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As English is becoming internationalized,English is becoming more and more important; therefore,many people want to study English and want to learn it very well.And here I want to share some of my own learning experience and some suggestions for the students who are working hard to learn English.  相似文献   

美国佐治亚大学中等教师教育专业在全美排名中名列第五,该专业在中学科学教师的培养上有四个方案,包括:学士学位、硕士学位、专家型学位和博士学位四个层次。本文将在对各层次的培养方案作简单的总括介绍后,着重介绍本科层次的中学科学教师教育培养方案。本科层次主要培养佐治亚7-12年级的科学课程的教师,这个学位还提供佐治亚州T-4教师资格证书。  相似文献   

就业单一型专业是指由于专业的行业性、职业性强,就业面狭窄,毕业后只能从事所学专业,否则所学专业就会无用武之地的专业。这部分大学生的就业涉及到行业发展、个人发展和合理利用教育资源的问题,应充分认识这部分大学生就业问题的重要意义,借鉴计划体制下招生的有益做法,适当控制招生规模,在课程设置上重视通识课程、素质教育理论与技能课程,提高就业单一型大学生适应社会的能力,按照专业内就业、专业外就业和继续深造的适当比例分流制定相应的培养计划。  相似文献   

For the purposes of this paper, I am defining children with EBD as those who, for reasons of emotional disturbance, cannot make use of their educational opportunities and are difficult to manage. Children with EBD usually have parallel difficulties within their families and communities and much of what I want to say here is based on the experience of working with children and young people who are at the end of the line in more than one area of their lives. Prior to training as a Child Psychotherapist, I worked as a teacher in a variety of mainstream schools and special education settings. The points I want to make and the issues I want to raise, arise out of that experience and have a bearing on the way I now think about working psychotherapeutically with this same client group.  相似文献   

Improving Learning Without Improving Teaching   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
I have discovered that, by giving my students quizzes at the end of each class, I can noticeably improve their learning without having to improve my teaching. In this paper, I want to discuss how this “discovery” might be used by others, how it might be studied scientifically, and how it might be developed into a well engineered teaching tool. I want to suggest that developing simple, well engineered, educational tools might be a worthwhile goal for those who want to try to improve computer science education.  相似文献   

Professionals serving as internal and external consultants, whether as performance technologists, human resource development facilitators, training specialists, organizational development change agents, or quality improvement engineers, are uniquely positioned to influence ethical awareness in the workplace. Yet it is unlikely that they will be able to exert much influence without knowledge of the factors that influence ethical behavior in organizations and knowledge of ethical decision making. Although the literature on ethics is proliferating, little of it is directly related to performance improvement professionals. Those who want to educate themselves in ethics have been left to their own devices. Part One in this series of two articles presents a review of key ethical theories and research. Part Two is a list of references available for those who are ready to examine the ethical responsibilities of HPT professionals, who have encountered ethical issues, who want to include an ethics audit in their needs assessment tool box, or who need to suggest ethics-related solutions to performance problems.  相似文献   

Parents who want appropriate educational experiences for their children should provide differential education opportunities for their children at home.  相似文献   

处在激烈竞争时代的女性要成就一番事业,实现自己的人生价值,必须转变思想观念.积累资本实力,重塑人文精神,实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

高校领导干部要全面提高自身的领导水平,就必须正确处理民主与集中、局部与全局、领导与群众、做人与做事的关系。  相似文献   

当前我国高校毕业生就业形势依然严峻,充分发挥政府统筹规划和政策引导作用,构建促进高校毕业生就业创业的工作管理体制和运行机制,对于实现高校毕业生顺利就业、成功创业有着重要意义。  相似文献   

室内装饰施工实训对专业教学开展起着关键作用,却往往被忽视。本文列举了若干装饰施工实训模式,并对其特点及实际应用作简要介绍,希望能给有意向开设室内装饰施工实训课程的院校提供一些参考,以便学校能根据自身办学条件进行选择。  相似文献   

工程投标是现今在建筑市场中承揽工程的必经之路。本文通过几个方面的阐述,对建筑公司参加投标的方式及策略作了概括的介绍。  相似文献   

孟昉  黄佳豪 《培训与研究》2005,22(4):106-107
做事先做人,如何成为一个受欢迎的人?本文通过对增进人际吸引的诸因素进行分析,以求帮助人们在实际生活中成为一个受欢迎的人,更好的工作和生活。  相似文献   

健美运动已成为大学校园生活中的新时尚,拥有一个健美的身材是莘莘学子们孜孜以求的目标.本文采用文献资料法,介绍了一些体型修塑的方法,为当代大学生在美体塑身方面提供一些参考.  相似文献   

介绍了低维量子系统电子输运中的普适电导涨落、库仑阻塞、近藤效应和有待解决的问题,以期对想进入该领域的相关人员提供参考.  相似文献   

The changing landscape of learning is helping Asian countries to emerge as technology-driven knowledge-based societies. The success of these societies depends on promoting the acquisition of key competences and broadening opportunities for innovative and more flexible forms of learning for every citizen. Considering that in Asia almost everyone has a mobile phone or will have a mobile phone soon, the author argues that Asian countries can establish and use mobile networks for lifelong learning. The researcher proposes each-one-teach-one mobile networks as an innovative knowledge-access strategy, particularly for Asian countries and in general for all the countries across the globe. The proposed mobile networks will work on the principle that those who want to teach and those who want to learn must have a free and open service to get connected for knowledge sharing.  相似文献   

老师:我们都知道热胀冷缩的道理。现在,谁给我举个例子?约翰:嗯,在夏天天都长,在冬天天都短。老师:想去天堂的人举起手来,把手举起来……。你呢,吉姆?你还没举手呢——你不想去天堂吗?吉姆:我去不了,因为妈妈让我一放学就回家。  相似文献   

Thomas Aquinas, who knew more about education and persuasion than almost anybody who ever lived, once said that when you want to convert someone to your point of view, you go over to where he is standing, take him by the hand (mentally speaking), and guide him to where you want him to go. You don’t stand across the room and shout at him. You don’t call him a dummy. You don’t order him to come over to where you are. You start where he is, and work from that position. That’s the only way to get him to change. Sidney Harris (1973)  相似文献   

从产生的历史、研究对象和研究方法3个方面说明高等数学与初等数学的区别与联系,使高等数学的初学者能够在初等数学即常量数学的基础上顺利进入高等数学即变量数学的学习。  相似文献   

孔子崇"礼",面对"礼崩乐坏",希望重振西周那种等级有序,人们各安其位的局面,但春秋时,权力下移,"上位"思想兴起,并由此形成了一种类似于"囚徒困境"的局面。所以孔子"不能用"是必然的。  相似文献   

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