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Service-learning has been put forth as one of the proposed solutions to increasing social capital. However, service-learning research has not significantly addressed the impact of service learning on social capital. Unlike most previous studies, this research used quantitative analysis to measure the effect of university service-learning programs on social capital by examining the question: What impact do service-learning programs have on social capital post-graduation? This study showed that service learning addresses the civic engagement problem by providing evidence suggesting that service learning predicts social capital post-graduation.  相似文献   

作为残疾人中的弱势群体的智障人士,需要家庭和社会的照顾与支持,作为社会成员,他们同样也需要融入社会和参与社会。本文以青海省H智障人士服务机构为例,拟对智障人士社区化服务模式的困境作一初步探讨,以期有利于当前智障人士社区化服务的进一步开展。  相似文献   

Within the field of alternative higher education is a growing movement which distinguishes itself through its orientation to individual and social change. Its proponents contend that conventional (and many alternative) higher education programs are oriented primarily to the conservation and maintenance of the dominant societal systems. Furthermore, they contend that those systems hinder us, individually and collectively, in achieving greater social, political and economic justice and a higher quality of life for all. This sector operates with the conviction that alternative education can have a liberating or empowering impact for individuals and communities by contributing to their appropriate development.Dr. Mark Rosenman, Guest Editor of this section, is president of Beacon College (formerly Campus-Free College), headquartered in Washington, D. C.  相似文献   


Special education for disabled children is seen by many as being a major factor in the creation of a negative, second-class identity. This article suggests that disability is increasingly being seen as a positive cultural identity. Consequently, inclusive education has the potential to assimilate disabled children and subsume the promotion of disabled identity under the pervasive concept of diversity. Special schools could, therefore, under the control of disabled people become sites for the promotion of disability as a positive cultural identity and offer disabled children and their parents a genuine choice of education.  相似文献   

Forces including legislation, policy, standards-based educational reforms, and changing economic and social conditions have dramatically altered the conversation and practices around postsecondary transition. This article traces the development of postsecondary transition as it is reflected in the professional literature and federal legislation since 1975. Over time, increasing expectations, access, and outcomes for students with disabilities are moving the goals for transition toward postsecondary education and lifelong learning to help graduates achieve continuing success in employment and adult life.  相似文献   

The Interaction with Disabled Persons Scale (IDP) was used to explore the attitudes of preservice teachers at a large Australian University to people with disabilities. Using structural equation modelling, the factor structure of the IDP Scale was tested. The best fitting model was found to be one in which there were four factors (Discomfort, Sympathy, Embarrassment, and Vulnerability) that were derived from 16 items. Although significant effects were found for type of course, age, gender, language, and frequency of contact, the magnitude of these effects was minimal. Changes in student teachers’ attitudes toward disability over a one year general teacher training course were found to be minimal.  相似文献   

关于我国教育个人收益的实证证据支持教育属于准公共产品的论断,政府对教育具有财政投资责任.公共产品理论并不能论证一定要通过政府举办公立学校来实施教育.类似“教育券”的方式可将资助与办学分开.政府对教育的财政责任是由教育的产品属性决定的,并不因组织实施教育机构的体制不同而不同.营利性机构与非营利性学校在体制方面各有利弊.历史上营利性教育总是以弥补传统教育供给与社会需求之间出现的真空的角色出现.国外营利性高等教育近二十年来获得较快的发展,但目前与非营利性高校在服务对象和教育内容方面重合不多.我国民办教育发展中存在营利动机和营利可能性,但现行的非营利政策使这种可能性被夸大.允许营利性学校和营利性教育正在成为政策的改革方向.  相似文献   

由公共资源支持的教育服务,生产和提供分开是效率的前提.在市场交易组织生产和政府直接生产这两种制度安排之间存在一个连续制度安排的谱系.制度安排的多样性是给定资源条件下效率的必然要求,也是解决合意数量资源流入的必然要求.传统的公立学校系统模式不能解决合意数量资源的流入和资源使用的效率问题.教育服务的国家垄断需要打破.我们需要一个具备演化特征的教育服务提供-生产制度结构,它是数量、效率、回应性和公平的可靠解决办法.  相似文献   

中国税法中规定了一般反避税条款,也存在对其进行解释的规范性法律文件。从限制税务机关权力的角度出发,一般反避税条款应解读为创设性条款;其作为“规则集合”的广义理解应当引起重视。一般反避税条款的存在,使得税法在引介私法上的智识成果时,更加合理;且其不会抑制经济创造性,也不会破坏真正意义上的法治安定性。从一般反避税条款的功能定位和价值博弈角度考量,在我国税法中设置一般反避税条款,并对其作限制性解释,是一种合理的立法模式。  相似文献   

We propose a novel theoretical framework for knowledge transfer that consists of constructing a representation of context, generating a solution, and evaluating whether the solution makes sense given that context. Sense-making and satisficing processes determine when the transfer cycle begins and ends, and the classical mechanisms of transfer (identical rules, analogy, knowledge compilation, and constraint violation) are triggered under different representations of context. We use this framework to interpret student transfer behaviors with examples from the literature in the domains of physics and mathematics. We view this framework as a research tool to explore the dynamic nature and complexity of transfer by highlighting critical features and issues that a complete model of transfer must address. We describe how the framework relates to the classical and recent alternative approaches to understanding transfer and discuss the implications for theory development and instruction.  相似文献   

To examine whether there are common or specific deficits of reading disability (RD) in first (L1) and second languages (L2), Chinese children (9–11 years, N = 76) with or without RD who learn English as an L2 were studied during a visual word rhyming judgment task. Evidence was found for common deficits in L1 and L2 in visuo-orthographic processes in left inferior temporal gyrus and left precuneus, as well as in phonological processes in left dorsal inferior frontal gyrus as children with RD showed less activation than controls in both languages. Furthermore, the visuo-orthographic deficit appears to be a RD effect, whereas the phonological deficit appears to be a reading/performance effect. Some weak evidence for language specific effects was also found.  相似文献   


In its current emphasis on all that is analytic and cognitive, the absence and elusiveness of the body in educational research defines and delineates any consideration of how new identities, particularly the emerging identities of Latina/o lesbian and gay youth, are being invented within a contestation of dominant discourses of race, class, gender, and sexuality. In a reevaluation of the writings of Chicana theorists Cherrie Moraga and Gloria Anzaldua, this paper locates the brown body as central in an ongoing practice of negotiation in which multiple, often opposing, ideas and ways of being are addressed, appropriated, and negotiated. The brown body, with its multiple and often oppositional intersections of sociopolitical locations, must be acknowledged in its centrality in creating new knowledges. For the educational researcher, understanding the brown body and the regulation of its movements is fundamental in the reclamation of narrative and the development of radical projects of transformation and liberation.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to explore the potential effectiveness of service learning as a pedagogical technique for providing substance abuse education to human services/social work students. Using a quasi-experimental design, the authors assigned 38 human services undergraduate students to experimental and comparison groups on the basis of their availability to attend a service-learning project in substance abuse. The service learning consisted of a 30-min educational presentation followed by a visit to a residential substance abuse treatment facility for women. Results indicated that service learning in substance abuse had a positive effect on the general knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes of human services students toward substance-dependent mothers and their children. The findings from this exploratory study support future research in this area.  相似文献   

信息时代高校图书馆应加快适应由传统服务环境向网络化服务环境的转变,积极地为教学和科研提供特色服务。更好地搞好特色资源建设,开发利用网上信息资源,开展用户教育,以适应时代发展的需求。  相似文献   

由于没有完善的供应机制,城市社区基本公共服务面临着领域狭窄、覆盖面不广、标准过低、效率低下等问题。要解决这些问题,需要加强制度和能力建设。制度建设主要从转变基层政府职能、明确各主体职责、提升社区民主和法制水平、建立监督与评估制度等方面入手;能力建设主要从转变基层政府观念、设立专项资金、加强人才队伍建设、培育服务主体等几个方面入手。制度建设与能力建设相互影响、相互促进。  相似文献   

The question of whether or not higher education is a public good is discussed from three perspectives: the economic perspective, the legal perspective, and the normative-political perspective. As these perspectives overlap in many ways, the conclusion is that higher education is best described as a mixed good, one that is both public and private. Its efficiency of delivery would be increased by its being somewhat marketized.  相似文献   

Listening to stories and brain processing of narrative material activates many areas devoted not only to the linguistic processing. In this sense, it could be hypothesized that if this activity would be integrated within the school curricula, it could bring benefits in terms of understanding the text as well as in basic essential cognitive dimensions. In a series of studies with different age groups, we investigated the effects of an intensive training in narrative listening, through different tools such as the standardized tests of understanding of the text. We also used a neuropsychological battery investigating basic cognitive processes (cognitive assessment system) that are directly related to the ability of text comprehension. Results show a significant improvement in all tests for all age groups in the experimental groups, in comparison with the control groups.  相似文献   

The pressures frequently encountered by the parents of children with chronic conditions and the concomitant impact on family life have been well‐documented. Family‐focussed interventions have been advocated to address parents’ difficulties. The present evaluation study was undertaken to ascertain long‐term outcomes of the psychoeducational support program, Caring for Parent Caregivers. The aim of the program is to empower the individual and thereby strengthen family resources. Quantitative and qualitative analytical procedures, which included the written evaluations of treatment subjects, were employed to examine program effectiveness. For the fathers and mothers of children with disabilities, psychological health and well‐being was assessed on the General Health Questionnaire, using a pretest and follow‐up control group design. Results showed a statistically significant difference between groups, 12 months after treatment, with program participants displaying less emotional distress than control group subjects. The positive direction of behavioural and attitudinal outcomes, which emerged from evaluation of the small group intervention, were similar for both mothers and fathers. Overall satisfaction with the program was very high, with useful recommendations for program development and for future research and practice being identified.  相似文献   

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