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This paper explores the role of sex and relationship education (SRE) in reducing teenage pregnancy rates. It critically examines some of the assumptions underlying the emphasis placed on SRE within the teenage pregnancy strategy ( SEU, 1999 ) – in particular, the view that ignorance of sexual matters plays a key part in teenage conception. An analysis of these assumptions is used to explore the reasons why the research evidence on the efficacy of sex education in changing adolescent sexual behaviour is mixed. Attention is drawn to the wider contexts within which adolescent sexual behaviour occurs – and the wider contexts within which schools are operating to provide SRE. Also highlighted are suggestions from the literature about what young people want from sex education and the possible implications for reducing teenage pregnancy. The paper concludes that although important, SRE, on its own, is unlikely to be the panacea sought by politicians to reduce the incidence of teenage pregnancy in the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

Teenage pregnancy among school-going youth is a concern worldwide, but in socially–economically challenged environments it is a result of, and contributory factor to, a complex web of social injustice. In South Africa, most of the school-based prevention interventions to date have been adult-designed and imparted, with the voice of the target audience – the youth – being ignored. The purpose of this participatory action research study was to involve school-going youth in the research and development of prevention interventions, tailored to meet their perceived needs. This article focuses on the first cycle where 24 high school participants interrogated their own and their peers’ narratives about teenage pregnancy so as to determine a way forward. Findings indicate that, although the youth perceive parenthood while they are still studying to have a negative impact on their future life goals, the prevention messages mediated by educators and other adults do not take into consideration the needs and lifestyle of teenagers within their specific social context. The implications of the three themes which emerged from the thematic analysis of the interviews, open-ended questionnaires and visual data are discussed to provide guidelines for the design of more youth-friendly prevention education to inform the next cycle of the research. Since teenage pregnancy is a global problem, the findings of this study have international relevance.  相似文献   

青少年犯罪是一个十分复杂的社会问题,当前青少年犯罪占各类刑事犯罪总数的比例有不断上升的趋势,其产生的原因是多方面的,既有青少年自身的生理、心理特点方面的原因,也有家庭教育、学校教育和社会不良因素的影响,预防和减少青少年犯罪是全社会的共同责任和神圣使命,需要家庭、学校和全社会的共同努力。  相似文献   

What are pregnant couples'' concerns regarding their sexual relationship after their baby''s arrival? A study in regard to this question was conducted with five prenatal groups (n = 82). Its results are presented in this article. The sexual concerns are categorized as being about physical matters, psychological issues, adaptation issues, and anticipatory planning. A review of the literature then develops the theoretical interpretation of each of the sexual concerns and offers suggestions for childbirth educators to address some of these issues.  相似文献   


In this article the writer explores the importance of and difficulty surrounding dialogue between students and teachers. This discussion is set within the wider context of a debate about the education of the emotions in our society and the argument is that this dialogue has a part to play in the education of the emotions. Thinking in the field of psychotherapy is drawn on as well as the writer’s experience as an educator, counsellor and trainer. She is currently working in higher education and concerned with teacher education and research. This background is relevant in that this experience is drawn on and it also shows up the focus of much of the work. This is concerned with personal, social and emotional development in education and with making this integral to education and organizations.  相似文献   

Despite an overall reduction in teenage pregnancy rates in the USA, the decrease for young women of Mexican heritage in the USA has been less significant than the decrease for their White and African-American peers. Furthermore, the availability of teenage pregnancy prevention models that are conceptualised specifically for people of Mexican descent is minimal. Using qualitative focus group data that were triangulated against quantitative survey data and collected from 35 young people and their parents, this paper presents findings from the pilot of a teenage pregnancy prevention model designed for and with input from Mexican American young women and men and their parents. Reflecting a favourable and impactful experience for the participants, the findings present implications for future intervention efforts and research.  相似文献   

A telephone survey was administered to residents of a historically conservative southern state to assess resident's level of support for comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) in schools and support for the availability of condoms and contraception to reduce unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. Data were obtained from 841 residents and findings revealed that the majority of residents: (a) support CSE, (b) support access to birth control, and (c) support the availability of condoms. Data were analyzed to determine characteristics of those in support of these prevention strategies so that data could inform key stakeholders, policy makers and health promotion strategies.  相似文献   

Experiences of maltreatment during childhood and the emergence of sexuality during adolescence are both critical developmental issues that intersect in meaningful ways, yet the two are often isolated from each other in practice. Despite the prevalence of childhood maltreatment, sexuality education does not accommodate young people with trauma histories. This results in curricula and content that ignore the particular needs and experiences of a proportion of students in sexuality education classrooms. Trauma interventions commit a similar oversight by neglecting the prospects for positive, growth-promoting sexual experiences and relationships among young people who have been abused. The failure to account for young people's resilience in the sexual domain results in treatment approaches that emphasise sexual risks (e.g. revictimisation) and problem behaviours to the exclusion of guidance in cultivating positive sexualities. Consequently, many forms of sexuality education and maltreatment interventions may be of limited effectiveness and relevance in promoting the future sexual well-being of young people with histories of trauma. To redress this gap, we advocate for trauma-informed sexuality education, an approach that acknowledges past experiences of abuse, the promise of resilience, and young people's right to positive sexualities.  相似文献   

Adolescent pregnancy continues to be a major concern for policy-makers, programme developers, helping professionals and society generally in the USA, especially in light of the US federal government's legislative emphasis on abstinence-only sex education until recently. Studies have found that abstinence-only programmes do not succeed in preventing young people from becoming sexually active or pregnant; most young people have sexual intercourse in their teenage years long before they even contemplate marriage. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore how 32 teenage mothers learned about sex and their related views about pregnancy and birth control. Findings indicate that they have often received little accurate information about sex from their parents and schools. Findings also reveal their widely varying views about birth control and pregnancy. Overall, the findings support the need for comprehensive sexuality education that addresses the topics covered in this study in an age-appropriate manner. The findings also suggest ways that helping professionals in other settings besides schools can help young people address these issues.  相似文献   

青少年学生是祖国的未来和希望,是国防教育的基础对象。他们国防意识的强弱,直接影响到国防建设的长远发展,关系国家的生死存亡。文章分析了青少年学生国防教育中存在的问题,从重视青少年学生国防意识培养、提高国防教育质量、激发青少年学生的爱军尚武精神等方面,对加强青少年学生国防教育提出了建议。  相似文献   

本文从教育行政法制建设过程中弱势群体的权益难以维护的原因入手,提出了一系列解决问题的方案,包括立法建议、建立中介机构、监督方面加大透明度、强化公民的行政法律意识等。  相似文献   

Ubiquitous “sex tips” in popular media evidence an unquenchable public interest in learning how to experience “great sex,” and studies confirm that a great sexual relationship correlates to general relationship satisfaction, which in turn correlates to overall happiness. While studies of great sex or “optimal sexuality” are few, enough is known to conclude that the paths to great sex depicted in popular media are largely dead ends. This lesson plan will help educators (a) dispel inaccurate information about optimal sexuality disseminated in the popular media and (b) inform students about the components of optimal sexuality.  相似文献   

Best practices in comprehensive sexuality education call for rights-based, factual lessons that provide healthy options and are sensitive to the varied contextual factors affecting participants. Further, lessons are to better balance positive and negative outcomes of sexual expression that reflect the sexual realities of (young) men and women. This lesson plan contributes to such aims through the facilitation of nuanced activities and discussions to critically assess a wide range of sexual practices with and without a partner and beyond penetrative or procreative acts. The main outcome is to broaden options for healthy sexual expression and consider the potential reconciliation of pleasure and safer sex.  相似文献   

Most interventions designed to prevent HIV/STI/pregnancy risk behaviours in young people have multiple components based on psychosocial theories (e.g. social cognitive theory) dictating sets of mediating variables to influence to achieve desired changes in behaviours. Mediation analysis is a method for investigating the extent to which a variable X (e.g. intervention indicator) influences an outcome variable Y (e.g. unprotected sex) by first influencing an intermediate variable M (e.g. self-efficacy to use a condom) and provides a way for empirically validating theoretical hypothesised mediators. In this way, mediation analysis is a critical tool for suggesting which components of complex interventions should be the focus of more efficient and effective interventions in the future. The present study applied multilevel mediation analysis to outcome data from the All4You2! study to begin to examine the relationships between a theory-based HIV/STI/pregnancy prevention curriculum for students attending alternative high schools who were at risk of educational failure. The study targeted psychosocial mediating variables and the primary outcome unprotected sex in the past three months. Results suggest helping young people attending alternative schools identify and avoid exposure to risky situations and improving their self-efficacy to refuse sex should be focal points of future interventions.  相似文献   

This article analyses the school exclusion and subsequent educational inclusion of pregnant young women participating in a course of antenatal and key skills education at an alternative educational setting. It examines the young women's transitions from ‘failure’ in school to ‘success’ in motherhood and re-engagement with education. This article draws on participant observation- and interview-based research carried out with pregnant young women and staff at an alternative educational setting in London in 2007–2008. The young women's participation in the course represented a severing of past negative experiences in mainstream education, allowing a renewed focus on education alongside a positive maternal identity. The setting represented a form of inclusion, and the young women appreciated the focus on their social and emotional well-being, yet the limited academic provision in some cases continued to reinforce an educational exclusion.  相似文献   

Research focused on adolescent pregnancy reports that this event acquires significance and has different consequences according to the context and social subjects who experience it. In this study, by means of a sample formed by adolescent women and men who are socially vulnerable in Mexico, with and without a history of pregnancy, we can see how this reproductive event turns into a factor of educational vulnerability and how their possibilities and expectations with respect to continuing in school are determined in a differentiated manner, according to gender. The findings show that adolescent pregnancy in vulnerable sectors is scarcely compatible with educational projects and that possibilities and expectations to continue in or re-enter the school system are determined by gender differences; these usually lead to fewer opportunities for adolescent women to return to school during or after pregnancy.  相似文献   

This article draws on the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS) to examine parent ratings of social, emotional and behavioural difficulties and prosocial behaviour in pre‐ and mid‐adolescents. A series of mixed‐design ANOVAs yielded interesting results. Parent ratings of emotional difficulties in girls increased as they moved from pre‐ to mid‐adolescence whereas for boys the reverse was found. Peer problems were found to be on the rise, whereas prosocial skills decreased for 14‐year‐olds. Most importantly, significant associations were found between socio‐economic measures (that is, family income and parent education) and ratings across the domains of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, highlighting the socio‐economic specificity of behaviour and well‐being in adolescents. These findings have significant implications for understanding trends in young people's social behaviour and emotional well‐being from pre‐ to mid‐adolescence within their socio‐economic context.  相似文献   

Research was undertaken to assess the role of primary school teachers with regard to the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria. Structured and semi‐structured questionnaires were responded to by 210 teachers drawn from primary schools in Eastern Nigeria (with pupils aged 6–15 years). These were supplemented by focus group discussions and key informant interviews. The findings show that the teachers have a reasonably high knowledge of the modes of HIV transmission, the behavioural risk factors and modes of prevention. The teachers, however, are reluctant to teach this because of socio‐cultural and religious factors, lack of teacher training in delivery of sex education as well as poor motivation. The motivation and participation of primary school teachers in the prevention of HIV in Nigeria are very low. This calls for serious and urgent policy intervention to remedy the situation and increase the role of primary school teachers in combating the spread of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria.  相似文献   

近年来,青少年“粉丝”作为泛娱乐化时代下新崛起的一个群体受到越来越多的关注。一方面,面对大众质疑和批判的眼光,他们事实上并非人们想象中的那么极端狂热,相反,他们中的大多数正日趋理性;另一方面,青少年“粉丝”在娱乐化浪潮和消费主义的双重驱动下表现出的过度沉迷及盲目消费的倾向,也亟需相关的社会力量予以矫正。为此,学校、家庭及媒体都应积极采取措施,对青少年“粉丝”的心理和行为加以引导,从而保证其健康成长。  相似文献   

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