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Infants of 3.5 months (N = 124) were given the opportunity to learn to relate two objects and their natural, distinctive sounds during a training phase. The objects and sounds were united by temporal synchrony and amodal audiovisual information specifying object composition. Infants then participated in one of three types of transfer tests (requiring low, moderate, or high degrees of generalization) to measure the extent to which intermodal knowledge generalized to a new task and across events (familiar events; change in color/shape; change in substance, motion, and color/shape). Results indicated that infants tested with the familiar events and with events of a new color/shape showed learning and transfer of knowledge. In contrast, infants tested with events of a new substance, motion, and color/shape showed no generalization of learning. Thus, infants of 3.5 months appear to show a moderate degree of generalization of intermodal knowledge across events. Although this knowledge is not restricted to the events of original learning, it cannot yet be flexibly extended across a variety of contexts.  相似文献   

This article examines the assumptions and methods of conventional instructional media research to gauge its sufficiency as a basis for issuing the controversial finding that media do not influence learning and as an inquiry model for documenting media's educational effects generally. Examples of complex media effects are given and emerging media application paradigms are identified to support the argument that both a new conceptualization of the media and learning question and new approaches to its study are needed. An alternative values framework for guiding research on the effects of modern interactive technologies in complex learning environments is offered.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated 4-, 6-, and 8-month-old infants' perception of the audible, visible, and combined attributes of bimodally specified syllables. Ninety-six infants in each experiment were habituated to a person mouthing and uttering a syllable and then tested for detection of changes of either the audible, visible, or combined attributes of the syllable. When the attributes of the syllable were produced in an adult-directed manner, all three age groups discriminated the audible and bimodal attribute changes but only the 8-month-olds discriminated the visible one. When the difference between the familiar and novel attributes of the syllable was enhanced by testing with a novel syllable produced in an infant-directed manner, all three age groups detected all three types of changes. Finally, to test the possible role of audiovisual synchrony in responsiveness, infants were tested with an asynchronous syllable spoken either by the same person or by a novel person following habituation to a synchronous syllable. Results suggested that at four months infants attended primarily to the featural information, at six months primarily to the asynchrony, and at eight months to both features independently. These results help identify some of the important dimensions of multimodal speech during early development.  相似文献   


Many science curricula and standards emphasise that students should learn both scientific knowledge and the skills associated with the construction of this knowledge. One way to achieve this goal is to use inquiry-learning activities that embed the use of science process skills. We investigated the influence of scientific reasoning skills (i.e. conceptual and procedural knowledge of the control-of-variables strategy) on students’ conceptual learning gains in physics during an inquiry-learning activity. Eighth graders (n?=?189) answered research questions about variables that influence the force of electromagnets and the brightness of light bulbs by designing, running, and interpreting experiments. We measured knowledge of electricity and electromagnets, scientific reasoning skills, and cognitive skills (analogical reasoning and reading ability). Using structural equation modelling we found no direct effects of cognitive skills on students’ content knowledge learning gains; however, there were direct effects of scientific reasoning skills on content knowledge learning gains. Our results show that cognitive skills are not sufficient; students require specific scientific reasoning skills to learn science content from inquiry activities. Furthermore, our findings illustrate that what students learn during guided inquiry activities becomes visible when we examine both the skills used during inquiry learning and the process of knowledge construction. The implications of these findings for science teaching and research are discussed.  相似文献   

Adults use both first-order, or categorical, relations among features (e.g., the nose is above the mouth), and second-order, or fine spatial relations (e.g., the space between eyes), to process faces. Adults' expertise in face processing is thought to be based on the use of second-order relations. In the current study, 5-month-olds detected second-order changes, but 3-month-olds failed to detect second-order changes induced by 2 different manipulations. Three-month-olds did detect first-order changes, however. Also, inversion affected 5-month-olds' processing of second-order but not first-order information. These results suggest that, although sensitivity to first-order relations is available by 3 months or earlier, sensitivity to second-order information may not develop until sometime between 3 and 5 months of age.  相似文献   

Two studies investigated how preschool children's interpretations of novel words as names for parts of objects were affected by 3 kinds of information: (a) whole object familiarity, (b) whole part juxtaposition, and (c) syntactic information indicating possession. Study 1 tested 3- to 4-year-olds and found that although there was evidence that all information affected children's part-term interpretations to some extent, they were most systematic when provided with 2 or more kinds of information. Study 2 adapted the procedure for use with 2.5-year-olds and found the same general pattern of results. Variations across studies were found that may reflect changes in how different kinds of information affect word learning with development.  相似文献   

传统档案管理向现代档案信息化转型变革发展中,面临着诸多相互关联的问题,如传统技术方法与现代技术方法的关系;档案信息数据库建设与信息网络化的关系;收藏与利用的关系;信息化与档案人员素质的关系。正确处理好这些问题。对推动档案事业的发展,具有积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

In the literature on the situated and distributed nature of cognition, the coordination of spatial organization and the structure of human practices and relations is accepted as a fact. To date, science educators have yet to build on such research. Drawing on an ethnographic study of high school students during an internship in a scientific research laboratory, which we understand as a “perspicuous setting” and a “smart setting,” in which otherwise invisible dimensions of human practices become evident, we analyze the relationship between spatial configurations of the setting and the nature and temporal organization of knowing and learning in science. Our analyses show that spatial aspects of the laboratory projectively organize how participants act and can serve as resources to help the novices to participate in difficult and unfamiliar tasks. First, existing spatial relations projectively organize the language involving interns and lab members. In particular, spatial relations projectively organize where and when pedagogical language should happen; and there are specific discursive mechanisms that produce cohesion in language across different places in the laboratory. Second, the spatial arrangements projectively organize the temporal dimensions of action. These findings allow science educators to think explicitly about organizing “smart contexts” that help learners participate in and learn complex scientific laboratory practices.  相似文献   

Online learning continues to grow, but there is limited empirical research on the personal factors that influence success in online contexts. This investigation addresses this research gap by exploring the relations between several discrete achievement-related emotions (boredom, frustration, and enjoyment) and self-regulated learning behaviors (elaboration and metacognition) in an online course. Results from a survey of 302 undergraduates participating in an online course indicated that enjoyment, a positive activating emotion, was a positive predictor of elaboration and metacognition. Moreover, consistent with previous findings from a similar sample, frustration, a negative activating emotion, emerged as a positive predictor of metacognition. Implications for the theory, research, and practice of online learning are discussed, as are theoretical implications for understanding students' achievement emotions and self-regulated learning behaviors.  相似文献   

Discrimination and memory for video films of women performing different activities was investigated in 5.5 month-old infants. In Experiment 1, infants (N = 24) were familiarized to the faces of one of three women performing one of three repetitive activities (blowing bubbles, brushing hair, and brushing teeth). Overall, results indicated discrimination and memory for the actions but not the faces after both a 1-min and a 7-week delay. Memory was demonstrated by a visual preference for the novel actions after the 1-min delay and for the familiar actions after the 7-week delay, replicating prior findings that preferences shift as a function of retention time. Experiment 2 (N = 12) demonstrated discrimination and memory for the faces when infants were presented in static poses at the 1-min delay, but not the 7-week delay. In Experiment 3 (N = 18), discrimination of the actions was replicated, but no discrimination among the objects embedded in the actions (hairbrush, bubble wand, toothbrush) was found. These findings demonstrate the attentional salience of actions over faces in dynamic events to 5.5 month-olds. They highlight the disparity between results generated from moving versus static displays in infancy research and emphasize the importance of using dynamic events as a basis for generalizing about perception and memory for events in the real world.  相似文献   

矩阵体积不仅是矩阵行列式绝对值的推广,也是向量长度的推广,而且对任意的矩阵都有相应的体积.本文在理解矩阵体积定义的基础上,探究上三角分块矩阵与伴随矩阵的体积.  相似文献   

Using situated social practice theories to investigate classroom interactions highlights the mutually constitutive nature of students’ activity and classroom practices. Combined with examination of the circulation and techniques of power, students’ appropriation of roles and redistribution of power is illuminated. In this case study, a teacher’s hierarchical collaborative learning system spread rights to exercise power differentially among students. Analyses revealed the ways in which students appropriated that structure to construct a more egalitarian system, as well as the inherent tensions and contradictions that accompanied that appropriation. Their reproduction and transformation of roles and power in the collaborative learning system afforded opportunities to engage as active agents; to participate in the construction of knowledge, skills and practices; and to contribute meaningfully to the social and academic life of the classroom. The hope is to contribute to theory and practice in a way that addresses the complexity of collaborative learning and resists simplistic adoptions that may undermine student learning and agency.  相似文献   

Relations were examined between epistemic profiles, regulation of cognition, and mathematics problem solving. Two hundred sixty-eight students were sampled from undergraduate mathematics and statistics courses. Students completed inventories reflecting their epistemic profiles and learning strategies, and were profiled as rational, empirical, or both. Based on their profiles, 24 students participated in two problem-solving sessions. Episodes were coded for planning, monitoring, control, use of empirical and rational argumentation, and justification for solutions. For both self-reported metacognitive self-regulation and regulation of cognition during problem solving, students profiled as rational had the highest self-reported mean and actual frequency of regulation of cognition compared to students profiled as predominantly empirical. Moreover, students profiled as predominantly rational correctly solved more problems than the other two groups. Finally, students’ approaches to problem solving were consistent with their epistemic profiles. Relations are discussed in the context of various theoretical frameworks.  相似文献   

The learning analytics dashboard (LAD) is a newly developed learning support tool for virtual classrooms that is believed to allow students to review their online learning behavior patterns intuitively through the provision of visual information. The purpose of this study was to empirically validate the effects of LAD. An experimental study was conducted with a dashboard treatment group and a control group. The researchers developed a LAD and evaluated its effectiveness on the sample of 151 college students at a private university located in Korea, who were taking the online course titled “Management Statistics” in the first semester of 2014. The following results were obtained. First, the students who received dashboard treatment presented higher final score than those who did not. Second, the dashboard usage frequency, as measured by the number of times the dashboard was opened, did not have a significant impact on learning achievement. However, a slightly positive correlation between satisfaction with LAD and learning achievement was observed. Further analysis indicated that learners who used the dashboard only a few times showed relatively high satisfaction with LAD. On the other hand, high academic achievers who opened LAD relatively frequently showed lower satisfaction with dashboard. The results guide that LAD should be revised in a way to motivate learners consistently and support learners who have different academic achievement levels. The study discusses the further research tasks in terms of LAD development as an effective and personalized feedback tool to improve learners’ academic achievement.  相似文献   

We investigated infants' sensitivity to spatiotemporal structure. In Experiment 1, circles appeared in a statistically defined spatial pattern. At test 11-month-olds, but not 8-month-olds, looked longer at a novel spatial sequence. Experiment 2 presented different color/shape stimuli, but only the location sequence was violated during test; 8-month-olds preferred the novel spatial structure, but 5-month-olds did not. In Experiment 3, the locations but not color/shape pairings were constant at test; 5-month-olds showed a novelty preference. Experiment 4 examined "online learning": We recorded eye movements of 8-month-olds watching a spatiotemporal sequence. Saccade latencies to predictable locations decreased. We argue that temporal order statistics involving informative spatial relations become available to infants during the first year after birth, assisted by multiple cues.  相似文献   

在激烈竞争的市场经济条件下,当代大学生面对多方面的挑战、困难和压力,特别是就业的压力和贫困的压力。如何帮助、教育、引导大学生破解这两大压力是高校、社会以及各级党委政府必须引起高度重视并采取有效措施的大问题。  相似文献   

The modern history of biology shows how Darwin's selectionist theory has replaced instructionist theories in explaining the operations of living things: first, in the 1850s, with inheritance through the gene pool and second, in the 1960s, with the replacement of a template theory of immune system function. Now, scholars in several disciplines consider that the brain is a Darwin machine, too. Underpinning Darwinism is a generative heuristic, in which entities (or variants) are generated, and later subjected to tests. Entities which survive the testing are re-generated, and so on. This heuristic offers considerable value for technology-and-science education. This article, the first of a set of two, is devoted to an exposition of the science on which such a view of learning is based. In the second article, we pursue the implications for technology-and-science learning and teaching of holding such a view.  相似文献   

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