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The ideas of Bandung had echoes in the anti-colonial and decolonization movement in the Anglophone Caribbean from the 1950s to the 1970s. These echoes were signals of international solidarity that emerged among the political leadership and radicalized publics in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. That sense of solidarity has been replaced by pragmatic business relations in the era of global neo-liberalism and the growing role of China and other ex-colonies as economic powers. There is an urgent need for renewal of mutually beneficial political association among ex-colonial countries. The spectres of racism and racial stereotypes need to be confronted in the building of stronger economic relations. These racial stereotypes arise from the growth of anti-black racism over the past 500 years. Similarly, racial stereotypes of Chinese and other peoples of Asia are rooted in colonial histories. New political relations cannot be based exclusively on trade and economic relations but on an explicit elaboration of ideas that can encourage discussion, debate and the development of institutions. These new political ideas can build on shared principles in an anti-racist direction, which helps to restore human dignity to international relations.  相似文献   

陈赟 《寻根》2005,(2):49-52
罗香林先生的《客家源流考》一书中记载了一则“葛藤坑”故事:唐朝末年,黄巢起义大军进发到闽西,百姓纷纷逃难。黄巢见到一位逃难妇女,背上背着一个大孩子,手里却牵着一个小孩子,心中不解,询问才知,大孩子乃是其侄,父母双亡,因此准备在万不得已时牺牲自己的孩子,尽力为兄嫂保存血脉。黄巢大为感动,便告诉她在家门上插上葛藤,起义大军便不会骚扰。妇女回去告诉了全村的人,  相似文献   

仇富心理及其表现是中国古代社会阶级矛盾与对抗的一种集中体现,影响巨大.本文主要从社会心理学与政治经济学相结合的角度,以中国古代人治的社会制度必然产生的权力失控与权力滥用为切入点,探讨了在中国数千年的历史中仇富心理源远流长的原因和后果.  相似文献   

2002年对茂县凤仪镇新石器时代遗址群的勘探和发掘取得了丰硕成果,岷江上游新石器时代考古又有新的突破性进展,在营盘山遗址发现了下压奠基人殉坑的可能属于大型广场性质的遗迹、各种类型的房屋基础、陶窑、灶坑等现象,出土了陶质雕塑人面像等大量高规格的遗物,初步确认营盘山遗址是岷江上游地区的一处大型中心聚落,其周围还分布有十余处中小型遗址。从而为探讨岷江上游新石器时代大型中心聚落与中小型聚落的时空组合关系、地理环境变迁与文化演进的互动关系等提供了实物资料。营盘山居民虽以定居农耕为主要生业方式,狩猎及捕捞业也是经济生活中不可或缺的补充手段。围绕彩陶制作的装饰和造型艺术,尚红、人殉及猎头等习俗,是营盘山居民丰富多彩的精神生活内容的具体体现。  相似文献   

一前言 一九八六年暑假,我開始撰寫<清初的群經辨僞學>一書,在思考明末清初經學發展的一些問題時,閲讀余英時先生大文<清代學術思想史重要觀念通釋>①,余先生以爲清初學術思想史有回歸原典的現象,我受到啓發認爲明末清初的經典研究,是一種回歸原典運動.一九八七年三月,<清初的群經辨僞學>初稿完成,在第二章第三節<新舊典範競争中的回歸原典運動>,即對此一現象有較深入的論述.  相似文献   

卫茂平 《寻根》2008,(3):44-49
在我国通俗小说中,明代姑苏抱翁老人选辑的《今古奇观》,虽不如《三国演义》、《水浒传》那样引人注目,但也具有内容丰厚、语言精练、富有文采等种种好处,几百年来刊布不绝,深受读者喜爱,在国外也颇得赏识。  相似文献   

胡毓骅 《寻根》2003,(3):89-93
江村坐落在风景秀丽的皖南旌德县白地镇境内,原为古旌德的二十一都,辖五社,方圆十里,紧临205国道,距世界自然和历史文化遗产——黄山仅37公里,与胡适的家乡绩溪县上庄仅一山之隔。江村村后有座金鳌山,因此又别称“金鳌”。千百年来,江氏子孙在江村这片古老的土地上繁衍生息,勤劳耕读,苦心经营,使江村在明清时期出现“同村居者以万计”的盛况。尤其是经过乾嘉盛世,江村更加兴旺发达。当时旌德县人口50万,而江村人口就达8万,占了旌德县人口的1/6,成为全县最繁华的经济文化区,号称“小杭州”,在旌德县乃至皖南的历史上都留下灿烂的一页。江村的…  相似文献   


The article explores the nature of popular fears during the early years of the People's Republic of China by examining two types of rumour: those of a ‘secular’ type that told of China's defeat in the Korean War, a third world war or an imminent nuclear attack; and those of a ‘supernatural’ type that told of demons out to snatch vital organs or the end of the world. These rumours testified both to the resilience of ancient cosmological beliefs and values and to their capacity to fuse with elements of ‘modern’ politics. The article asks what they tell us about the relationship of the party-state to the populace.  相似文献   

The Silk Road has played an important role in facilitating intellectual exchanges and cultural integration between East and West, economic globalization and diversity of human civilizations. In the new era, thanks to ever-closer economic and cultural ties between China and other countries along the Silk Road, this ancient route has been rejuvenated and embraced new development opportunities. Building the Belt and the Road is therefore our inevitable choice following the trend of the development ofthe time.  相似文献   

The 1997 Survey of Public Participation in the Arts examines the extent to which adult Americans throughout the US participate in the arts ‐ by attending live events and exhibitions, listening to and watching broadcast or recorded arts programmes, as well as personally performing or creating art themselves.

Respondents indicate that 35 per cent of American adults visited an art museum or gallery at least once in 1997. Other popular activities included attending ‘musical plays’ (25 per cent), non‐musical plays and classical music (both 16 per cent). Twelve per cent of the populated went to performances of jazz and dance other than ballet. Reading literature and visiting a historic park or an arts/crafts fair also had high participation rates ‐ the former, 63 per cent, and the latter two, about 47 per cent.

The chapter is divided into eight sections. The first three sections describe total participation, rates of participation, and participation by demographic group for each arts activity by types of participation: attendance at live events, participation through media, and active participation. The fourth section is devoted to socialisation, the amount of education and exposure to the arts. The fifth compares participation rates for the arts and other leisure activities. The sixth section focuses on music preferences, and the seventh on the geographical distribution of participation in the arts. The final section presents a summary and conclusions. Appendices to the report provide background and history of the survey, details of its methodology and analysis, and the questions asked in the survey.  相似文献   

川东长江沿岸先秦考古学文化的初步分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
本对川东长江沿岸先秦时期各阶段的考古学化进行了分期,为此揭示各阶段化的特征及早晚化的变迁轨迹,在石家河化衰落不久,哨棚嘴化也很快随之衰落,与此基本同时,成都平原的宝墩化也相继衰落,于是川东峡江地区和成都平原的古化都发生了突变,伴随而来的是中原二里头化的渗透,这一路线由鄂西地区沿长江西进,成都平原正是在这一外力的作用下诞生了三星堆明,川东峡江地区亦成为三星堆化的分布范围,初期阶段东边甚至到达了鄂西地区,自此以后川东峡江地区与成都平原的化基本同步发展,并不断整合,形成了一个地域辽阔的三星堆化——十二桥化——战国青铜化承续发展的化区。  相似文献   


This paper explores the possible reasons behind the current violence in southern Thailand with a focus on the violent events that took place on 28 April 2004, which resulted in the death of 107 Muslim militants in the southern Thai provinces of Pattani, Yala and Songkhla.While the authorities seem to believe that the perpetrators of this violence are separatists the author argues that the recent violence is perpetrated by a new group or groups of individuals who are not connected to the old separatist groups that operated in the south until recent times. The very fact that this new movement perpetrating violence uses Islam as a rallying cry, by appealing to the recent international assaults on Muslim militants in Palestine, Afghanistan and Iraq,means that it is able to garner support for its cause among the Thai-Malays who have long given up their separatist fight against the Thai state.  相似文献   

钟俊昆  曾晓林 《寻根》2003,(5):118-120
宁都客家孙氏源于唐代末期,其始祖可追溯到孙诩。俐生卒年不详,主要活动在唐末,原籍陈留(今属河南开封)。唐僖宗中和三年(883年)以武艺选为百将,次年敕封为东平侯。黄巢起义后,诩提兵闽越江右间,后定居赣省虔州虔化县,即今宁都县。罗香林教授据有关史料撰写的《国父家世源流考》说:“国父(孙中山)之家世源流,自其入粤始祖友松公于明永乐年间  相似文献   


The 2003 film Lost in Translation has attracted both acclaim and critique concerning its representation of the urban imaginary of Tokyo. Examining both the film representation and the critical responses to the imaginary, this paper discusses how they illuminate some of the emerging issues that Tokyo and Japan face in the era of globalization, such as the loss of the idiosyncratic status of non‐Western modernity that Japan has long enjoyed; post‐(self)Orientalist cultural othering; and the transnational alliance of media and cultural industries in a global cultural economy of branding the nation through media and consumer cultures, all at the expense of the issue of intensifying migration and multicultural situations in the urban space. It will be suggested that both the film and Japanese critiques of the film are lost in the actuality of Tokyo (indeed, of Japan) and its populace, which is being radically transformed by intensifying transnational flows of people, capital, and media imagery.  相似文献   

李志超 《寻根》2004,(4):59-71
在天文界,星占之业自先秦起有记录.从<史记·天官书>到<唐书>,几代天文志都表现星占是被官方重视的.唐代有两部书流传至今,一是李淳风作的<乙巳占>,一是瞿昙悉达的<开元占经>.唐宋以后,星占活动对军政大事几乎不再起关键性作用.最明显的表现就是正史的天文志中,从南北朝开始,日食记录中占候的语言逐渐减少.  相似文献   

张人元 《寻根》2004,(6):109-113
张姓的起源与黄帝部族有着直接的关系,张氏始祖挥公就是黄帝的孙子,颛顼帝的胞弟。河南濮阳古称帝丘,是传说中的五帝(黄帝、颛顼、帝喾、尧、舜)活动的主要地区之一。濮阳是颛顼的都城所在地。颛顼帝和帝喾均葬在“顿丘城南台阴中”(今河南内黄县境内),称为“二帝陵”。1987年8  相似文献   

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