用问卷法对1455名大学生进行调查。结果表明:(1)大学生物质主义价值观在性别、年级上存在显著差异;(2)物质主义价值观与幸福感之间呈显著负相关,即物质主义价值观水平越高,幸福感越低;(3)自尊在物质主义价值观与幸福感的关系中起到部分中介作用,说明物质主义价值观在一定程度上削弱个体的自尊,最终影响其幸福感。  相似文献   

艺术设计大概念的提出因其显著的“当下性”强烈地表现出现实的要求与历史的藕断丝连,它既满足了“工艺美术”的虚荣心,又给足了“现代主义设计”的面子。  相似文献   

Young people whose behaviour does not conform to our expectations of how pupils should behave within an educational context have had a variety of labels attached to them including: Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties (SEBD), and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The employment of such labels will shape how the young person is perceived by the adults surrounding them. This will not only have an impact on the relationships that are developed between the pupil and the educator but also how the young people see themselves in terms of their own identity. This paper seeks to give voice and explore the position of young people within the confines of their educational experiences. The paper draws on 13 in-depth case studies to reflect on how young people experience the SEBD labels attached to them by others and what pupils consider to be the main antecedents leading them to display behaviour which is deemed unacceptable in the classroom. The paper highlights the importance of providing opportunities for young people to have their voice heard to fill the gap between professional perceptions and those of the pupil. In order to truly understand why young people display behaviour that is considered difficult and how they experience the labels we attach to them we have to speak to young people themselves.  相似文献   

Objective: Young people’s environmental views are typically conflicted, with little recognition of the links between environmental issues or between environmental responsibility and action. The purpose of this study was to clarify whether young people’s understanding of the environment is in conflict or whether they are forming interconnections between issues, responsibility and action that have not yet been identified. Methods: Data relating to environmental attitudes, responsibility, issues and action was collected from 305 high school students in south east Queensland. Regression analyses were used to identify variables that influenced the importance young people placed on environmental issues and actions. Results: Young people’s ideas about environmental responsibility influenced the level of importance they placed on global warming and resource consumption. Young people’s sense of hope and hopelessness were the main drivers of their endorsement of individualistic and political actions for the environment. Conclusions: The unifying factor that influenced young people’s ideas about the environment was a sense of hope. Thus, while young people may already be intuiting their own sense of environmental interconnectedness, it is essential that this is expanded so that young people recognise the links between environmental issues, and the logical pathways that lead from environmental responsibility to action.  相似文献   

"80后"大学生的行为价值取向呈现出与以往大学生不同的思想特点:偏重个性,自我意识增强,理性的成才意识增强,务实意识增强。"80后"在思想上兼容并蓄的特点也比较明显,各种思想的混杂给他们带来很大的困惑。引导"80后"大学生形成正确价值取向是一项长期复杂而又艰苦细致的工作。  相似文献   

昆明呈贡高校园区建设对现代新昆明建设有十分重要的意义。作者在论述高校园区建设所面临的资本市场融资问题的基础上,分析了高校园区建设所面临的金融环境,提出了发展高校园区建设必须实行财政、金融政策倾斜,建立高校园区的融资途径支持体系的观点,目的在于寻求金融促进高校园区建设的途径。  相似文献   

哈萨克民族图案纹样解析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
哈萨克人的日常生活用品地毯、衣饰、家具、器皿、乐器、马饰等物品上都绘有不同的图案纹样。图案纹样艺术在本质上是一种人的意志和精神的物化。古老的哈萨克民族图案纹样艺术的审美心理结构和纹样形式的形成有赖于历史的生成与积淀,印记、装潢、文字、宗教以及生活方式等成为形成哈萨克图案纹样艺术样式的主要因素。  相似文献   

This article focuses on discourses of child safety and protection of stakeholder organisations (SOs) and school pastoral care co-ordinators (PCCs) on educating young people about sexting. Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with the representatives of four organisations who assist schools in the delivery of Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE); and with three PCCs in three different types of secondary schools in Northern Ireland to ascertain how their school educates and responds to sexting. Focus groups were also conducted with 17 (10 girls and 7 boys) 16–17-year-olds to explore their views on sexting. The results of this study reveal that the predominant discourse in RSE is child safety and protection, and abstention from sexting. The three main groups (young people, SOs and PCCs) vary, however, in how they view sexting behaviour: the stakeholders are largely cautious and counsel against sending sexual pictures, while the young people regard it as normal behaviour. RSE provided by the schools is inadequate and unrealistic, and does not represent what actually goes on in young people’s sexual lives. Young people want to be consulted on the content of RSE lessons and resources; and RSE content should desist from telling them not to sext and enable them to explore appropriate relationship behaviours, including sexting. Teachers should feel confident in teaching such material and should have access to appropriate training.  相似文献   

Situated at the intersection between child-led visual methods and sex education, this paper focuses on the potential of youth-led video making to enable young people to develop guiding principles to inform their own sexual behaviour. It draws on findings from a video-making project carried out with a group of South African young people, which engaged them in identifying and tackling critical issues of HIV and AIDS. By analysing one of the youth-generated videos using critical visual analysis, we conclude that youth-led video making can be an effective tool to allow young people to talk about their interests and concerns and to develop guiding principles for their own sexual behaviour. This tool is especially relevant to young people whose needs are not being met by the current sexual health curriculum and can be a fun medium through which to engage participants in ensuring that sex education needs are met.  相似文献   


This paper explores how the socio-cultural milieu of a community may foster a sense of environmental stewardship among children and young people. Ethnographic fieldwork, carried out in a popular tourist destination in Australia, revealed that the overt impacts of tourism activity such as littering provoke negative feelings among children and young people; these perceptions can in turn translate into a sensitivity towards the environment. While debated in some circles, a Significant Life Experiences (SLE) lens is useful in understanding children and young people’s lived experiences of – and sensitivity to - environmental issues in the communities where they are raised. SLE is employed in this article to explore how a sense of stewardship towards the environment is developed among children and young people growing up in a tourist destination. Findings suggest they actively contribute to protecting the environment in a variety of ways from regular beach clean ups and educating visiting tourists to participating in rallies and anti-development protests.  相似文献   

通过对300名公、私立幼儿教师工作满意度调查分析,公、私立幼儿教师普遍认为工作繁重;工作环境满意度较为一般、对工作考评满意度较高、工作认同感和工作积极性不高、参与幼儿园管理意愿较高、对幼儿园提供进修机会较少不满、集体荣誉感普遍较高,但对领导干涉工作不满;主要的差异有:公立幼儿教师在福利待遇、人际环境、工作稳定和工作成就感等满意度方面比私立幼儿教师高;私立幼儿教师在工作环境、教师晋升、参与幼儿园管理等满意度方面比公立幼儿教师高。针对这种差异,要有效进行幼儿园管理,应采取以下应对措施:坚持以人为本的激励策略、重视幼儿教师专业发展、提高私立幼儿教师待遇、改革公立幼儿教师晋升制度、改善工作环境等。  相似文献   

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