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Part‐time study is one of the foci of the widening participation agenda in the UK. The experiences of part‐time students, however, have received remarkably little attention from scholars, especially in a comparative context. This paper explores existing historical data going back over a decade to identify the main themes of part‐time experience at a number of UK higher education institutions and how it compares and contrasts with the full‐time experience. The surveys use the Student Satisfaction Approach. The main themes emerging from institutional survey data over time are the work/family/study balance, assessment and feedback, access to learning and catering resources, and students' financial situation. There is sometimes a question of identity, but unlike many studies of part‐time student experience, which focus on aspects of disadvantage, social, and cultural capital, the data for this paper indicate that many part‐time students have a sense of themselves as being ignored or at worst marginalised in contemporary higher education.  相似文献   

日本国立大学在日本高等教育体系中占有重要地位。面对全球化的浪潮,日本国立大学进行了法人化改造。国立大学改革也在紧锣密鼓地进行之中。  相似文献   

British universities differ considerably in the strength of their research orientation. Those of higher prestige tend to have a stronger orientation towards research, while those of lower prestige have a weaker research orientation, A university that is strongly research oriented in one group of subjects is likely to be so in the others it teaches too. It is the conventional wisdom that a good researcher is likely to be a good teacher at undergraduate level, and the negative relationship between the degree of research orientation and undergraduate wastage rates provides some slight support for this. The relationship between research and teaching seems to be more an indirect one (that anyone with the ability to do good research is likely to have the ability to teach well at university level) than a direct one (research makes a university teacher a better teacher).  相似文献   

日本研究型大学面临的机遇与挑战   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章分析了日本研究型大学的一般特点,及其发展过程中面临的一些问题。近年来,日本政府制定了加强研究生教育、国立大学法人化、建设世界一流大学等政策,促进了日本研究型大学的健康发展。  相似文献   

开展廉政档案建设,是新形势下高校党委、纪委贯彻落实全面从严治党工作的重要抓手,是创新纪检监察监督方式的重要体现。本文立足高校纪检工作实际,着眼于廉政档案的建立与管理,重点探讨廉政档案收集、整理、保管、鉴定等内容。  相似文献   

This study mapped the development of performance appraisal in UK universities and assessed the initial impact of appraisal in four case study institutions. University staff felt that appraisal has had little impact on their motivation, efficiency and performance. One reason for this may be the ambiguity surrounding the intentions of staff appraisal in universities: it is neither a management tool, nor is it wholly focused on staff development. If appraisal is primarily concerned with assessment, it must be linked to promotion and merit pay awards. The current arrangement of using agreed summaries from the appraisal interviews in promotion procedures is not entirely satisfactory and requires further consideration. If, on the other hand, appraisal is intended for the purposes of staff development, this aim should be explicity stated and backed up with adequate resources and effective procedures designed to ensure that identified training needs are met.While universities have responded to the need to develop appraisal schemes there is very little sense in which appraisal has been given a coherent function in relation to other aspects of management. If appraisal is to promote change in universities, it must be incorporated in university and departmental planning.  相似文献   

The British government supports five semi-independent research councils covering agriculture, medicine, science, social science and the environment. These councils do not follow the same procedure but are an important element in the support of research in universities and in the maintenance of postgraduate students. It is possible that some of these research councils may be brought to an end and this would mean that universities would have to deal directly with the government departments concerned. Their budgets have not expanded at the same rate as the universities; if the same proportion of undergraduates stays on to undertake research and if this increasing number continues to be maintained from council funds, the expenditure on research will decline.
Résumé Le gouvernement brittannique entretient cing conseils de recherche, relativement autonomes, qui couvrent l'agriculture, la médicine, la science, les sciences sociales et l'environnement. Ces conseils n'utilisent pas les mêmes procédures, mais ils aident puissament la recherche dans les universités ainsi que l'entretien des étudiants de troisième cycle. On envisage de mettre fin à l'existence de certains de ces conseils de recherche et, en ce cas, les universités auraient directement affaire aux départements gouvernementaux qui les concernent. Leurs budgets ne se sont pas étendus au même degré que les universités; si la même proportion d'étudiants reste à l'université pour faire de la recherche et si l'on continue à entretenir sur les fonds des conseils une population croissante, il est évident que les dépenses de recherche iront en diminuant.

大学科学研究的性质、地位、作用之比较分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
现代大学的科学研究已经成为国家科学事业及其创新体系的主要组成部分,在科学技术进步中发挥着重要的作用。有关统计数据表明,基础性、理论性仍是大学科学研究的基本性质。作为教育机构,大学科学研究的主要作用首先仍然是培养人才,特别是培养从事科学研究的人才;大学在科学事业发展上的贡献,主要在于通过基础研究产生新认识、创造新理论、扩大新知识;大学通过应用与开发研究对技术的贡献,在现代社会的经济发展中发挥着越来越积极和明显的作用。  相似文献   

With the current trend that universities around the world have gradually stepped into higher education systems of popularization, there has been more diversity in universities; hence it has become necessary to increase the transparency of university governance. Since that university classification or university ranking is a powerful mechanism to demonstrate the diversity of an institute, the rankings of research funding have become desirable and also of great value. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the rankings of research funding among universities in Taiwan, and make relevant suggestions based on the findings. A secondary data analysis was conducted on the data obtained from the database of National Science Council, in order to develop the rankings of research funding among 164 universities in Taiwan. Based on the results, the conclusions are as follows: (1) The top three universities which won the funding of the National Science Council Research Project with the best overall strength were National Taiwan University, National Cheng Gung University, and National Chiao Tung University; (2) The top three universities which won the funding of the National Science Council Research Project with the best average faculty strength were National Tsing Hua University, National Chiao Tung University, and National Taiwan University. It is suggested that, when rating the strength of a university to win the research funding, both overall strength and average faculty strength should be considered to avoid the unfairness towards universities of smaller scale.  相似文献   

The research assessment exercise in English universities, 2001   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
At intervals of 3–4 years, researchquality in English universities has beenexternally reviewed 5 times over the past 16years. Assessment is based on peer-review ofmaterial submitted by universities to 70separate subject panels. The principalcomponent is information on research output,usually publications, from all academic staffidentified as ``research active'. Researchquality is rated on a numerical (1–5*),criteria-based scale. Ratings in all subjectareas and across all universities haveincreased to give an average rating in 2001corresponding to a level of ``attainablenational excellence'. Between universitiesthere are significant variations. In theprestigious Loxbridge group, where almost allacademic staff are research-active, 90% ofsubject areas achieved ratings at level 5 in2001; in contrast, in the New universities,where only 40% of academic staff isresearch-active, level 5 was achieved in 7% ofsubject areas. A combination of high researchquality and high cost research (medicine,science, engineering) concentrated in the Olduniversities is similarly evident in thedistribution of research funding. Income fromboth research subsidy and research grants andcontracts is divided: Old universities, 94%(Loxbridge, 35%), New universities, 6%. High institutional costs of the assessmentprocess, particularly for areas of low-costresearch, and increasing concern about theinadequacies of the rating system and failureof its direct link to funding suggest thatsubstantial revision will be needed for futureassessment exercises.  相似文献   

高校科研工作的开展需要有良好的保障机制。当前,高校科研管理评价机制存在与科研工作的实际需求不相适应、理念落后、缺乏灵活性等现象。高校要合理有效地整合科研管理资源,不断创新和完善科研管理评价机制,以推进科研成果的转化,有效提高科研管理的水平。  相似文献   

研究型大学在国家自主技术创新中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The world is increasingly merged into a global market economy, and the government’s intervention power in economy has rapidly given way to that of science and technology. For the world’s major economic powers, indigenous technological innovation has become a national strategy for enhancing competitiveness. Investment in scientific and technological innovation has become the most important form of strategic investment and strategic technological industry has become a forward-looking deployment and key priority in innovative national building. Research universities may have critical strength in and important social contribution to indigenous technological innovation. An innovative government may achieve this by making use of the research university’s mechanism and characteristics of technology transfer, clarifying the university—industry relationship and providing relevant policy incentives. The article concludes with an analysis of the advantages, problems and making strategies of Chinese research universities in indigenous technological innovation. __________ Translated from Qinghua Daxue Jiaoyu Yanjiu 清华大学教育研究 (Tsinghua Journal of Education), 2008, 28(2): 7–15  相似文献   

高职院校的科研工作正在起步,有必要探讨在高职院校的科研工作中起推动作用的关键因素。文章结合实际从两个方面阐述了高职院校的科研工作必须重视"激励机制"和"科研课题"的推动作用。  相似文献   

Recent expansion of tertiary education in the Caribbean via the creation of two new universities invites reflection on what impedes the creation of research culture, and what enables it. We contend that research culture in the Caribbean comes up against the strictures of post-colonial dependence, university education in the region being largely a one-way traffic of ideas from metropolitan centers to island peripheries. To offset this, we call for change both in the external environments in which the universities are set, and their internal environments, within which the ethos of inquiry must become commonplace. Demand for research knowledge has to be cultivated throughout the Caribbean. Accordingly, we call for collaborative approaches between university communities and the various publics they serve, to find and solve problems that can lead to the improvement of well being.  相似文献   

关于高校职业指导战略的研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
有效的职业指导,能够使大学生接受到最适合自己特点的职业教育,确切地了解所选职业特点,素质要求,帮助他们找到适合自己的职业,为他们事业上的成功和人生价值的实现提供良好的开端。要实现这一目标,转型期的高校毕业生职业指导应重视四方面的战略;实现职业指导理令的更新、加强职业指导理论的研究、培养学生就业心理素质、强化现代信息技术在职业指导中的应用。  相似文献   

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