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This study examines the anatomy of a teacher–student feedback encounter by qualitatively analysing live recordings of feedback between a teacher and her student in upper secondary school in Norway. By conducting a conversation analysis, this research identifies the overall organisation of the encounter. The results reveal that, first, the teacher used questions to establish a basis to promote her own agenda and worked to optimise students' contributions by providing positive feedback and minimising critiques and disagreement and second, the student approached the teacher's feedback with resistance. The study concludes with pedagogical implications for practice.  相似文献   

School?Cuniversity partnerships (SUPs) are considered a way of improving teacher education. For the successful implementation of such partnerships, cooperation between the different stakeholders is of crucial importance. Therefore, most partnerships are organised in short- and long-term teams, which are usually composed of teachers, student teachers and representatives of the university faculty. This study focused on the collaboration process of a team of modern language teachers who work and learn together in a teacher community. The aim of this study was to investigate how to design a learning environment that stimulates community development in these teams, applying the cooperative learning model of Johnson and Johnson in Learning together and alone: cooperative, competitive, and individualistic learning. Allyn and Bacon, Boston, (1999). Based on this model, design principles were developed to stimulate community development in this group. Community development was measured through observations of the meetings of the group, using the community model of Admiraal, Lockhorst and van der Pol described in this issue. The five principles found relevant in this SUP team were profiling the group as an identity, equivalent cooperation, rotating the chairperson, reflecting on the collaboration and giving feedback on the products made in the group.  相似文献   

In England and Wales, Initial Teacher Education depends upon a legal and contractual partnership between schools and higher education institutions in which teacher mentors are often trained to support student teacher development. This paper investigates the much less formal kind of partnership model that has evolved in Scotland, using one university's PGCE (Secondary) programme as a case study. Our research shows that the partnership is based on goodwill and relationships built up over time between university and school staff. However, school staff generally have only a weak understanding of the overall direction of the PGCE programme and they are uncertain about how best to fulfil their role in placement supervision. Partly in consequence, students find it hard to integrate school and university experiences and the quality of placement is very uneven. We identify scope for the development of mentoring skills among teachers and argue that current developments in Scottish education mean that this is a propitious time to begin to strengthen the links between school and university components of PGCE programmes.

En Angleterre et au Pays de Galle, la formation initiale des professeurs repose sur un partenariat contractuel et juridique entre les écoles et les Instituts de formation, c'est‐à‐dire que des professeurs sont formés en tant que mentors pour veiller au bon développement des étudiants. Dans cet exposé nous allons étudier un modèle de partenariat beaucoup moins formel qui s'est développé en Ecosse, en nous basant sur le cas d'étude du programme du PGCE (professeurs du secondaire) d'une université. Nos recherches montrent que le partenariat est basé sur de la bonne volonté et sur des relations bâties au cours des années entre l'université et les enseignants en collège. Cependant en général ces derniers n'ont pas une vision très claire de la direction globale du programme du PGCE et ne savent pas quelle est la meilleure manière de remplir leur rôle de superviseur durant les stages. En partie pour cette raison, les étudiants ont des difficultés à faire le lien entre leur expérience au collège et leur expérience à l'université et la qualité des stages est donc très inégale. Nous constatons donc qu'il faut que les professeurs soient mieux formés à leur rôle de mentor et que—en raison des développements qui ont lieu à l'heure actuelle dans le domaine de l'éducation en Ecosse—le moment est propice pour commencer à créer des liens plus étroits entre les composants universitaires et les stages en collège des programmes du PGCE.

En Inglaterra y Gales, la Educación Inicial del Profesor depende de la asociación legal y contractual entre los colegios y los institutos de educación superior, por donde enseñan a los mentores de profesores a apoyar el desarrollo del profesor en prácticas. Este artículo examina el modelo de asociación mucho menos convencional que ha desarrollado en Escocia, utilizando el programa de PGCE (secundario) de una universidad como estudio de casos. Nuestras investigaciones demuestran que la asociación se funda en la buena voluntad y las buenas amistades que se hace durante cierto tiempo entre la universidad y el personal docente del colegio. Sin embargo, el personal docente del colegio tiene solamente una comprensión floja de la dirección global del programa PGCE, y no está seguro de lo que podría hacer por lo bueno para desempeñar su papel durante la supervisión de la colocación. En cierto modo por consiguiente, los estudiantes tienen dificultades para integrarse en las experiencias del colegio y de la universidad, y la calidad de la colocación es muy desigual. Identificamos el campo de aplicación para el desarrollo de destrezas de mentores entre los profesores, y sostenemos que el desarrollo actual en la educación escocesa significa que ahora es un período propicio para empezar a consolidar las conexiones que hay entre los componentes del colegio y de la universidad en el programa de PGCE.

In England und im Wales, Ausgangslehrerausbildung hängt nach einer zugelassenen und Vertragsteilhaberschaft zwischen Schulen und Ausbildunganstalten ab, in denen Lehrermentors häufig ausgebildet werden, um Kursteilnehmerlehrerentwicklung zu stützen. Dieses Papier forscht die viel weniger formale Art des Partnerschaftssmodells, das sich in Schottland entwickelt hat mit dem PGCE (Sekundär) Programm von einer Universität als Fallstudie. Unsere Forschung zeigt, daß diese Partnerschaft auf dem Wohlwollen und Verhältnissen basiert, die Überzeit zwischen Universität und Schulestab aufgebaut werden. Jedoch hat Schulestab im Allgemeinen nur ein schwaches Verständnis der gesamten Richtung des PGCE‐Programms und sie sind unsicher über, wie man gut ihre Rolle in der Plazierungsüberwachung erfüllt. Teils infolgedessen, finden Kursteilnehmer es hart, Schule zu integrieren und Hochschulerfahrungen und die Qualität der Plazierung ist‐sehr ungleich. Wir kennzeichnen Bereiche für die Entwicklung von mentoring Fähigkeiten unter Lehrern und argumentieren daß gegenwärtige Entwicklungen im schottischen Ausbildungsmittel, daß dieses eine günstige Zeit ist anzufangen, die Verbindungen zwischen Schule und Hochschulbestandteilen der PGCE‐Programme zu verstärken.  相似文献   

The present study explores the extent to which maternal attachment and teacher–student attachment-like relationships explain the socioemotional adaptation of students with disabilities. Participants consisted of 65 dyads of homeroom teachers and their students (from a middle-to-low-class area in Northern Israel) with learning disabilities (LD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and LD/ADHD-co-morbidity (mean age = 10.9). Students were assessed based on the maternal attachment security scale (ASS) and the appraisal of the teacher as a secure base scale. Homeroom teachers completed the student-teacher security scale. Third-party teachers reported on students’ school adaptation. Results indicated that beyond the disability factor, secure teacher-student relationships reduced the students’ externalising problem behaviours and improved student learning proficiencies that are considered to be affected by the adequacy of executive functioning. Additionally, maternal attachment reduced internalising problem behaviours. Implications for the protective role of teachers of students with disabilities and for research on teacher–student relationship quality are discussed.  相似文献   


A Counselor‐Teacher Education Program provides a workable model for teachers and counselors to integrate their skills and be more effective in programs for the gifted.  相似文献   

In this paper we problematise the notion of authority as it appears in discourse relating to school discipline. The account of authority that dominates is narrow and restricted, and the term is sometimes used as a synonym for control. This prohibits full consideration of the range of relationships in which authority manifests itself. We draw on sociological and philosophical literature, and argue that a multi-dimensional concept of authority may offer a more nuanced framework for theorising student–teacher relationships in schools. We consider how each of the forms of authority outlined by Wrong (2002 Wrong, D. H. 2002. Power: its forms bases and uses, 3rd edn., London: Transaction Publishers.  [Google Scholar])—coercive, legitimate, competent, personal and authority by inducement—may have some application to the classroom setting. In particular we explore the concept of ‘personal authority' and its potential to enhance understanding of the contested and under-theorised concept of authority. We begin by exploring ways in which the current policy context presents challenges to particular forms of authority.  相似文献   


This study used questionnaires and systematic behavioural observations to examine how teachers, students and external observers perceived classroom disruptions, the teacher–student relationship and classroom management in grade 5 and 6 classrooms in Switzerland. The questionnaire showed that the students of a class agreed to a certain extent in their ratings of classroom disruptions, the teacher–student relationship and classroom management. Comparison of teachers’ and students’ ratings showed that agreement on these constructs varied. We found weak to moderate agreement on classroom disruptions, a weak correspondence for the teacher–student relationship, and no association on classroom management. The results of the behavioural observation showed a moderate agreement between external observers’ and students’ ratings, but no association between external observers’ and class teachers’ ratings and only a weak correspondence with the subject teacher ratings. Thus external observers’ low-inference observations corresponded far better with students’ than teachers’ ratings. To sum up, students, teachers and observers perceive classroom processes differently.


Multiple text comprehension can greatly benefit from paying attention to sources and from using this information for evaluating text information. Previous research based on texts from the domain of history suggests that source-related strategies are acquired as part of the discipline expertise as opposed to the spontaneous use of these strategies by students just entering a field. In the present study, we compared the performance of students and scientists in the domain of psychology with regard to (a) their knowledge of publication types, (b) relevant source characteristics, (c) their use of sources for evaluating the credibility of multiple texts, and (d) their ability to judge the plausibility of argumentative statements in psychological texts. Participants worked on a battery of newly developed computerised tests with a think-aloud instruction to uncover strategies that scientists and students used when reading a text. Results showed that scientists scored higher in all of the assessed abilities and that these abilities were positively correlated with each other. Importantly, the superior performance of scientists in evaluating the credibility of multiple texts was mediated by their use of source information. Implications are discussed in terms of discipline expertise.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine associations between Turkish high school students’ perceptions of their science teachers’ interpersonal behaviour and their attitudes towards science. Students’ perceptions of the teacher–student interpersonal relationship were mapped with the Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction (QTI), which uses two relational dimensions: influence and proximity. Data on Students’ subject‐related attitudes were collected with the Test of Science Related Attitudes (TOSRA). A total of 7484 students (Grades 9 to 11) from 278 science classes (55 public schools) in 13 major Turkish cities participated in the study. Multilevel analyses of variance indicated that influence was related with student enjoyment, while proximity was associated with attitudes towards inquiry and with enjoyment.  相似文献   

The authors aim to assist teachers to gain a deeper understanding of the inner lives of students especially those with special educational needs. This aim is pursued in two ways. The first is an exploration of the experience of writing poetry using the students' sentiments, actual words and phrases – a poetic engagement. The second is to argue for the transformative potential of this poetic engagement for the practitioner seeking to ‘get alongside’ the student.  相似文献   

Claims are often made for the value of integrating teaching and research, yet how this may be done effectively is not always evident. The Pedagogy Excellence Project (PEP) was an innovative and authentic inquiry into teaching conducted by a student–professor team within a six-credit two-semester course. MBA students were principal players in an inquiry which exemplified teaching as scholarly and community property. Acting as consultants to a Faculty of Management, they generated questions, collected and analyzed data, summarized results and made recommendations which are still influencing the faculty today.  相似文献   

The focus of the Education Works Personalization Project was to facilitate teams of teacher action researchers whose goal was to personalize their teaching with the support of university partners including doctoral students in education. The subsequent apprentice-like research experience within this university–school partnership provided an opportunity to study the ways in which teacher action research could serve as a vehicle for bridging the culture gap between schools and universities. Both the research team experience and the development of the school–university inquiry/knowledge network were initially characterized by undefined roles accompanied by ambiguous expectations. Although the ambiguity proved difficult initially, those who persisted and engaged in new roles ultimately found these emerging inquiry communities generative and valuable. We have come to conceptualize these generative inquiry communities as third spaces and we describe how oppositional categories framed by the cultural differences between schools and universities can work together to generate new knowledge.  相似文献   

This paper begins with the observation that in education today, partnership is ubiquitous, in that partnership is mentioned in virtually all policy documents emanating from the Department of Education and Science, Ireland. However the lack of a clear understanding of partnership may mean that its usage in educational debate may obscure more than it illuminates. For this reason, a definition of partnership is offered and explained in the first part of this paper. The second part of this paper begins by highlighting the increasing importance of parent–teacher meetings and school reports on children's progress in current education. These two strategies are then examined in the context of partnership. In both cases, the argument is presented that while both strategies can be implemented according to the partnership model, it is possible for schools to conduct parent–teacher meetings and issue school reports that do not conform to partnership. The challenge then for schools is to assess to what extent their parent–teacher meetings and their school reports adhere to the principles of partnership.  相似文献   

This paper discusses experiences of a student-ambassador network within one UK-based Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, problematising key issues in relation to transience in staff–student partnerships in high education, and highlighting the importance of the educational developer in facilitating institution-wide partnership models. Theoretical explorations are supported by data gathered throughout the Network’s operation, including student evaluations following the first year of operation, and a final ‘impact study’ conducted with staff and students. The article develops the notion of a ‘collective conscience’ model of student engagement, which supports all students via a variety of activities, incorporating short, mid-range, and long-term goals, and enabling a range of collaborative and individual opportunities for success.  相似文献   

This systematic review integrates the existing literature regarding relationships that students with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have with their teachers, in mainstream inclusive primary, secondary and high school settings. Theoretical approaches and methodical choices were considered in understanding the literature and considering possible research areas. The methods used in the reviewed literature show that investigations in this research field have predominantly used quantitative surveys. Several theoretical approaches have been used, with attachment theory the most-prominent. The findings indicate students with ADHD generally feel less close to their teacher than do their non-ADHD peers, which agrees with the teachers’ perceptions. Thus, teachers experience less emotional closeness, less co-operation and more conflicts in their relations with their students with ADHD than with other students. Teachers’ rejection of ADHD students poses a risk factor for not only school failure, but also peer exclusion and rejection, leading to low self-esteem and loneliness.  相似文献   

The importance of student engagement in higher education is increasingly recognised. As a result, questions have arisen regarding how best to inspire and support students in taking greater interest in and more active responsibility for their learning. Student–faculty partnerships that position students as consultants in explorations of pedagogical practice inspire and support engagement and responsibility that carry over from those partnerships into students' classroom participation. However, such partnership constitutes for many students a ‘threshold concept’. Because partnering with faculty in analyses and revisions of teaching and learning both requires and inspires students to redefine their roles, responsibilities and sense of themselves, student–faculty partnership proves troublesome, transformative, discursive, irreversible and integrative. In a case study of one partnership programme at a liberal arts institution in the Northeastern USA, we discuss how crossing the threshold constituted by student–faculty partnership in pedagogical exploration fosters in students greater engagement in, and responsibility for, learning. Implications for higher education include the potential of reconceptualising our classrooms as more democratic spaces and the work of teaching and learning as more of a shared responsibility.  相似文献   


This study reports on the design of a video-based instrument to assess student teachers’ parent–teacher communication competences (PTCC) in a reliable and valid way. PTCC refer to the competences needed to communicate successfully with parents during conversations such as parent–teacher conferences. Taking into account both conceptual and methodological challenges regarding the measurement of competences, several methodological steps were followed to design a video-based instrument focusing on the assessment of student teachers’ perception, interpretation and decision-making skills (PID skills) regarding parent–teacher communication: designing video vignettes presenting realistic job situations regarding parent–teacher communication; developing instructions to elicit student teachers’ PID skills; designing a coding scheme to analyse student teachers’ responses; and implementing the instrument (n = 269) to test and refine it. This ultimately resulted in an instrument consisting of (1) three video vignettes, (2) a series of open-ended questions eliciting student teachers’ PID skills, and (3) three coding schemes to develop a perception score, an interpretation score and a decision-making score for PTCC. The (4) implementation of the instrument confirmed that this innovative video-based tool might be a promising approach to assess student teachers’ PTCC. To conclude, the quality and contribution of the measurement instrument and the implications for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

This study provides insights into possible changes in 83 student teachers’ motives for becoming teachers, their professional commitment and their self-efficacy after a year of teacher education. Furthermore, it addresses the extent to which these changes relate to student teachers’ perceptions of their learning environment – specifically, their perceptions of the quality of teaching, generic skills and assessment. Student teachers completed a survey at the beginning and at the end of a single year of teacher education, which revealed significant changes in their motives and self-efficacy regarding tasks within the classroom and throughout the broader school context. No relationship between this change and teachers’ perceptions of their learning environment was observed. Instead, student teachers’ perception of the quality of teaching predicted their assessments of their ability and self-efficacy in a school context at the end of their education.  相似文献   

Student–faculty partnership has been researched by contemporary academic developers, particularly its outcomes and challenges. However, theoretical discussions linking it with larger social–educational–political discourses are still lacking. This reflection aims to help fill the gap by analysing how student–faculty partnership might contest the neoliberalisation of higher education. It argues that, by positioning partnership as the basis for learning, student–faculty partnership provides an alternative discourse to contest the marketisation and corporatisation of higher education, the (re)production of learners as competitive and self-interested, and the standardisation and mechanisation of learning.  相似文献   

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