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This paper studies the publication productivity of inbreds and non‐inbreds among Russian academics. Existing literature provides ambiguous results on the relationship between inbred status and productivity. This may be explained by the use of different indicators for measuring publication productivity. We use data, which include indicators of both current publication productivity (at a certain point of time) and cumulative productivity (throughout the career) to identify whether inbreds and non‐inbreds differ in their productivity. We did not find any difference in current publication productivity of inbreds and non‐inbreds. We found, however, a difference in their cumulative publication productivity: non‐inbreds are being more productive on an individual level throughout their careers. Although the conclusions are based on the Russian data, the analysis provides an explanation for existing contradictory results on the relationship between academic inbreeding and productivity in general.  相似文献   

In a recent article (Vieregge & Moseley, 2012), we reported the findings of an informal pilot survey we conducted at a meeting of the Michigan International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI) chapter. The survey was intended to secure responses to a brief set of future‐focused questions from both the emerging and the seasoned talent who attended the meeting. Recently, we made the survey available for others in the human performance improvement (HPI) field to participate and offer their responses. In this article, we report the results in hopes that they will encourage continuing discussion about our future as HPI practitioners.  相似文献   

Ingrid Guerra‐Lopez, PhD, is an assistant professor at Wayne State University. She publishes, teaches, consults, and also conducts research in the areas of organizational effectiveness, performance evaluation, needs assessment and analysis, and strategic alignment. She earned her master's and doctoral degrees from Florida State University. She is co‐author of Practical Evaluation for Educators: Finding What Works and What Doesn't with Roger Kaufman and Bill Platt. Evaluating Impact (ISBN:1‐59996‐051‐6) is published by HRD Press and ISPI (price $19.95). The publisher may be reached online at http://www.hrdpress.com or by telephone at 800‐822‐2891.  相似文献   

The externality‐tangibility model of human performance is a human performance technology (HPT) model that categorizes nine all‐inclusive elements of HPT into families of elements that can be external or internal to a performer and tangible or intangible. This third of three installments looks at the two factors that are external to a performer and are intangible: management and leadership. Applying the externality‐tangibility model consistently entails a six‐step process. There are limits to the externality‐tangibility model because it is focused on human performance and not on other factors of organization performance.  相似文献   

Educational tools claiming to use “right‐brain techniques” are increasingly shaping school curricula. By implying a strong scientific basis, such approaches appeal to educators who rightly believe that knowledge of the brain should guide curriculum development. However, the notion of hemisphericity (idea that people are “left‐brained” or “right‐brained”) is a neuromyth that was debunked in the scientific literature 25 years ago. This article challenges the validity of “right‐brain” teaching, highlighting the fact that neuroscientific research does not support its claims. Providing teachers with a basic understanding of neuroscience research as part of teacher training would enable more effective evaluation of brain‐based claims and facilitate the adoption of tools validated by rigorous independent research rather than programs based on pseudoscience.  相似文献   

By using the eye‐tracking method, the present study explores whether working memory capacity assessed via the second language (L2) reading span (L2WMC) as well as the operational span task (OSPAN) affects the processing of subject‐extraction and object‐extraction in Chinese–English bilinguals. Results showed that L2WMC has no effects on the grammatical judgement accuracies, the first fixation duration, gaze duration, go‐past times and total fixation duration of the critical regions in wh‐extractions. In contrast, OSPAN influences the first fixation duration and go‐past times of the critical regions in wh‐extractions. Specifically, in region 1, (e.g., Who do you think loved the comedian [region 1] with [region 2] all his heart [subject‐extraction]? versus Who do you think the comedian loved [region 1] with [region 2] all his heart? [object‐extraction]), participants with high OSPAN were much slower than those with low OSPAN in their first fixation duration in reading subject‐extractions, whereas there were no differences between participants with different OSPANs in reading object‐extractions. In region 2, participants with high OSPAN were much faster than those with low OSPAN in their go‐past times of object‐extractions. These results indicated that individual differences in OSPAN rather than in L2WMC more strongly affect processing of wh‐extractions. Thus, OSPAN results to be more suitable to explore the influences of working memory while processing L2 sentences with complex syntax, at least for intermediate proficient bilinguals. Results of the study also provide further support for the Capacity Theory of Comprehension.  相似文献   

The use of high‐probability (high‐p) request sequences has enjoyed support in the applied behavioral literature as a method to increase compliance. Based on the theory of behavioral momentum, high‐probability sequences increase the rate of responding, and subsequent rate of reinforcement, within a response class. This increase in density of reinforcement results in increased responding for the response class as a whole. Early research in this area had focused mainly on compliance issues for individuals with developmental disabilities. However, more recently the utility of high‐p sequences has been examined within the context of academics. The purpose of these two experiments was to examine the use of high‐p sequences with two academic tasks—letter‐writing and mathematics problem completion. The results of these studies suggest that high‐p sequences can be used to increase academic productivity. Moreover, the addition of experimenter‐delivered reinforcers to existing high‐p sequences enhances overall behavioral persistence. Theoretical and applied implications of persistence and behavioral momentum are discussed. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 41: 789–801, 2004.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to contribute to the innovation of pre‐vocational education, in particular, students' orientation at possible future occupations. From our theoretical understanding, vocational orientation that makes sense to students requires them to be part of a ‘community of learners for vocational orientation’. In such a community, students are stimulated to learn deliberately while participating in vocational practices. In this article we distinguish four parameters to define a community of learners for vocational orientation. We then present the results of a collective instrumental case study into teaching‐learning processes in four classes in two pre‐vocational secondary schools. Data were collected through classroom observations, a series of interviews with teachers and students. The interviews focused on eight ‘critical incidents’ recorded during classroom observations. The results show that the parameters ‘shared learning’ and ‘meaningful learning’ are more manifest in the teaching‐learning process than ‘reflective learning’ and ‘a focus on transferable learning outcomes’. The article concludes with a discussion of the limits of working in simulated work situations in school for realizing effective pre‐vocational education.  相似文献   

Research examining student outcomes (e.g., achievement, adjustment) after grade retention reveals that it does not result in long‐term improvements for students; however, grade retention continues to be used as an intervention. The purpose of this study was to examine retention decision‐making practices, as well as school psychologists' knowledge, beliefs, and opinions regarding retention. Actual and ideal roles of school psychologists in grade retention decisions were also examined. Participants included 250 school psychologists randomly selected from the membership of the National Association of School Psychologists. Results revealed that the decision to retain is a subjective one, typically made by a team. Responding school psychologists did not support retention and found the research moderately applicable to practice. However, most school psychologists indicated that they were not centrally involved in decision making. Findings also revealed a desire among school psychologists for increased involvement in developing and/or implementing programs aimed at improving performance and consulting on the effects of retention. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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