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关于技术促进学习的五定律   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文首先将学习情景定义为“对一个或一系列学习事件或学习活动的综合描述”,学习情景包含学习时间、学习地点、学习伙伴、学习活动四个要素,而作为学习情景核心的学习活动,包含学习任务、学习方法与评价要求三个基本组成部分;其次,按照学习情景组成要素的或缺程度,将典型情景分为课堂听讲、个人自学、研讨性学习、边做边学与基于工作的学习等五大类型;第三,将有效学习活动定义为“学习者在预期的时间内完成学习任务、达到学习目标的过程”,并阐释了有效学习活动的五个条件为:以真实问题为起点,以学习兴彬意愿为动力,以学习活动的体验为外显行为,以分析性思考为内隐行为,以指导、反馈为外部支持;最后提出为实施有效学习活动,利用技术促进学习需要满足数字化学习资源、虚拟学习社区、学习管理系统、设计者心理、学习者心理等五个定律,即TEL五定律。  相似文献   

通过对高中生在生物学学习中对不同学习方式的兴趣的调查研究 ,发现学生们对不同学习方式的兴趣水平差异显著 ,最感兴趣的学习方式是体验式学习 ;其次是接受式学习 ;再次是讨论式学习 ;兴趣水平最低的学习方式是读写式学习。对这四种学习方式的兴趣 ,男女生之间以及选修不同科目的学生之间的差异均不显著 ;对体验式学习和接受式学习的兴趣 ,不同年级学生之间的差异均不显著 ,而对读写式学习和讨论式学习的兴趣却是高三年级显著低于低年级学生。  相似文献   

为实现网络学习中的有效学习,文章在了解国内外反思性学习研究的基础上,从哲学的角度对反思及反思性学习做了重新认识:反思是一个过程,更是一种能力,是支撑整个反思迭代循环过程的能力集合体;反思性学习是一种内在内容不变,外在形式随时代不断变迁的传统学习策略。其次,以班杜拉三元交互决定论为理论基础,通过对网络学习与传统课堂学习进行比较分析,对影响网络学习中反思性学习的因素做了初步探究,并尝试构建了网络学习中反思性学习模型。  相似文献   

知识经济时代,建立终身学习体系,构建学习型社会已经成为世界教育与发展的共识。移动学习作为一种新兴的学习模式,弱化了时空限制,利用移动学习技术可以构建出理想的学习环境、可以为全民学习、个性化学习、有效学习提供强有力的支持和保障。但作为一种全新的学习模式,移动学习还处于发展与完善阶段,还存在许多问题需要解决。在新形势下如何完善移动学习的不足,利用移动学习技术更好的为构建学习型社会、终身学习型社会服务是一个值得广大教育工作者和社会工作者研究的课题。  相似文献   

Many studies have identified web-based cooperative learning as an increasingly popular educational paradigm with potential to increase learner satisfaction and interactions. However, peer-to-peer interaction often suffers barriers owing to a failure to explore useful social interaction information in web-based cooperative learning environments. This easily leads to learners being unable to seek appropriate learning partners for facilitating effective cooperative learning. This problem frequently causes poor learning effectiveness in web-based cooperative learning environments. Generally, instructor assigned or learner selected learning peers cannot ensure to compose suitable learning partners for individual learners in cooperative learning environments. A suitable learning partner can help the learner, who is learning in the personal way and encounters the difficulty, to solve problems. Inappropriate learning partners cannot only easily lead to poor learning interaction and achievement, but can also lead to the meaning of cooperative learning being lost. Although many web-based learning systems have already been developed to assist cooperative learning, supporting peer-to-peer interaction in computer-supported cooperative learning (CSCL) is still immature. As a result, this study presents a novel scheme for recommending appropriate learning partners for individual learners utilizing mining of learning interactive social networks in a cooperative problem-based learning (PBL) environment. Results of this study show that the proposed scheme helps encourage learners to interact with learning peers more actively and positively, and facilitates learning performance in a cooperative PBL environment.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to review the relevant literature on organisational learning and offer a preliminary conceptual framework as a basis to explore how the multi-levels of individual learning and team learning interact in a public healthcare organisation. The organisational learning literature highlights a need for further understanding of how the multi-levels of organisational learning interact and a broadly accepted theory of organisational learning has not yet emerged. Organisational learning is a multi-level concept and while there has been some multi-level research, more is required to understand the mechanisms that facilitate the flow of learning between the levels. This paper explores multi-level learning, using action learning as a basis through which we consider how individual learning and team learning interact. The preliminary conceptual framework seeks to contribute to our understanding of the interaction between the individual and team levels of learning and the processes and conditions that facilitate or hinder the flow of learning. As this framework provides a means of exploring individual learning in a team setting it has the potential to develop understanding as to how to enhance the effectiveness of learning interactions in the healthcare sector and other sectors. In turn this exploration could lead to enhanced understanding of the mechanisms involved in the flow of learning.  相似文献   

文章首先聚焦于"自我导向学习"和"智慧学习空间",设计了智慧学习空间支持的师范生自我导向学习模式。之后,文章在某高校"现代教育技术"实验课中开展了为期18周的实证研究,探讨了自我导向学习对师范生自主学习能力、学业成绩和在线学习行为的影响,结果发现:自我导向学习对学习者策略、资源利用两个维度的自主学习能力提升效果明显,但在态度维度提升不明显;自我导向学习整体提升了学业成绩,尤其是对低自主学习水平者的学业成绩和自主学习能力提升效果更明显,但其在在线自主学习行为方面表现欠佳。最后,文章提出给予情感支持、设计多元智能活动组合策略和提供及时高效反馈的适切策略,以期在智慧学习空间中有效开展自我导向学习。  相似文献   

高职院校建设学习型党组织,就是要创新学习理念、学习载体、学习机制,营造浓厚的学习氛围,树立先进的学习理念,明确有效的学习方法,使学习成为常态化和普遍化行为,探索建设高职院校学习型党组织的长效保障和转化机制。  相似文献   

Because learning English is extremely popular in non-native English speaking countries, developing modern assisted-learning schemes that facilitate effective English learning is a critical issue in English-language education. Vocabulary learning is vital within English learning because vocabulary comprises the basic building blocks of English sentences. Therefore, numerous studies have attempted to increase the efficiency and performance of learning English vocabulary. ‘The situational learning approach’ proposed that ‘context’ is an important consideration in the language learning process and can enhance learner learning interest and efficiency. Restated, meaningful vocabulary learning occurs only when the learning process is integrated with social, cultural and life contexts. With the rapid development of context-awareness techniques, the development of context-aware mobile learning systems, which can support learners in learning without constraints of time or place via mobile devices and associate learning activities with real learning environment, enables the conduct of a novel context-aware ubiquitous learning mode to enhance English vocabulary learning. Accordingly, this study proposes a personalised context-aware ubiquitous learning system (PCULS) for learning English vocabulary based on learner location as detected by wireless positioning techniques, learning time, individual English vocabulary abilities and leisure time, enabling learners to adapt their learning content to effectively support English vocabulary learning in a school environment. Experimental results indicated that the accuracy of the employed wireless positioning scheme is over 92%, which is sufficient to help learners detect their locations. Additionally, the PCULS has been successfully implemented on PDA devices in a school environment to support effective situational English vocabulary learning. Experimental result indicates that the learning performance of learners who used personalised English vocabulary learning systems with context awareness (i.e. PCULS) was superior to learners who used personalised English vocabulary learning systems without context awareness.  相似文献   

开设研究性学习课程是我国本次课程改革的一个重要措施。然而 ,这一课程又同时被理解为一种学习方式 ,从而使人们对研究性学习与探究学习的关系产生了种种模糊认识。一些人认为 ,这两种学习方式是完全一样的 ,只是名称不同 ;而另一些人认为 ,研究性学习是比探究学习更加“高级”的学习方式 ,它应该包含探究学习。本文提出 ,应该将研究性学习看成是探究学习的特殊形式 ,主要用于面向跨学科的现实问题的研究性学习课程中 ;除了在研究性学习课程中促进学生探究学习以外 ,还应该在学科教学中采用灵活多样的方式促进学生开展探究学习  相似文献   

刘铭  武法提 《电化教育研究》2021,42(1):87-92,114
为解决“互联网+”时代学习路径辨识难、个性化学习信息过滤难、学习碎片化等“富信息时代”典型学习问题,文章以构建学习服务模式作为问题解决的切入点,采用系统论方法以学习场景作为分析单位,探究了场景化理念的内涵,发现“互联网+”时代信息传播具有基于用户场景的个性化信息服务特性和信息增值效用;构建了学习场景模型,由学习者、学习时间、学习空间和学习活动四要素及其各自构成元素组成;以场景化信息传播模式为基本框架推演出场景化学习服务模式的结构模型,由学习需求分析、学习资源推荐、潜在交互场景生成、学习场景切换、交互场景生成、学习服务效果评价以及修改七个模块构成;确立了场景化学习服务学习延续性、学习资源推荐强度和场景边界划分三项原则。  相似文献   

单元学习过程设计是单元教学设计的重要组成部分,是在单元教学内容分析和学情分析的基础上,为了实现单元学习目标而把一系列由简单到复杂、由浅入深的学习事件组织起来的系统规划。基于学习进阶设计单元学习过程包括大概念与大思路的形成、学习方式转变等。单元学习过程设计应建构学习进阶假设,从整体上规划学生核心素养的发展。  相似文献   

就"教"与"学"的关系而言,当前大致存在着"少教多学"、"先学后教"、"以学定教"、"教学合一"、"教学相长"五种范型。其中",少教多学"主要表征为一种批判"多教少学"的有效教学理念";先学后教"主要表征为一种突破"先教后学"的课堂教学模式;"以学定教"主要表征为一种反驳"以教定学"的教学活动逻辑;"教学合一"主要表征为一种针对"教学分离"的教学协同意识";教学相长"主要表征为一种超越"教学互损"的教师职业境界。探讨这五种关系范型的理论价值在于构建一个关于中国基础教育教学改革的总体认知框架。  相似文献   

探索自适应学习的发展,发现自适应学习蕴含了学习主体的个体适应、学习过程的情境性、学习同伴的交互性、学习支持服务的全程性等基本内涵.解构自适应学习要素可以发现,自适应学习的结构元素包含人、学习场域、学习过程和学习评价.考察自适应学习过程,自适应学习可以分为准备情况对接、学习行为调控和自我提升几个过程.同时,提出了促进自适应学习的原则和策略.  相似文献   

终身学习与学习化社会   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
建立学习化社会,实现终身学习,是进入知识经济时代世界各国的必然选择。它一方面要求学校向社会开放,为各类社会成员提供多种、多次受教育的机会,形成开放、灵活、发达、完备的终身教育体系。一方面要求创建学习型组织、学习型家庭、学习型企业、学习型社区,形成人人学习、终身学习的环境和氛围,使学习成为基本的生存和发展方式。  相似文献   

This article explores the perspectives of seven teachers in England who teach pupils with severe profound and multiple learning difficulties about their learning to teach this group of students. Teachers’ views were captured through a combination of synchronous and asynchronous online communications. Four themes emerged from teachers’ perspectives about their own learning: learning through doing in the classroom, learning through self-inquiry and research, learning from and with others and more formal learning opportunities. A constructivist approach to teacher learning is affirmed as a helpful lens to further understand how teachers learn to teach pupils with complex learning profiles. The article supports teacher learning as a holistic process that takes place throughout teachers’ careers. It highlights the value teachers place on learning through doing in the classroom, learning through self-inquiry and research, learning from and with others, as well as formal learning.  相似文献   

采用父母教养方式评定量表(EMBU)和中学生自我导向学习倾向性量表,探讨父母教养方式对中学生自我导向学习的影响。结果显示,父母的情感温暖对中学生消极学习和有效学习具有显著性影响,特别是父亲的情感温暖对中学生主动学习、喜爱学习和开放学习具有显著影响;母亲的情感温暖因子可以有效地预测中学生的主动学习、有效学习、喜爱学习、开放学习和终身学习;父亲的过度干涉对中学生消极学习有显著影响。  相似文献   

作为“互联网+”时代全新的教育理念和学习方式变革,深度学习成为地方本科院校学生学习质量的重要表征。深度学习是高阶思维的认知重构过程,是深度参与的交往互动过程,也是积极投入的主体成长过程。地方本科院校学生从浅层学习到深度学习的演进经历了接受学习、参与学习和创造学习三个阶段。从认知内容、学习动机和社会互动三个维度来看,地方本科院校学生深度学习的实现机制和发展价值是:从原理记忆到项目实践的认知内容高阶化,促进学生文化性发展;从被动接受到主动创新的学习动机内化,促进学生自主性发展;从主客体互动到实践共同体的社会交往深化,促进学生社会性发展。基于此,促进地方本科院校学生深度学习的实践策略为:重视价值观引导和生涯规划、重构充满“获得感”的课程体系、创建学习实践共同体、打造智慧学习生态。  相似文献   

According to experience learning theory (ELT) learning is a process. ELT conceives of learning as a four-stage cycle including four learning modes: concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization and active experimentation. The learning style inventory (LSI) invented from ELT provides a framework for examining one's approach to learning situations. The aim of the present study was to collect data with the LSI and present: (a) the test-retest reliability coefficients for the different learning modes; (b) the correlation between different learning modes and age; (c) gender differences in the learning modes; and (d) homogeneous groups of students with different learning styles. The results showed highly significant reliability coefficients, non-significant correlations between learning modes and age, gender differences in some learning modes, and a cluster analysis found homogenous groups with different learning styles.  相似文献   

该文围绕着信息技术与课程教学的整合问题 ,从生态观的视角提出了整合性学习模型。把学习环境分为两大侧面 :学习社群和信息资源。技术作为学习者与学习环境互动的中介工具 ,主要发挥四种功能 :学习监控工具、媒体、信息处理工具和社群互动工具。在此基础上具体分析了各种信息技术在接受学习、探究学习、合作学习和个别化学习等不同类型的学习模式中的整合应用  相似文献   

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