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This study is an evaluation of Speak Out television programme in Lagos State. A total of 300 junior secondary school students of Lagos State participated in the study: 150 class I and 150 class II students randomly selected from the six secondary schools in the two environment settings (200 urban and 100 rural).
Two groups of subjects featured—Experimental: representing students taught using the instructional television programme approach, and Control: representing those taught the same subject matter of the instructional television programme using the group activity (socio-drama) without the stimulus of the television programme.
The research tested three hypotheses. The findings revealed that there were significant differences found in the performance of the Experimental groups that were taught with the instructional television programme approach. In addition, there was a significant difference found between location and instructional method. The classes' performances were not significant. The article discusses the findings and makes some recommendations  相似文献   

The research reported represents a non-standard approach to basic research on educational television, in that it uses qualitative methods to describe learning and to illuminate which programme features are important. It was based on observation, interview and test data from five groups of 20–30 Open University students, each watching a social science television programme as part of their course. A qualitative analysis of students' summaries of the programmes showed that only half achieved the intended learning outcomes. A further analysis of the students' responses to key extracts showed that this is more likely to be because of programme structure than because of presentational quality. The research design and results are related to similar studies on students learning from text, and contrasted with the methodology adopted in other studies of the effects of educational television.  相似文献   

Recognizing the centrality of motives in Burke's rhetorical theory, the authors suggest that the concept has so far not been adequately dealt with. The article begins with an explanation of the pentad, whose elements are “five motivational points of view.” The terms of the pentad can be assigned to the elements in a human event only after an examination of the event; nothing is to be assumed. The authors recognize that others—Holland, Nichols, Fisher, for example—have drawn various connections between the pentad and motives, but each has been too narrow in a different way. The first point to be made is that each element in the pentad is the locus or potential locus of motive forces. Then, acknowledging the suggestion by Ling that each man describes a human situation by featuring and ordering particular elements in the pentad, the authors argue that such featuring implicitly also features the motives associated with those elements. They then speculate about what featuring tells us of various periods in rhetorical history: the renaissance featuring of schemes and tropes, the elecutionary movement, etc., each one emphasizing a different element in the pentad. They conclude that Burke calls for a thorough investigation of all the elements as well as their interrelationships or, ratio, and a synthesis of the results. This advice is immediately taken up by the authors in a lengthy analysis of George Wallace's “stand in the school house door” at the University of Alabama in 1963.  相似文献   

At the request of the production team, a study was carried out on the BBC children's general knowledge programme, Corners, in order to test how suitable and enjoyable the programme was for its intended audience (five to seven year olds). Three age groups of children (six, seven and 11 year olds) were tested on memory and liking for one episode of the programme. Eleven year olds were significantly better at remembering the programme than the younger age groups. But there was also an unexpectedly large significant difference between seven and six year olds. Six year olds found particular difficulty in answering questions based on large numbers. The programme was most popular with seven year olds and least popular with 11 year olds. Popularity of individual items was not associated with superior recall. Results are discussed in terms of their usefulness in guiding production decisions for the next series of Corners, and also in terms of possible developmental factors which could account for the age differences  相似文献   

谈英语影视教学   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
英语影视教学为我国当今普遍采用的一种手段,具有信息量大、语言环境直接、交互性强等优势。文章探讨英语教学中教师和学生的作用、教学过程和影视教学中应注意的问题,以及该现代外语教学手段发挥更加显著的作用。  相似文献   

Conclusion In this article an empirical approach to instructional television research has been defined. This approach does not seek to replace theoretical studies but seeks rather to establish, within those institutions using instructional television, a body of knowledge based on empirical generalizations. Many authors have suggested the importance of defining objectives in assessing instruction, but their ideas filter only very slowly through educational systems. Part of this resistance may be traced to the complete revision of assessment instruments required by instruction by objectives, or standards. However, by asking the question, What happens during instruction? it may be possible to devise instructionally useful measures. Similarly, this question presents teaching, research, and production staff with a problem they may be eager to define and solve.  相似文献   

Conclusion The effects of media on the social behavior of young children is a topic to be treated seriously. Much of the literature has focused on negative outcomes. Little attention has been given to the intentional steps by which producers of children’s television can bring about positive social outcomes. The work of Stein and her associates is an exception (see Stein, 1972; Stein, Friedrich, & Vondracek, undated). It is not enough that we concern ourselves with reducing undesirable effects of television (e.g., removing the violence from Saturday morning cartoons). The means must be found to enhance desirable effects (e.g., positive forms of socialization). By defining and teaching social goals and measuring the results,Sesame Street has taken an important step in this direction. The research described in this paper was performed at Teaching Research, a Division of the Oregon State System of Higher Education, under a contract with Children’s Television Workshop, Inc. D. Lynn McDonald and Sherrill L. Whittemore were research assistants. Sandra Dawson, Sheryl Hirshon, Pearl Roossinck Paulson, Terry Toedtemeier, and Timm Tripplet worked on the project. H. Del Schalock of Teaching Research and Barbara F. Reeves, Patricia L. Hayes, and Edward L. Palmer of CTW provided many of the basic ideas. A complete technical report on the study is available (Paulson, McDonald, & Whittemore, 1973).  相似文献   

电视已经成为现代儿童生活中的重要伙伴,儿童在电视中获得快乐、获得知识、开阔眼界。但电视也给儿童的成长带来负面影响。通过对我国电视节目的现状分析,提出发挥电视对儿童产生积极影响的有效措施,促进儿童身心健康成长。  相似文献   

Traditional structural designs of the basic speech communication course have not met the professional needs of the technical career student. The alternative model presented in this essay will enable the student to pursue, through independent study and small group interaction, those concepts and skills which will aid her/him professionally. This design offers solutions to staffing and scheduling problems faced by community colleges, and provides a structural format for facilitating the education of technical career students.  相似文献   

关于临床药师培养方案的设想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人们普遍地把关注医疗改革的目光聚焦在医患关系、医疗质量、医院管理、医药收费等方面,而对临床药师在促进医疗改革、树立医院形象、提高医疗质量方面的作用则关注不够。事实上,大力培养临床药师并充分发挥他们的作用,是各级医院提高科学用药水平和保证疗效的关键,也是顺利推进我国医疗体制改革的医药专业人才保障。本文结合医院药学工作实际,对临床药师的培养方案提出了设想。  相似文献   

We elaborated and applied a training programme to teach learning strategies to students in continuing adult education courses in Valencia (Spain) throughout an academic year. We worked with one control group and with one experimental group. These groups were equivalent in terms of pre-test assessments and there was not any significant difference of means either in learning strategies or in marks in Spanish and Maths. We found significant difference of means in the post-test, after the training programme, in learning strategies, and also an important difference in marks. Experimental students improved their learning strategies significantly along with their marks in Spanish and Maths, whereas control students didn’t improve either their learning strategies or their marks. So we obtained generalization and transference of results. We think that these results are important and that they confirm the effectiveness of the methods of the educational intervention which we used. This intervention is placed in the field of learning to learn.  相似文献   

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