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多媒体教学对学生学习过程的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着计算机信息技术的快速发展,多媒体教学手段目前已经广泛应用于各类学校的课堂教学之中。本文从多媒体教学对学生学习过程的影响出发,探究影响学生学习过程的主要因素,分析了多媒体教学对学生学习过程的积极作用与消极作用,并针对多媒体教学的消极影响提出了通过多媒体教学改善学习效率的相应措施,从而最大限度优化教育教学,保证学生顺利高效地完成各项学习任务,提高学习效率。  相似文献   

More and more students attend private supplementary tutoring to improve their academic achievement. Private tutoring might be understood as a reaction to insufficient instructional quality in school, especially regarding individual support. However, it might also be possible that parents generally see insufficient grades as an indicator of lacking support and engage a tutor in hopes of improvement or to enhance a competitive edge for their children. So far, the relationship between tutoring attendance and perceived individual learning support during classroom lessons has not been tested. We used multilevel analyses based on N = 2,842 students in 102 Grade 5 classrooms at German academic track schools to test for a relationship between private tutoring in several subjects and students’ shared perception of the instructional quality in these subjects. On the individual level, we controlled for typical predictors of private tutoring such as academic achievement and family income, as well as for additional variables such as working behaviour and parental homework assistance. In classrooms with more individual support, students were less likely to start private tutoring in English. However, we did not find comparable relationships for tutoring in mathematics and German. Therefore, school principals and educational policy-makers should monitor the incidence of private tutoring and consider within-school structured tutoring programmes as an effective measure to improve academic achievement and to meet parents’ desire for individualised instruction.  相似文献   

Framed by the existing theoretical andempirical research on cognitive and intelligenttutoring systems (ITSs), this commentaryexplores two areas not directly or extensivelyaddressed by Akhras and Self (this issue). Thefirst area focuses on the lack of conceptualclarity of the proposed constructivist stanceand its related constructs (e.g., affordances,situations). Specifically, it is argued that aclear conceptualization of the novelconstructivist stance needs to be delineated bythe authors before an evaluation of theirambitious proposal to model situationscomputationally in intelligent learningenvironments (ILEs) can be achieved. The secondarea of exploration deals with the similaritiesbetween the proposed stance and existingapproaches documented in the cognitive,educational computing, and AI in educationliterature. I believe that the authors are at acrossroads, and that their article presents aninitial conceptualization of an important issuerelated to a constructivist-based approach tothe computational modeling of situations inILEs. However, conceptual clarity isdefinitively required in order for theirapproach to be adequately evaluated and used toinform the design of ILEs. As such, I invitethe authors to re-conceptualize their frameworkby addressing how their constructivist stancecan be used to address a particular researchagenda on the use of computers as metacognitivetools to enhance learning.  相似文献   

The article proposes a new way of analysing and understanding blended learning and contributes to current debates about adult learner motivations for study. It argues that, whilst the validity of the Andragogical Model has been criticised, it has provided a useful framework of analysis in the context of blended learning to meet the needs of adult learners studying part-time, vocationally relevant degrees at a distance. A mixed methods approach was adopted to conduct a detailed exploration of eight tutors’ practice. The article argues that the predominant approaches to teaching and assessment adopted by tutors were mainly congruent with the Andragogical Model’s core principles, which was in part due to the structured, assessment driven learning environment, but particularly the type of problem and case-based assessments undertaken by learners on the courses investigated. The Andragogical Model offered an analytical lens that was valuable as it provided a number of actions appearing to influence learner perceptions of quality, which can support practice for tutors and HE institutions in similar contexts. Further, this analysis highlighted the importance to tutors of providing extrinsic motivators and suggests an addition to the Andragogical Model to accommodate this.  相似文献   


Given the rise of social media engagement within society, there are challenges for tutors in blended and online contexts to provide opportunities for social constructivist learning experiences within their institutional learning environments. This article proposes a module approach to teaching, learning and assessment for learners undertaking part-time, vocationally related degrees. A mixed methods approach was adopted to conduct a detailed exploration of eight tutors’ practice with data gathered from three principal sources. Interviews with tutors explored their approaches to delivery and considered factors that impacted on quality; students’ perceptions of their learning experiences were assessed using an attitude survey; and an analysis of the content and communications in the virtual learning environment provided insight into tutors’ online practice. Analysis of modules suggested limited online peer-to-peer interaction, with tutors noting the difficulties of promoting engagement. The article argues for a constructivist approach in this context with a need for tutors to promote a simple module structure, focused around assessment, that creates space for learning. This structure appeared appropriate for these learners, enabling them to manage the influence of daily events, together with pressures and time constraints of work. The findings could aid tutors in designing and delivering courses for similar groups of learners.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of cognitive support for learning computer-based tasks using animated demonstration (AD) on instructional efficiency. Cognitive support included (1) segmentation and learner control introducing interactive devices that allow content sequencing through a navigational menu, and content pacing through stop and play buttons along with a slide bar for fast forward and rewind; (2) presentation modality and (3) a hybrid approach using a combined format of ADs with static graphics. Instructional efficiency was a combined effect of time-on-task during the learning phase and test performance. Time-on-task was included as a measurement to determine whether this would provide an alternative explanation for the benefits of learner control. Three learner-paced conditions with different types of cognitive support were developed, whereas a system-paced format, created without additional cognitive support, was used as a control condition. The learning task of this study was using graphic vector-based software Bezier tools to trace a cartoon. The results tended to suggest that the combination of different types of cognitive support (i.e. presenting the accompanying explanations as written captions to the learner-paced AD in visual-only instruction or combining learner-paced AD with static graphics in dual-modality instruction) had a positive effect, while learner pacing alone had not a significant positive effect.  相似文献   

Although intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs) are increasingly used, it is unclear which psychological processes precede students' learning gains. Using a pre- and posttest design, the present study examined a sequence of psychological processes informed by control value theory. We investigated (a) whether secondary school students' topic-related cognitive appraisals (value and control) affected their task-related affective (enjoyment and boredom) and cognitive (engagement and performance) outcomes while using the ITS and (b) whether task-related outcomes affected learning. Path analyses showed that students’ topic-related interest, but not perceived utility, personal importance or self-efficacy, was associated with task-related enjoyment. In turn, enjoyment showed reciprocal effects on and of engagement and ongoing task performance, which predicted final performance and, ultimately, learning gains. The influence of boredom, in contrast, was minimal along this sequence. More generally, the findings highlight the difficulty of establishing a clear pattern of sequential causation derived from control value theory for the current ITS context, with evidence demonstrating the systematic influence of confounders accounting for the predicted relations among components. Despite these limitations, we identified key psychological processes involving the contribution of affective and cognitive processes to learning in the ITS context.  相似文献   

Literature suggests using multimedia learning principles in the design of instructional material. However, these principles may not be sufficient for the design of learning objects for concept learning in mathematics. This paper reports on an experimental study that investigated the effects of an instructional approach, which includes two teaching techniques – (a) variation theory and (b) representations of subject matter – on the design of learning objects for secondary school algebra concept learning. The results of this study showed that the experimental group performed significantly better than the control group on algebra learning achievement. The results also showed that only the experimental design with the addition of the instructional approach resulted in higher-order mathematical thinking skills and improved procedural skills of the students. Further analysis reveals that concept learning was simplified when multimedia learning principles were applied and the information was presented by the instructional approach.  相似文献   

谭玮 《现代教育论丛》2007,(2):52-55,90
本文介绍了基于网络的大学英语教学实验。结合英语教学实际,尝试对目前大学英语课程的课型、授课手段进行改革,构建一个以培养学生自主学习能力为中心的个性化的教学模式;改革单一课型,将基于计算机网络的引导式自主学习与课堂教学有机结合;设计并实施了为期两个学期的课程试验。试验结果证明,新的教学模式有助于提高学生的自主学习能力和语言综合能力。  相似文献   

Much of the literature on problem based learning (PBL) is concerned with efficacy or with guidelines on design or implementation. Relatively few articles focus on problems with problem based learning, and none that we could find provided suggestions as to how interactive multimedia might help alleviate those problems. In this article we begin with a review of problem based learning including a rationale for its use in the curriculum. Then we identify some of the problems inherent in designing and implementing problem based learning, and end the article with a discussion of how multimedia might be used to address some of those problems.  相似文献   

The idea of an intelligentsystem to support learning has been epitomisedby that of an intelligent tutoring system(ITS). However, ITSs are, in fact, just aparticular kind of intelligent system tosupport learning whose components reflect thevalues of the particular view that ITSsemphasise in regard to the nature of knowledge,learning and teaching, which have led to anarchitecture that focuses on representing theknowledge to be learned (domain model),inferring the learner's knowledge (learnermodel), and planning instructional steps to thelearner (teaching model). On the other hand,other views of learning may lead to differentneeds in terms of knowledge representation,reasoning, and decision making capabilities inthe intelligent systems that support them.Constructivist views, for example, emphasisedifferent values and may require an entirelydifferent architecture of intelligent system tosupport its philosophy of learning. This paperpresents an architecture of an intelligentsystem to support learning that is able toaddress the issues that arise fromconstructivist theories of learning in a waythat, rather than opposing to the standard ITSarchitecture, characterises a broader view inall its components which can be appropriatelyattuned to address the issues of particularphilosophies.  相似文献   

In two studies, we investigated how learning strategies can support learning from multimedia. In the first study, 112 students learned from a web-based learning environment. On the basis of a strategy, one group of students took typewritten notes. The second group of students wrote a summary. Producing typewritten notes did not benefit learning any more than writing a summary. In the second study, 100 students learned the same subject matter from print. On the basis of a strategy, the first group produced written notes, the second group highlighted, wrote notes, and produced sketches. The third group wrote a summary. The students who highlighted, wrote notes, and produced sketches outperformed the other students. The students who produced written notes only did not learn more successfully than those who wrote a summary. The results suggest that externalizations in general and sketches in particular may play an important role in multimedia learning.  相似文献   

The momentum gathering behind authentic learning/critical skills raises fundamental issues concerning teaching and learning. This article discusses some of the more general arguments surrounding authentic learning with particular reference to an in‐depth evaluation of its impact on schools in one part of Great Britain. It then moves on to describe how this approach to teaching and learning influenced the design of a multimedia CD‐ROM examining attitudes and policies towards poverty in the nineteenth century Glasgow. The article concludes by arguing that authentic learning and multimedia together create a powerful medium for learning by mirroring the methodology and sources used by historians.  相似文献   

Mobile computing facilities may provide many assets to the educational process. Mobile technology provides software access from anywhere and at any time, as well as computer equipment independence. The need for time and place independence is even greater for medical instructors and medical students. Medical instructors are usually doctors that have to treat patients on top of their tutoring duties. Mobile features are complementary to web-based features for desktop computers to a high extend in asynchronous e-learning environments. Time and place independence is also a considerable potential for medical students with overloaded educational duties. This paper examines the degree of the usefulness of mobile facilities for medical instructors who wish to author and manage their courses by using a mobile authoring tool. Furthermore, this paper investigates how acceptable and useful the mobile features of an e-learning system have been to medical students who have used the system, in comparison with the use of the system through a desktop computer. In addition, it investigates usability issues.  相似文献   

现代远程开放教育的顺利实施,有赖于教学模式的改革,在教学中必须突出教师的"主导"作用和学生的"主体"地位,加强教学辅导,充分利用多种媒体教学资源,引导学生自主学习,保证电大开放教育人才培养质量。  相似文献   

Private tutoring (PT) is becoming a worldwide phenomenon. In Israel too, about a third of elementary school students participate in PT. Based on sociological and school quality considerations, we examined school characteristics that are associated with PT intensity at school. The data encompassed a random state wide sample of 389 Israeli elementary schools collected by the Ministry of Education in 2012. The results showed that in high school socioeconomic status (SES) schools the percentage of students who participated in PT was higher compared to low SES schools. In high SES, schools with high PT intensity were characterized by high school achievements whereas in low SES, schools were characterized with low school achievements. PT seems to be a factor that increases the social distinction between high and low SES schools. In Israel, PT seems to create distinct ‘school enclaves’ that reproduce social inequality.  相似文献   

获得全国多媒体课件大赛一等奖的《After Effects影视后期合成》多媒体课件提出利用建构主义和案例驱动教学法指导课件设计,并通过多媒体技术将学习内容展示给学习者,使学习者能够主动参与到学习过程中,同时还可以对相关的技能及时进行实践并加以掌握,制作多媒体课件过程中还普遍存在信息过多等问题。  相似文献   

Anatomists are facing a new generation of learners who will study and work in a technology-rich environment. Indeed, digital technologies are tremendously changing how information and knowledge are communicated and retrieved. However, it remains unclear whether an anatomy assessment can be designed to promote contextual learning through integrating a digital communication strategy. To investigate this, assessment methods were diversified in the first-year neuroanatomy and third-year regional anatomy curricula through implementing a multimedia human anatomy group assignment integrating digital literacies and scientific communication. Through completing this multimedia assignment, students demonstrated their anatomy knowledge transfer using a range of approaches. The main mode of presentations chosen in the two anatomy units were non-animated video presentations (~50%), animated video presentations (~30%), storyboards (~10%), podcasts (~3%), and filmed videos (~3%). A 5-point Likert scale learning and teaching survey was conducted for a total of 195 undergraduate health science students to evaluate students' perception of this group assignment. The majority of students (70–80%) strongly agreed or agreed that the multimedia group assignment helped their teamwork skills. Students who produced animated videos significantly outperformed those who adopted the non-animated presentations during the end-of-semester theory examination (p < 0.05). This study demonstrates that an anatomy group assignment integrating digital literacy and scientific communication is an effective assessment strategy associated with a positive learning experience and outcome. This inquiry-based assignment promotes learning through assessment, allowing students to not only consolidate and extend anatomy knowledge but also developing effective digital communication skills, providing new insights into non-didactic anatomy assessments.  相似文献   

多媒体在职业教育中培养学生学习兴趣的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着社会的发展,学生的学习能力有了很大的提高,而学习兴趣又是引导学生学习能力的关键,与此同时,多媒体教学又逐渐成为现代教育的主要手段。本文就是从这个角度出发,阐述了多媒体教学在培养学生学习兴趣方面所能起到的积极作用。运用多媒体创设情境、运用多媒体动态演示、运用多媒体虚拟现实、运用多媒体资源共享,来培养学生的学习兴趣。  相似文献   

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