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Conclusion Though many appropriate questions on which research needs to be done have been raised in this report, there is still one significant point which must be kept in mind: The conduct of the research itself must conform to acceptable procedures for educational research. A major concern in this whole field, but especially in the specific area of media research, has been that of such matters as the appropriateness and efficiency of the research techniques, instrumentation, and statistical procedures. Of the various activities that have been under way to upgrade research one of the more promising is a book prepared by A. A. Lumsdaine and others. Entitled Experimental Research on Educational Media: A Guidebook, it will be published soon by the U. S. Office of Education. Publications of this type should help greatly to promote the development of good researchable questions, improved procedures for studying a problem, and the postulating of tenable and generalizable conclusions. Wesley C. Meierhenry was chairman of the group of researchers who assembled at NEA headquarters in Washington to take stock of research in the educational uses of the newer media and to identify areas requiring further or initial investigations. The recommendations they drafted are presented here as edited by Dr. Meierhenry and with his linking comments.  相似文献   

国内外一部分人口学者提出的中国只有立即调整现行生育政策才能尽快促使生育水平回升的观点,是有失于偏颇的.要真正实现我国生育水平的适度回升,需要在生育观念上与时俱进,确立统筹解决人口问题的思想;在计划生育利益导向机制上与时俱进,使政策导向有利于广大城乡育龄夫妇按法律法规生育;在现行生育政策的调整上与时俱进,从各省、自治区、直辖市的实际出发择时加大"微调"力度,再发展到全国普遍调整现行生育政策.  相似文献   



In recent years problems facing humankind have become more complex and challenging and have increasingly involved science and technology. While the public, generally, has been inadequately informed about such scientific and technical issues, public understanding of issues at the interface of science, society, and technology are an essential part of the resolution of societal problems. This paper outlines specific ways to promote understanding enabling individuals to participate more responsibly in enlightened democratic decision‐making responsive to societal needs. A systematic scheme is outlined with examples from two science education centres at tertiary institutions through activities including teaching, outreach, curriculum development, and research.  相似文献   


The author reports the results of a seminar with Russian secondary school teachers that explored the integration of English as a foreign language (EFL) competencies with environmental studies. Texts were selected for a comparative American and Russian environmental literature curriculum for advanced students of English, which inspired the Antaeus Project, an international collaboration between schools that offers a cross-cultural curriculum grounded in local environments.  相似文献   

Fact‐based decision making is changing job functions within organizations more than any other technology. Analytics, once the purview of the data scientist, is now spread throughout organizations. No longer is there a single job title, job function, or set of required skills and credentials for an analytics career. Companies have moved away from seeking applicants with a specific degree to now recruiting analytics talent based on required skill sets. For more than a decade, business schools have been developing new programs in analytics in response to industry's needs. However, in developing meaningful career‐ready professionals, business programs must understand the skills required across different analytics job functions. In this article, the authors present a comprehensive assessment of the skills sought by employers when considering a candidate for an entry‐level analytics position. The authors describe the demand for various types of analytics professionals, identify the job titles and functions with the most significant demand, and then draw a comparison of the job requirements of hard skills, soft skills, software skills, and credentials between three of the most sought‐after analytics areas: data science, data analytics, and business analytics. The authors conclude by providing faculty and administrators with recommendations on how to adapt their courses and programs to provide students with the fundamental preparation necessary for careers in data science, data analytics, and business analytics.  相似文献   

The effects of instruction and achievement on science question level for high and low science topic interests were investigated. Eight seventh‐grade classes were randomly assigned to two treatments: instruction and no instruction on researchable questioning. Each student completed the Middle School Students' Science Topic Interest Rating Scale (test‐retest reliability, r = .84); selected two topics in which she or he was least interested and two topics in which she or he was most interested; wrote questions for each topic; and took the Stanford Achievement Tests in reading, mathematics, and science. The questions were rated using the four levels described by the Middle School Students' Science Question Rating Scale (interrater reliability, r = .96). The scores for each question were averaged for two raters, then summed for each interest level for each student. The data were analyzed for main and interaction effects using general linear modeling procedures. Question level was modeled with one within‐subjects factor (science topic interest) and four between‐subjects factors (instruction and three achievement scores). The results indicate that students who received instruction outperformed those students who were not instructed; and high achievers in mathematics, reading, or science outperformed low achievers. There were no interaction effects. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 37: 210–224, 2000  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to improve the studen the written English level. There are three parts in this passage. Part one: Analyze the types of mistakes. part two is "six - step" method in written English. Part three is conclusion.  相似文献   

研究选取北京市某公办幼儿园中班87名幼儿,借鉴国内外学前儿童角色游戏观察研究资料,制定《学前儿童角色游戏观察表》,测查中班幼儿角色游戏水平。结果表明:中班幼儿角色游戏水平整体处于中等偏下;女孩角色游戏水平高于男孩;中班幼儿角色游戏中的认知水平、社会性水平、情绪表达水平均处于中等偏下;幼儿的学习品质水平接近中等水平。分析发现,中班幼儿角色游戏水平与幼儿自身的认知发展阶段与特点、社会性互动与社会性规则水平、情绪情感发展特征、性别风格以及教师提供的材料等有直接关系。  相似文献   

浅析我国农村中学校本课程开发的准备   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国农村中学校本课程开发已经成为迫切需要,为了在农村中学更好地进行校本课程开发,应该在思想认识、理论和实施等方面作好准备。  相似文献   

创新型教师应具备的素质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创新教育已成为社会的共识,而创新教育型教师是实施创新教育的主力军。教师要正确理解创新教育的科学内涵,不断提高专业素质和自身素质,才能适应创新教育的要求。  相似文献   

对初中阶段的语文基础知识有一个明确的、系统的了解.强化学生的阅读能力和语言表达能力,提高学生运用语文知识解决实际问题的能力,使语文科的综合评价指标能有较大的突破.  相似文献   

高校贫困生思想政治教育工作浅探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贫困大学生思想教育已经成为辅导员应该关注的问题。贫困大学生的思想、学习、生活、心理等问题都摆在高校辅导员工作的面前。辅导员应该清楚地了解到贫困不仅仅给大学生带来的是经济问题,还在很大程度上引起贫困大学生的学习、心理等问题。贫困大学生的思想教育是一项长期的系统的工作,辅导员应该把此项工作贯穿于班级活动中,使贫困大学生保持一个健康的心态,一颗感恩的心,“人穷志不穷”,努力学习,培养自身的综合素质,以优异的成绩回报家庭,回报社会。  相似文献   

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