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阅读教学中的对话所追求的是一种平等、民主的主体间性师生关系,对话语境下文本解读活动中的寻求理解与自我理解,读者与作者实现尽可能多的视野融合,以及在历史文本中还原作者的体验等,使语言和理解行为获得了新的意义生长点,多元视野下历史主体的"不在场"与文本"在场"的融合使得意想不到的意义关系展现出来。  相似文献   

When reading in the classroom, teachers may use different methods. We examined the impact of different reading conditions on comprehension. Reading aloud involved reading the text aloud for an audience. Silent reading required the students to read the text silently. Follower reading involved listening to another student read the text aloud while having the text available for individual reading. Thirty-six fifth- and sixth-grade students read texts under the three conditions and then took comprehension tests. The students performed equally well under reading aloud and silent reading. Follower reading resulted in worse comprehension. The data suggest that the follower readers focused on their individual reading, making an effort not to listen to the student reading out loud, which consumed cognitive resources. Since reading aloud in the classroom involves not only one loud reader but also a lot of follower readers, silent reading might be the smartest choice.  相似文献   


Dyad reading involves a lower level reader paired with a higher level reading partner who models proficient oral reading while providing access to challenging texts. Previous research has reported increased reading fluency and comprehension for participants of dyad reading; however, to date no research has investigated how dyad reading may influence student attitudes toward reading. Using mixed effects linear modeling, this quasi-experimental study of third graders investigated the academic and attitudinal outcomes for students who read in dyads for 15?minutes daily for 90 school days. Results indicated that dyad readers experienced mixed outcomes in improving reading proficiency and a pattern of decline in reading attitudes compared to students in the control group. While lower level dyad readers demonstrated significant gains on a measure of comprehension, there were no differences between groups on several other measures of reading. Recommendations target how to maximize the use of dyad reading to support students’ reading development without eroding their perceptions of themselves as readers.  相似文献   

针对现在阅读教学中存在浮、浅、散、空等问题,提出了“批注式”阅读教学的理念。“批注式的阅读”是传统读书“不动笔墨不读书”的直接体现,与古之所谓的“评点”一脉相承。根据批注阅读所特有的优势,努力探寻批注的方法,引导学生通过“理解、评价、抒情、感想”式等批注方法,将批注式阅读作为日常生活中的一种习惯,并且将这种边读边思、边读边注的习惯纳入到日常的生活中,使阅读教学真正落到实处。  相似文献   

This study replicated, with modifications, previous research of dyad reading using texts at various levels of difficulty (Morgan, 1997). The current project measured the effects of using above–grade-level texts on reading achievement and sought to determine the influences of dyad reading on both lead and assisted readers. Results indicate that weaker readers, using texts at two, three, and four grade levels above their instructional levels with the assistance of lead readers, outscored both proficient and less proficient students in the control group across multiple measures of reading achievement. However, the gains made by assisted readers were not significantly different relative to the various text levels. When all assessments were considered, assisted readers reading texts two grade levels above their instructional levels showed the most robust gains in oral reading fluency and comprehension. Lead readers also benefited from dyad reading and continued their respective reading developmental trajectories across measures.  相似文献   

传统的图式理论将图式分为语言图式、内容图式和形式图式三大类。随着元认知概念的提出,众多实验证明对阅读策略元认知程度的不同是阅读能力强和弱的学生之间的主要区别,也成为了有效运用图式理论帮助阅读理解的重要因素。因此,图式理论应将对阅读策略的元认知这一维度纳入其分类之中。基于此,阅读教学中,教师应在阅读前帮助学生激活图式;在阅读过程中,帮助学生将图式具体化、形象化;在阅读后,对阅读进行拓展,帮助学生对已有图式进行完善,提高学生对包括阅读策略元认知在内的四大类图式的理解和运用,全面提高阅读能力。  相似文献   

The purpose of this qualitative study was to describe the reading volume and book choices of fourth-grade students and how they identified as readers. Students were encouraged to read 50 books independently. The results showed that students read throughout the year. Grade-level readers described themselves as being a part of the book, while above- and below-grade-level readers identified by their rate of reading. All students increased in reading achievement as measured through assessments.  相似文献   

孙育宏 《成人教育》2013,(11):77-80
随着九年义务教育的普及和大学扩招政策的实施,我国国民的文化素质得到了很大的提高,但是网络时代“知识碎片化”和“信息超载”导致的“阅读综合症”是我国建构学习型社会的重大障碍。如何有效提升国民阅读素养成为广大普通读者面临的巨大挑战,极大地制约着我国建构学习型社会进程,也成为我国广大教育工作者必须解决的重大教育问题。文章试图从艾德勒的阅读层次理论角度以不同读者群体阅读童话故事《小马过河》为例探索现阶段国民阅读素养提高的有效途径。  相似文献   

Four reading strategies and several web tools that are effective for reading closely and identifying textual evidence are described and explained. As teacher-educators with many years of experience teaching reading and the language arts, we have found these reading strategies and web tools helpful for middle school students as they consider evidence when forming opinions and making decisions about their reading. Using close reading as our theoretical framework, the reading strategies and web tools presented here provide visual displays of evidence found in the texts that students read. These strategies are helpful for all students and especially for struggling middle school readers as they learn to read closely, think clearly, and construct arguments about evidence found in the texts they read.  相似文献   

作为泛读课堂教学不可缺少的重要补充,泛读课外阅读学习需要关注个体学生的不同阅读兴趣与需求,帮助学生成长为具有自主阅读能力的人。必读、选读、定题读三合一泛读课外学习模式旨在改革传统大学泛读课外阅读现状,将传统的“完全教师控制”模式、“完全放任”模式转化为教师与学生商讨式的“必读、选读、定题读综合学习”模式。模式的核心在于激励学生进行主动的、自主的、有目标的课外阅读。它鼓励学生在课外阅读中的合作学习、师生之间的沟通交流。通过阅读开发学生高级思雏,并提高他们开展延展性活动的能力。其最终目标是培养学生的自主阅读意识和能力,使学生逐步掌握自主阅读所需的语言学习认知策略和自我管理元认知策略。  相似文献   

This study facilitates the use of Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM) to investigate the effect of short vowels on oral reading fluency (ORF) and silent reading comprehension in Arabic orthography. A total sample of 131 fifth-grade students (89 skilled readers and 42 poor readers) participated in the study. Two kinds of CBM probes were administered: CBM ORF and CBM Maze. Nine texts of each kind were presented in three reading conditions: fully vowelized, partially vowelized and unvowelized. Results indicated that CBM ORF and CBM Maze tests distinguished between skilled and poor readers in all vowelization conditions. In addition, vowels were a good facilitator of oral reading fluency and silent reading comprehension for both types of readers. Implications and suggestions for future research are discussed in this study as well.  相似文献   

阅读是聋学生形成和发展汉语言能力的一个重要途径,但阅读的持久进行必须依靠阅读时产生的愉悦。手语故事形象生动,容易理解,受到聋学生的喜爱,是引导和帮助聋学生找到阅读乐趣的有效方法。在教育教学中,通过手语故事引导和帮助聋学生自主阅读,又通过自主阅读引导他们讲好手语故事,形成良性循环。这一方法使学生的阅读始终伴随着丰富生动的故事情节,有效地改变了聋学生阅读低效或无效的状态,帮助他们获得了阅读的快乐,使他们逐步形成了自主阅读的习惯和能力。  相似文献   

阅读自古以来被看作是语言教学中最重要的组成部分,因此,许多外语教师不断地探索英语阅读教学法,本文从句法知识的角度来分析句子结构,简化了长句,使阅读者能够准确、快速地理解句子意思,从而更好地理解整篇文章的内容,提高阅读理解的准确率。在阅读教学中,有目的地使学生掌握和运用句法知识来分析句子,对学生的阅读理解有着很大的帮助。  相似文献   

In order to comprehend and ultimately enjoy reading a text, a reader must first be engaged in it. However, many high school students have difficulty engaging with texts for a variety of reasons. This study was interested in innovative solutions to this problem and examined the educational and aesthetic value of a particular digital video reading aid designed to help engage high school students in reading literature. Results suggested that this reading solution did indeed engage these students in the text while also helping them comprehend, critically analyze, and enjoy the reading experience as a whole. Additionally, these students positively responded to a bonus literature discussion section, thereby suggesting their desire to co-construct meanings with other readers.  相似文献   

中国大学的外语学习者主要依靠阅读来获取输入,帮助学生成为自主阅读者对其自主学习至关重要。大学英语教师应该重视对学生课外自主阅读的指导。本文在对课外阅读材料的选择、学生课外阅读活动的管理,以及教学的启示几方面进行了粗略的探讨。  相似文献   

要使大学生成为高效的阅读者,在大学英语基础阶段,教师应努力地激发学生的阅读兴趣,注重学生阅读基础训练,通过传授给学生有效的词汇记忆方法和阅读技巧,使学生获得良好的阅读技能,从而提高阅读水平。  相似文献   

This paper introduces the concept of ‘reading resilience’: students’ ability to read and interpret complex and demanding literary texts by drawing on advanced, engaged, critical reading skills. Reading resilience is a means for rethinking the place and pedagogies of close reading in the contemporary literary studies classroom. Our research was across four Australian universities and the first study of its kind in the Australian context. We trialled three working strategies to support students to become consistent and skilled readers, and to equip teachers with methods for coaching reading: ‘setting the scene’ for reading, surveying students on their reading experiences and habits, and rewarding reading within assessment. We argue that the nature and pedagogy of close reading has not been interrogated as much as it should be and that the building of reading resilience is less about modelling or outlining best practice for close reading (as has traditionally been thought) and more about deploying contextual, student-centred teaching and learning strategies around reading. The goal is to encourage students to develop a broad suite of skills and knowledge around reading that will equip them long term (for the university and beyond). We measured the effectiveness of our strategies through seeking formal and informal student feedback, and through students’ demonstration of skills and knowledge within assessment.  相似文献   

现代文阅读教学是语文教学的重要组成部分。要提高现代文阅读教学效率,应重视培养学生良好的阅读习惯和科学和学习方法。具体可从四个方面着手:1.引导学按整体性原则来理解文章;2.引导学生根据生活的阅历来理解文章;3.引导学生用已有的知识来理解文章;4.引导学生培养归纳总结解堤技巧的能力。  相似文献   

图书馆导读是一项教育活动,其目的在于提高读者的阅读修养,增强阅读效益。高校图书馆的导读更是读者服务工作的核心与灵魂;是对学生课堂学习的延伸和补充;是图书馆教育职能的具体体现。导读既"餐人以鱼"又"授人以渔",其参与教育教学的内容、方法,具有自己独特的特性。所以必须建立一个有效的导读系统来帮助图书馆的受众群体查找、利用文献信息。导读要求从业人员具有高尚的品德、较高的文化素质和信息素质。  相似文献   

传统的大学英语阅读教学偏重于接受能力的培养,不利于逻辑思维能力和语言运用能力的提高。而多维英语阅读教学模式,可以从多个角度辅助学生进行阅读实践,培养学生施展其阅读技巧和策略,独立思维和剖析问题以及运用已有知识和信息进行有效交际的能力。  相似文献   

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