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Clinical resources in nursing schools are always insufficient for satisfying the practice requirements of each student at the same time during a formal course session. Although several studies have applied information and communication technology to develop computer-based learning tools for addressing this problem, most of these developments lack appropriate interactive and diagnostic services to assist students in bridging theory–practice gaps and realizing individual flaws in their nursing skills. Therefore, this study aims to develop an interactive clinical learning and diagnosis system that provides a web-based interactive learning environment and personalized diagnostic service for nursing education. An experiment was conducted in a foundations of nursing course at a nursing college in Taiwan. The experimental results show that the proposed approach is helpful to students in improving their learning motivation, performance, and attitude. Moreover, it was also found that most students showed positive perceptions toward the usage of the proposed system.  相似文献   

在终身教育的背景下,发生在非正式环境中的科学学习逐渐受到国内外研究者们的重视。相比课堂上的科学课程的学习研究,目前国内关于非正式科学学习的研究还处于起步阶段。欧美研究者对于非正式环境中科学学习的目标、特征以及评价做了系统研究,本文主要通过梳理文献概述非正式环境中所关注的结果的种类及其评价,为我国的相关研究提供资源,为我国在此领域的研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

对学生感知学习风格的了解有利于减少教师对学生的"偏见",为建立良好的教学互动模式打下基础。某种学习偏好可能有助于某种学习技能的培养和提高,老师应帮助学生发展全面平衡的学习风格以适应不同的学习任务,使得学生的学习更有成效。此过程可以加深学生对老师的信任,促进教学互动模式的和谐发展。  相似文献   

In recent years information technology has been integrated into education to produce a series of trends, beginning with “electronic learning” (e-learning), through “mobile learning” (m-learning) and finally to “ubiquitous learning” (u-learning), which aims to improve learner motivation through overcoming the conventional limitations of time and location. U-learning practices are still being developed, and learners frequently experience difficulty focusing on learning objectives, and effective learning strategy tools are still lacking. This study reports the design of a context-aware astronomy learning system. The system integrates several technologies, including radio frequency identification, wireless communication networks, handheld mobile devices, and databases to help students learn astronomical concepts. Two content modules were developed in the context of natural science education for fifth-grade elementary school students in Taiwan. Indicators of user experience with the system were collected for further phenomenographic analysis, based on four perspectives of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology model to assess learner willingness to use this novel u-learning approach. Results show that ease-of-use and the availability of immediate operational or technical support are key factors in increasing learning motivation and performance.  相似文献   

信息技术的发展,尤其是计算机网络的发展,向传统教育提出了挑战。网络环境下的学习具有个性化、协同性、资源丰富等特点,有利于培养学生的自主学习能力和创新精神。网络与教育的结合创造的新的学习环境,将改变传统的教育思想、观念、内容、方法,改变传统的,人才培养模式。  相似文献   

An e-TextBook can serve as an interactive learning environment (ILE), facilitating more effective teaching and learning processes. In this paper, we propose the novel concept of an EPUB 3-based Hybrid e-TextBook, which allows for interaction between the digital and the physical world. In that regard, we first investigated the gap between the expectations of teachers with respect to e-TextBook functionalities, on the one hand, and the ILE functionalities offered by e-TextBooks, on the other hand. Next, together with teachers, we co-designed and developed prototype EPUB 3-based Hybrid e-TextBooks that make it possible to connect their learning content to smart devices in classrooms, leveraging both digital publishing and Semantic Web tools. Based on experimentation with our prototype Hybrid e-TextBooks, we can argue that a semantically enriched EPUB 3-based Hybrid e-TextBook is able to act as a comprehensive ILE, providing the tools needed by teachers in smart classrooms. Furthermore, expert observations and Smiley o’meter results demonstrate an effective impact on student cognition and motivation.  相似文献   

通过将积木块技术和项目化教学方式引入到专业共享型网络公开课平台的建设,探索适合高职的网络公开课课程的社交互动学习模式,同时通过对学习模式的研究完善网络公开课平台的构建。  相似文献   

学习型社区的媒介环境建设在我国是一个朝阳研究领域,而针对职教师资能力提升的学习型社区媒介环境建设的研究论述尚未见诸于报端.本文为职教师资能力提升的学习型社区建立有效的媒介环境模型,通过整合各种媒介建立起的环境为职教师资提供有效的信息传播途径,促进有效的学习,以达到提升师资能力的目的.  相似文献   

This article describes the adaptation and validation of the Constructivist OnLine Learning Environment Survey (COLLES) for use in the transnational higher education context. As higher education becomes a more global phenomenon, ‘borderless’ education, either online or by distance education, is becoming a reality and there is a need for remote evaluation of course delivery and student learning. Curtin University of Technology is managing supported online delivery of Business Studies Degree and Diploma courses to four partner institutions of the African Virtual University, an initiative based in Nairobi, Kenya. Evaluation of students’ learning has included an online survey about the provision of resources and the quality of the learning environment in the various computer-based classrooms. Embedded in this instrument has been the adapted COLLES, providing a concomitant opportunity to test the properties and usefulness of the learning environment instrument. Problematic issues surrounding adaptation of the instrument have included the consequences of modifying the wording and establishing or confirming the meaning of the latent constructs in partially online courses and for transnational students. The process of establishing the validity and reliability of the scales is discussed.  相似文献   


Educators have indicated that a good flipped learning design has the potential to enable teachers to use the class time effectively for conducting higher-order thinking activities and enhancing the interactions among peers and teachers. Several previous studies have also pointed out the importance of employing proper learning strategies, such that students’ learning performance would meet the expectations of both the pre- and in-class activities of flipped learning. In this study, an interactive problem-posing guiding strategy was proposed to guide students to understand the concepts of problem-posing by the use of multiple choice options before class, and to engage them in effective problem-posing activities during class. To examine the effectiveness of the proposed learning mode, a flipped learning system was developed and an experiment was conducted in a natural science learning activity in an elementary school. The participants were two classes of fifth graders of an elementary school, a total of 56 students, with one class as the experimental group and the other as the control group. The students in the experimental group adopted the interactive problem-posing guiding strategy in the flipped learning mode, while the control group used the conventional flipped learning mode. The experimental results confirmed that the flipped learning activity with the interactive problem-posing guiding strategy was more effective in terms of learning achievement, self-efficacy, and deep approaches to learning science in the natural science course than the conventional flipped learning method. It also confirmed the importance of integrating the stepwise learning strategy (e.g. guided problem-posing and collaborative problem-posing) into flipped learning to support students’ pre- and in-class learning.  相似文献   

This paper describes and evaluates aspects of a professional development programme for existing CS teachers in secondary schools (PLAN C) which was designed to support teachers at a time of substantial curricular change. The paper’s particular focus is on the formation of a teacher professional development network across several hundred teachers and a wide geographical area. Evidence from a series of observations and teacher surveys over a two-year period is analysed with respect to the project’s programme theory in order to illustrate not only whether it worked as intended, by why. Results indicate that the PLAN C design has been successful in increasing teachers’ professional confidence and appears to have catalysed powerful change in attitudes to learning. Presentation of challenging pedagogical content knowledge and conceptual frameworks, high-quality teacher-led professional dialogue, along with the space for reflection and classroom trials, triggered examination of the teachers’ own current practices.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel interactive ubiquitous learning system (IULS) for authentically teaching a cultural heritage course and imparting relevant concepts to students. Experimental results demonstrated that learning performance was significantly improved after students used the IULS. This study also demonstrated that students using the IULS achieved superior results to those achieved using conventional teaching models. No gender bias affecting the performance of students in the experimental group was observed because each student consistently performed to a higher standard on the learning tasks compared with students in the control group, particularly in learning comprehension-related content. The IULS was more effective in enhancing the overall learning performance of students exhibiting different cognitive styles in liberal arts education courses. Furthermore, the results of a survey on Instructional Materials Motivation Survey revealed that Relevance was the most highly rated motivational factor among students who used the IULS, suggesting that students were motivated to use the IULS. Thus, we believe that a liberal arts education supplemented with the IULS yields a significant learning advantage for students by improving overall learning performance and motivation.  相似文献   

Consequential reasoning relevant to moral development has not been effectively practised in elementary schools in Taiwan. The present study designed a “To Do or Not To Do” website for students to explore moral dilemma situations and exercise consequence-based moral reasoning. Effective data from 160 fifth-grade students were collected for a confirmatory factor analysis and subjected to structural equation modeling (SEM). The results indicated that with a higher perceived level of parental monitoring; the participants had a higher level of pro-social tendency and a lower level of impulsivity. In addition, a lower level of impulsivity was significantly associated with a greater interest in blended learning to practice moral consequential reasoning. The results suggest that teachers could use the To Do or Not To Do website as part of a flipped classroom for students to practice moral consequential reasoning to maximize the moral development of less impulsive students.  相似文献   

This pilot study compared the use of an enriched multimedia eBook with traditional methods for teaching the gross anatomy of the heart and great vessels. Seventy‐one first‐year students from an Australian medical school participated in the study. Students' abilities were examined by pretest, intervention, and post‐test measurements. Perceptions and attitudes toward eBook technology were examined by survey questions. Results indicated a strongly positive user experience coupled with increased marks; however, there were no statistically significant results for the eBook method of delivery alone outperforming the traditional anatomy practical session. Results did show a statistically significant difference in the final marks achieved based on the sequencing of the learning modalities. With initial interaction with the multimedia content followed by active experimentation in the anatomy lab, students' performance was improved in the final test. Obtained data support the role of eBook technology in modern anatomy curriculum being a useful adjunct to traditional methods. Further study is needed to investigate the importance of sequencing of teaching interventions. Anat Sci Educ. 7: 19–27. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

In traditional teacher-centered mathematics instruction, students might show low learning motivation owing to the lack of applied contexts. Game-based learning has been recognized as a potential approach to addressing this issue; however, without proper alignment between the gaming and math-applied contexts, the benefits of game-based learning could be limited. Therefore, this study aims to develop a microworld-based educational game, which provides simulated contexts encouraging students to explore, discover, and solve practical problems using the mathematics knowledge gained in the class. A quasi-experimental design was implemented in the learning activity of the “Speedy World” unit in an elementary school mathematics course to examine the effectiveness of the proposed approach. A total of 107 sixth graders participated in the experiment. The experimental results showed that the students who learned with the microworld-based gaming approach had better learning achievement and motivation in the mathematics course than those who learned with the conventional technology-enhanced learning approach. In addition, the students also showed that they highly accepted the microworld-based game for learning mathematics. The findings of this study provide good evidence for the importance and necessity of associating authentic applied contexts with gaming contexts in developing computer educational games for mathematics.  相似文献   

本文探讨了设计网络协作学习时虚拟学习环境的重要性,具体阐述了如何创设网络协作学习的虚拟学习环境.并且从三个方面提出了虚拟学习环境创设的原则。  相似文献   

Many agree that educational systems should instill in students the value of lifelong learning (LLL), but few have suggested how to accomplish that or how to measure the effectiveness of those curricular initiatives. We developed a technique intended to strengthen students' beliefs about the value of LLL and piloted use of a recently developed scale to assess changes in commitment to LLL. Using a quasi-experimental procedure, we presented students with faculty members’ career biographies describing their personal career paths, including how they learned from their experiences and how they had to adapt and adjust to changing circumstances. To assess beliefs about LLL, students completed Bath and Smith's Propensity for Lifelong Learning (PLLL) scale. We found that students who listened to career biographies had significantly stronger beliefs regarding the value of LLL than the students who were not exposed to the career biographies. We concluded that listening to career biographies strengthened commitment to LLL and that the PLLL scale is a useful outcome measure of this commitment. We discussed limitations and future directions of our method and measurement instrument.  相似文献   

Students' perceptions of the education environment influence their learning. Ever since the major medical curriculum reform, anatomy education has undergone several changes in terms of its curriculum, teaching modalities, learning resources, and assessment methods. By measuring students' perceptions concerning anatomy education environment, valuable information can be obtained to facilitate improvements in teaching and learning. Hence, it is important to use a valid inventory that specifically measures attributes of the anatomy education environment. In this study, a new 11‐factor, 132‐items Anatomy Education Environment Measurement Inventory (AEEMI) was developed using Delphi technique and was validated in a Malaysian public medical school. The inventory was found to have satisfactory content evidence (scale‐level content validity index [total] = 0.646); good response process evidence (scale‐level face validity index [total] = 0.867); and acceptable to high internal consistency, with the Raykov composite reliability estimates of the six factors are in the range of 0.604–0.876. The best fit model of the AEEMI is achieved with six domains and 25 items (X2 = 415.67, P < 0.001, ChiSq/df = 1.63, RMSEA = 0.045, GFI = 0.905, CFI = 0.937, NFI = 0.854, TLI = 0.926). Hence, AEEMI was proven to have good psychometric properties, and thus could be used to measure the anatomy education environment in Malaysia. A concerted collaboration should be initiated toward developing a valid universal tool that, using the methods outlined in this study, measures the anatomy education environment across different institutions and countries. Anat Sci Educ 10: 423–432. © 2017 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

This article describesexperiences of 610 Dutch students and 241students from other European countries whostudied at least three months abroad within theframework of an international exchange program.The Dutch students went to a university inanother European country and the foreignstudents went to a Dutch university. By meansof a questionnaire students' perceptions ofthree main characteristics of the universitylearning environment were measured concerningthe home university, the host university andthe ideal learning environment. The studentswere also asked about their way of learning atthe home university and at the host university,in particular about the extent of constructivelearning and reproductive learning. Evidencewas found for the influence of aspects of thelearning environment on the two learningapproaches; e.g., a learning environmentcharacterized as student-oriented discouragesreproductive learning and promotes constructivelearning, especially when conceptual andepistemological relations within the learningdomain are stressed. The learning environmentpreferences of the students were partly relatedto their learning orientations at the homeuniversity, but they were strikingly similarfor students from different countries. Therewas a strong preference for those learningenvironment aspects that promote constructivelearning.  相似文献   

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