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在研究长江三峡水位与库容的关系基础上,考虑到高次插值函数的计算量大,有剧烈振荡且数值稳定性差(龙格现象),而分段插值在分段点上仅连续而不可导,虽然分段三次Hermite插值有连续一阶导数。鉴于用最优控制理论计算长江三峡经济效益极大值要求状态变量要二阶可导,故根据三次样条函数插值具有一阶、二阶导数收敛性质而提出用三次样条插值方法去计算水位与库容的关系。函数表达式及曲线图证明效果良好。  相似文献   

交际策略指的是外语学习者为达到交际目的而用来克服外语口语交际中遇到的表达困难的一系列方法,其研究是学习者策略研究的一个重要分支,是了解学习者语言使用过程的途径之一,本文以对原化中理工大学98级77名博士生进行的问卷调查结果为依据,分析了该学习者群体在英语口语交际中使用交际策略的基本现状,并探讨了该现状所反映的问题及其对英语教学的启示。  相似文献   

基于网络环境下的协作学习,能够激发学习者的学习动机,消除学习的孤独感,有利于培养学习者之间的合作交流能力和创新能力,增强互助意识,提高学习效率。根据协作学习的特点,探讨了基于网络环境下PLC课程协作学习的教学设计和实施。  相似文献   

对语法翻译法的再认识   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从十九世纪晚期开始,语法翻译法大受挞伐,不断受到非难与否定。本拟从语法翻译法的形成原因和存在背景入手,对这种古老的教学方法重新进行讨论,说明它的优势和局限,解释该方法至今存在的价值,并对可能的发展趋势进行探讨。  相似文献   

The research described in this article aimed to explore and examine the dominant ‘assessment’ and ‘participation’ stories of upper‐primary pupils with long‐standing and marked literacy learning needs, their views on how their level of participation in the assessment and remediation of their additional needs might be increased and also how they perceive themselves as literacy learners. This qualitative small‐scale study adopted a case study approach and utilised creative methodologies in the context of focus groups to investigate sensitively the views and experiences of Key Stage 2 pupils with additional needs in literacy. The findings discussed here are based on the outcomes from the four Northern Irish schools that participated in the original cross‐border (Northern Ireland/Republic of Ireland) study. Findings are discussed in the context of strategies for promoting holistic and empowering pathways for learners with additional needs in literacy.  相似文献   

The increasing number of second language learners in classrooms all around the world has required teachers to adapt their teaching methods and materials to the various learners’ needs. Second language learners in particular need specific learning strategies, which not only aim at helping them understand the linguistic structure of the language of instruction, but also enable them to remember and comprehend the many different words in this “foreign” language. For second language learners, developing reading skills and improving language abilities need to go hand in hand independent of the language. This article presents suggestions for reading lessons emphasizing vocabulary for both first and second language learners of various linguistic backgrounds. These suggestions are especially useful for reading lessons in mainstream second and third grade classrooms. Approaches to vocabulary building are discussed with particular focus on aspects to be considered for vocabulary selection (e.g. linguistic aspects); followed by recommendations on the instruction of the selected vocabulary. All the presented suggestions are based on materials developed in the context of a project in Austria, hence in a German speaking environment. Applicability of these suggestions for other languages is emphasized.  相似文献   

英语二语学习者在使用英语时,经常会缺失动词的表示一致关系或时态的屈折后缀。本文探讨了目前对此问题的研究及其对英语学习和教学的启示。文章首先呈现英语二语学习者使用英语时丢失屈折后缀的证据,然后介绍了分布形态学和双机制理论对此问题的解释,在剖析英语二语学习者丢失屈折后缀的原因后,探讨了该研究对英语学习和教学以及测试的意义和启示。  相似文献   

This article describes a web‐based communicative space (a Dynamic Frequently Asked Questions environment—DFAQ) in which learners consult one another using questions, and in which both the flow of interaction and its artefacts become a resource available to a community of learners. Anecdotal evidence suggests that learners embarking on their first year of university study enter a world that is essentially text‐based and are inclined to view text as an authority, as something fixed that closes rather than opens up enquiry. Motivated by the need to scaffold learners’ engagement with academic text, we developed the DFAQ in which learners asked questions and other learners responded. The article discusses the learning activity that led to student consultation and provides a critical review of the environment based on student interviews. Our conclusion is that the environment provides learners with a unique ‘space’ in which to access questions and responses that they might not have generated themselves. Furthermore, given the environment's capacity to recruit, hold and focus attention as well as model appropriate questioning behaviour, we think that it does indeed provide a space that scaffolds learners’ engagement with the text.  相似文献   

本文通过对天津广播电视大学远程教育学习者从学习动机、学习方式、学习环境、学习习惯以及学习效果5个方面进行问卷调查,研究了远程开放教育学习者文化特征。  相似文献   

基于IRT的大学英语词汇在线自适应测试系统的设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
如何科学有效地测量学习者的词汇量,以及测量其对词汇的掌握程度是当前语言研究者十分关注的问题。文章根据词汇的广度、深度之间的相关性,提出了在广度测试的基础上进行深度测试的思想,并将项目反应理论的测试方法、设计思想,应用到实际测试系统中,最终设计实现了基于项目反应理论的大学英语四、六级在线自适应单词测试系统。  相似文献   

网络课程建设的质量不高是影响现代远程教育发展的一个重要因素。目前,造成网络课程建设质量偏低的主要原因是忽视对远程学习者特征的深入分析,开发的网络课程不能满足远程学习者的多样化需求。本文以上海电视大学教育管理专业的远程学习者为研究对象,综合采用文献研究、问卷调查、深度访谈等研究方法,对远程学习者的一般特点和学习特征进行了详细分析,提出了基于远程学习者特征的网络课程建设模式。  相似文献   

外语教学中的激励机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
激励是调整动学习者个体和群体学习积极性的有力手段。本文从管理心理学的角度 ,提出学生学习外语的三维动力模型 ,并围绕三种动力探索有效激发学生学习外语积极性的激励模式与方法。本文表明 ,外语学习除注意其本身的特点外 ,在教学过程中运用激励机制 ,对学生进行精神和思想上的正确引导也不可忽视  相似文献   

The open nature of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) attracts a large number of learners with different backgrounds, skills, motivations, and goals. This has brought a need to understand such heterogeneity in populations of MOOC learners. Categorizing these learners based upon their interaction with the course can help address this need and suggest possible improvements in course design and delivery. In this article, the K-means clustering technique with careful seeding is used to obtain clusters of learners having similar interaction in the course. Learners are grouped based on their interaction with course material, video lectures, discussion forums, and assessments. In the analysis of thirteen courses, the proposed method identified learners’ classes as Uninterested, Casuals, Performers, Explorers and Achievers. Each class of learners had distinct interaction with the course and followed a certain learning approach. The learners’ classes were mapped to the standard surface, deep, and strategic learning approaches.This article also highlights the data preparation phase and its importance in data mining.  相似文献   

This article addresses validity and fairness in the testing of English language learners (ELLs)—students in the United States who are developing English as a second language. It discusses limitations of current approaches to examining the linguistic features of items and their effect on the performance of ELL students. The article submits that these limitations stem from the fact that current ELL testing practices are not effective in addressing three basic notions on the nature of language and the linguistic features of test items: (a) language is a probabilistic phenomenon, (b) the linguistic features of test items are multidimensional and interconnected, and (c) each test item has a unique set of linguistic affordances and constraints. Along with the limitations of current testing practices, for each notion, the article discusses evidence of the effectiveness of several probabilistic approaches to examining the linguistic features of test items in ELL testing.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among science content knowledge, understanding the Learning Cycle, and self-efficacy among preservice teachers. Preservice teachers enrolled in an elementary science-methods course were categorized as Fearful, Disinterested, Successful, or Enthusiastic science learners based on differing background characteristics in the variables of science interest, performance in science courses methods courses. Analysis revealed that the four categories increased differentially in their science content knowledge, understanding of the Learning Cycle, science teaching self-efficacy, and confidence to learn science. Fearful science learners demonstrated less increases in science content knowledge and understanding of the Learning Cycle than the other three categories. Disinterested science learners demonstrated fewer gains in science content knowledge than Enthusiastic science learners. Fearful science learners were less confident to learn science than other categories. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material that is available to authorized users. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Learning management systems traditionally provide structures to guide online learners to achieve their learning goals. Web 2.0 technology empowers learners to create, share, and organize their personal learning environments in open network environments; and allows learners to engage in social networking and collaborating activities. Advanced networking mechanisms, UGC, flat-structured architectures, RSS, and social tagging, permit online learners to define their own learning structures. This article reports an online course built within multiple Web 2.0 technologies designed to empower learners to construct their own personal learning environments within open network learning environments. Lessons learned, examples, and critical issues are discussed. This paper concludes that effective instructions should prepare “online” learners to become “network” or “open network” learners.  相似文献   

教育信息化促使越来越多的学习者选择在线学习,基于学习行为数据的研究也逐渐增多,然而对学习行为的研究普遍基于学习者个人,涉及学习者相似群体特征挖掘的研究较少。选取阿里云天池中的公开数据集,通过对不同个性特征和认知能力的行为数据进行相关性分析,以学习成绩为依据聚类不同的学习者群体,挖掘群体的典型行为特征。研究表明,群体行为特征存在显著差异,借助群体特征挖掘可以帮助学生与他人对比,发现自身不足并及时调整。这样既能在个性化学习基础上充分利用群体智慧,也能避免因学生过多使教学工作者负担过重。  相似文献   

现代远程开放教育学习者学习障碍分析与研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
开放教育学习者是教学质量的承担者,教学质量只有依附于学习者才能体现,所以需对开放教育学习者的学习动机、学习方式、学习障碍的状况有清晰的认识,才能使开放教育施教者提供的教学支持、教学服务适合学习者的实际,进而保证教学质量.本研究正是本着这一目的,依据开放教育教学实践和调查,对开放教育学习者的学习障碍及产生原因进行分析、探讨,并根据开放教育及学习者的特点提出克服学习障碍的建议.  相似文献   

本论文尝试性的采用了国内英语学习者写作语料库CLEC和英语本族语者在线书面语语料库LOB进行对比研究,希望通过对比分析发现中国英语学习者和本族语者在英语写作中替代现象的使用情况,找到各自的特点以及相互之间的差异。同时,本文从二语习得理论的视角,试图从更深层次上找到形成中国英语学习者写作中替代特点潜在的原因。  相似文献   

In September 2000, new qualifications for 16–19 year olds, known as Curriculum 2000, were introduced in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland with the aim of broadening the advanced level curriculum. It was left to schools, colleges, and their learners, however, to decide how these new qualifications would be used to build learner programmes of study. In this voluntarist context, the views and actions of learners have been an important factor in determining the course of the reforms. This article, which is based primarily on a study of 42 learners in a school/college consortium in the south west of England, provides a chronological account of learner experiences of these reforms during their first 2 years of implementation. The consortium discussed here offered a high‐volume study programme similar in size and content to those being proposed by the Tomlinson Working Group on 14–19 curriculum and qualifications reform in England. Learners found their expanded programmes onerous, due in part to the nature of the new qualifications and in part to the context of their implementation. The article concludes by identifying a number of policy lessons for 14–19 reform arising from this research.  相似文献   

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