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Using two independent samples of urban elementary school children from Grades 1, 3, and 5, this study explored the long-term stability of classroom learning environments that differ in the extent of differential teacher treatment favoring high achievers over low achievers, as reported by students. Classroom differences ('high' versus 'low') in perceived differential treatment were highly stable from fall to spring in Grades 3 and 5, but not in Grade 1. Stability in (a) individual children's reports of differential treatment, and (b) teacher expectations for children's year-end reading achievement was accentuated in classrooms where differential treatment was pronounced early in the year, particularly in the higher elementary grades. Findings suggest that there would be heightened risk for problematic teacher expectancy effects and other maladaptive learning outcomes in these classrooms, because stable or rigid performance expectations are coupled with classroom instructional patterns that consistently convey these expectations to children. In contrast, risk is likely to be reduced in classrooms where high and low achievers are treated more equitably in the eyes of children, because teachers' expectations for children are more flexible, and children take longer to discern differences in treatment. The overall consistency of findings in two samples supports the generalizability of the conclusions reached.  相似文献   

The Tennessee Value-Added Assessment System (TVAAS) has been designed to use statistical mixed-model methodologies to conduct multivariate, longitudinal analyses of student achievement to make estimates of school, class size, teacher, and other effects. This study examined the relative magnitude of teacher effects on student achievement while simultaneously considering the influences of intraclassroom heterogeneity, student achievement level, and class size on academic growth. The results show that teacher effects are dominant factors affecting student academic gain and that the classroom context variables of heterogeneity among students and class sizes have relatively little influence on academic gain. Thus, a major conclusion is that teachers make a difference. Implications of the findings for teacher evaluation and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

数字化的兴起是人类的一次空前的革命,它激起了人类社会翻天覆地的变化。这些变化带给课堂教学的既是一次千载难逢的机遇,也是一场空前的挑战。在此机遇与挑战并存的境遇下,课堂教学实践中出现了如传统教学手段的缺位、"手脑"并用的机会减少、虚拟世界的道德缺失、"真"与"假"呈乱象趋势等现实困境。为了顺应数字化时代课堂教学变革,切实转化师生角色、谨慎对待变革步调、极力匹配辅助系统和重新界定课堂教学的时空概念等尤为重要。  相似文献   

课程改革中的教师反思   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
课程改革能否成功与教师有着密切的关系,而教师的反思来自于自我意识觉醒,以自我实践中的问题、困惑和迷茫为基础和前提。从课程观、教材观、教学设计、教学态度及教学评价等方面,对教师的教育教学反思作一探讨。  相似文献   

课堂教学从本质上说是一种”沟通“和“合作”的活动。如何使我们的教学更有成效,使我们的学生得到应有的发展,是新一轮的基础教育改革必须面对的一个问题。师生互动的教学过程既充分发挥教师的主导作用又充分调动学生的主体性,教师只有进行有效的课堂教学互动,才能产生课堂效益。  相似文献   

This article examines teacher formulations in teacher-fronted whole class interactions. Using conversation analysis (CA), we have analysed topic talk between teachers and students (12–16 years old) in Norwegian classrooms. We have identified three sub-groups of teacher formulations—transforming, challenging, and summarising formulations. We show how teacher formulations in topic talk are an important part of teaching and that the formulations serve different and specialised functions in classroom interactions. Our main finding is that teachers use the formulations to establish a shared pedagogic focus, the learnable. This study contributes by providing knowledge on formulations as a pedagogical device and by accumulating knowledge about the practice of formulation in general.  相似文献   

已有对外汉语教师培训模式中惯用的重知识轻技能的培养方式,不利于教师的迅速成长,难以满足汉语走出去的需求。课堂教学视频案例,作为整合文本案例研究与现场观摩的教师教育新工具,为教师提供了提升教学技能的机会。文章首先研究它的内涵、优势及制作过程,之后探究了如何构建基于课堂教学视频案例的对外汉语教师培训模式。  相似文献   


Significant improvement in teacher education and classroom practice can be attained by successful collaboration between university faculty and public school teachers. This paper shares an experience of collaboration between a university professor and a Fourth-grade teacher in teaching a Language Arts Methods course. The experience started with differences in teaching philosophy between the two participants. This paper articulates how the differences stimulated the two participants to change, and how they built their trust and achieved success in their collaborative teaching.  相似文献   

Research in Science Education - Science teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) has been researched in many studies, yet little empirical evidence has been found to determine how this...  相似文献   

教师提问是英语课堂触发师生互动,引发学生口语输出的重要手段。教师对提问类型和提问方式的有效使用直接关系到学生语言习得的质量。该文通过对二位教师课堂提问和学生应答的观察和记录,对教师提问的展示性和参考性两类问题的互动与促学效果之间的关联进行分析和探讨。结果显示,两类问题功能不同,均有助于学生扩大语言输出。恰当地运用提问策略也是提问有效,促使课堂良性互动的关键。  相似文献   

This study compared 5 scoring methods in terms of their statistical assumptions. They were then used to score the Teacher Observation of Classroom Adaptation Checklist, a measure consisting of 3 subscales and 21 Likert-type items. The 5 methods used were (a) sum/average scores of items, (b) latent factor scores with continuous indicators, (c) latent factor scores with ordered categorical indicators using the mean- and variance-adjusted weighted least squares estimation method, (d) latent factor scores with ordered categorical indicators using the full information maximum likelihood estimation method, and (e) multidimensional graded response model using the Bock-Aitkin expectation-maximization estimation procedure. Measurement invariance between gender groups and between free/reduced-price lunch status groups was evaluated with the second, third, fourth, and fifth methods. Group mean differences based on the 5 methods were calculated and compared.  相似文献   

将结构方程模型方法用于高校课堂教学质量研究,可以借助观测模型和结构模型来探索潜变量及其相互间的因果关系。基于教师评价视角,对某高等学校课堂教学质量进行调查,对构成课堂教学质量及其因果变量的相互关系进行分析和模型的路径设计,构建了高校课堂教学质量模型,并借助LISREL8.7软件进行了分析,证实模型有较好的拟合度。  相似文献   

Results from school effectiveness studies that took into account differences among teachers or departments within schools indicate that these teacher or department differences outweigh the differences between schools. The present study shows that differences in student achievement between parallel classes taught by different teachers may be very small. Coordination efforts among teachers relate primarily to the content and goals of instruction. With respect to classroom instruction large differences between teachers may still be detected. School effectiveness differences usually found across grades and subjects may be due only in part to loose internal coordination. The fact that it is extremely difficult for teachers to compare the results of teaching across grades and subjects may be equally important.  相似文献   

English teachers mainly pass on knowledge through teacher talk in China. This paper focuses on the analysis of charac?teristics of teacher talk and discusses some ways to make teacher talk more compreh...  相似文献   

English teachers mainly pass on knowledge through teacher talk in China. This paper focuses on the analysis of characteristics of teacher talk and discusses some ways to make teacher talk more comprehensible for learners' input. It has been concluded that with conscious improvement or exploration on teacher talk in practice, teachers can greatly enhance their teacher talk and make an effective combination between teacher talk and comprehensible input.  相似文献   

Teacher talk and teacher-student classroom interaction have always been the central issue among the various classroom researches. Teacher talk is undoubtedly important in EFL(English as a foreign language) classroom in China. This paper attempts to discuss the features of teacher talk in EFL classroom, mainly of NNS(non-native speaker) teachers and the implications and suggestions of how to make teacher talk more appropriate and stimulative.  相似文献   

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