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This paper provides an external account of the demise of the ‘old’ Marxist educational theory flowing from social reproductionism/ resistance theory. Five developments are explored in terms of how they have undercut the ‘old’ educational Marxism: hyper‐academicism; dislocations/disjunctions between theory and practice; the postmodern challenge; the new liberal ‘Left’ challenge; and, the ‘death of Marxism’ syndrome. The first two elements form the basis of some important ‘lessons’ for the revitalisation of Marxist perspectives on education. It is also argued that, although the five trends and developments have posed a serious challenge for the ‘old’ Marxist educational theory, nevertheless, it will probably circulate for some time‐‐given revivals, revisits, and as a source of easy criticism for anti‐Marxists. Finally, there has been a recent flowering of new approaches to theorising education from a Marxist perspective, which this paper maps out.  相似文献   

通过李宗仁在“焦土抗战论”中对时局的特点、对日和抗日国策、总体战略战术原则的分析和论述,认为李宗仁具有朴素的唯物主义世界观和辩证法军事思想,其哲理性具有新世界观萌芽的性质。这些新哲理为世界反法西斯战争的中国战场提供先进思想武器,并发挥着积极的能动作用。  相似文献   

教育理论研究向教育实践活动通达的障碍消除   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育理论研究能否顺利地通达教育实践活动,其主要原因并不在于教育理论研究的个人意愿及其科研成果的品质,而在于教育体制的开放程度和理性水平。实质性地进行教育体制改革,使教育成为体现教育主体性、体现教育应然的本质和宗旨、张扬教育应然的精神和品格的真正的教育,教育理论研究向教育实践通达才具备坚实的思想和制度基础。  相似文献   

马克思主义教育思想是我国教育发展的指导思想,历史的发展不断赋予它新的内容和意义。江泽民同志依据新的条件,全面深刻地阐发的教育创新思想,是对马克思主义教育思想的新发展,开创了马克思主义教育思想的新境界,对于加快我国高等教育发展具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

The relationship between psychology and education may be expressed in terms of two general models: the traditional hierarchical model, according to which psychology is the “parent” discipline; and a parallel model, in which the relationship between “pure” theory and its application is metaphoric rather than paradigmatic. The hierarchical model, however, does not hold even for such a “tight” area as behavior modification, let alone for educational practice in general.Educational practice, as a professional enterprise, should be guided by a consistent set of constructs taken from the practitioner's universe of discourse. The professionalization of education has been delayed because of attempts, mostly vain, to guide practice by applying constructs derived from other disciplines. Other disciplines, notably psychology, can be useful for education but in a metaphoric sense only. “Educology” is suggested as a convenient term for the set of constructs that should give coherence to educational decision-making.  相似文献   

Alternative assessment measures, particularly the use of portfolios, which capture authentic student learning are gaining wider acceptance in K-12 school settings. Portfolios have a rich history in higher education, and recently they are becoming a more popular assessment device in colleges of education. Using educational leadership preparation programs as an example, this article examines the use of portfolio assessment by focusing on the relationship between a folio and a portfolio, the possible artifacts and attestations to include in a folio, the structural components of portfolios, and the different uses of portfolios. The implications of incorporating portfolios in leadership preparation programs also are discussed, including how to alleviate the ambiguities and uncertainties faculty and students experience when this form of authentic assessment is utilized.Bruce G. Barnett is an Associate Professor and Director of the Division of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at the University of Northern Colorado. His interests include the preservice and inservice preparation of educational administrators, with particular emphasis in the areas of reflective practice, instructional leadership, and staff development. He has published articles dealing with professional preparation, peer coaching, reflective practice, mentoring, portfolio development, and the moral dilemmas facing educational leaders.  相似文献   

江泽民运用马克恩主义文化理论,总结我国社会主义文化建设和精神文明建设实践经验,对当代中国先进文化建设进行了系统地论述,他提出的一系列思想丰富和发展了马克思主义文化理论,是对马克思主义文化理论的重大创新.  相似文献   

A common complaint among those involved in teaching the educational foundations is the reluctance of many trainee teachers to engage in issues of educational theory. This is particularly apparent with those trainees who are more concerned with managing classrooms of children than grappling with what are often abstract and difficult ideas. This paper considers the current use of educational stories as a pedagogical strategy in teacher training, and a story that has been used in this way is presented. It is argued that teachers of the educational foundations disciplines can, via stories, appeal to the opposing tensions and schemata in students’ own minds, and this engagement can be enhanced when students are confronted with broader educational debates, perspectives and proposals. Stories provide abstract concepts with a necessary tension, they suggest a way of entering the theoretical via the concrete and they show students the personal relevance of certain debates, which may have previously appeared remote and obscure. The end result is that students are challenged to make decisions about matters of fundamental importance such as the kinds of teachers they will be and about the ethical commitment they will make to teaching.  相似文献   

Educational Stories: Engaging teachers in educational theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

在不同的社会形式和不同的生产力发展水平上,劳动具有不同的表现形式,但马克思和恩格斯的劳动理论认为,虽然劳动是一个历史范畴,但也有一些共同的规定和一般的规律性。认真学习和领会马克思的劳动理论有助于更好的遵循社会主义经济的发展规律,指导社会主义市场经济建设。  相似文献   

本以马克思主义法学原理为引线,论述了毛泽东同志努力把马克思主义法学的基本原理同我国法制建设的具体实践相结合所创建的法制思想,即毛泽东同志对丰富和发展马克思主义法学理论宝库的伟大贡献。  相似文献   

批判与反思教育理论自身的发展至为重要,本围绕关涉教育理论发展的几个根本性问题展开讨论,主张:教育理论实现进步与超越的基本形态是内生式而不是外发式的;教育理论研究中真与善的并生共存;要高度重视教育合理性问题的研究,教育理论合理性的检验应是多维度、多层面的。  相似文献   

The aim and theory of Chinese socialist education is to provide scientific and technological knowledge so as to develop the productive forces and to meet the demands of the socialist cause. Since education is the main vehicle towards modernizing science and technology, any investment in education is viewed as being productive as it feeds directly into economics. Faced with the demands of industrial and agricultural production, training a technical as well as a labour force becomes crucial. This is made possible by the provision of two labour systems for workers both from rural as well as urban areas and by two kinds of educational systems for both urban and rural students. Chinese educational theory is seen as a fusion of principles from its own educational legacy with those of Marxist-Leninist principles.
Zusammenfassung Zielsetzung und Theorie der chinesischen sozialistischen Bildung ist es, wissenschaftliches und technisches Wissen zu vermitteln, um die Produktion anzukurbeln und um den Erfordernissen der sozialistischen Ideologie gercht zu werden. Da die Bildung das Hauptmittel ist, Wissenschaft und Technologie zu modernisieren, wird jede finanzielle Investition als produktiv angesehen, da sie wiederum direkt in die Wirtschaft einfließt. Angesichts der Anforderungen industrieller und landwirtschaftlicher Produktion wird die Ausbildung des technischen Personals und der landwirtschaftlichen Arbeiter zunehmend wichtiger. Dieses wird durch die Bereitstellung zweier Arbeitssysteme für Arbeiter sowohl aus ländlichen wie auch aus städtischen Bereichen und durch zwei Arten von Erziehungssystemen für Studenten aus Stadt- und Landgebieten ermöglicht. Die chinesischen Erziehungswissenschaft wird als Fusion der Prinzipien des eigenen erziehungswissenschaftlichen Erbes und der marxistisch-leninistischen Prinzipien verstanden.

Résumé L'objectif et la théorie de l'éducation socialiste chinoise est d'apporter une instruction technologique et scientifique afin de développer les forces productives et de servir la cause socialiste. Puisque l'éducation est le principale véhicule conduisant à la modernisation de la science et de la technologie, tout investissement en matière d'éducation est considéré comme productif puisquil nourrit directement l'économie. Confrontée aux demandes de la production agricole et industrielle, la formation d'une force technique et de travail devient cruciale. Ceci est possible grâce aux deux systèmes de travail proposés aux ouvriers des zones rurales et urbaines et aux deux types de systémes éducatifs pour les étudiants des villes et des camapagnes. La théorie éducationnelle chinoise est vue en tant que fusion des principes de son propre héritage éducatif et des principes marxistes-léninistes.

The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the socionormative approach of internality in the field of education, and more specifically regarding scholastic judgment. It describes the theoretical development and the main procedures used by researchers to show that internal causal explanations have more value than external ones because they are normative and convey social value. We present results that show that the preference for internal explanations is learned in school. We also demonstrate that internal explanations are often chosen for self-presentation purposes and have some bearing in evaluative practices (here, scholastic judgment). We also present results which show that certain internal explanations of school events, regardless of their valence (success or failure), enhance the social worth of the pupil producing them. This applies to effort-based explanations which are more highly valued than others (e.g., in terms of personological traits such as aptitudes or abilities). Such results lead us to discuss the role played by internal explanations in the evaluation practices. We underline the relevant aspect of the socionormative theory of internality by comparison to another sociocognitive approach namely Weiner’s attributional theory of motivation.  相似文献   

教育美学是运用美学及心理学理论研究教育实践中美的现象及发展规律的新兴科学,创设与拓展新型教育美学势在必行,拓展与深化教育美学的内涵,加强教育美学的理论建设乃当务之急,充分挖掘教育美学的巨大潜能,最大限度地发挥教育美学的社会功用是教育领域的一项战略任务。  相似文献   

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