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不同高校的发展应该选择不同的路径,地方高校不应该与传统重点名牌大学亦步亦趋,而应采取“和而不同”的发展策略,在大学精神追求上努力和名牌大学采用同一标准,在办学的具体发展定位、发展重点、服务面向等方面追求个性与特色。  相似文献   

论易卜生《玩偶之家》中出走的娜拉   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
易卜生的《玩偶之家》以娜拉离家出走而提出了探索妇女的解放出路的社会问题。鲁迅在北京女子师范学校文艺会讲时曾提出“娜拉走后怎样?”的问题,指出在尚未取得经济独立的娜拉实在只有两条路:一是“回来”,二是“堕落”,长期以来引起人们深深的思考。出走之后的娜拉会以怎样的面貌出现,主要取决于主观与客观两个方面,从主观与客观两个方面看,娜拉不仅不会出现鲁迅所预言的两种情况,而且路会越走越宽,因为娜拉的出走是一种正确的选择。  相似文献   

By 12 months, children grasp that a phonetic change to a word can change its identity (phonological distinctiveness). However, they must also grasp that some phonetic changes do not (phonological constancy). To test development of phonological constancy, sixteen 15‐month‐olds and sixteen 19‐month‐olds completed an eye‐tracking task that tracked their gaze to named versus unnamed images for familiar words spoken in their native (Australian) and an unfamiliar non‐native (Jamaican) regional accent of English. Both groups looked longer at named than unnamed images for Australian pronunciations, but only 19‐month‐olds did so for Jamaican pronunciations, indicating that phonological constancy emerges by 19 months. Vocabulary size predicted 15‐month‐olds' identifications for the Jamaican pronunciations, suggesting vocabulary growth is a viable predictor for phonological constancy development.  相似文献   

Employing the concepts of emotional labour and emotional rules, the present study explored the emotional rules governing teachers’ work in the context of Mainland China. This showed that teachers can be seen as emotional workers in teaching and there are four emotional rules for Chinese teachers’ feelings and emotional expressions. For Chinese teachers, teaching contains a salient component of “heart-consuming” labour (caoxin). They rationally instrumentalise their emotional experience and expression to follow the professional and ethical norms in teaching. Because of this, the nature of teachers’ emotional labour and emotional rules in the context of Chinese culture is discussed.  相似文献   


This discussion explores challenges that college of education faculty members in the United States encountered when developing and implementing technology standards for students. The goal of this research project was to gain an understanding of faculty members' experience with technology, particularly in the context of implementing standards in response to the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education requirements for teacher education academic programs. Findings of this qualitative, naturalistic research project revealed a number of faculty concerns regarding technology in teaching and standards for students, including technology's impacts on communication and relationships in teaching, and anxiety around technology use. The discussion concludes with implications for practice and suggestions for further research  相似文献   

Evidence suggests (Ofsted, 2007) that the role of the Subject Leader is crucial in how well poetry is taught in schools. This paper attempts to provide some insights on “what it is like” to coordinate poetry teaching in a primary school. Some of the data confirm elements of the findings from earlier research on the state of poetry in schools, particularly concerning space in the curriculum, teacher subject knowledge and personal interest in poetry. However, we attempt to show that, much to the surprise of some of the Subject Leaders, where poetry teaching in the participants’ schools was perceived to be successful it was often nourished by the combined enthusiasm and ‘zeal’ of the teachers and children experiencing poetry together, which in turn was maintained by an empowering synergy of professional/personal pleasure and engagement with poetic texts experienced by some of the teachers while in school.  相似文献   

在课堂教学中常常遇到这样的情况:当问到一些书本以外的问题时,即使是常识性的问题,学生也会不知所措。知识面的狭窄、知识与实际的脱离,妨碍了学生的理解和判断。众所周知,人的知识的获取,一部分来自于生活实际,但很大一部分来自于书本,课外阅读作为教材的补充和深化,作用巨大。为此,我专门对班级学生在课外阅读情况作一调查,结果发现有92%的学生课外阅读的是小说、散文、诗歌等文学方面的书籍,且数量有限。  相似文献   

Low schooling, high non‐attendance and school dropout rates are critical phenomena within disadvantaged groups, especially among the Gypsy community. For example, in the UK, 10%–25% of Gypsy children do not attend school regularly and have significantly higher levels of overall absence from school (percentage of half‐day sessions missed) than pupils from other ethnic groups. In Portugal, available data on Gypsy children is sparse, yet data from one geographic region of the country reports high school failure (45%) and dropout rates (15%) among this population. The present study assessed the efficacy of a four‐year intervention to promote Gypsy children's behavioural engagement and school success. Gypsy communities were contacted and 30 children participating in the four waves were randomly distributed into control and experimental groups. Every school day throughout four years, 16 children in the experimental group were called at home and invited to go to school. The effectiveness of the intervention was evaluated in four waves (at the end of each of the four school years), assessing behavioural engagement (i.e. school non‐attendance, classroom behaviour) and school achievement (i.e. mathematics achievement, student progression). Findings show the efficacy of the intervention on promoting behaviour engagement and academic success without devaluing Gypsy people's culture.  相似文献   

Family‐centered positive psychology (FCPP) is defined as a framework for working with children and families that promotes strengths and capacity building within individuals and systems, rather than one focusing solely on the resolution of problems or remediation of deficiencies. This approach to family‐based services is predicated on the belief that child and family outcomes will be enhanced if members participate in identifying needs, establishing social supports and partnerships, and acquiring new skills and competencies, rather than simply receiving services from professionals. In this article, we present a rationale for FCPP, outline its primary principles, highlight one model for working with families that exemplifies FCPP practice, and illustrate its use through an authentic data‐based case study. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 41: 7–17, 2004.  相似文献   

This research study examined how a multinational company determined what the critical success factors (CSFs) were for developing global e‐learning. The study analyzed how these CSFs were grouped together to make their management more efficient. There were 21 participants in the study who were key stakeholders from the United States, Europe, Latin America, and Asia. The results demonstrated that not all CSFs were deemed critical for every program and that what were considered CSFs early in the project often changed by the end of the project. In addition, the study showed that grouping the CSFs into common categories allowed the program development stakeholders to be more consistent and thorough in their ability to manage and address those CSFs throughout the project. Finally, the results demonstrated that for the study company, the best way to manage CSFs was to expand existing best practices and standard operating procedures to address global CSFs.  相似文献   

随着生物科学技术的不断进步,到底应该让我们的中学生学会哪些生物学知识?接受怎样的生物学观点?掌握怎样的生物学能力?本人认为这是中学生物学教育目前应该再思考的一个重要的问题。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to investigate best practice in relation to the planning, process and strategies that support the transition of students with ASD from primary to post‐primary school. A questionnaire survey was sent to graduates of a postgraduate Certificate/Diploma in SEN (ASD) in Ireland who were working in primary and post‐primary schools. Findings included strong oral communication between schools, transition programmes in many post‐primary schools, a variety of generic and ASD specific strategies in both primary and post‐primary schools and a large number of personnel involved in the transition process. Analysis of findings and current literature enabled the researchers to propose a framework that the Department of Education and Skills, support agencies and schools may use to examine practice in order to enhance the transition programmes based on students' needs, the profile of the school and its community.  相似文献   

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