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在经济全球化的国际背景下,高等教育国际化已成为我国高等学校发展的必然趋势,高等教育国际化已经成为高等学校发展的重点战略目标之一。对影响高等学校国际化发展的因素进行分析,找出符合我国高等学校实际、对国际化发展和实践具有直接影响的因素并加以分析、遴选,对我国高校开展国际化建设具有重要意义。  相似文献   

当前,学生国际化流动已经逐渐成为高校国际化教育的显著特征和重要趋势。本文以大连工业大学学生国际化流动为主要研究对象,在分析现状和影响因素的基础上,提出顶层设计规划、"一境四同"、发展学生双向流动模式、建设校园国际化氛围的设想,并在实践中加以实施,以期在研究中探索促进学生国际化流动的新思路和新方法。  相似文献   

现代远程教育课程成功因素的案例研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在现代远程教育的诸多环节中,远程教育课程是影响其教育质量的重要因素之一。本文通过分析现代远程教育的学员对课程诸多影响因素的认识和理解以及他们对现代远程教育课程的现状评价,力求对影响远程教育课程质量的因素和改进途径做出客观剖析。  相似文献   

以往国内外中小企业国际化制约因素可以从中小企业自身发展因素、中小企业间组织结构因素和中小企业生存环境因素三个方面进行归类综述。随着实践的发展,对于实践中出现的新型国际化企业的研究明显滞后;学界对于不同国际化发展模式的国际化制约因素比较研究,以及针对中国中小企业国际化制约因素的研究明显不足;对于中小企业国际化制约因素的实证研究和动态的企业国际化发展因素分析也有深入研究的空间。  相似文献   

当今世界处在一个开放性的社会背景下,任何国家的法律发展都不再是封闭状态下的社会现象。世界各国的经济刑法,在发展过程中都存在着相互交流、影响、吸收,甚至趋同的国际化现象。我国经济刑法也不例外,这是它在发展过程中受经济、政治、法律、文化传播等因素共同作用的必然结果。  相似文献   

高等旅游职业教育国际化进程的影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章针对国内高等旅游职业教育的国际化进程,从体制与机制、学制与学历、文化与沟通以及平等与合作四个方面,剖析了目前主要影响高等旅游职业院校国际化进程的有利与不利因素,阐述了对不利因素的解决方法。  相似文献   

银行国际化受多种因素的影响,如宏观经济增长、金融管制及贸易开放度等。通过研究我国商业银行近十年国际化发展的影响因素发现:我国经济增长率、市场化程度和金融体系效率对银行国际化发展有着重要的决定作用,而对外开放程度与金融深化程度的相关性不显著。  相似文献   

对于一部优秀的影视音乐作品,其之所以如此优秀的原因往往包含很多因素,比如作曲者的创作水平、创作责任感、导演的导演水平、投入经费等等,这些都会影响影视音乐的最后创作。在影视音乐的创作领域,赵季平的音乐作品受到了强烈的反响,很多都已经成为了经典,并且在影视音乐界独树一帜,形成了自己独特的风格。赵季平音乐创作成功的原因很多,本文将从三个方面来重点分析。  相似文献   

新加坡经济发展取得的成就,要归结于新加坡的职业教育,新加坡职业教育发展的成功要归结于其国际化的发展道路.中国高等职业教育应吸取新加坡职业教育成功经验,并结合中国经济发展和职业教育发展的实际,实现我国从人口大国迈向人力资源强国的发展目标,适应中国经济"走出去"的国家战略.  相似文献   

芬兰基础教育的成功已引起世人瞩目。其成功因素是多方面的,但主要在于以下几个方面:过硬的师资队伍、第三部门角色、宽松的中央政策与坚强的地方领导、改革时代的政策连续性、对现行革新的公认和共识、注重深层学习的灵活责任制、建立信任的文化氛围等等。分析芬兰教育成功的诸种因素,可以为我国的基础教育改革提供合理的借鉴。  相似文献   

文化因素对国际商务谈判的影响是最直接、最广泛的.只有认识到中西文化的差异和对商务谈判的影响,才能发现导致彼此误解或冲突的真正原因,最终才能寻找到有效的沟通渠道,把握谈判方向和进度.本文简单对文化因素对国际商务谈判的影响进行了探讨.  相似文献   

International student mobility contributes to a knowledge-based economy and forms an important component of a highly educated migration. This paper aims to identify how far political factors—including political discrimination, restrictions, freedom, UK migration policies and social cultural norms and policies—enhance or inhibit individuals' capabilities to become mobile. It offers a novel conceptualisation of mobility, drawing on structuration theory and the capability approach, to reveal the link between structure, capability and agency in the mobility process. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with 40 PhD students, two professors from Turkey in the United Kingdom and three international education experts. A capability list established shows how mobility occurs when students' capabilities (freedoms) fail to flourish and they lose their power (capacity) to influence society due to the political environment in the home country. ‘Impo-mobility’, derived from the word ‘imposed’, is proposed to refer to highly educated people having to become mobile as a result of impositions placed upon them by home and host-government political practices. An appealing political environment is necessary if Turkey is not to lose highly educated individuals and the United Kingdom is to remain a global player in international higher education.  相似文献   

In the Netherlands internationalization of higher education may lead to an increasing use of a foreign language-for example English-as the medium of instruction. This may raise the issue whether learning in a foreign language affects academic performance, given the language problems international students are faced with when studying abroad. The present article reviews research in this field and presents a study into the academic achievement of 90 Indonesian engineers. These subjects took a one-year English-medium postgraduate course at the International Institute for Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering in Delft. Language proficiency was measured by TOEFL and academic success was defined as the average score on seven written examinations. A most remarkable finding is the observation of a cut-off point in the relationship between English proficiency and academic success. This has led to the hypothesis that there is a range of TOEFL scores within which a better command of English increases the chance of being academically successful. The lower and upper limits of this range may vary according to academic discipline or may even be institution-specific. Additional findings are presented as well as implications and directions for further research.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the success factors in the Mexican handicraft sector on the basis of marketing strategies. As a result of this work, 23 factors for success that artisans use as marketing strategies were determined. The most important, because it was related to all of the other elements of success, was a pricing strategy oriented to profits. The second most important strategy was to use personal recommendations to promote the products. Product diversification and the information artisans gave to customers were, respectively, the third and fourth strategies.  相似文献   

The author has cast a new light on some old myths concerning predictors of success in college physics.  相似文献   

兴奋剂自被用于体育竞赛起,始终困扰着奥运会.兴奋剂的运用对运动员的身体健康、社会以及奥林匹克精神都造成了巨大的危害.为此国际社会纷纷采取强有力的措施制止兴奋剂的泛滥,我国也明确提出了反兴奋剂的立场  相似文献   

The Olympic Games will be held in the capital of our country—Beijing.It will be a most important thing in our country in 2008.At that time many people will be visiting China.Now Beijing is becoming more and more beautiful.Many new buildings are being built and new roads are under construction at the moment.  相似文献   

在跨文化教学中,语言因素和非语言因素都是重要的研究内容。国内关于语言因素教学的研究已比较充分,而对非语言因素教学的研究和实践都较为薄弱。这与非语言因素在交际中所发挥的作用是不匹配的。基于对非语言因素在交际中具有辅助语义传递、辅助形象塑造、辅助文化展示、辅助情感培养等重要功能的认识,我们主张,在汉语作为第二语言教学中,汉语教师应当借鉴国外语言课堂充分运用非语言信息辅助教学的做法,在严格区分非语言信息国别差异的基础上,充分发挥汉语教学中非语言信息的诸种辅助作用,借以提升汉语国际教育的质量和水平。  相似文献   

Compared good and poor spellers at the third- and sixth-grade levels on seven tasks that measured visual and auditory discrimination, memory, analysis and synthesis skills. The results indicated that five tasks discriminated between good and poor spellers at the third-grade level: tasks requiring visual discrimination and visual memory of words; auditory discrimination, memory, analysis and synthesis; and auditory-visual integration. Two tasks discriminated between good and poor spellers at the sixth-grade level: tasks requiring auditory discrimination, memory, analysis and synthesis; and auditory-visual integration. Memory for words and sentences did not discriminate between good and poor spellers at either grade level.  相似文献   

主要阐述了奥林匹克价值观教育计划(OVEP)和亚奥理事会对推广奥林匹克价值观教育计划的地位与现状.着重分析了亚奥理事会在亚洲推广奥林匹克价值观教育的重要性、优势性.提出了坚持亚奥理事会主导地位、发挥奥林匹克价值观教育计划多元化特色、强调体育赛事作用的相关建议.  相似文献   

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