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Chad Ahren, Helen-Grace Ryan, and Amanda Suniti Niskodé-Dossett introduce an assessment tool to help advisors better understand their student organizations.  相似文献   

I discuss philosophical and methodological difficulties in researching young children's spiritual development. I describe my research involving detailed discussions with, and observations of, 14 teachers of 4‐ and 5‐year‐olds. I highlight key issues, including what distinguishes spiritual from other sorts of development, the nature of children's spiritual experience and to what extent young children can and do engage in spiritual experience. Drawing on a critical evaluation of common features of the teachers' understanding, I sketch out features of a new and inclusive understanding of spiritual experience as that which relates to identity, place and purpose. I consider possible implications, in terms of policy, professional development and practice, based on the conclusion that environments and relationships are more important than specific experiences, techniques and skills.  相似文献   

硅是自然界最普通的元素之一,在地球上,硅的丰度仅次于氧,约占地壳总质量的26%(氧约占47%),它是一种神奇的、用途十分广泛的元素.从我们脚下的沙子到电脑芯片,从项链上的宝石到女士隆胸用的硅酮--硅的身影几乎是无所不在,而且随着研究的继续,硅的用途还在不断地扩大,有些甚至是出人意料的.  相似文献   

<正> 我能听见你说什么,尽管我没有耳朵;我能录下你说什么,只要你说话时靠近我。你嘲笑还是祝贺?  相似文献   

物体做匀速圆周运动时,线速度大小不变,但方向在不断改变,亦即物体的运动状态在不断改变。由牛顿第二定律可知,物体所受的合外力一定不为零。怎样确定作匀速圆周运动的物体所受的合外力呢?  相似文献   

The ombudsman's work is largely persuasive. The persuasiveness derives largely from certain substantial ethical resources which are present by definition; the office is established having a particular competence and character. The person who occupies the office must fit it if his advocacy is to make good use of it peculiar resources.  相似文献   


In this paper I describe the notions used by children aged 9‐16 years to account for a number of easily observed astronomical events. General features in the development of the notions are identified and historical parallels are noted.

The data presented come from a wider study intended to develop materials and approaches for teaching astronomy as part of the science curriculum of all pupils. An indication is given as to how the findings of the survey are being used in developing appropriate curriculum materials.  相似文献   

在巴西里约热内卢有一家再平常不过的桑巴舞学校。在这个几乎男女老少都会桑巴舞的国度里,这样一家普通的桑巴舞学校一点也不显眼。然而,这所学校近百年来却有一条奇怪的校规,而正因为这条校规,它成了远近闻名的舞蹈学校。原来,这所学校除了在教学时间之外,  相似文献   

科学技术的发展把人们带入了网络无所不在而又不可或缺的时代,没有了网络这个巨大的信息库,人们也将失去多姿多彩的现代生活。而网络语言正是人们徜徉这个浩瀚世界的航船。随着国内外交流的不断加强,许多新词汇诞生并通过网络进入了人们的日常生活。文章归纳了网络上新词汇的特征,说明了熟悉网络语言的重要性。  相似文献   

At a time when Britain's vocational education and training (VET) system and vocational qualifications are undergoing a major review and restructuring in response to critical reports about the model established under the former National Council for Vocational Qualifications, the British Council and associated agencies is currently trying to market National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) overseas. The chief weaknesses and failings of NVQs and the competence‐based education and training (CBET) system on which they are based are outlined in terms of assessment anomalies and the needs of firms, trainees and employers. Since these shortcomings are so so serious, it is suggested that‐‐until they have been remedied through the current reforms under the aegis of the new Qualifications and Curriculum Authority‐‐it is ethically unjustifiable to export a failed VET system to countries which may be unaware of the critical research surrounding NVQs and CBET.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(4):618-631

Lecturing can be positively regarded as a practice by which students can be treated with respect in educational processes which grant them freedom to pursue and acquire new knowledge that meets their needs. Lecturing can also be negatively conceived as a practice which others students and positions them as people who deserve to be chided and harangued towards new knowledge. This negative conception is magnified in this strange place where what is taught to overly large classes offensively propagates colonial and apartheid schemata, while failing to advance the development needs of students. My teaching philosophy is a humanistic response to the difficulties of teaching in this strange circumstance.  相似文献   

般而言,奇崛美是一种硬语雄奇之美。“看似寻常最奇崛”实际上是一种诗学悖论现象。“奇崛”与“寻常”是如何调和在一起的呢?刘大魁的“气奇则真奇”说提供了一种解释的可能。中国古典诗学话语中的“奇崛”与“寻常”是与俄国形式主义诗学中的“陌生化”和“自动化”相对应的一组概念。俄国形式主义肯定陌生化否定自动化,而中国古典诗学在“奇崛”与“寻常”之间采取的是辩证统一的态度。  相似文献   

Reflection on subjectivity in the qualitative research process is fundamental to the methodology. Although much attention is paid to what to do (identify subjectivities), there is much less emphasis on how one should do this. Furthermore, a researcher engaged in an intimately familiar setting, such as a typical American classroom, faces the unique challenge of sifting through vast stores of prior knowledge and beliefs that influence perceptions of observed instruction, including experiences as a K-12 learner and classroom teacher. As a novice qualitative researcher and former special educator drawn to questions involving instructional practice in reading comprehension, I struggled to balance my emotional responses to observed instruction with my need to understand teachers' decision-making. I begin by sharing my own experiences as a novice researcher, brought forward from artefacts of that time. Moving to the present, I reflect on my early misperceptions, and conclude with recommendations for working with subjectivity in the research process.  相似文献   

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