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This paper reports on research on the attitudes of a differentiated sample of students to Catholic schools in general and religious education in particular. Core Catholic youth are described, following Fulton et al. (2000 Fulton, J., Abela, A., Borowik, I., Dowling, T., Marler, P. and Tomasi, L. 2000. Young Catholics at the New Millennium; the Religion and Morality of Young Adults in Western Countries, Dublin: University College Press.  [Google Scholar]: Young Catholics at the New Millennium, Dublin, University College Press), as individuals who have an existing connection with the parish community. Some results that emerge from 58 in‐depth interviews with 14‐ and 15‐year‐old core Catholics are that they value their time in Catholic schools, feel that they are in a safe environment and are not well networked with others of a similar background. Attitudes to religious education by core Catholic youth are described as weak positive. Religious education is not unpopular but is not seen as a discipline that helps resolve some of the difficulties that they experience as young Catholics. These difficulties relate to trying to reconcile what they see as the conflict between the scientific and religious view of creation and many supernatural religious claims.  相似文献   

The results indicate that in Flanders secondary schools of different denomination and of different school type (based on their curriculum offerings) differ with respect to several characteristics. With respect to the educational framework, learning environment and learning climate differences between schools are small and differences are more situated within schools. Multilevel analysis reveals that almost 19% of the variance in mathematics achievement is at school level. The effect of denomination is small and disappears when student background (which is related to school practice) is taken into account. The effect of school type remains important when controlled for student background and denomination. Group composition, the social and learning climate, and the opportunity to learn seem to matter and explain almost 90% of the school effect. They also explain more than four fifths of the effect of school type (and denomination together) which accounts for 65% of the school level variance.  相似文献   

This article provides the history of Catholic state-aided schooling in Zambia for over a century. It notes how the Catholic Church came to view its school to be a pivotal means of church development. By cooperation with the state it entered more fully into the nation’s future by offering high-quality state-sponsored schooling. This proved to engender its acceptance because this is what the younger generation of Zambians treasured. Progressively, the Catholic school faced a major challenge by becoming embedded in a paradigm of learning that ran counter to its religious mission. It will be argued that this dilemma remains and that the future of the Catholic school in Zambia and beyond pivots on a satisfactory outcome if it is to make a distinctive contribution.  相似文献   

中学时期是道德形成长的关键时期,中学德育与心理健康教育具有重要的意义.本文通过对中学德育和心理健康教育的比较研究,揭示其区别及内在联系,通过对中学德育与心理健康教育特点、形式、手段及不足进行探讨,最后提出将中学德育与心理健康教育紧密结合,才能够达到教育的最佳效果.  相似文献   

德育的理想与德育的有效性   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
如何提高德育的有效性 ,是学校教育长期关注的重大现实课题。在新的社会历史条件下 ,要提高德育的有效性 ,必须防止德育概念的泛化 ,凸现德育目标的超越性 ,彰显道德教育的实践特征 ,关注学生的主体需要 ,体现以人为本的精神 ,并充分发挥“乐”在学校德育中的作用。  相似文献   

学校体育以其丰富的教学内容、多样的教学手段、生动的教学形式 ,对学生养成良好的道德行为习惯 ,提高学生的综合素质 ,具有重要的作用 .对学生进行思想品德教育是学校体育工作的重要内容之一 .  相似文献   

Ontario’s new Character Development Initiative is analyzed to determine whether it can be characterized as political spectacle. Examination of official policy texts, media reports, speeches, web pages, webcasts, and events at the Character Development Symposium suggests that the Initiative contains many elements of political spectacle; however, the policy has received little coverage in traditional media. Media coverage is considered as an essential component of political spectacles. In this case, media coverage is limited to digital media produced by the Ontario government itself. This raises questions about the implications of new media forms for the theory of political spectacle. I demonstrate that digital media offer new means for bringing political spectacles to citizens and enable governments to have greater control over their content. Since political spectacles facilitated by traditional media promote the status quo and make critical analysis of public policy difficult, government‐produced digital media might put democracy at even greater risk. Alternatively, government websites post texts that can be analyzed by citizens and used to promote democracy in education. I conclude that the strategic use of language and illusions of democracy, whether brought to citizens through digital or traditional media, are essential components of political spectacle.  相似文献   

Plural public schooling: religion,worldviews and moral education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Educators seek to nurture in the hearts and minds of students a sense of moral thinking, action and behaviour. What these constitute is dependent on one’s perspective, or worldview. Moral thinking and action emerge from worldviews or visions of life—religious or secular. In the history of common or public schools educators have linked moral education to traditional religion, severed those ties in favour of secular perspectives, and of late have shifted focus to educating for citizenship. In each case concern regarding whose values, morals and perspectives dominate surfaces. In a society with plural perspectives, no one worldview should dominate public schools that should be ‘open to all’. A plural public school grounds moral decision‐making in worldviews, and encourages students to increase their understanding of worldviews in general, while deepening their own in particular. Hence, perspectives that ground moral convictions come to attain particular importance and significance, and it behooves us to explore rather than ignore them.  相似文献   

大学教育在于养成"人"的教育,在于人的知识技能和人文道德素养的全面提高。在急剧转型的社会新形式下,将培养"四有"新人和养成教育相结合、传承中华传统美德、提倡知行合一、重视人的和谐发展是当今中国高等教育发展的题中应有之义。  相似文献   

德育工作是各级各类学校教育工作的重要组成部分,对于中职学校而言,中职生自身的特点决定了德育工作在提高教育质量及学生综合素质方面发挥着举足轻重的作用。中职生的特殊性给德育工作的开展带来了前所未有的困难和挑战,在学校教育教学活动中,我们应该采用丰富多样的形式加强学生的德育管理工作。  相似文献   

高校体育教学中的思想品德教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑国荣 《高教论坛》2002,(1):29-30,24
本文对体育教学中思想品德教育的途径和方法进行了探讨 ,同时提出了思想品德教育中应注意的问题 ,以期寓思想品德教育于体育教学之中  相似文献   

Religious education (RE) in Catholic high schools in Australia and Canada is compared by examining some of the underlying structural factors that shape the delivery of RE. It is argued that in Canadian Catholic schools RE is diminished by three factors that distinguish it from the Australian experience. These are: the level and history of government funding which in turn leads to a relative lack of autonomy of Catholic schools to control their own RE curriculum; external political and social influences on the RE curriculum which is apparent in the popular election of Catholic school trustees; and most decisively, the absence of strong, ongoing bureaucratic support of RE.  相似文献   

A dearth of literature examines across-school disparities in education resources within local government agencies, particularly in Asia Pacific countries. Little is known about what leads to their inequitable distributions. In this article, we provide some answers by decomposing the inequalities of school resources. In Korea, individual schools make their own revenues from three different sources: local education government agencies (LEA), municipalities, and their parents. Following the economic literature on income inequality, we explored how much each revenue source is attributable to overall disparities. Our results reveal that the LEAs are the greatest contributor to horizontal inequality while parents are the main source of vertical inequality. These findings provide useful policy implications for better equitable distributions of public education resources.  相似文献   

It was in the late nineteenth century that teaching in Sweden’s elementary schools began its transformation from a religious education to a broader, national citizenship education that included history and geography. International research has pointed to a connection between the introduction of school inspections and the reform of public education during this period. In Sweden, however, the practice of inspection has not been explored at any length. This article therefore considers the part played by school inspections in the implementation of a more extensive curriculum in Swedish elementary schools in the period 1860–1900, with a particular focus on the subject of history, using a study of inspection reports from the diocese of Uppsala. It is argued that school inspectors had a key role in initiating reform at the local level, but also that the move towards broader-based citizenship education was not a simple, straightforward process.  相似文献   

Many developing countries are investing in large-scale initiatives to deploy information and communications technology in schools. However, merely equipping schools with hardware and software does not guarantee that the technology is used effectively to improve learning outcomes. This study aims to identify factors that influence the use of technology in schools in a developing-country context. It investigates this through a multiple-case study of the Australian AID tablet computer programme in the Philippines, in which 1000 tablets were given to nine public schools for student use. Focusing specifically on the impact at a whole-school level, the study revealed factors affecting outcomes that were specific to a developing-country context, as well as confirming the relevance of more general factors identified in the literature. The study also brings to light tablet-specific benefits and issues in this context. These results have implications for the effective school-level implementation of technology programmes in developing countries. Recommendations that proceed from these are presented for policy-makers and school administrators looking to use these devices in schools.  相似文献   


This research examines teaching outdoor education in two rural primary schools in Aotearoa New Zealand. The aim was to give ‘voice’ to how outdoor education is taught, programmed and understood. Underpinning the research was the question: what factors enable/constrain teachers’ ability to implement outdoor education? The findings suggest: confusion about outdoor education terminology and the educative purpose of school ‘camps’; schools ‘do what they have always done’, particularly when decisions about outdoor education contexts are dominated by senior management; financial restrictions; and teachers feeling ill-prepared in terms of safety management because of their limited pre-service and post-service teacher education. This research highlights that what to teach, how to teach and where to teach outdoor education needs more consideration and attention for teachers to be better informed about safe outdoor practices and quality pedagogy in, for and about the outdoors.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to explain why the policy history of school funding in regard to Australian Catholic Education looks and sounds the way it does today through the production of a genealogy of the subject. The questions addressed are, first, why has the funding of Catholic schools in Australia become an occluded historical site since the 1970s, despite the controversy in which popular accounts of the funding of Australian schools is mired, and when its prevalence so completely dominated the discourses of Australian education in the prior century? Second, has funding policy discourse been defined and contained and what basis is there for contesting such discourse in light of events since that period of time? Third, which or whose policy version triumphs and becomes the accepted policy process and which other policy approaches are obliterated in this process? The theoretical perspective adopted in this paper draws from both postmodern critiques and cultural theories of historical construction, as framed within Foucauldian Studies.  相似文献   

近现代社会新式教育快速兴起,新式学校逐渐取代传统的私塾和书院,成为教育机构的主流。政府在发展和普及新教育的过程中,一方面新设大量学校,另一方面也对传统教育机构进行改造,使融入新的学校系统。相比较而言,书院改学堂较为容易;传统私塾因为数量庞大,分布散乱,成份繁杂,改造起来难度大、时间长。教育行政机关通过组织塾师培训、审定塾师资格、实行设塾登记等形式,积极开展对私塾的改造,使之逐渐脱离旧的教育模式,在教学组织、教育内容、教育方法和学校管理上向新式学校靠近,为新教育的发展服务。  相似文献   

近代石家庄作为迅速崛起的新兴城市,其教育发展状况却异常缓慢,并不像人口聚集那样迅速,人口与教育两者未形成均衡发展的局面。“七七事变”之前,石家庄学校教育规模甚小,公立学校极度匮乏,教育普及的广泛程度长期落伍,未能确立其区域教育文化中心的地位,未能担负起区域教育文化中心的职能。其主要原因在于石家庄长期以来没有形成统一的城市管理体制,畸形政体造成百弊丛生,使得城市综合管理严重缺失。  相似文献   

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