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绝不是一种夸张,更不是一种臆想--在元旦这天,在蝴蝶泉边,我看到了三万只蝴蝶在明亮的阳光里,在翠绿的树丛中翩翩飞舞的动人景象. 人说,花朵是静止的蝴蝶,蝴蝶是会飞的花朵.但我这里说的不是花,而是真正的蝴蝶,我绝不会矫情地把自然界的花朵想象成蝴蝶的--虽然,蝴蝶泉边此时正开着绯红色的冬樱,还有一簇一簇的五颜六色的鲜花.有文人很煽情地说,白族姑娘舞着,是会飞的花;立着,是静止的蝶,但我更不会象征主义地把那些身着节日服装的白族少女与缤纷的蝴蝶联想在一起--虽然,飘拂的彩旗间有不少身着节日服装的美丽的姑娘像彩蝶般在人群中飞来飞去.  相似文献   

正1767年,58岁的约翰逊回到家乡利奇菲尔德。多方打听之后,他找到了以前奶妈的住处。小时候,他经常来这儿的果园摘果子吃。如今物是人非,奶妈已经不在了,她的儿子坐在门口,面前摊放着大开本的《圣经》——那是奶妈去世之前买给他的,他视力和听觉都严重受损,一辈子干不了什么事,只能读这种大字号的《圣经》以  相似文献   

<正>亨利·德·图鲁斯—劳特雷克总坐在红磨坊酒吧第一排固定的座位。他长得很丑:奇大的鼻子足够两个人用;嘴巴把脸割成两半,从左耳朵一直咧到右耳朵;眉毛又粗又黑,浓浓的胡须在嘴角弯成两个对称的逗号,但盖不住两片肥厚、湿润的嘴唇;最要命的是他还流哈喇子,把胡须弄得荧光闪闪。他戴着夹鼻眼镜,当别人注视他时,他就把眼镜摘下来,因为棕色的大眼睛是他唯一好看的地方。由于鼻腔畸形,鼻涕常常倒流,所以他总是不停地抽鼻子和发出"吭  相似文献   

他的眼睛瞪着,嘴巴张着,翅膀张开.这是我们想象中的天使.他的脸朝向过去,我们看到的是一连串的事件,他看到的却是一件大灾难,残骸不断堆积到残骸上,并且一直堆到他的脚跟前.天使想留下,唤起死者,让残破的东西回复原状,然而一阵暴风自天堂吹来,他的翅膀感到巨大的暴力,天使再也合不上双翅.这场风暴不断将他推向他背后的未来,而他的前方成堆的瓦砾残骸则堆得如天高.  相似文献   

再孤陋寡闻的人也知道流行音乐歌后麦当娜的大名。不可否认,她和迈克尔·杰克逊是20世纪80年代崛起的流行音乐双璧。在新人辈出的世界流行音乐歌坛,尽管出色的女歌手不断涌现,但有谁敢说,她已取代了麦当娜的地位?也许你一点儿也不喜欢她的声嘶力竭,更对她的过分性感十分厌恶,但你得承认,她是一个攀上了流行音乐峰顶的女人。[第一段]  相似文献   

This paper explores the ways in which the early modern English execution functioned as a forum in which various, and often competing, notions of guilt and innocence were expressed. In the context of a culture which placed an inordinate emphasis on the significance of the behaviour and last dying words of men and women teetering on the brink of ‘Judgement and Eternity’, the gallows became, in essence, ‘God's tribunal – the site where solemn oaths and supernatural signs could trump the rulings of secular courts. And it was here that the condemned could proclaim not merely his or her individual innocence of a specific crime, but raise larger questions of relative societal guilt and sinfulness and social justice by invoking the disparity between man's justice and God's.  相似文献   

<正>全国很多城市都有主干道叫中山路或中山大道,对于武汉人而言,百年中山大道,承载着大武汉的辉煌历史,也寄托着大武汉复兴的美好梦想。中山大道南抵硚口云锦路,北达黄浦大街,跨越硚口、江汉、江岸3个区,全长8.9公里。一元路以南的中山大道始建于1906年,至今已有100多年历史。江汉路以南中山大道原名为“后城马路”,北伐战争后为纪念孙中山先生,改名为“中山马路”。原江汉路至一元路段中山大道街道名  相似文献   

<正>加拿大总理特鲁多2019年6月宣布,加拿大2021年起将取缔一次性塑料制品。在全球多个国家和地区严控一次性塑料用品使用量的大背景下,特鲁多的一纸声明,让塑料垃圾的处理与回收利用再次成为公众关注的焦点。塑料垃圾造成的白色污染几乎无处不在,对人类的生存构成了巨大威胁。联合国环境署2018年的一份报告称,全世界总计生产出的90亿吨塑料制品中,被循环利用的只有9%,约12%被焚烧,其余79%最终堆积在垃圾  相似文献   

Guided by the Common Ingroup Identity Model and Berry’s acculturation framework, this study examined the roles that perceptions of language proficiency, cultural identity, and communication anxiety had on intergroup attitudes and stereotypes in the American–Chinese contact context. Serial mediation analyses with 10,000 bootstrap samples revealed that perceived English proficiency of a Chinese contact had significant indirect effects on affective and behavioral attitudes toward Chinese through American participants’ perceptions of their contact’s host and home culture identification and communication anxiety. Perceived English proficiency had an indirect effect only on positive stereotypes through the Chinese contact’s perceived identification with home culture.  相似文献   

正小妇人面目沉静如一枝牡丹,注视一场较量。一只飞蛾奋力划出最后一阕《雨霖铃》,死得壮观,惊动十方诸神。她转过头,正视你的惊诧,眼睛硕大而清澈,能装下世间所有。远方,农夫在田里劳动,太阳与万物交欢,再远,世界无一处安宁,战争的炮火屠戮众生,希望渺茫。1941年3月28日美好的早晨,伦敦,乌斯河是尊贵的道场,注视并收容了这个59岁的女人。不断涌过来的水,犹如落木萧萧,逼迫一场永久的冬眠。静悄悄。三周后,伍尔芙的尸体才被发现。我穿过《飞蛾之死》《普通读者》,穿过《黛洛维夫人》《到灯塔去》,才捧住了《伍尔芙随笔全集》4册,随即沦  相似文献   

正1913年夏天的哈德逊河上,一个28岁的青年坐在独木舟里艰难地向前划着,狂风暴雨大作,他不能前进一步,并且随时有翻船的可能。几天前他作别恋人,说自己需要一周的时间思考一下是否把这段关系进行下去。他爱她,但他想成为哲学家,而哲学家是不结婚的。这些日子里,他骑车250公里从纽约到了奥尔巴尼,然后又从奥尔巴尼划船回来,用疲惫来麻醉自己的忧虑。爱情与野心在争夺他的心??  相似文献   

阿多诺的美学观中,一个重要的概念就是否定性。否定是艺术之为艺术的本质之所在,只有否定,才能破除文化工业对艺术的控制,免于人在快感中的沉沦。姚斯认为,阿多诺对否定的强调将艺术置于一种二难的境地,简单地将审美经验置于肯定和否定的两极,不仅没有认识到快感在审美经验中的地位,而且忽略了艺术的交流功能及审美经验的认同。由此,在对阿多诺批判的基础上,姚斯完成了对审美经验的重构。  相似文献   

正元结(719-772),字次山,河南鲁山县人,素以"杰出的现实主义文学家"著称于世。其实,元结不仅写出了富于正义感的优秀的现实主义诗文,更让满腔热血结出了一树现实之果。元结生活的玄宗、肃宗、代宗时期,正值唐朝由盛转衰,突如其来的安史之乱,顷刻间把唐王朝搞了个昏天黑地,国家和人民均陷入水深火热中。元结以其非凡的政治和军事才华,挽时难,解民苦,为时代做出了实实在在的贡献。这正是元结被其他现实主义文学家所羡慕和崇仰的地方。杜甫曾由衷赞叹:"得结辈十数公,落落然  相似文献   

While dance was a common element of international diplomacy activities around the world during the 1950s and early 1960s, scholars have only recently begun to focus attention on this topic, especially as it concerns relationships forged beyond those of the Cold War superpowers. Using previously unexamined historical materials such as rare photographs and performance programs, dancer biographies, autobiographies and personal interviews, unpublished institutional histories, and contemporary periodicals, this article demonstrates not only that dance was an integral part of China’s inter-Asian cultural exchange between 1953 and 1962, but also that the PRC developed a distinct approach to dance diplomacy. Through a series of exchanges with India, Indonesia and Burma, China’s foreign ministers and dancers developed and refined a method of dance diplomacy in which the primary goal was to learn from, rather than export to, these neighboring countries. This approach harnessed the affective power of embodied aesthetic culture to literally “perform” Bandung ideals, namely, cooperation and mutual respect among Asian nations and an anti-imperialist cultural stance. Through the establishment in 1962 of the Oriental Song and Dance Ensemble, the PRC institutionalized this model of dance diplomacy, expanding it to include the entire Third World. Bandung-era dance diplomacy initiatives of the 1950s and early 1960s not only supported important new international alliances and political movements, but also asserted China’s self-identity as part of the East in the way that challenged Eurocentric ideals previously entrenched in China’s domestic dance field.  相似文献   

In 1289, Tripoli was taken from the Franks by the Mamluk Sultan Qalāwun. In 1291, Qalāwun's son al-Ashraf Khalīl captured Acre, the last capital of the Crusader "kingdom of Jerusalem", and the few surviving Frankish outposts on the Levantine coast were swiftly abandoned. Next in line seemed to be the Armenian kingdom in Cilicia and the Taurus mountains - but it was to be a further 84 years before Sis, the kingdom's capital, was to fall to the Mamluks. It does not seem unreasonable to ask why the Mamluks should have let it survive so long: indeed, how did it survive the 1290s?  相似文献   

As the population becomes more diverse, social work educators will bear a larger responsibility for educating culturally competent practitioners. To enhance student learning, research should consider those factors that influence students' multicultural awareness, knowledge, and skills. This information potentially can help students better prepare for cultural competency courses and improve student outcomes. The focus of this study was to evaluate BSW and MSW students' (N = 191) multicultural awareness, knowledge, and skills at the beginning and end of a required cultural diversity course. The results indicate that more previous diversity trainings at different sites consistently predict higher pre-test scores while previous diversity training sites and pre-test scores predict post-test scores. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of research, practice, and teaching implications.  相似文献   

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