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A national sample of 118 teachers of learning disabled (LD) students described their school districts' criteria for identifying LD students and indicated their agreement or disagreement with the criteria. Reported criteria were characterized by variability, even within states, as were the teachers' stated agreement or disagreement with them. Implications of the continuing definitional crisis in the area of learning disabilities are explored.  相似文献   

Despite the heavy emphasis on online learning in recent years, print is still an important medium for course delivery in distance education. Distance educators have argued that, with the incorporation of appropriate access structures, distance learning materials can be self‐instructional and interactive. This study aims to explore the extent to which students on a distance teacher education course considered that the print materials had achieved the course objectives, and how they made use of the in‐text access structures. The results indicate that, although teachers on the course agreed that the materials were able to achieve the course objectives, the extent to which they made use of the access devices varied considerably.  相似文献   

Many initiatives for the improvement of undergraduate science education call for inquiry-based learning that emphasizes investigative projects and reading of the primary literature. These approaches give students an understanding of science as a process and help them integrate content presented in courses. At the same time, general initiatives to promote information fluency are being promoted on many college and university campuses. Information fluency refers to discipline-specific processing of information, and it involves integration of gathered information with specific ideas to form logical conclusions. We have implemented the use of inquiry-based learning to enhance and study discipline-specific information fluency skills in an upper-level undergraduate Developmental Biology course. In this study, an information literacy tutorial and a set of linked assignments using primary literature analysis were integrated with two inquiry-based laboratory research projects. Quantitaitve analysis of student responses suggests that the abilities of students to identify and apply valid sources of information were enhanced. Qualitative assessment revealed a set of patterns by which students gather and apply information. Self-assessment responses indicated that students recognized the impact of the assignments on their abilities to gather and apply information and that they were more confident about these abilities for future biology courses and beyond.  相似文献   

Educational technology research and development - Gender and prior knowledge may affect students' performance and motivation when simulations and games are used for learning. Accommodations...  相似文献   

This paper describes the experience of peer assessment in a problem-based learning course in a Portuguese university, and presents the results of a survey of 120 students who attended the course over seven semesters. Cluster analysis revealed that students group into two distinct clusters with significantly different experiences of peer assessment. Although the larger cluster (70%) expressed a positive experience, the other group perceived peer assessment results and final marks to be unfair, and reported incidents of friendship-marking and conflict arising from peer assessment. Results show that perceptions of fairness (both regarding peer assessment and final marks) are very much associated with those problems. We reflect on these findings to explore implications for practice as well as future research.  相似文献   

Observations of pupils‐in‐action whilst carrying out investigations indicated that there was plenty of social and cooperative exchange. There was, however, infrequent discussion regarding the planning of experimental approaches, predicting outcomes, consideration of the meaning of evidence and evaluation of task solutions. These observations informed the nature of interactive in‐service programmes developed in Keele University Education Department. Professional development was designed to purposely illustrate a wide repertoire of pedagogic strategies that focused around these issues to support cognitive development of pupils. The interactive nature of the in‐service training was shown to affect widespread ‘change in teachers’ practice. These teachers, involved in experiential in‐service, reflected that they intervened more regularly in children's learning. Their engagement in in‐service training as learners in problem‐solving situations resulted in conceptual shifts in understanding the learning processes their pedagogical transformations could affect. The impact of this changed praxis on pupils' learning in investigational situations was studied after in‐service intervention. These findings were compared with the performance of pupils of the same year group carrying out the same investigations before in‐service intervention. The more interactive nature of the teachers' changed pedagogy appeared to affect change in the way pupils themselves interacted and learnt from and with each other. Explicitly sharing subjective views through exploratory talk was found to be important to affect learning through social interaction.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of a training course, based on constructivism, on the student teachers' perceptions of teaching, learning and the roles of teachers and students in the teaching‐learning process. A sample of 188 student teachers (92 of them in the experimental group and 96 in the control group) from the Hashemite University were subjected to a pre‐test that was developed and validated for the purpose of the study, and the experimental group was then trained using a four‐step training course based on constructivist ideas. Results showed that the two groups' perceptions were not consistent with constructivist ideas before the training took place, but after training, there were significant differences between the two groups' perceptions about the four areas. Also, there were significant differences between the constructivist perceptions of males and females, with females' perceptions being more consistent with constructivist ideas than males. The study concluded with recommendations concerning the introduction of constructivist ideas in educational courses that are designed to prepare student teachers for science teaching, and further research to examine the effect of this course on the student teachers' practices in the classrooms.  相似文献   

This study examined relationships between student perceptions of teaching behavior and learning outcomes in college biology. One-hundred one students who enrolled in an introductory college biology course reported the frequencies of 20 overt, in-class teaching behaviors exhibited by the instructor and rated the instructor on 12 measures of teaching effectiveness. Achievement tests were administered periodically throughout the two-semester time interval. A series of simple correlations between teaching behavior factors and both achievement and student ratings revealed a complex pattern of relationships. Moderately strong relationships were found between student perceptions of “information-transmitting” behaviors and achievement, while generally stronger relationships linked behavior factors with student ratings of teaching effectiveness.  相似文献   

This paper describes a third-year undergraduate module, Text Through Images (TTI; known at first as Texts with Computers) which ran for some years in the School of English, University of Exeter, UK. Instead of using only words, TTI students made their own computer graphics both to discover and to describe literary structures in texts of their choice. The results were surprising: whatever their “academic” ability, students on this course regularly produced genuinely original literary perceptions, and their natural creativity was released. The module's innovative methods are eminently transferable to other disciplines. This paper is designed to be read in conjunction with a website: for further details, go to http://www.blackwellpublishers.co.uk/asp/journal.asp?ref=0007-1013 presenting a selection of students' graphics produced on the course; these appear by generous permission of their makers, who hold copyright. The reasons for the module's success are elusive. Perhaps students feel unfettered by the attitudes associated with traditional verbal expression, the absence of preconceptions about the new process enabling them to bypass old habits of thought. Perhaps the interplay of word and image is particularly fruitful because images and words activate different areas of the brain. It may be that the computer creates the illusion of distance between design and designer, so that the latter feels less personally exposed than when drawing on paper. Perhaps success lies in the combination of individual freedom and on-screen group work, or on the way in which students are enabled to make small but publishable original discoveries. Educational psychologists may be able to explain why the mix works (it has been suggested that it represents a “constructivist/generative learning strategy that Dave Jonassen terms ‘elaboration’”) but more importantly, teachers may find the model useful. What interests me about the module is not the structure of the teaching, but the way in which the use of diagramming apparently enables the learner productively to bypass previous mental conditioning about how literature works, and what is acceptable in analysing it.  相似文献   

九十年代文学理论教材的理论变革和模式转换   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
九十年代学理论教材的理论突破主要体现在主体意识的确立和审美性的回归两方面,其整体风貌,包括编写体例、学观念、研究视角、理论指向、学术视野、学术语言等,发生了显转换。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to explore the interplay between students’ scientific epistemological beliefs and their perceptions of constructivist learning environments. Through analysing 1,176 Taiwanese tenth-graders’ (16-year-olds) questionnaire responses, this study found that students tended to perceive that actual learning environments were less constructivist orientated than what they preferred. Students having epistemological beliefs more orientated to constructivist views of science (as opposed to empiricist views about science) tended to have a view that actual learning environments did not provide sufficient opportunities for social negotiations (p < 0.01) and prior knowledge integration (p < 0.01); and moreover, they show significantly stronger preferences to learn in the constructivist learning environments where they could (1) interact and negotiate meanings with others (p < 0.001), (2) integrate their prior knowledge and experiences with newly constructed knowledge (p < 0.001) and (3) meaningfully control their learning activities (p < 0.001). The main thrust of the findings drawn from this study indicates that teachers need to be very aware of students’ epistemological orientation towards scientific knowledge, and to complement these preferences when designing learning experiences, especially to provide constructivist-based lessons to enhance science learning for students who are epistemologically constructivist orientated.  相似文献   

Learning Environments Research - Case-based Learning (CBL) is perceived as an effective pedagogical approach to improving students’ ability to transfer knowledge, concepts and skills learned...  相似文献   

Cell biology is an academic discipline that organises and coordinates the learning of the structure, function and molecular composition of cells in some undergraduate biomedical programs. Besides course content and teaching methodologies, the laboratory environment is considered a key element in the teaching of and learning of cell biology. The aim of this study was to determine students’ opinions about the quality of the teaching and learning environment in cell biology laboratory practice. For this study, we used a short form of the Science Laboratory Environment Inventory (SLEI), which we adapted and translated into Spanish. The questionnaire, administered to students enrolled in four undergraduate programs, consisted of 24 questions divided into four scales: integration of content, clarity of laboratory rules, cohesion between students and teachers, and quality of laboratory infrastructures and materials. The results suggested that (1) students positively assessed the learning environment provided for cell biology practice, (2) the short Spanish form of the SLEI was a valid, reliable instrument for evaluating student satisfaction, laboratory activities, the degree of cooperation between students and teachers, and theoretical and practical organisation of content and (3) the questionnaire detected differential perceptions of the learning environment based on gender and the program studied.  相似文献   

Embedded response prompts are an effective method to support multimedia learning. Response prompts are directives situated within instructional material. Responding to these prompts affects learners' cognitive operations. Different types of prompts affect learning differently due to variations in stimulated cognitive operations. This study compared three types of experimental response prompts; prompts to self-explain the contents of a page, prompts to attend to diagrams and text-diagram relations, and prompts to self-explanation text-diagram relations; and two control conditions. Three tasks that measure verbal text knowledge, diagram knowledge, or knowledge of text-diagram relations assessed learning. The effects of diagram comprehension ability were also considered. A 5 X 3 mixed model ANCOVA revealed an interaction between prompting conditions and posttest tasks. Diagram comprehension ability was associated with task performance but did not interact with conditions.  相似文献   

In this study, the following questions were addressed in an undergraduate non-major biology course using a large lecture format: Is there a relationship between students?? perceptions of their learning environment and course performance, and what roles do motivation and attitudes play in mediating that relationship? The purpose of this study was to test a path model describing the mediating effects of motivation and attitudes on learning environments and course performance. The study considered contemporary understanding of teaching and learning, as well as motivation and attitudes, in suggesting a direction for future reform efforts and to guide post-secondary science education instructors and leaders in the design of learning environments for undergraduate non-major biology courses. Among the classroom learning environment variables assessed in this study, personal relevance was the major contributor to predicting attitudes, motivation and course performance. Although the classroom learning environment had a very weak direct effect on course performance, there was a moderate total effect on self-efficacy and intrinsic goal orientation. The classroom learning environment also had a moderate total effect on attitudes toward biology. Attitudes toward biology had a moderate direct effect on self-efficacy. While attitudes toward biology was significantly correlated with course performance, the direct effect was extremely weak and was dropped from the model. However, attitudes toward biology had a moderate indirect effect on course performance due to the mediating effects of self-efficacy. Self-efficacy had a strong direct effect on course performance and therefore seemed to be particularly important. The model tested in this study explained 33?% of the variance in course performance, 56?% of the variance in self-efficacy, 24?% of the variance in attitudes toward biology, and 18?% of the variance in intrinsic goal orientation. To improve course performance, instructors should focus on building self-efficacy among their students and ensure that students find the course personally relevant.  相似文献   

Collaborating closely with a tenth-grade science teacher, we designed a Web-Based Learning Environment (Web-LE) to improve the students’ motivation to learn science. Factors believed to enhance intrinsic motivation (challenge, control, curiosity, and fantasy) were integrated into the instructional design of the Web-based learning tool. The Web-LE was implemented in the teacher’s tenth-grade classroom as a three-day student-centered learning activity. Data collection methods included individual student interviews, teacher interviews, motivation questionnaires, and observations. This study revealed multiple forms of evidence that the Web-LE and the associated learning activity improved students’ motivation. This study illustrates the benefits of educational researchers working closely with teachers using design-based research methods to successfully solve instructional problems and identify reusable design principles. Design principles for the integration of intrinsic motivation factors into the development of similar Web-LEs are presented as well as directions for future research.  相似文献   

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