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九、乡镇百话周报1931年11月在太原创刊.创办人:郭怀璋.四开四版,竖式排版铅印.设有社评、要闻汇志、本省大事记要、农民艺园等栏目.本报积极宣传时事政治,号召抵抗日本侵略.终刊时间不详.该报出版于中华民国二十年十一月三十日.十、青年导报1947年4月19日在太原创刊.创办人:智力展.三日刊,四开四版,设有国际国内新闻、本省本市新闻、副刊、人物介绍、通讯等栏目.当年10月10日起更名平民日报,1949年4月终刊.该报出版于中华民国三十六年四月二十五日第三期.  相似文献   

二十三、汉报1893年(光绪十九年)2月在湖北汉口创刊.创办人兼主编为日本人:宗方小太郎.是日本人在中国创办最早的中文日报.设有阅商务报书、恭录电谕、地痞逞能、日人远游和各项告白等栏目.  相似文献   

清代部分 一、邸报--最早的报纸中国古代封建官报的通称.在古代文献和文学作品中,它有时也被别称为邸抄、邸钞、阁钞、杂报、朝报、京报、进奏院状、报状和除目.邸报起始于唐朝,由各地节度使派驻首都的进奏官负责向地方传发.  相似文献   

你想一睹最早报纸《邸报》和最早杂志《旅客》的风采吗?你想欣赏金箔报、银箔报、扇子报、最小报等大量的奇异报纸吗?你想了解古今中外各类特色报刊吗?你想……近日创刊的《苗世明藏报馆画报》如同一座流动的报刊博物馆,将满足你的这一愿望。  相似文献   

云南省图书馆藏有古籍善本1619部,28377册。有369部收入《中国古籍善本总目》。在这些丰富的馆藏中,不乏集史料价值、版本价值、收藏价值于一体的佛教经典。为让读者对本馆珍稀佛教经典馆藏有所了解,特以历史年代为序,遴选典籍,从版式、装帧、题识、内容等方面加以综述。  相似文献   

上海图书馆徐家汇藏书楼珍稀文献具有特殊的史料价值、学术价值以及艺术价值,对于这些资料的整理、揭示及研究将对中西文化发展及交流史的研究有重大意义。本文在研究DCRM(B)、RDA两个规则的基础上,以美国各机构珍稀文献规则实施情况及PCC标准记录要求为参考依据,结合RDA(3R)的要求,提出本地化规则中一些难点与重点的解决建议,探究适合徐家汇藏书楼珍稀文献编目规则的路径,也为其他类似图书馆的外文古籍书目编制提供参考。  相似文献   

2015年9月11日,由我馆主办的"近藏集粹—中国国家博物馆新入藏文物专题展"开幕。我馆馆长吕章申,国家文物局博物馆与社会文物司副司长张建新,文博界专家孙机、杨泓、王连起、单国强,我馆领导李六三、陈成军、古建东等出席开幕式。吕章申馆长说,国家博物馆建馆一百多年来,在一代代国博人的努力下,才有了今天丰富的馆藏。近十余年来,国家博物馆新入藏文物藏品总数达453922件。为使这些文物藏品让更多的观众鉴赏,特别策划了这个专题展览。  相似文献   

8,虚设靶子引文:曹操攻屠邺城,袁氏妇子多见侵略,而操子丕私纳袁熙妻甄氏。(孔)融乃与操书,称“武王伐纣,以妲己赐周公。”操不悟,后问出何经典。对曰:“以今度之,想当然耳。”(《后汉书·孔融列传》)简析:这段文字是孔融对曹操的批评。袁绍与曹操本来结盟反对董卓;董卓败亡,两人分据大河南北,兵戎相见。曹操打败袁绍,进占邺城,俘虏了袁氏父子的妻小,曹操的儿子曹丕见袁熙(袁绍之子)的妻子甄氏天姿围色,大为动心,便在曹操的赞同下取以为妻。孔融对此不以为然,便写信批评。他不直说其事,却虚设  相似文献   

8,虚设靶子引文:曹操攻屠邺城,袁氏妇子多见侵略,而操子丕私纳袁熙妻甄氏。(孔)融乃与操书,称“武王伐纣,以妲己赐周公。”操不悟,后问出何经典。对曰:“以今度之,想当然耳。”(《后汉书·孔融列传》) 简析:这段文字是孔融对曹操的批评。袁绍与曹操本来结盟反对董卓;董卓败亡,两人分据大河南北,兵戎相见。曹操打败袁绍,进占邺城,俘虏了袁氏父子的妻小,曹操的儿子曹丕见袁熙(袁绍之子)的妻子甄氏天姿国色,大为动心,便在曹操的赞同下取以为妻。孔融对此不以为然,便写信批评。他不直说其事,却虚设靶子,杜撰历史故事,说当年周武王灭殷,杀了纣王,又  相似文献   

<正> 复本的微观控制(Duplication Microcontrol),就是根据入藏图书本身存在的主题与非主题的特征以及读者对这些特征的不同需求,找出入藏图书主题参数及非主题参数与读者需求程度之间的对应关系,根据经费的实际情况及平均复本指数,复本分布状态等规定,用复本指数来体现出这一关系,并在此基础上,制定出图书馆藏书发展规划的复本指数标准.使用这样的复本指数标准,应当能够回答每一种属于图书馆入藏范围内的图书要不要订购复本,订购多少的问题,从而把每一种入藏图书的复本指数控制在准确合理的水平.同时,在  相似文献   

本文从民国时期山东报业概况、山东省图书馆馆藏民国时期山东地方报纸概况、山东地方报纸特点分析、山东地方报纸的史料价值四个方面,对山东省图书馆馆藏中的民国时期山东地方报纸进行了较为系统地分析与研究。  相似文献   

1941年时,我在桂林《力报》作总编辑,王造时先生在重庆出席参政会回吉安,途经桂林,约我在乐群社相见。他告诉我他在吉安办了一份《前方日报》,没有人负责编辑部,想请我去作总编辑。当时我正同桂林《力报》的社长有点小小的不愉快,因此很快答应了。我们讲好每月工资叁百元,他回吉安之后,马上寄旅费来。  相似文献   

高校图书馆特色馆藏建设与苗侗民族文化的传承   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从苗侗民族民间文化面临的危机、苗侗民族文艺特色馆藏建设的战略意义、高校图书馆苗侗民族文艺特色馆藏建设的总体设想等3方面对主题进行论述,旨在对整个少数民族文化的传承建设起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

曾国藩家府富厚堂藏书楼,收藏曾氏及家人档案资料及书籍资料30万卷,成为中国现存的古代五大私家藏书楼之一。一百多年以来,这种属于家庭收藏性质的曾氏家府藏书楼发挥了极其重要的作用。  相似文献   

张帆 《图书馆》2005,(2):110-111
论述了建国初期五种著名社科期刊的创刊号是期刊王国中的珍品,其真实地反映了我国一段特殊历史画面,所载诗文堪称典范精品,装帧形式显示了一种特殊的朴素美。  相似文献   

美国媒体站在美国政府的立场上 ,对“中美撞机事件”进行了大量报道和评论 ,并对中美关系的性质形成了较为一致的认识 :中国是一个成长中的大国 ,是美国的战略竞争对手。媒体所制造的社会舆论 ,为布什政府推行对华强硬政策提供了支持 ,使中美关系面临新的考验。  相似文献   

Social media are increasingly being used as sources in mainstream news coverage. Yet, while the research so far has focused mainly on the use of social media in particular situations, such as breaking news coverage, during crisis news events or in times of elections, little attention is paid to journalists' routine, day-to-day monitoring of social media platforms. The aim of this study is to examine the use and selection of social media as sources in routine newspaper coverage. First, it presents a quantitative overview of all the articles published between January 2006 and December 2013 in the print editions of two Flemish (north Belgian) quality newspapers, De Standaard and De Morgen, that explicitly refer to Facebook, Twitter or YouTube. Next, a content analysis is conducted of a sample of newspaper articles published in 2013 that explicitly mention Facebook, Twitter or YouTube as sources of information. The goal of this content analysis is to examine the different appearances and functions of social media references in the news. The study thus provides a first insight into Belgian newspaper journalists' regular sourcing routines in relation to social media.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(27-28):331-345
This paper presents a selection of reference tools needed for the intellectual access to Canadian periodicals and newspapers. The discussion covers: (1) Sources used for identification of retrospective periodicals. (2) Sources used for identification of current periodicals. (3) Evaluation tools. (4) Indexing tools. (5) Sources used for verification of bibliographic information. (6) Location tools. (7) Sources used for identification and location of Canadian newspapers. (8) Indexing tools for Canadian newspapers. The paper is aimed at libraries and researchers who are interested in nadian studies.  相似文献   

This article will examine the involvement of the Empire Press Union, including prominent early members like Lord Northcliffe and its founder Sir Harry Brittain, in the development of imperial air services as part of a larger ongoing study involving India, Australia and New Zealand. The main focus will be on the first three decades of the organization (1909–39) and on its regular conference activity which correspond with the pioneering period of aviation in Britain and in the antipodes. The press, as will be shown, had a commercial stake in the pioneer aviation story, while the Empire Press Union, for reasons to be outlined below, had a strong interest in Imperial Airways’ plans to develop the ‘longest air route in the world’ to that time. The focus of this analysis is inevitably limited: it does not, for example, deal with the ambitious British airship experiment which competed for funds and publicity with aviation, albeit with tragic outcomes. In contrast with the triumphalism of traditional communication and press narratives, it uncovers a complex faltering set of developments in which the Empire Press Union, both for altruistic and self-interested motives, played its part. In general terms, this involvement also serves to confirm that the Empire Press Union and its elaborate conferences paid increasing attention to new and emerging technologies like aviation and broadcasting in the interwar years. Moreover, this interest was not solely a response to the commercial challenges which such inventions posed to newspapers and print journalism; rather it reflected the willingness of the Press Union leadership, both in Britain and elsewhere, to harness such developments in the interests of speedier and cheaper imperial communications.  相似文献   

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