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In this commentary on Al Otaiba, Hosp, Smartt, and Dole's article (this issue), key strengths, limitations, and systemic issues in the consultation project are identified. It is posited that despite expanded opportunities for school improvement since the implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act (2001) No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Pub. L. No. 107-110 (H. R. 1) [Google Scholar] and clear evidence that improvement is warranted, school improvement remains an extremely difficult process. Several positive elements in the Al Otaiba project are identified. The need for increased attention to systemic variables, a closer examination of existing district policies and resources, and the need for systematic professional development are identified as project elements that may have improved the outcome.  相似文献   

玛格丽特·阿特伍德是加拿大最著名的作家之一,她是一位具有生态视野的作家,其早期小说《使女的故事》体现了人与自然关系的生态世界观。本文从生态女性主义批评的角度出发,对人与自然、男人和女人的冲突问题进行反思,试图说明人类只有走出征服自然的怪圈,才能重返人与人、人与自然的和谐相处。  相似文献   

孟家峰 《英语沙龙》2014,(12):24-25
想要在托福阅读中取得好成绩,除了考生本身的英语基础外,做题方法更是起到了不可小觑的作用。本期,本刊专栏作者孟家峰从分析托福阅读题型入手,为你详细解答各类型阅读题的做题策略,希望能对各位即将参加托福考试的考生有所帮助。  相似文献   

大学生自杀率呈现出不断上升的趋势,已开始对平安校园、社会主义和谐社会建设构成了严重的威胁。构建有效的大学生自杀防控机制,已成为当代的迫切需要。辅导员作为高校专职学生工作人员,应充分发挥其在学生工作中的特殊作用。依据大学生自杀的特点和原因,确定辅导员在大学生自杀防控中的关键角色及其功能,有利于最大限度地降低大学生自杀行为的发生。  相似文献   

A new approach to improve children's cognitive activities is to increase their awareness and regulation of the skills to be trained through thinking aloud. This study deals with how to utilize metacognition in teaching children to read for meaning (comprehension) and learning from texts (studying). First, the general theoretical issues and practical implications of the concept of metacognition are discussed. This is followed by a presentation of a cognitive training program, together with the effects of the program on sixth‐graders’ reading skill. According to the findings of the present study, the training program used has the potential of improving instruction in comprehension and learning.  相似文献   

Our goal in this paper is to understand the extent to which, and under what conditions, executive functions (EFs) play a role in reading comprehension processes. We begin with a brief review of core components of EF (inhibition, shifting, and updating) and reading comprehension. We then discuss the status of EFs in process models of reading comprehension. Next, we review and synthesize empirical evidence in the extant literature for the involvement of core components of EF in reading comprehension processes under different reading conditions and across different populations. In conclusion, we propose that EFs may help explain complex interactions between the reader, the text, and the discourse situation, and call for both existing and future models of reading comprehension to include EFs as explicit components.  相似文献   

We tested the theoretically driven hypotheses that children’s orthographic and semantic learning are associated with their word reading and reading comprehension skills, even when orthographic and semantic knowledge are taken into account. A sample of 139 English-speaking Grade 3 children completed a learning task in which they read stories about new inventions. Then they were tested on their learning of the spelling and meaning of the inventions (i.e., orthographic and semantic learning, respectively). Word reading and reading comprehension were assessed with standardised tasks, and orthographic and semantic knowledge were assessed with choice tasks targeting the spelling and meaning of existing words. The results of our structural equation modeling indicated that orthographic learning predicted word reading directly and reading comprehension indirectly via word reading. We also found that semantic learning predicted reading comprehension directly. These findings support integration of the self-teaching hypothesis and the lexical quality hypothesis.  相似文献   

Plot(剧情):故事的主角(the leading actor ofthe story)是一只名叫德佩罗的小老鼠(little mouse),它从小(from childhood)体弱多病,好不容易长大(grow up)成鼠,跟哥哥姐姐们住在(live in)图书馆(library)里吃(eat)书(book)度日,因此学会了阅读(reading)。他最喜欢(likebest/favorite)读那些"英雄救美"的故事,常常(often/usually)幻想自己也能(can)成为(become)一个英勇的(valiant/heroic)骑士(rider),在美人落难时拔刀相助(draw one's sword and come tothe rescue)。后来(later)他爱上了(fallin love with)豌豆公主,  相似文献   

从前,在遥远的道尔王国(the kingdom of Dor)有着美昧的汤。人们快乐无比。然而一场意外让伤心欲绝的国王痛恨汤和老鼠。从此,人们再也喝不到汤了。The kingdom of Dor没有了希望和阳光。  相似文献   

故事的主角(the Jeading actoro of the story)是一只名叫德佩罗的小老鼠(little mouse),它从小(from childhood)体弱多病,好不容易长大(grow up)成鼠,跟哥哥姐姐们住在(live in)图书馆(library)里吃(eat)书(book)度日,因此学会了阅读(reading)。他最喜欢(1ikebest/favorite)读那些“英雄救美”的故事,常常(often/usually)幻想自己也能(can)成为(become)一个英勇的(valiant/heroic)骑士(rider),  相似文献   

This paper analyses the reasons that led to the failure of traditional intensive readingclass and suggests three changes in the teacher's role in college English reading class.They are:First,to stimulate students'enthusiasm for reading independently.Second,to ac-tivate the students'prior knowledge of content to compensate for gaps both in linguisticknowledge and in the culturally based differences when processing written texts. Third,totake an active role in the development of foreign language reading skills  相似文献   

张春 《海外英语》2011,(5):25-27
In learner-centered classroom,teachers’ questioning serves as very important stimuli to foster students’ participation in classroom interaction.A classroom full of active interactions is an ideal environment for foreign language acquisition(FLA).Questioning is a critical strategy for the instructors to engage students in reading activities so as to help them build the habit of independent learning.  相似文献   

在英语语言交流活动中,个体表现出的水平差异很大,最重要的原因之一是学习语言的方法问题。阅读不但能提高口语能力和听力水平,而且还能强化所学知识,提高对外语的理解能力。  相似文献   

一只老鼠冒失地出现在王后的汤盆中,吓死了王后。伤心欲绝的老国王发布命令,要赶尽杀绝所有的老鼠。小老鼠德斯佩罗长着  相似文献   

花生 《小学时代》2008,(12):34-34
圣诞节有什么安排?还没想好?那就和自己的好朋友约好时间一起去看看这只勇敢的小老鼠吧!尽管鼠年即将过去,但可爱的老鼠形象却被不断地搬上银幕。美丽的童话故事,英雄救美的浪漫传说,还有时尚流行的CG动画……你会发现,尽管小老鼠体弱矮小,但只要有爱,一切皆有可能!  相似文献   

在阅读理解过程中,正确理解文本的含义,不能只停留在语言形式的表层意义上,还必须突破语言形式的束缚,充分利用超语言因素的导向作用,从超语言因素的角度对作家文本中塑造的人物的性格特征、陈述的基本观点和情感立场、奠定的特定情景和状态、描述的人物心理状态、预设的感官形象、设置的人物活动状况,以及特定的文化背景和民俗习惯等几个方面去全面把握文本的真正含意。  相似文献   

从三个方面阐述了翻译在高年级英语阅读课教学中的积极作用。首先,比较与鉴别是人类认知行为的基本方法和重要途径。其次,翻译练习介入阅读课教学,不仅有助于学生的外语语言习得,还能大大加强他们的母语笔头和口头表达能力。再次,过分强调直接教学法而忽视翻译练习的有机结合,将导致学生综合专业水平的下降以及实际工作能力和技能的降低。  相似文献   

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