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This study investigated the differences between the means and the standard deviations in mental ability and academic achievement of two groups of high school students who were differentiated on their indicated aspirations for higher education. The subjects were 636 randomly selected 1961 graduates from nine public, comprehensive high schools in Portland, Oregon.

The hypothesis and sub-hypotheses were stated in the null form. Tests of significance at the .01 level of confidence were determined by utilizing the t tests.

The findings indicated that there were high significant differences between the means of the two groups for all characteristics except the GPA's, and no significant differences between the variability of the scores except in the Stanford Reading Scores.  相似文献   


The issue of school choice and its effects on student performance have become a prevalent part of the educational landscape. This longitudinal investigation examines a group of students not typically associated with the school choice movement: high ability or “gifted” students. The study analyzed whether attending a private school through participation in the Cleveland Scholarship and Tutoring Program, which is among the longest running experimental evaluations of a school voucher program in the United States, resulted in differential performance on standardized achievement tests for topperforming students. Analyses showed that no statistically or practically significant differences were found between gifted students participating in the program and control group students who attended public schools.  相似文献   

Randomized controlled trial evidence shows that interventions before age 5 can improve skills necessary for educational success; the effect of these interventions on socioeconomic inequalities is unknown. Using trial effect estimates, and marginal structural models with data from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (= 11,764, imputed), simulated effects of plausible interventions to improve school entry academic skills on socioeconomic inequality in educational achievement at age 16 were examined. Progressive universal interventions (i.e., more intense intervention for those with greater need) to improve school entry academic skills could raise population levels of educational achievement by 5% and reduce absolute socioeconomic inequality in poor educational achievement by 15%.  相似文献   

选取小学2~6年级学生共285人为被试,采用儿童数学焦虑量表(MASC)和小学数学元认知问卷(QPMAM)进行调查,将被试最近两次大型数学测验的平均分作为儿童数学学业成就的效标.探查儿童的数学焦虑,数学元认知和数学学业成就3者之间的关系和相互作用机制.结果表明:(1)数学焦虑和数学学业成就存在负向相关.(2)中等、高数学焦虑组儿童数学学业成就显著低于低数学焦虑组,中等、高数学焦虑组儿童数学元认知水平显著低于低数学焦虑组.(3)数学元认知在数学焦虑和数学学业成就之间起到了完全中介的作用.  相似文献   

为探索教师知识对小学生学业成绩的影响,在中国基础教育质量监测协同创新中心2013年教育质量监测项目支持下,对中国大陆东南沿海、中部、西北部三省1140所小学82510名四年级学生的数学学业成绩,和与之对应的2915名数学教师的数学教学知识(MKT)进行相关分析和回归分析,得到如下结论:1.教师的数学教学知识与学生学业成绩呈显著性正相关,并且是独立于教师人口学变量的影响因素。2.教师数学教学知识的三个分维度都与学生学业成绩显著相关,其中内容和学生的知识(KCS)对学生学业成绩的贡献率最大。3.教师的学科知识(CK)是影响学生学业成绩的重要的隐性因素。  相似文献   

普通高中学业水平考试是高中阶段教育教学质量评价体系的重要组成部分,科学开发其学业质量评价功能,是有效服务于高中教育教学的前提。本文讨论了开发普通高中学业水平考试学业质量评价功能的缘由、应秉持的理念、应遵循的原则以及利用其开展学业质量评价的主要环节,并针对该考试及其评价功能开发存在的主要问题提出了建议。  相似文献   


While evaluating a project designed to improve certain skills and motivation of disadvantaged tenth graders, the authors developed a unique scoring system for measuring college interest with the Kuder Occupational Interest Survey (OIS) Form DD. This system permits the user to obtain a single score which if obtained from both pretest and posttest administrations attempts to measure change in interest toward college related occupations. In effect, it is anticipated that this would reflect change in interest in pursuing a college education.  相似文献   


To study the relationship of parental occupation with academic achievement of the students, the Progressive Matrices Test was administered to 1359 randomly selected high-school students (age range 14-17 years) studying in 22 urban and six rural secondary schools in the Lucknow district. Data for parental occupation and marks in the high-school examination were also collected. It was observed that there was positive relationship between the level of parental occupation and mean high-school marks. Analysis of variance showed that the differences in the mean achievement scores of the students belonging to different occupational groups were statistically significant (F = 32.50 p<.01). Analysis of covariance showed that this relationship held good even when intelligence as measured by Progressive Matrices Test was held constant (F = 24.34 p<.01).  相似文献   

在数学教学实践中,数学教师应把对学生学习能力的培养、开发学生智力以及使教学更好地适应学生的心理发展作为重要的教学内容。我国当前教育改革的重要目标之一,就是培养学生的独立性和自主性,使学生学会学习。因此,在高中数学教学中培养学生的元认知能力具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

高中学业水平考试制度是国家设立的高中学业水平认证系统,其功能是使学生学业水平成为国家学业水平存在的实然标志。本文研究了高中学业水平考试的标准体系构成、测试体系的制式结构及运作体系的架构三个问题,其中标准体系由学科学业水平标准、领域学业水平标准及高中毕业学业水平标准构成,测试体系由学科学业水平考试和领域学业水平考试构成,每一种考试的测试工具都有自己的制式标准,运作体系由组织者、执行者、考生及保障系统构成。  相似文献   

信息时代,知识更新速度不断加快。学生必须学会自主学习,才能适应时代和社会发展的要求。因此,教师要注重培养学生的自主学习能力,让他们学会学习。文章阐述了元认知策略与自主学习的关系,探讨如何运用元认知理论及策略来培养高中生的自主学习意识和自主学习能力。  相似文献   

高中生的压力应对方式及其与学业成绩关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用中学生应对方式评定问卷,对649名高中生面对挫折和烦恼时应对方式的特点及其与学业成绩的关系进行了考察。结果表明:(1)不同性别的高中生在发泄、幻想和忍耐应对方式上存在显著差异;(2)不同学校类型高中生在问题解决、退避和幻想应对方式上存在显著差异;(3)来自城市和农村的高中生的应对方式差异不显著,处于不同家庭气氛的高中生在问题解决应对方式上存在显著差异,父母教养方式不同的高中生在问题解决和幻想应对上存在极显著差异;(4)高中生学业成绩与问题解决应对方式有显著正相关。  相似文献   

元认知概念自提出以后,众多的研究表明元认知水平对教与学产生着重要的影响,所以元认知能力的培养也随之成为关注的焦点.本文试从师范生培养目标和培养方式的独特性出发,谈谈对师范生元认知能力的培养.  相似文献   

高中学业水平考试标准是考试命题的理论依据和实践指南。从学业水平考试的功能定位出发,依据高中课程标准和高考评价体系,突破以往考试大纲知识要求和能力要求的框架,探索从考查内容、考查要求、考查情境等方面制定学业水平考试标准,构建有利于核心素养测评的框架,促进高中课程改革和新高考改革的顺利实施。  相似文献   

初中是学生整个学习生涯的重要阶段,是打好学习基础,提升整体能力的基础性学段。初中生写作能力的提升是语文教学的重点和难点。现代教学理念要求学生具备一定的核心素养,这包含基于人文底蕴和科学精神的文化基础。如何提升学生的写作能力,是现代语文教师必须关注的问题。  相似文献   


By incorporating two theoretical frameworks this study examines how school characteristics shape first-grade reading ability-grouping practices, and how this, in turn, affects students’ reading achievement. The author uses the data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study and applies the propensity-score method to examine whether first-grade ability grouping improves student achievement, whether ability grouping increases achievement inequalities, and whether its effects vary by student initial abilities and/or school contexts. Findings support an argument that ability grouping is an organizational response to problems of diversity in the student body. Schools that use ability grouping are likely to have heterogeneous ability compositions. They are also public, low-performing, low socioeconomic status, and high-minority schools. In these schools, ability grouping has no effects or negative effects, particularly for low-ability students. In contrast, ability grouping may improve achievement for all students in schools with advantageous characteristics, mostly private schools, and may reduce achievement inequalities, because low-ability students benefit the most from this practice.  相似文献   

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