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重视知识产权人才培养,加强知识产权保护、实施知识产权战略,是当今世界各国的必然选择。我国知识产权人才培养,不仅仅是普高院校之事,各高职院校亦有广阔的培养空间。高职院校可以开设知识产权事务与其他理工类专业双学科专科教育;可以开设独立的知识产权事务专业。高职院校知识产权人才培养要加强师资队伍建设,科学安排课程设置,建立知识产权合作与学术交流平台。  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):305-323

The paper debates the challenges of university teaching in the era of managerialism. It teases out current institutional reconfigurations, and argues that challenges of teaching and learning are integral to the university as a complex institution in the era of supercomplexity. It argues that the university should shed its ‘ivory tower’ mentality, acknowledge that its future legitimacy depends on its willingness to negotiate processes and procedures with its community, of which it is itself a constitutive part. The paper questions the relevance of the lecture as a pedagogical practice in this era of supercomplexity; it argues that the lecture is dead and should be replaced. It advocates Socratic questioning to create epistemological and ontological disturbance in the students. Socratic questioning is characterised by a relentless self-examination and critique, an endless quest for intellectual integrity and moral consistency, manifest in fearless speech that unsettles, unnerves, and unhouses people from their uncritical sleepwalking.  相似文献   

Universities are at a pivotal point in their history and are undergoing dramatic changes. One of the more significant of these changes is the move towards instrumental programmes of learning, as manifest for instance in workplace and work-based learning. This paper argues that this trend threatens the existence of the liberal university, where knowledge is pursued predominantly for its own sake. The paper identifies four dominant discourses in higher education and suggests that these discourses co-exist with one another, and are sometimes dominant, at other times recessive. It argues that the trend to a post-industrialised labour market has seen the emergence of a vocationalised discourse in higher education, which stresses the instrumental at the expense of the liberal.  相似文献   

Universities are at a pivotal point in their history and are undergoing dramatic changes. One of the more significant of these changes is the move towards instrumental programmes of learning, as manifest for instance in workplace and work-based learning. This paper argues that this trend threatens the existence of the liberal university, where knowledge is pursued predominantly for its own sake. The paper identifies four dominant discourses in higher education and suggests that these discourses co-exist with one another, and are sometimes dominant, at other times recessive. It argues that the trend to a post-industrialised labour market has seen the emergence of a vocationalised discourse in higher education, which stresses the instrumental at the expense of the liberal.  相似文献   

The origins of the medieval university appear to be twofold: on the one hand, the training in the liberal arts that took place in various sorts of schools and academies that can be traced back to the classical era in European history as well as to the golden age of Arab‐Islamic civilization, and on the other hand, the need to offer possibilities for practical training for a trade. The first type of training was by its nature reserved to a social elite. The latter, that in the medieval period was associated with trade guilds and apprenticeship systems, was for the working classes. The medieval university arose from the union of these two types of training and education as embodied in an institution that began as guilds of students and teachers and/or as cathedral schools. The result was the university that offered training in certain intellectual professions (theology, medicine, and law) but that required prior mastery of the liberal arts. As the fruit of this intellectual and vocational union, the university continued to absorb and to disseminate the principal intellectual trends of succeeding periods in European history, first Aristotelianism and then later the experimental sciences, finally, in recent years, taking on a major research and development function.  相似文献   

《耶鲁报告》核心理念强调大学通识教育应当关注理性养成,认为以古典语言为主要内容的自由教育是实现核心理念目标的主要途径.尽管《耶鲁报告》核心理念具有古典主义色彩,但我们依然可以获得四点启示,即:大学应当重视通识教育,大学的通识教育应当关注学生的“理性养成”,适当地学习古典名著有助于学生获得有益的启迪,现代社会的大学通识教育应当关注公民教育.  相似文献   

本文对西方大学思想史上的保守性大学理想进行了研究,认为其作为西方大学思想最早的起源之一,与保守主义的形成有着密切联系。保守性大学理想具有三个形成层级结构的核心主题:自由教育、理性与道德关系、人的根本目的以及自我与外部世界的关系。根据这三个主题的演变,该思想形成了四个发展阶段:史前时期,代表人物是伯克和科尔里奇;宗教-道德取向的确立时期,代表人物是纽曼;文化-社会取向的延续发展时期,代表人物是马修.阿诺德、欧文.白璧德和赫钦斯;个人-理性取向的新思维时期,代表人物是列奥.斯特劳斯和艾伦.布鲁姆。保守性大学理想的研究对于现代大学发展和大学思想史研究都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Focusing on the Working Men’s College (WMC), this study charts the chequered fortunes of a Victorian project: providing workers with a ‘liberal education’. The paper analyses the project’s aim (making ‘better citizens’), its disciplinary content (the humanities and/or the sciences) and its challenges (the increasing prestige of vocational studies). It argues that, in an increasingly professionalised society, a ‘liberal education’ for workers became contentious ground. As the role of the sciences within a ‘liberal education’ diminished, and the provision of practical skills took precedence in the local-authority-funded courses, Victorian workers’ opportunities for education became polarised between ‘useful’ sciences and ‘profitless’ humanities. With natural scientists losing the intellectual independence of their discipline to technicians, the WMC Edwardian educators chose to side unequivocally with the humanities. The paper contends that it was in the Edwardian context of the adult education movement that the ‘two cultures’ debate first emerged in Britain.  相似文献   

Is the idea of the liberal university dead, has the postmodern university any chance of being emancipatory, has the theory-practice divide merely collapsed in an era of ‘new knowledge work’, or has the university just become one aspect of market states and global capitalism? Knowledge-based economies locate universities as central to the commodification and management of knowledge, while at the same time the legitimacy of the university and the academic as knowledge producers is challenged by postmodernist, feminist, post-colonial and indigenous claims within a wider trend towards the ‘democratisation of knowledge’ and a new educational instrumentalism and opportunism. What becomes of the educational researcher, and indeed their professional organisations, in this changing socio-political and economic scenario? Is our role one of policy service, policy critique, technical expert or public intellectual? In particular what place is there for feminist public intellectuals in a so-called era of postfeminism and public-private convergence? The paper draws on feminist and critical perspectives to mount a case for the importance of the public intellectual in the performative postmodern university.  相似文献   

Alasdair MacIntyre's paper ‘The idea of an educated public’ followed on his frontal attack in After Virtue on the ‘failed’ intellectual project of the Enlightenment and on its liberal heritage. His argument, in the paper, was that the only way we can save ourselves from that failure is by restoring the idea of an educated public modelled on the type found in eighteenth century Scotland. This article takes up the issue of the ‘crisis’ of modernity, and argues that MacIntyre's ‘public’ is just one possible one and not necessarily the best. Other, competing conceptions of an educated public have been proposed, among others by Dewey and Habermas, that do not necessitate the conservative solution of going back to the past.  相似文献   

Until recently, physical education and the liberal arts have taken divergent courses. The resurgence of the field as a cross-disciplinary study of human movement may revitalize the position of kinesiology in the liberal arts college. This paper assesses the nature of the liberal arts in higher education and suggests ways a kinesiology curriculum may be honed to the specifications of that model. The question of curricular centrality is a vital issue, particularly in times of recessionary budgets. Until a program of study reflects the knowledge objectives and imparts the skills dear to its parent institution, it will remain endangered. As the American Academy of Physical Education and others succeed in pushing open the window of opportunity, we may be greeted by a fresh breeze of intellectual integrity; institutions, each espousing their unique goals, may seek common ground and mutual growth.  相似文献   

王晨 《教育学报》2007,3(2):72-77
20世纪90年代中期兴起的纽曼研究注重其大学思想对现实的批评价值,这在客观上削弱了对纽曼意义的深入理解。在纽曼研究的热度消退后,采用文本分析的方法,根据纽曼《大学的理想》一书对其思想进行结构性分析,梳理出贯穿其中的真理、道德、理性、普遍知识、自由知识、自由教育等六个核心概念,并据此对纽曼大学思想的意义进行重置。除了已得到普遍认识的自由教育的意义之外,纽曼思想还应该包括更为根本性的理性与道德关系、个人自我与外部世界关系这两层被忽视的意义。后两者对现时大学及其困境作哲学层面上的思考,勾连个人、社会、知识与大学的联系具有重要的基础性价值。  相似文献   

大学是人学以成人的地方,大学教育是人释解、寻译个体性和社会性的智识活动。奥克肖特希求的大学教育形态是博雅教育,由个人理解的学习向度和社会环境的客观存在构成,是传统习惯得以留存和延展的家园。博雅教育所达至的佳境是归复大学与知识对话的道德本性。奥克肖特将知识的构成要素分解为“信息”和“判断”。信息由客观事实构成,是思维提炼的产物,依借“指示”来教;判断由思考方式构成,是思维表达的结果,通过传达相关信息来教。大学教育在于承续人类智识遗产,与任何外在目的保持允洽的距离。奥克肖特的博雅教育理念旨在廓清大学教育的限度和可能性,指明大学应以“判断语言”为认识手段,引领师生参与矫治不良意识、调和代际冲突的谈话。  相似文献   

现代世界一流大学的精神即对大学核心价值与理想信念的坚守,其精神特质是在大学精神中体现出的特殊品位、志向、气质与神韵。上溯世界一流大学高度集中的欧美大学发展历史可知,其精神特质是在古希腊、古罗马的博雅教育,德国的教学与科研相结合理念,以及美国威斯康星思想基础上形成的。大学主体的本然状态体现为作为信仰意义的本体、知识传承与创造的本职、实践活动的教育本身,大学的本体精神、知识精神和实践精神构成一流大学精神特质的三维分析框架。世界一流大学的精神特质从以上三方面加以体现,具体表现为:形上寄托、真理追求、原理探究、自由教育、个性自由、胸怀天下。  相似文献   

This article is concerned with recent attempts to balance the claims for political citizenship in a liberal democracy (liberalism) with competing claims for cultural identity within traditional non‐liberal communities (communitarianism). Claims of the first kind are usually seen as universal in that they are based on what it is to be human, while claims of the second kind are seen as particular in so far as they relate to membership of a specific culture. Singh (1997) argues for discussion method as a means of reconciling the claims of democratic citizenship with those of cultural attachment in non‐liberal communities. In an earlier and related paper, Singh (1995) also seeks an accommodation between shared and particular values in a multicultural society. Halstead (1997) is concerned about the dilemmas faced by liberal educators and by Muslims with regard to the sex education curriculum and Muslim pupils. In an earlier paper, Halstead (1995) makes proposals for a curriculum which combines a communitarian commitment to the cultural integrity of non‐liberal communities with active participation in the life of a liberal democracy. I will argue that whether we begin from a liberal commitment to individual autonomy (Singh) or from a concern for the cultural integrity and survival of non‐liberal communities (Halstead), there are very real difficulties in achieving a reconciliation between liberal and communitarian perspectives.  相似文献   

‘International’ and ‘internationalisation’ are two terms frequently used today in association with the university. In this paper I consider the way in which the notion of internationalisation connects to the contemporary university, which I have termed ‘Neo‐liberal’. I begin by outlining the main characteristics of the contemporary university and then discuss some of the problems that arise in relation to the notion of internationalisation; it is strongly associated with an economic rather than a cultural imperative. Alternatives to the Neo‐liberal model of the university are then considered and rejected. In the final section of the paper I suggest a different interpretation of internationalisation, one that is cultural rather than economic because such an internationalisation degenerates into instrumentalism and robs higher education of what should be essential to it.  相似文献   

新保守主义与美国大学自由教育的危机   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阎光 《高等教育研究》2004,25(4):99-104
20世纪80年代以来,美国大学的自由(通识)教育面临着来自右翼或新保守主义的无情抨击,同时也引起主流的自由派和左派的强烈反弹,由此引发了一场关于自由教育的"文化战争"。虽然新保守主义在美国知识界绝非主流,但在美国目前特定的社会背景下,有明显新保守主义倾向的小布什政府在教育领域施加的影响亦不可小视,美国大学中尚处主流的自由(通识)教育精神恐难以始终不为所动。  相似文献   

本文探讨了大学教育的经济学与公共物品的功利主义概念.笔者认为,现代大学的发展与演变是与物品这一概念的变化相伴随的.早期的自由主义经济学理论(代表人物如穆勒)认为,一种物品能够被供给,要么是因为它作为一个整体对社区有益,要么是因为它不能或者不应该通过私人的方式供给,比如国防.正如国家和社会在规则制定与福利供给方面变得越来越复杂,物品的定义也日益复杂.政策的合理性往往是通过它有助于公共财富的积累而得到证明的,具体来讲,政策应该要么满足社会受众的某种具体利益(这种福利是需要政府提供的,如学生的受教育经费),要么增进社会作为一个整体的利益(比如受教育人口的增长).这与现代大学的成长和进步是并行不悖且相互砥砺的.新自由主义的观点是对以上观点的一种挑战,它认为私人的投资与供给所产生的回报要远高于公共的投资与供给,而且从道义上来讲,个人与社会对于供给何种物品应该具有选择权;同时,由经济效能与个人选择所带来的混合的社会利益可以获致更多的集体公共物品.然而,这种观点没有考虑到规范的议题(如公平与社会正义)的影响.因此,本文旨在思考上述几重张力对于以下问题的影响,这些问题包括现代大学与公共物品的当代意涵之间的联系,以及大学占统治地位的经济功能能否与其在知识和文化方面的使命相协调.  相似文献   

Liberal education是西方教育思想史中的几个核心概念之一,但学界对这一概念的认识长期被其模糊性所困扰。本文通过思想史和类型学方法,对这一概念在历史上形成的多重涵义进行了梳理。研究发现,liberal education一词在历史上具有十种主要的语义,这十种语义分别从教育对象(自由人、绅士、自由公民)、功能(非功利教育、通识性教育、心智自由、心智训练)和内容(古典教育、人文学、文理学科)三个维度对这一概念进行了界定。这一概念在不同历史时期沉淀的语义一方面是“相互论证”的,另一方面也存在不一致甚至冲突之处。从课程实践角度来看,深入分析liberal education的多重涵义对于当下的本科教育改革也具有一定的启发价值。在未来的大学课程改革中,应更多强调通识课程的心智训练价值和公民素质培养的价值。  相似文献   

大学智力资源效能:评价与管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学智力资源效能是从智力活动效能方面对人力资源的一种特殊规定。对大学智力资源效能的评价,可以确立两个方面的指标,即现实性指标和潜在性指标。对大学智力资源效能进行管理,一是要确定合理的岗位结构、运行规划和工作量,二是要提高大学教师和管理人员的效能意识,三是要创造有益于效能提升的环境,四是要制定合理可行的智力资源效能管理方案,提高智力资源效能管理能力。  相似文献   

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