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学龄脑瘫儿童障碍特征的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
脑瘫是脑性瘫痪(cerebralpalsy,CP)的简称,是指从出生前至新生儿期间各种原因导致的非进行性脑损伤引起的中枢性运动功能障碍与姿势异常为主的综合征,常伴有智力低下、癫痫、语言障碍、听力低下、视觉异常、行为异常等多种症状。本文通过对近十年脑瘫儿童研究成果的分析,从脑瘫儿童的语言障碍、听觉障碍、视觉障碍、运动障碍与姿势异常以及心理障碍五个方面对学龄脑瘫儿童伴随的障碍特征进行详细、具体的分析、归纳和描述,以便为后续的研究提供参照,并为学龄脑瘫儿童的教育康复课程目标及评估标准的制定提供前提条件。  相似文献   

本文运用个案研究方法,对一名徐动型脑瘫儿童进行了长达两年的研究。通过长期观察、访谈和追踪分析探讨了帮助该类儿童随班就读的方法和策略,为普通小学老师、特殊教育人士、康复服务人员和家长提供了一些建议和参考。  相似文献   

《Learning and Instruction》2003,13(3):285-304
This paper reports on a longitudinal study of teaching and learning the subject of fractions in two matched groups of ten 9–10-year-old students. In the experimental group fractions are introduced using the bar and the number line as (mental) models, in the control group the subject is introduced by fair sharing and the circle-model. In the experimental group students are invited to discuss, in the control group students work individually. The groups are compared on several occasions during one year. After one year, the experimental students show more proficiency in fractions than those in the control group.  相似文献   

脑瘫儿童入学前治疗、康复训练和教育状况调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用问卷调查法和访谈法了解脑性瘫痪儿童早期的治疗、康复训练和教育以及社会支持等方面问题。结果发现,脑瘫儿童的早期生活、治疗、康复训练和教育状况亟待改善,家庭经济、精神负担沉重,社会支持非常有限;相关的医学诊断、治疗,康复训练专业人员的技术水平有待提高,服务体系有待完善;学龄前融合教育相当薄弱,严重制约这些的全面发展。由此得出结论,脑瘫儿童是一个特殊的社会群体,不是一个个孤立的个案,他们的生存和生活需要社会多系统协同介入,通过教育宣传、出台相关政策和制定相关法律,逐步构建针对脑瘫儿童的诊断、治疗、康复训练、教育服务和家庭支持的社会服务体系。  相似文献   

国内脑瘫儿童康复研究的现状及趋势   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
近年 ,国内脑瘫儿童的康复研究呈现出新的特点 :研究机构相对增多 ,但又显单一 ;研究队伍相对壮大 ,但教育者没有加入 ;研究对象年龄偏低 ,主要集中于学前脑瘫患儿 ;重医疗康复 ,轻教育康复 ,医教脱节 ;康复疗效评估方法众多 ,但没有统一模式等。这些特点集中反映出脑瘫儿童康复研究过程中存在着诸多问题 ,急待解决 ,以便最大限度地发挥脑瘫儿童的潜能 ,使其能独立地参与、融入社会。  相似文献   

文章对近十年来国内脑瘫患儿的评估文献进行研究,探讨了脑瘫患儿运动康复疗效评估的现状。研究表明,评估对象集中在学龄前期脑瘫儿童,且多为痉挛型脑瘫,评估模式多样化,重视评估量表的检验,呈现多领域相结合的特征。最后,从评估标准的制定、评估模式的健全、全方位康复模式的建构以及研究队伍的建设等方面提出了展望。  相似文献   

This Monograph presents the results of the Early Intervention Collaborative Study, a longitudinal investigation of the cognitive and adaptive behavior development of children with developmental disabilities and the adaptation of their parents, extending from infancy through middle childhood. The study was designed to generate and test conceptual models of child and family development and contribute to the knowledge base that informs social policy and practice. The sample for the investigation reported here consists of 183 children with Down syndrome, motor impairment, developmental delay and their families who were recruited at the time of their enrollment in an early intervention program in Massachusetts or New Hampshire. Data were collected at five time points between entry to early intervention and the child's 10th birthday. Home visits were conducted at each time point and included child assessments, maternal interview, and questionnaires completed independently by both parents. Trajectories in children's development and parental well-being were analyzed using hierarchical linear modeling. Predictor variables were measured at age 3 years when children were exiting early intervention programs. Children's type of disability predicted trajectories of development in cognition, social skills, and daily living skills. Children's type of disability also predicted changes in maternal (but not paternal) child-related and parent-related stress. Beyond type of disability, child self-regulatory processes (notably behavior problems and mastery motivation) and one aspect of the family climate (notably mother-child interaction) were key predictors of change in both child outcomes and parent well-being. A different aspect of the family climate--family relations--also predicted change in child social skills. Parent assets, measured as social support and problem-focused coping, predicted change in maternal and paternal parent-related stress respectively. The implications of these findings for both the science of child development and the policies and practices of developmental intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

7-15岁脑瘫儿童和普通儿童音调特征的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本研究目的是为了探讨7- 15岁脑瘫儿童的音调特征,比较脑瘫儿童与普通儿童在音调特征上的差异.研究结果表明:(1)脑瘫儿童的MSF0及FOSD极显著高于普通儿童;(2)普通儿童13岁后的MSF0及FOSD变化很大,变声期13岁左右,脑瘫儿童变声期15岁开始,7-15岁的FOSD变化不大;(3)变声期普通女童的MSF0及FOSD显著高于男童,脑瘫儿童男女间的MSF0及FOSD无显著性差异;(4)手足徐动型瘫儿的MSF0显著高于痉挛型瘫儿和普通儿童,FOSD极显著高于痉挛型瘫儿和普通儿童.  相似文献   

目的观察A型肉毒毒素(BTX-A)注射配合Vojta训练对痉挛型脑瘫患儿的治疗效果,并探讨对其运动功能及日常生活活动能力(ADL)的影响。方法将46例双下肢痉挛型脑瘫儿童随机分为观察组(采用BTX-A位点注射结合Vojta训练)和对照组(仅采用Vojta训练治疗)。观察两组患儿的双下肢痉挛与ADL改善情况。结果经过4个月和8个月治疗后分别比较,观察组患儿的双下肢痉挛、ADL改善情况明显优于对照组(P<0.01)。结论 BTX-A注射结合Vojta训练能显著提高患儿的运动功能和生活活动能力,是一种极为有效的治疗脑瘫患儿肢体痉挛的方法。  相似文献   

目前的高中地理教学存在着应用知识水平较低的问题,教师需要改变教学方式,实施实践教学,通过实践教学,发展学生的一些学习能力,教师在教学中,可以通过提高自身实践素养,课堂引用实例,组织课外活动等方式进行实践教学。  相似文献   

本研究在对一例共济失调型脑瘫儿童行为表现分析、诊断的基础上 ,设计了一个综合性的康复训练方案 ,对该儿童身体的平衡性、协调性进行了康复训练。实验结果表明 :将行为改变、感觉统合和动作教育等方法、技术整合起来对共济失调型脑瘫儿童进行教育康复是可行、有效、有价值的。  相似文献   

Reading relies on a left‐lateralized network of brain areas that include the pre‐lexical processing regions of the ventral stream. Specifically, a region in the left lateral occipitotemporal sulcus (OTS) is consistently more activated for visual presentations of words than for other categories of stimuli. This region undergoes dramatic changes at the functional and structural levels when children learn to read, but little is known about the effects of early cerebral constraints on reading skills. Using anatomical magnetic resonance imaging, we investigated whether the sulcal pattern of the lateral OTS—a stable brain feature—was associated with oral reading skills. The sulcal pattern of the left but not the right lateral OTS was associated with the number of words correctly read in 3 min. This study is the first to evidence that reading is affected by early cerebral constraints, such as the sulcal morphology of the left lateral OTS.  相似文献   

学龄儿童适应技能测评量表的编制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:以智力落后和适应技能理论为依据,编制适用于7-15岁学龄儿童适应技能发展水平的测评工具。方法:在市区和郊县选取490名正常儿童和323名智力落后儿童接受测评,对经过理论推演,经验筛选,再经预试的测评内容,进行统计分析。结果:项目分析表明,所有测评项目都具有适当的难度和较高的区分度;因素分析将测评内容概括为三个主要因子,基本符合适应技能的最新理论框架;本量表具有较高的信度和效度,测查结果稳定而有效。结论:本量表使用方便,能有效测评学龄儿童的适应技能发展水平,实现在我国义务教育阶段对智力落后儿童鉴别、诊断的目的。  相似文献   

The paper reports a longitudinal study of factors associated with reading ability in a large sample (N=748) of children. Reading was assessed when the children were aged seven and later at age nine. The associated measures included measures of background, experiences and earlier cognitive development. It was found that the correlation between reading at age seven and reading at age nine was 0.87. However, reading at seven and nine were both associated with the background measures and to a lesser extent with experiential measures. Reading at seven was associated with earlier cognitive development. The implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Interest has increased recently in the use of social skills training with children and adolescents. A review of the literature shows, however, that the evidence on effectiveness has been mixed. The theoretical and methodological issues involved are discussed in an attempt to identify the features associated with good research and practice. The conclusion reached is that while social skills training may be a necessary component in bringing about real life changes for children lacking in social competence, it may not always be sufficient. Any attempts to improve an individual's social functioning must also take account of contextual factors and a restructuring of the child's social environment may also be required in order to bring about any lasting change.  相似文献   

陈煜芳 《湘南学院学报》2004,25(3):103-105,124
在少儿舞蹈教学中,要从设计导语、讲解背景、增强趣味、培养想象力等多方面下功夫,努力使少儿了解舞蹈的情感特征和所表现的情感基调,进而培养少儿的观察力和想象力。  相似文献   

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