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Consultation and supervision play an essential role in the management of the anxieties, conflicts and demands experienced by those working long-term with cases of non-accidental injury. In our setting we employ our own external staff consultant and in turn our workers offer a consultative service to workers from other agencies. It seems to us that consultation and supervision are inter-relaled but distinct processes: consultation is essentially experiential and non-directive: supervision is didactic and directive. A consultant may give advice from his own area of expertise (which may be different from that of the consultor), but he may also be called upon to interpret or comment on other areas, such as the conflicts between workers and their clients or workers and their organizations. A consultant may also be called on to offer a model of supervision to supervisor and worker. A supervisor, by definition, is expert in the area of work of the worker and in a position within the organization to give direction. He at times, however, will be called upon for non-directive discussion and comment—in effect consultation. He may also have to fill the role of manager and resource provider. Our experience shows it is essential to clarify this inter-relationship as a first step to exploring the skills necessary for supervisor and consultant to help workers fulfil their task.  相似文献   

Described here is Project 12-Ways, a large service project employing an ecobehavioral approach to the treatment and prevention of child abuse and neglect. By ecobehavioral it is meant that multifaceted in-home services are provided to clients, and that in-home data are collected on as many variables related to these services as possible. Four levels of research, data collection, and assessment are used to evaluate these services: Included here is a discussion of these levels of assessment. They are: data collected for clinical purposes; data from single-case experiments; research through the use of single-subject design logic applied to several subjects or groups of subjects, or by group statistical research designs; and program evaluation. The particular focus here is the program evaluation data which compare incidents of abuse and neglect during and after treatment between 50 families served by Project 12-Ways and 47 comparison protective service families. The data showed significantly fewer combined abuse and neglect incidents among the families served by Project 12-Ways. Suggestions for additional program evaluation data are provided along with a discussion of the limitations of the current analysis.  相似文献   

高教决策咨询制度是实现高教决策科学化民主化的重要保障。英美日等西方高等教育强国都建立有完善的高教决策咨询制度,表现在咨询机构、咨询报告、咨询报告的影响力等各方面。考察和分析英美日三国的高教决策咨询制度对重建我国高教决策咨询制度具有启发和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Those of us who work within the field of education are finding ourselves drawn to and mandated to work in groups, such as student study teams. However, most of the theorizing and research on consultation is focused on individual consultation. Yet it is clear that the more we work in groups the more important it becomes for us to understand the dynamics involved in group consultation. The purpose of this study is to examine some of the relevant dynamics in mental health consultation groups.  相似文献   

This article reviews the major themes and issues emerging from this special issue on training school-based consultants. It is suggested that the building of anthills from individual and often seemingly disconnected grains of sand provides a useful metaphor for work in this arena. To date we have failed to establish a compelling and integrated body of empirical evidence addressing consultant training, although some excellent preliminary data have been reported. All agree that substantially more scholarly work is essential. It is proposed that the most important challenge facing us is the adoption of a unifying theoretical model to guide the organization and synthesis of our disparate "grains of sand" so that we can create meaningful and coherent "anthills" that can be of value to consultation trainers. Ecological and systems orientations are presented as the most appropriate and powerful approaches to achieve this goal. Small-N and qualitative research methodologies seem particularly well suited to this task. A number of specific research and practice ideas are suggested, although each has yet to garner sufficient empirical support and each is considered to be subsidiary to the adoption of an ecological paradigm to guide trainers and researchers in drafting a blueprint for future scientific work. As sure as worker ants can build phenomenally complex anthills from the most meager beginnings, so can we develop a scientific body of knowledge regarding consultant training. However, substantially more intellectual capital will need to be invested in this task if we are to succeed. Ultimately, it is up to us, as interested scholars, to make this happen.  相似文献   

文化哲学与心理咨询属于不同的领域,它们有不同的处理水平和研究方法。在东西方不同的文化视野中解决咨询的价值干预问题是非常有意义的,我们认为咨询中的价值干预是不合理的。另外,由于价值干预而带来的咨询技术问题同样显示价值干预不能满足咨询的目的—工具合理性的要求。  相似文献   

This article reports on a two year project in which educational psychologists offered consultation to groups of teachers, to help them find solutions to school-based problems. Teachers were drawn from within individual schools and from across a number of schools. Typically, teachers were trained by educational psychologists in group consultation processes. Group consultation sessions were usually offered on a termly basis (three times per year). The group consultation sessions were facilitated by two psychologists. A formal process was followed, using a problem-solving structure. A pilot project ran for two years and was evaluated using quantitative and qualitative methods. Data were collected from teachers, school principals and psychologists. Findings indicate that group consultation is an effective method of service delivery, particularly for clusters of small, rural schools. The evaluation considers aspects of group consultation that could be further developed and new directions for this model of working.  相似文献   

This paper presents an approach to investigating affect in the process of consultee-centered consultation. The anxiety and hostility of three consultants and consultees was assessed from an intensive analysis of their verbal behavior during consultation. Comparisons to normative data suggested that the anxiety and hostility expressed by consultees was high, relative to that expressed under more neutral conditions, and a relationship was observed between consultee anxiety and consultation outcome. It was concluded that this provides a potentially productive direction for future research in consultation.  相似文献   

This article sets out to describe how we have kept the model of consultation alive, and what is still, for us, an evolving process and learning experience. We are not planning here to detail the initial development of the model, but to explore the processes and concepts that we continue to use to ensure a genuine team approach is adopted.  相似文献   

统计工作是对社会经济现象数量方面的调查研究,具有信息、咨询、监督、预测的功能;在市场经济条件下,更应注重企业统计工作,要强化管理,发挥统计的信息功能、咨询功能、监督功能和预测功能的作用,为企业领导决策当好参谋,以利于企业在市场竞争中优势的发挥。  相似文献   

中国特色社会主义政治协商是中国特色社会主义的重要内容和组成部分,具有鲜明的中国特色,理论和实践的发展要求我们加强对中国特色社会主义政治协商的研究,其内涵可以概括为:中国共产党同各民主党派、无党派人士就国家重大方针政策和重要事务在决策前和决策执行过程中进行的协商,以及中国共产党在人民政协同各民主党派、无党派人士、人民团体、少数民族人士、各界爱国人士对国家、地方的大政方针和政治经济文化社会生活中的重要问题在决策之前进行协商和就决策执行过程中的重要问题进行的协商。  相似文献   

刘娜 《廊坊师范学院学报》2011,27(5):104-106,109
中小城市社会矛盾的化解问题关系到我国城市化进程的顺利推进以及和谐社会的构建。运用语用学理论和研究成果,能够为社会矛盾的化解提供新的视角和有效途径。从语用角度来看,保障话语权为矛盾化解提供了基本前提,合理运用语用原则、语用策略为矛盾化解提供了有效方法,而要想使这种方法发挥更大的作用,则需要建立对话协商的长效机制。  相似文献   

初、高中毕业生对社会知之甚少,职业意识淡薄。帮助他们在成千上万种职业中,求得与其能力、素质、性格等特点相适合的职业,将社会需要与个人求职意愿结合起来是一项很重要的工作。发达资本主义国家在本世纪初就产生了职业指导这项工作,而我国由于诸种原因,职业指导发展缓慢。改革开放以来,我国所有制结构和产业结构发生很大变化,更需要有懂得职业指导理论的人来帮助学生成为适合社会需要的人才。因此,职业指导人员的培养也理所当然地成为高等师范院校的任务。高等师范院校开设职业指导是顺理成章的。  相似文献   

In this article, we take a concrete case study as a starting point for a reflection on preventive family support. More specifically, we conducted fieldwork in the setting of a waiting room of a childcare consultation office for parents with young children. The writings of the philosopher Giorgio Agamben allowed us to come to an alternative understanding of both the room as such and the behaviors of adults and children in this room. This article can be read as the result of an experiment with fieldwork in philosophy of education: an attempt to enrich Agamben’s philosophical account of biopolitics with an everyday example as well as an attempt to reread what actually happens in the case we have studied from an Agambenian perspective.  相似文献   

System-level consultation or organizational development in schools is an area in great need of theoretical models and definitions. The three articles in this special issue provide a unique learning opportunity not only for consultation across borders but also for consultation within the same nation. In my commentary, I limit my remarks to a few general principles about school-based system-level consultation with particular attention to entry processes to consultation. Specifically, I attempt to answer the following questions: (a) Are the principles guiding system-level consultation different from those guiding case consultation? (b) Are there specific principles that guide consultation when working in another country? and (c) Can what we see in these articles to a large extent be described as entry processes to system consultation?  相似文献   

This paper maps ethical and epistemological issues around attempts by a university to negotiate with the traditional custodians of the Sydney basin, the Darug, to facilitate the intergenerational transmission of knowledge within their community, and through the university curriculum. The theory and practice of research raised some important methodological questions about what constitutes knowledge in Aboriginal and western contexts. The project brought us to reflect upon the epistemological basis of our research to consider whether it was history, ethnography, cultural resource management or memory work. As we worked through these issues during the process of consultation and negotiation with Senior Darug, the inquiry began to focus on how a university can acknowledge a commitment to its community. Such a commitment for a university must be built around attentiveness and respect, rather than an epistemology of control. We find that respecting the power structures and organisation of an Aboriginal community is a crucial step for a university in performing such a commitment. Respect for the established power relations in these communities constitutes the very basis of a generative methodology.  相似文献   


The process of global consultation has received little attention despite its potential for promoting international mutual understanding with marginalized communities. This article details theory, entry, implementation, and evaluation processes for global consultation research, including lessons learned from our refugee teacher intervention. The first half of the article addresses the entry process, culture-specific strengths, and challenges that can be faced in global consultation, including our experience with a lack of formal regulatory oversight of refugee education. The second half of the article details feedback collected from consultants, peer trainers, and peer trainees indicating which training content was most valuable; how some Burmese refugee teachers strive for a more student-centered, “free” classroom for their refugee students; and, finally, the toll that intense refugee teacher consultation took on the consultants.  相似文献   

目前,专科学校就业指导体系主要是按照“就业中心+系毕业班辅导员”模式建设的。在这种模式里,学校就业中心与各系毕业班辅导员共同完成对学生的就业指导工作,但各有侧重。学校就业中心负责为毕业生提供就业信息、指导与咨询等服务,而各系毕业班辅导员则主要为毕业生提供辅导和咨询。但从目前用人单位和学生需要更多的“个性化”服务来看,这种模式不能适应新形势的要求。  相似文献   

Research and recent policy developments in Eire highlight that there is a growing number of children in Irish schools presenting with special educational needs, leading to an increased need for Educational Psychology services. This research utilised case studies of children who were presenting to teachers with academic, social, emotional or behavioural difficulties. Semi-structured interviews were used to explore the perceived effectiveness of consultation as a model of delivery for Educational Psychologists (EPs). Each case comprised a teacher, parent and psychologist, (n = 9) from three different case studies. This research found potential benefits of consultation particularly for children and parents, although the results from this study are difficult to generalise, given the small sample size. This study has practical implications for EPs: by understanding parents’ and teachers’ perspectives this can help EPs in future planning for consultation. Further research should explore children’s perceptions of consultation.  相似文献   

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