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史传孕育了中国古代小说,又阻碍了它的发展。明末清初出现的续书繁盛现象,是中国古代小说发展史上从内容到形式对史传传统的一次强有力的突破。由于续书作者既依傍于名著,又在创作过程中体现了自觉的创作意识,采用了想像和虚构的文学手法,从而为中国古代小说挣脱史传传统的影响做出了贡献。续书是中国古代小说由依傍史实创作走向以想像和虚构为特征的现代小说创作、由群体型创作走向作家个体型创作的一个转折点。这是中国古代小说发展的必然结果。  相似文献   

Historical fiction is a powerful way of transmitting national history to later generations. It emerged in the nineteenth century as a means of building identity and fostering solidarity. This article investigates Dutch historical novels for children. First, it explores the relation between educational ideas and historical novels for children, distinguishing between two groups of children’s novels: novels written in the spirit of ideas on national non-denominational education and novels opposing Christian neutrality in education, by glorifying orthodox Protestantism and inculcating combativeness and intolerance. Second, the literary strategies employed to relate history are analysed. Both groups of novels use the same strategies, such as fictional characters as figures of identification, narrators mediating between the present and the past, and restructuring the past in favour of a triumphant ending to the story. However, there is a striking difference in character development.  相似文献   

晚清乌托邦小说创作曾经出现过短暂的繁荣,将此阶段的乌托邦小说与当时的域外小说进行比较,便可发现晚清作家的这部分作品受到了西方乌托邦小说和日本政治小说的共同影响,其中又以《回顾》的影响最大。在列强环伺、国运衰微的特定历史语境中,《回顾》中的“拟乌托邦”思想由于切合了晚清知识分子急切渴望翻转现实的心态而在晚清知识界引起广泛关注,其创作模式更因此而成为一时圭臬,对晚清乌托邦小说的时空结构、叙述方式皆有决定性影响。而由于日本政治小说对晚清作家的直接影响亦同时发生,客观上便使得当时的政治小说、理想小说、科学小说等文类概念相互混杂。  相似文献   

由《说苑》上溯历史故事在先秦古籍中的演变,大致经历了一个由核心到边缘再到核心的发展过程。第一次转变是从“史”到“文学”的转变,第二次转变是从“文学”到“史”的回归。两次转变的质素不同,其中蕴涵了丰富的信息。刘向采用历史故事著书有多方面的原因,在《说苑》一书中,对历史材料的处理也有多种方式。尽管《说苑》的文体归属至今仍无定论,但它在中国小说文体形成之链上具有重要作用,是小说观念发展变化中的重要一环。  相似文献   

黄世仲享有“革命派小说大家”之誉,他的成名作历史小说《洪秀全演义》,其一,以史料记载为依据,以历史人物为“原型”,以“合情理”为基础,以“感觉力之宏大”为宗旨,具有小说的“演事”特性,其二,创造了中国文学史上前所未有的“史诗”型叙事文本,在叙事方式上,既继承了中国典型小说“讲史”之长,也表现了“写人”的性格发展和传奇色彩,运用了多人并进的“集束式”艺术结构,其三,在人物塑造上,采取了虚实相间,即写实与虚构相结合的方法,作者“写人”有两个特点:改变传统小说的“脸谱化”倾向;写出了人物性格变化发展的轨迹,这是与许多晚清小说的最大区别所在。  相似文献   

章学诚的小说观源于班固《汉书》以来的史家传统小说观,但又有新的变化:一是对小说的史学价值作了新的阐释;二是提出小说"历三变"论,肯定了唐传奇、明清通俗小说的地位;三是对小说的文学价值有独到的阐发;四是对小说创作中的虚实关系问题作了精辟的论述。章学诚的小说观新旧杂陈,说明史家传统的目录学小说观念业已分裂,正在被文学本位的小说观所取代。  相似文献   

对20世纪50年代的通俗小说《烈火金刚》进行再解读,分析其意识形态遮蔽下的通俗性、传奇性特点。小说中武侠小说的主题模式、传奇小说的结构和情节、演义小说的人物分配为老百姓所喜闻乐见。  相似文献   

《史记》是司马迁本着"实录"历史事件的原则,根据自身学识和生命体验,在设置历史事件场景,叙述历史事件细节,复原历史人物心理、语言等方面运用了一定的想象和虚构而著成的一部史学巨作。借助想象和虚构化的艺术方式,使《史记》中历史事实的场景更加适宜,情节更加生动曲折,人物形象更加丰满。此虚饰增益化的写作倾向亦使《史记》呈现了小说化叙事美感。《史记》史传文学的基质由此也得以奠定,并对后世小说、戏曲创作产生了重大影响。  相似文献   

在传统历史观念遭到人们普遍质疑的今天,重写历史不仅是一种建构新历史观的策略,也是一种现代性的需求.传统历史小说和新历史小说这两种形态显示了历史小说创作的两种倾向,一种是传统的尊重史实的倾向,一种是现代的颠覆历史、强调文学虚构的倾向.总体来说,当下的历史小说创作是一架倾斜的天平,历史小说作者超越历史,更多在艺术虚构中寻找某种生存的真实.  相似文献   

赫尔曼·麦尔维尔一生的小说创作,大致可以分为前期的长篇阶段和后期的短篇阶段。《文书巴托尔比》是麦尔维尔的第一篇短篇小说,关于这篇作品与他前期创作之间存在的联系,以及这篇作品本身的叙述特点是研究麦尔维尔创作的关键点。借助巴赫金的对话理论,对《文书巴托尔比》叙述中的反讽做一个细致的分析,可以说明麦尔维尔悲剧性的世界观在长篇创作之后的发展,以及在写作中曲折的表现形式。  相似文献   

晚清小说主要以报刊杂志为载体,其广告宣传方式已具近代特色。传播者在各大报纸上登载征文广告;或在杂志上开辟广告专栏做各种广告宣传;或者在随报附送的单页小说上登载广告;或者在单行本的封底上介绍小说作品等。晚清小说的传播者通过广告,宣传救国救民的办刊宗旨、阐明小说理念,指导作家借鉴中外小说艺术规则,提倡千奇百怪的小说类型,强调版权、标明稿酬,或者在杂志上登载与小说无关的商业广告来扩大经济来源。晚清有关小说的广告宣传,推动了小说的发行,对晚清小说的繁荣起到了积极的作用。  相似文献   

This paper offers a historical perspective on government policies for the rationalisation of higher education (HE) in Ireland through a critical re-appraisal of the initiative for ‘merger’ of Trinity College and University College Dublin. The initiative launched by Donogh O'Malley in 1967 was the first significant attempt by an Irish government to transform the institutional architecture of HE. This study sheds new light on the rationale for merger. A key motivation for the merger was to overcome ‘the problem of Trinity College Dublin’: policy-makers sought to integrate Trinity College, long regarded as a Protestant ‘enclave’ in a predominantly Catholic society, within the Irish HE system. O'Malley's initiative sought to bring Trinity College Dublin (TCD) firmly under the control of the state and transcend traditional religious divisions, by circumventing the ‘ban’ on the attendance of Catholics at TCD imposed by the Catholic bishops. This paper also explores the emergence of proactive, interventionist approaches by Irish ministers and officials to policy formulation and implementation in HE.  相似文献   

家庭历史小说是20世纪中国小说中最具历史性、文化性和情感复杂性的小说品种。本文从作家的家乡情结和“出家”追求两方面剖析了促进家族小说成就和局限的原因,指出,传统家庭文化持久熏陶所积淀形成的依恋故土、看重血缘的家情结和追求科学文明、呼唤人性的审美理想,构成作家创作中的家缘与诗思矛盾纠结的复杂的心理根由。  相似文献   

石楠传记小说坚持"以历史真实为依据,合理想象;以艺术真实为根本,不避虚构",即"以真为骨",纪实与虚构相结合,从而使其传记小说在有限中抵达了无限,在以语言为媒介的故事形态中超越"现实世界"而建构起一个跨越时空的"心灵世界"与"艺术世界"。  相似文献   

This article investigates issues surrounding the adoption of the ‘simple view’ of reading. While this theory of the reading process has recently been espoused as the official view of early reading instruction in England, a recent Irish study, discussed in this article, indicated that this view of reading is also widespread among Irish teachers. This article argues that a less simple view of reading recognising the importance of cognitive flexibility, metacognition and explicit comprehension strategy instruction in reading needs to be promoted among all educators. A lack of emphasis on such explicit reading comprehension instruction has been found to be a common thread in research conducted in the United States, in England and in Ireland and is often linked to reading underachievement. Hence, the authors conclude that the implementation of a more holistic and inclusive ‘balanced’ model of reading development is immediately imperative in reading classrooms, both in Ireland and internationally.  相似文献   

五四时期的"问题小说"是我国现代文学史上的重要潮流,是研究中国现代小说发展史的重要一环。在五四运动从高潮到落潮的这段时间,以冰心、庐隐、叶绍钧、王统照等为代表的"问题小说"作家通过其小说创作,表达了对人生问题和社会问题的深切思考。以五四"问题小说"中的家长形象为切入点,将小说中的家长形象进行了类型划分。在细致的文本分析中梳理和分析家长形象在五四"问题小说"中的独特作用及其背后的文化意蕴。透过这一新的视角能够更好地理解五四时期"问题小说"的内涵和价值。  相似文献   

李涵秋的小说客观的反映出了各阶级、各阶层在那个时代的心灵史和社会的历史变迁,将言情与社会结合起来,以社会为经,言情为纬,全面反映了那个时代的历史面目,在文学史上具有重要的意义。而近代狭邪小说也有自我的独特价值,它将小说的表现对象由繁琐的家庭故事改为特殊的社会故事,将展现感情为主的清代人情小说转变为展现士人生活为主,确定了自身的历史地位。但由于表达"情"与"社会"范围的限制,狭邪小说对比于社会言情小说有着巨大的缺点,从而导致了它无可挽回的走向末路。  相似文献   

司各特的历史小说具有:历史为题材的内容,长于想象、重视虚构,个性化的私人生活场景的描写等特征.这些特征在司各特的时代引起共鸣,是因为此时正在兴起的浪漫主义运动孕育了人们接受这种文学的社会心理,因而司各特具有浪漫主义特征的历史小说在那一时代显得特别引人注目,最终被人们广泛接受,西文的历史小说也因此而定型.  相似文献   

In contrast to the previous article this one emphasises the importance of reading fiction. The joy of getting engrossed in ‘a good book’ is certainly something we should offer children. It is only one part of reading but an important one. Indeed its power to get the reading habit established is hard to over-emphasise. Hence this survey of factors that seem to affect children's voluntary fiction reading is interesting. The authors argue that the habit is a tender plant, easily disturbed. Both authors work at the Faculty of Education, New University of Ulster, Coleraine, Northern Ireland, and will supply a longer research report ‘Words, Words, Words’ on request.  相似文献   

This essay examines novels in which children or teens in an urban environment, left on their own for a variety of reasons (such as poverty, war, plague, nuclear disaster, or technological breakdown), join together to form a community that explores alternative versions of home and family. The urban survival novel, to distinguish it from the more popular wilderness survival story, encompasses a wide variety of genres, including fantasy, satire, science fiction, social realism, and historical fiction. These novels involve dramatic shifts of perspective—inside/outside, above/below, before/after—which challenge protagonists (and readers) to see the world around them differently and to confront other points of view. The 1970s ushered in a wave of urban survival fiction that has continued to the present; I speculate on why these survival scenarios have proved so compelling for young adult readers.  相似文献   

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