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通过对情感教育现状的分析,认为信任感具有调理情感适宜的特点,同时提出信任感是情感教育的基础。  相似文献   

在语文教学中,对学生进行思维品德教育,要把语文因素和思想因素结合起来,采用学生乐于接受的方法。达到语文课中渗透德育的目的。  相似文献   

以文化自信的概念为基础,针对当代中国大学生文化自信缺失的问题,梳理了大学英语教学存在的问题,研究了作为大学英语教学重要组成部分的翻译教学的特征及发展现状,提出了教学中强调异化的翻译策略,正确使用中国英语,从而提升大学生的文化自信。  相似文献   

从我国学校的社会主义性质、中小学生的全面发展等方面谈了基础教育要把德育放在首位。较全面地论述了基础教育中德育的重要地位及意义。  相似文献   

全球问题与道德教育   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
全球问题本质上是一个伦理、道德问题,这是全球问题与道德教育的联络点,从全球问题深刻的伦理诉求出发,我国当代道德教育应强调学会关心的教育理念与对全球伦理问题的探讨和建设,同时,建构我国当代学校德育实践模式必须从其面临的主要现实问题出发。  相似文献   

教师道德发展是以身份认同为基点的价值引导和自主建构相统一的过程,身份认同与道德生长相辅相成。教师道德生长需要在教育实践中体认。高师院校师导生创教育实践中的道德体悟教育,能够引导教师获得移情体验和直接体验,完善自我认同的道德框架,走出教师成长初期的意义迷惘状态。  相似文献   

体育教学中,在充分发挥教师主体作用的前提下,如何充分发挥学生学习的积极性、主动性和创造性。如何培养良好的师生关系,树立学生的体育信心,引导他们热爱体育,以适应素质教育的需要。  相似文献   

This article describes the history, conception, structure and implementation of the Ethical Education Project which has been introduced into primary and secondary schools throughout Slovakia in a major initiative of the post‐communist state. Central features of the project include its emphasis upon ‘pro‐social’ values, and its developmental character.  相似文献   

Malaysia is a multi-ethnic country in which the government gives preferential treatment in education, employment, and ownership to its majority ethnic group: Bumiputera. However, affirmative action policies in the current Malaysian context should work according to John Rawls’ Theory of Justice by being based on income rather than ethnicity. Certainly Malaysian Government should be praised for giving freedom to the Chinese and Indians to select their preferred school and this is partly consistent with Amartya Sen’s view of freedom; however this article argues that these communities are apparently given constraint freedom of choice.  相似文献   

知性化大学教育的伦理反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知性化大学教育本质上是一种强化大学生工具理性的知识本位教育,其存在会危及大学生的优雅生存与和谐发展.知性化大学教育的成因在于大学对科技主义、理性主义和功利主义的痴迷、青睐与追随,对此必须进行必要的伦理批判.自觉遵守教育理念张扬中的以人为本原则、教育方略实施中的和谐统一原则,以及教育管理组织中的制度支持原则是大学教育超越知性化发展状态的伦理保障.  相似文献   

教育中的榜样:伦理的视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对教育中榜样的研究,涉及事实与价值两个层面.以往大多基于事实层面进行讨论,而忽视了相关价值问题的探讨.事实上,榜样因具有符合主体价值取向的优秀品质而被选取为学习的目标.在教育中,他们可以将品质具体化并激励学生的成长.以关注"我应该成为什么样的人"为中心的美德伦理学启发我们,为有效地发挥榜样的教育意义,应以"成为榜样那样的人"为目标,注重人的品质与理性,选取涵盖履行了责任的主体与践行超责任的主体两种人为榜样.具体讲:了解学生"想成为的人",建立"榜样库"供其自主选择;重视学生的理解与反思;提供践行机会;注重"品质中心"的评价与反馈.  相似文献   

本拟从社会学和伦理学的角度来分析成人教育过程中的伦理道槐教育问题,就成人教育中伦理内涵优化的必要性和可行性作了细致的理论分析,并阐述了优化成人教育伦理内涵的有效对策选择。  相似文献   

德育教育关系到一个国家国民素质的优劣,而学校教育则是德育教育的主阵地。学科教学是德育的主载体,也是对学生进行思想政治工作的主渠道。英语教学是整个教育工作的一部分,应该遵循“提高全民族的思想道德和文化素养”这个总目标。因此,英语教师应积极进行英语学科德育渗透教育的研究和实践,充分发挥英语学科教学的德育功能。  相似文献   

我国高等教育的伦理问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自20世纪80年代以来,高等教育伦理问题逐渐引起了我国教育工作者的关注.高等教育伦理主要关注的是如何实现高等教育公正性的问题,它在很大程度上决定了高等教育的发展方向,同时也极大地影响着人们对社会公平的信心.对高等教育政策的公正性、高校建设的合理性等的不断追问和反思就显得非常必要.这是实现高等教育至善的重要途径.  相似文献   

教育政策研究取得了很大的进展,其进一步发展要求有伦理道德规范的支撑。本文从三个方面说明构建教育政策研究的伦理道德规范体系的必要性,在分析伦理道德规范的两种取向的基础上提出了伦理道德规范体系的客观性原则、对顾客负责原则、公众利益优先原则、权利优于善的原则,并试图调节这些原则间的冲突。  相似文献   


This article raises a number of interrelated issues. It first considers the need for a disability-aware education for everyone, including post-school leavers. This has both structural and curricular implications. At the structural level, it is argued that if we are to move towards a more ethical educational system, institutional discrimination must be dismantled. At the curricular level, the notion of a "culture of resistance", with distinctive moral characteristics, is explored. The article next considers the moral education of disabled people, covering such issues as recognition of alternative perspectives, building on life-experience and the development of self-confidence and self-esteem. In conclusion, it is suggested that a moral education in an ethical system would integrate universalising understandings of the principle of justice, and its application, with the development of contextual thought which can take account of the value and uniqueness of individuals and the particularity of their educational needs.  相似文献   

In a paper presented at last year's conference, the author argued that there were at least six definitions implied in contemporary discussions of quality in higher education. The paper suggested that, by accepting quality as a measure of expectation, it was possible to place quality issues at the heart of the formulation of corporate strategy for institutions of higher education. It also argued that the linking of quality with funding mechanisms would be a procedure fraught with both conceptual and practical difficulties. In this paper, it is argued that the current position in the UK, with regard to quality issues, is demonstrating the predicted conceptual confusion and is generating practical consequences which can be catastrophic for the future of the higher education sector. It is proposed that this situation has its roots in a disregard of the ethical considerations involved in the determination of the appropriate concept of quality and its implementation in both national strategy and corporate policy. There are many approaches to the problems of ethics, but for these purposes the simple distinction between the ‘Guardian’ and ‘Trader’ syndromes is sufficient. The former identifies those ethical standards which are appropriate to protective, governmental behaviour whilst the latter concerns standards of behaviour in commerce. Whilst there are common elements, there are also codes of behaviour within each syndrome which are irreconcilable. The paper argues that the proper understanding of quality issues in higher education must be related to the choice of ethical standard, whilst the confusion which currently exists is caused by a reluctance to face up to that choice. It is clear that quality issues can never be ‘value free’: what is less evident is that quality can never be ‘amoral’.  相似文献   

在美的关系结构中寻找美之本体的努力与冲动,使美学承担了太多的社会与伦理责任。美学权威正把审美信心从审美主体那里夺走。于是,在美学史上不断以各种形式重申的、属于个人生活领域的体验在当代美学理想中又一次登场。  相似文献   

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