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作者根据主要采自广东的壳斗科5属约93种木材标本进行了观察并试就 其宏观结构写出了分属的检索表。  从木材解剖的角度看来,作者认为:将(  )亚 属(Subgenus Cyclobalanlopsis(Oerst.)Schneid.)和石栎亚属(Subgenus Pasania (Miq.)A.Camus)分别从栎属(Quercus L.)和柯属(Lithocarpus Bl.)分出独立成属是没有充分理由的。  相似文献   

城市交通流的信息具有实时性特点,传统道路拥堵的预报都是在堵塞事件发生后进行发布,择路分流也是凭着驾驶人员的经验,准确率很低。文章提出一种实时计算道路信息流并选择最优道路进行分流的算法,具有实时性、智能化高的特点。该算法设计了一个五维向量作为输入信息,采用向量组优先级比较的方法,通过对道路端口计算来生成最优化路径。文章最后给出一个实际计算实例,拥堵分流算法生成其他最优备选道路,从而有效的实现了拥堵分流,使城市交通性能得到优化。  相似文献   

王朝旭 《学会》2003,(8):35-35
福建省电机工程学会成立于 196 4年 6月 ,已有近 4 0年的历史。现有会员 346 7人 ,单位会员 36个。学会设有学术、咨询、继续教育、编辑、科普、组织 6个工作委员会 ,热能动力、供用电、电机电器、输变电、高压电、电力环保、农村电气化 7个专业分会 ,能源及电力系统、核电、理论电工、水能动力、自动化5个专业委员会 ,以及秘书处和科技咨询部。根据广大会员分布情况 ,在全省各市县成立了 36个基层支会。多年来 ,学会围绕“三主一家”主要作了以下工作 :组织科技人员参加各种学术交流、论文评选 ,增进学术氛围和提高青年科技工作者学术水平 …  相似文献   

潘文卿  张伟等 《预测》2001,20(3):1-4
经济增长不仅受供给要素的推动,而且受需求因素的拉动,本文通过分别建立供给导向与需求导向的中国宏观经济模型,对21世纪前20年中国经济增长的前景进行了预测与展望。文章指出,在经济发展到一定阶段时,供给要素只说明了经济增长的潜力大小,在生产能力不成为经济增长的主要制约因素时,需求的变动对经济增长更具有重要的现实意义,因此,加强需求管理应当成为21世纪中国政府的一项长期政策选择。  相似文献   

西部大开发中人口与环境,资源,经济的协调发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
指出西部土地沙漠化和草原退化的主要原因是人口激增和掠夺式的人为活动,提出西部大开发应走自然资源与人力资源开发并重之路,将生态再造作为振兴西部经济的“第一产业”。  相似文献   

21世纪是知识经济时代,其作为一种新型经济形态,给人类带来了全方位的影响的同时,对我们会计业的发展理念和研究方向也提出了新的要求.本文针对会计分支中的人力资源会计,结和其出现的切合时代要求的新特点,分析了我国人力资源会计的现状,提出了国内人力资源会计需要解决的新问题.  相似文献   

贲克平 《学会》2003,(9):44-45
中国实现可持续发展的主要命脉何在 ?由中国生态经济学会最近在甘肃省兰州市主办的年会上 ,经参会学者深入研讨得出一致的回答。探索之一 :国际社会对环境与发展政策的宏观取向从 2 0世纪 6 0年代到 90年代的三十多年间 ,世界上的环境与发展政策大致上经历了三个阶段性的重大变革 :第一阶段是基于政府命令与控制的方法 ,主要通过行政手段进行污染防治 ;第二阶段则基于市场的经济激励机制 ,强调企业在废弃物及污染物产生方面的源头控制 ;第三阶段是在进一步完善政府和企业职能的基础上 ,逐步实行信息公开和更高质量的清洁生产 ,其实质是实现…  相似文献   

Measurements have been made of the residual ionization in a closed vessel of steel one inch thick, shielded by a two inch casing of lead, over a range of pressure from atmospheric to one thousand pounds per sq. inch, at Pike's Peak (alt. 14,000 ft.), Colorado Springs (alt. 6,ooo ft.), and New Haven (alt. 6,000 ft.). The ionization-pressure curves presents features of interest in relation to the interpretation of the processes associated with ionization in the vessel. However, in the present investigation they are used simply to obtain average relative value of the ionization due to the cosmic rays at the three altitudes concerned. A method of correcting the observations for absorption by the iron sphere, the lead case, and the walls of the buildings, has been developed. It is found that the data for the three stations can be correlated by the assumption of a pair of frequencies in the original cosmic radiation; and, as a matter of fact, an infinite number of such pairs are possible. They are represented in graphical form in Fig. 7 If we permit the assumption of three different frequencies in the cosmic radiation, it is possible in general to assign two of the frequencies, and determine an infinite number of possibilities as regards the third, distributed over a definite range. The possibilities inherent in the assumption of three frequencies are contained in tabular form in Table XVII. Of course, the inclusion of observations from more than three altitudes would serve to fix more definitely the possibility as regards the analysis. However, the result of the analysis for the three stations concerned is possibly of interest for comparison with other data, and as an indication of the kind of information which it is possible to extract from observations of this kind. It is probable that the very large range of possibilities inherent in a solution with three coefficients of absorption will be rather surprising to anyone who considers a situation of this kind for the first time.In addition to those whose assistance has already been acknowledged, I wish to acknowledge the assistance of Professor J. W. Broxon, who visited me while on Pike's Peak, and assisted in setting up the apparatus; and my thanks are due to Mr. C. A. Kotterman, and particularly to Mr. Andrew Longacre, and Mr. W. E. Ramsey for assistance in the reduction of the observations, and in the computational work.  相似文献   

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