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行为自主指个体在生活中可以不依赖他人,独立作出各种决策并加以执行的能力,是个人自主的重要体现。青少年行为自主的研究源于精神分析理论,当代学者沿袭对青少年自主内涵的界定,并结合社会认知理论发展出基于家庭决策方式的测评工具。行为自主的发展轨迹、影响因素以及与心理社会功能的关系是目前研究的三个焦点。具体而言,青少年行为自主水平随年龄增长呈上升趋势但各领域并不完全同步;性别、家庭社会经济地位、出生顺序、文化背景是相关的影响因素;行为自主与心理社会功能的具体关系尚不明晰,可能受自主获得时间、决策方式的动机类型、事务领域、文化环境的调节。未来应开发更有效的行为自主测量方法,揭示其发展机制,拓展考察其他相关因素,并深入反思行为自主与心理社会功能的复杂关系。  相似文献   

Emotional Autonomy Redux: Revisiting Ryan and Lynch   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Ryan and Lynch have suggested that emotional autonomy in adolescence, at least as indexed by Steinberg and Silverberg's Emotional Autonomy Scale, is associated with poor family functioning and might therefore be better conceptualized as detachment. In the present study, we contrast adjustment scores among adolescents who differ in both emotional autonomy and perceptions of support in their relationship with their parents. Several thousand adolescents aged 14 through 18 completed Steinberg and Silverberg's emotional autonomy measure, a measure designed to assess the provision of support in the parent-adolescent relationship, and a number of standardized measures of adjustment. Adolescents high in emotional autonomy but low in relationship support show problematic adjustment profiles, consistent with Ryan and Lynch's interpretation of the measure as an index of detachment. Although adolescents high in both emotional autonomy and relationship support report more internal distress and behavior problems than some adolescents, they score higher on measures of psychosocial development and academic competence than their peers. Emotional autonomy in the context of a supportive adolescent-parent relationship may carry some developmental advantages as well as some deleterious consequences suggested by Ryan and Lynch.  相似文献   

A developmental cascade model of autonomy and relatedness in the progression from parent to friend to romantic relationships across ages 13, 18, and 21 was examined among 184 adolescents (53% female, 58% Caucasian, 29% African American) recruited from a public middle school in Virginia. Parental psychological control at age 13 undermined the development of autonomy and relatedness, predicting relative decreases in autonomy and relatedness with friends between ages 13 and 18 and lower levels of autonomy and relatedness with partners at age 18. These cascade effects extended into adult friendships and romantic relationships, with autonomy and relatedness with romantic partners at age 18 being a strong predictor of autonomy and relatedness with both friends and partners at age 21.  相似文献   

This study investigated the changing relation between emotion and inhibitory control during adolescence. One hundred participants between 11 and 25 years of age performed a go‐nogo task in which task‐relevant stimuli (letters) were presented at the center of large task‐irrelevant images depicting negative, positive, or neutral scenes selected from the International Affective Picture System. Longer reaction times for negative trials were found across all age groups, suggesting that negative but not positive emotional images captured attention across this age range. However, age differences in accuracy on inhibitory trials suggest that response inhibition is more readily disrupted by negative emotional distraction in early adolescence relative to late childhood, late adolescence, or early adulthood.  相似文献   

情绪障碍是大学生常见的心理问题,不良情绪长期存在,将会严重影响大学生的学习和生活。本文分析了大学生情绪障碍的主要表现,探究了引起大学生不良情绪的因素,提出了情绪控制与调适的主要方法。  相似文献   

This study examined relations between behavioral inhibition in toddlerhood and social, school, and psychological adjustment in late adolescence in China. Data on behavioral inhibition were collected from a sample of 2-year-olds (initial N = 247). Follow-up data were collected at 7 years for peer relationships and 19 years for adjustment across domains. The results showed that early inhibition positively predicted later social competence and school adjustment. Peer relationships in middle childhood served as a protective factor in the development of depression of inhibited children. The results indicate the distinct functional meaning of behavioral inhibition in the Chinese context from a developmental perspective.  相似文献   

情绪调节与个体心理健康的关联非常密切,情绪调节技能的不足往往会导致很多情绪障碍的发生.为探讨情绪调节技能与情绪适应之间的关系,该研究将《情绪调节困难量表》和《正负性感情检核表》施测于149名听障大学生和159名普通大学生.研究结果显示:与普通大学生相比,听障大学生在情绪调节技能的三个方面(情绪接受、冲动控制和策略使用)体验到更多的困难,在情绪适应方面体验到更少的正性情绪和更多的负性情绪.进一步分析发现,对负性情绪的预测中,听障状态和策略使用的主效应显著,听障状态对情绪接受与负性情绪之间关系的调节作用显著,即情绪接受方面的困难对听障大学生的负性情绪体验有显著的正向预测作用,而对普通大学生的影响未达到显著水平.这对我们设计和实施情绪调节技能方面的针对性培训来改善听障群体的心理健康状况有启示作用.  相似文献   

随着我国高等职业教育不断向前发展,生源对象也逐渐从80后转向90后的一代,90后的一代大部分是独生子女或从小就是留守学生,处于特殊的身心发展期,表现出特定群体的情绪特点。通过对90后高职生自我情绪管理中应注意的调节方法,引导他们提高情绪的自我管理能力,促进其身心健康发展。  相似文献   

This short-term longitudinal study examined whether emotion regulation and emotion understanding made unique contributions towards at-risk preschoolers' classroom adaptation. To address this question, we assessed children's emotion regulation and their understanding of emotions in both self (self-awareness, emotion coping) and in others (emotion recognition, affective perspective taking, situation knowledge). Participants were 49 children (22 boys and 27 girls) who attended a Head Start program for low-income children. Seventy percent of this sample was Caucasian, with the remainder being of Latino, African American or biracial ethnicity. Emotion regulation at the start of the school year was associated with school adjustment at year's end, whereas early emotional lability/negativity predicted poorer outcomes. Children who made a smooth adjustment to preschool also were better able to take another person's affective perspective and to identify situations that would provoke different emotional responses. Emotion regulation and understanding made unique contributions towards school adjustment, even when controlling for potential confounds, including behavior problems and verbal abilities. Teachers appeared to influence children's emotional competence by serving an important regulatory function, especially for older preschoolers at-risk.  相似文献   

成教大学生成才的情感障碍及其调适初探   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
成教学员都渴望成才和发展 ,但在其成才和发展过程中存在着自卑感、失落感 ;焦虑、抑郁感等消极情感 ,这些情感障碍影响和制约着学员的成才和发展。本文以心理学家贝克 (A.TBeck)提出的情绪障碍认知理论为基础 ,探讨了成教学员成才的情感障碍的表现及其调适 ,并认为是当前我国成人教育学院素质教育中迫切需要解决的现实问题  相似文献   

This study assessed links between free-time activities in middle childhood (hobbies, sports, toys and games, outdoor play, reading, television viewing, and hanging out) and school grades, conduct, and depression symptoms both concurrently and 2 years later, in early adolescence. It also explored two mechanisms that might underlie activity-adjustment links: whether the social contexts of children's activities mediate these links, child effects explain these connections, or both. Participants were 198 children (M = 10.9 years, SD = .54 years) in Year 1, and their parents. In home interviews in Years 1 and 3 of the study, mothers rated children's conduct problems, children reported on their depression symptoms, and information was collected on school grades from report cards. In seven evening phone interviews, children reported on the time they spent in free-time activities during the day of the call and their companions in each activity. Links were found between the nature of children's free-time activities and their adjustment. The social contexts of free-time activities explained activity-adjustment links to a limited degree; with respect to child effects, evidence also suggested that better adjusted children became more involved in adaptive activities over time.  相似文献   

The present investigation studies the levels of emotional intimacy within nonclinical single-parent families and intact families, and how these may relate to children's academic, social and emotional adjustments. Participants were 94 children of divorced families, 95 children of intact families, and their mothers (60 married and 58 divorced). The inventory of family feelings (IFF) and Kvebaek family sculpture technique (KFST) were used to examine subjects' emotional relationships with their family members. The results show significant differences between the divorced and intact groups on several measures of intimacy and adjustment. Most of these differences, however, are found to be small (as reflected by their small size effect). The only exception is with regard to the children's feeling of intimacy with their divorced noncustodial father. The quality of this dyad relationship also has a predictive power for the children's psychological, social and academic levels of functioning. These results are discussed in the context of divorced families' emotional boundaries and concerns over the long-term effects of parental divorce on children.  相似文献   

This study examined the hypotheses that (a) intimacy of friendship is more integral to socioemotional adjustment during adolescence than preadolescence, and (b) that competence in close relationship skills is more important during adolescence than preadolescence. Subjects were 102 10-13-year-old preadolescents and 70 13-16-year-old adolescents. Self- and friend ratings of friendship intimacy were gathered using a 2-step procedure ensuring that students rated only reciprocated friendships. Self- and friend ratings of close relationship competence were gathered using the newly developed Adolescent Interpersonal Competence Questionnaire. Intimacy of friendship was consistently and moderately correlated with adjustment and competence among adolescents but less consistently related among preadolescents. Significant age differences in coefficients were predominantly found for correlates of self-reported rather than friend-reported intimacy. Overall, the findings support the view that the ability to establish close, intimate friendships becomes increasingly important during early adolescence.  相似文献   

中学生的情绪智力及其与社会适应的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对六城市的2533名中学生施测情绪智力、人格五因素和社会适应问卷,以探讨中学生情绪智力的发展特点及其与社会适应的关系。结果表明:(1)中学生情绪智力的不同维度表现出不同的发展特点;(2)情绪感知可显著负向预测个体的行事效率、违规行为和积极应对;情绪运用可显著正向预测积极社会适应的所有4个维度;情绪理解可显著正向预测亲社会倾向;情绪管理可显著正向预测行事效率,负向预测违规行为;(3)与人格的预测作用相比较,情绪智力对个体社会适应的意义尤为突出地表现在对于生活中困难与挫折的应对上。  相似文献   

大学自治与学术自由自中世纪大学产生之日起就已存在,且自治和自由的程度很高。随着大学逐步由封闭的“象牙塔”步入社会的“轴心”,大学自治与学术自由也必须有一定的限度,承担相应的责任。对这一问题的深入研究与探讨,正是协调大学不断适应外部变化的社会和遵循内部逻辑发展二者矛盾的关键所在。  相似文献   

社会人格取向的成人依恋与情感调节   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从成人依恋的社会人格角度,介绍当前的成人依恋与情感调节主要研究,探讨了不同依恋类型者在面对压力事件、亲密关系、情绪记忆中的情感体验、调节等方面的差异,并展望了该领域未来的研究趋势。  相似文献   

"以学生为中心,引导学生进行探求式学习,从而发展学生分析问题、解决问题等高级思维能力"是我国大学英语教学的最终目标。在实践中,其表现为学生自主性培养。国内外学者从不同角度对其进行探讨,但仅限于大学生或中小学生研究。本研究通过问卷调查高职学生的英语自主学习能力。结果表明,学生总体英语自主学习能力较低,尤其在目标计划制定、策略监控、学习过程监控三个方面。  相似文献   

大学组织是崇高教育理想的社会建制,大学自主、大学自治是知识生产逻辑内在发展的客观要求和精神内核.20世纪80年代以来,我国大学在大学自主的改革进程中引入了市场机制,对大学组织特征、教师与学生身份认定、专业设置、学术评价、权利运行的结构等方面均产生了一些负面影响.新时期的中国大学自主要求重新界定政府职能,厘清政府与市场、社会、大学组织之间的协调与合作关系.  相似文献   

本技术报告基于中国苏州的测评数据,对OECD社会与情感能力测评工具在中国文化下的心理测量学特征进行分析。具体计算Alpha系数和Omega系数来检验这些量表的信度;进行了一系列验证性因子分析来检验这些量表的结构效度;开展多组验证性因子分析来评估不同组(年龄组和性别组)的测量等值性,以及使用项目反应理论广义分步计分模型来衡量项目并为所有参与测评的学生生成社会与情感能力值。  相似文献   

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