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Although attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is among the most heritable psychiatric childhood disorders, social and gene–environment interactions seemingly play an important role in the etiology of ADHD. Consistent with this, this study finds that School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) reduced the likelihood of pharmacotherapeutic treatment for ADHD at age 14–16 by 12%, using population-wide Norwegian register data and a difference-in-difference design (N = 698,364, birth cohorts 1990–2002, 48.7% girls, 5.7% immigrant background). At-risk students in schools with high fidelity of implementation are driving these intervention effects. Overall, the findings indicate that children with a genetic disposition for ADHD are more likely to avoid medical treatment in an organized and predictable school setting with a focus on positive reinforcement.  相似文献   

Positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBS) is the federal law's preferred strategy for dealing with challenging behavior by students with disabilities. The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires that PBS be considered in all cases of students whose behavior impedes their learning or the learning of others, reflecting IDEA's preference for use of state-of-the-art technology in special education. We believe that when schools take disciplinary actions against students with disabilities, PBS requirements will nearly always be at issue. This article describes the ramifications of IDEA's PBS requirements in the context of disciplinary situations, including the interplay of PBS issues with functional behavioral assessment and behavioral intervention plans.  相似文献   

Scientific reasoning of elementary age students with mild mental retardation was investigated using structured interviews during tasks involving properties of air and electricity. Discourse analysis was employed to describe preconceptions students with mild mental retardation reported about the natural world and how those preconceptions might be influenced by empirical evidence. Students in this investi- gation expressed prior understandings of air and electricity, but these understand- ings were incomplete and often at variance with generally accepted scientific fact. When faced with empirical evidence, students provided some responses that appeared to be more accommodating of this evidence. Characteristics such as outerdirectedness may have interacted with student responding. Implications for further research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This meta‐analysis synthesized 26 published single‐case design (SCD) studies on Tier 2 behavior interventions implemented within the educational framework of school‐wide positive behavioral interventions and supports. We used Tau‐U indices to determine the overall magnitudes of effect of the Tier 2 behavior interventions and the potential variables that moderate improved student behavioral outcomes. The 26 studies that were analyzed included a total of 243 student participants. The studies were evaluated to determine whether and to what extent they met What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) SCD standards. Of these, 10 studies were confirmed as meeting WWC SCD standards with or without reservations. Notable findings were that outcomes for students in kindergarten and secondary grade levels were limited, and insufficient screening methods were used to identify and select students needing Tier 2 interventions. The results indicate that the literature reports Tier 2 interventions with effect sizes ranging from 0.26 to 0.98. Average effect size for social skills instruction was found to be large, whereas Check‐in/Check‐out, group contingency, and intervention packages had medium effect sizes. Moderator analyses indicated different effect sizes across intervention types, outcomes, and implementers. The results are discussed in relation to implications for practice, limitations, and future research.  相似文献   

Craig Alternative Middle/High School is an academic/therapeutic multi‐categorical exceptional education program for eighty‐five high risk male and female students who, because of their atypical behaviours, have not been successful in a less restrictive educational environment. The staff consisting of teachers, paraprofessionals, psychologists, social workers, probation officers and a psychiatrist, co‐ordinate the students' therapeutic, vocational and academic programs within a day school setting in an attempt to maximize positive behavioural change.  相似文献   

Producing 'girl' in educational discourse is defined with two strategic features: Interruptions and framing. Hypotheses are: (1) the teacher interrupts girls differently and more often than boys; and (2) the teacher offers different discursive spaces for girls and boys by framing and introducing their speech differently. The data are a Finnish native tongue lesson in the fifth grade (16 girls, 14 boys) with a female teacher. Students were asked to continue a drawing in groups (girls' groups and boys' groups) and to give a presentation to the class. The girls were interrupted more often and in a different way than were the boys. The style with the boys was a kind of conversation. With the girls the style could be summarised as 'let the girls have the floor'. The teacher also framed girls' and boys' speech differently. For the boys she offered authority and with the girls she encouraged co-operation. Two different discursive spaces were produced for girls and boys.  相似文献   

Low staff support for schoolwide positive behavior interventions and supports (SWPBIS) is a barrier to implementation and sustainability. In this qualitative study, we identify staff opposed to SWPBIS among staff in 36 schools across 9 districts in western Washington. Nonsupportive staff (n = 44) are compared to supportive staff (n = 1,166) on demographic variables. Then, open-ended statements provided by nonsupportive staff are coded and analyzed to identify themes and develop an understanding of concerns about the SWPBIS initiative in their schools. Nonsupportive staff were concerned for the commitment and participation of all stakeholders, including staff, administrators, and students. Some sources of opposition were attributable to misunderstandings of SWPBIS and outright philosophical disagreements. Other sources of staff opposition were attributable not to the SWPBIS framework, but to school-level factors such as negative climate. We provide consultants with suggestions for engaging nonsupportive staff as well as directions for future research.  相似文献   

教学秘书如何在高校教学管理工作中发挥作用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
阐述了如何做好高校教学管理工作,重点论述了教学秘书必须具备的各种能力和要求,强调教学秘书必须适应形势发展的需要,须从基本能力和专业能力方面不断地完善自己,才能在教学评估中发挥应有的作。  相似文献   

Preventing bullying requires a comprehensive approach that includes a focus on school climate. We review the climate features shown to reduce bullying, then illustrate how School-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) applies these principles in practice. SWPBIS, grounded in multiple theories—behaviorism, social learning theory, prevention science, and systems change—is designed to build a positive school climate by defining and consistently reinforcing positive behavioral norms. SWPBIS focuses on teaching and acknowledging positive behavior and addressing environmental conditions that exacerbate problem behavior. This positive approach changes behavior without the negative interactions associated with punitive discipline while establishing school climates that promote protective factors and mitigate risk factors. Schools implementing SWPBIS have reported less bullying and student victimization, fewer problem behaviors, and increased feelings of safety.  相似文献   

文章调查了国内部分高校教育技术学专业的程序设计入门语言设置情况。调查发现国内高校普通采用C语言作为入门语言,这与英国高校的调查结果有明显不同。论文分析了原因,讨论了Java语言作为入门语言教学中的对象先行教学策略,结合Alice的使用,给出了具体实施方案。  相似文献   

中国教育政策的历史考察——兼论教育主权的行使   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育主权的行使是通过教育政策的执行来体现的。通过梳理历朝历代的教育政策概况来探讨当时教育主权的行使,期望从中总结出教育主权行使正确与否的规律,为探讨当前教育主权行使的合理性提供参考依据。  相似文献   

A single case experimental design was used to examine the effects of behavioral consultation in improving educational recommendations for school-aged children at an inpatient psychiatric unit. A school psychologist provided consultation services to a chief child psychiatrist. A multiple baseline design was used to analyze changes on two dependent variables: quantity and quality of educational recommendations written in psychiatric discharge summaries. The study was conducted over consecutive 4-week periods of no consultation, consultation focused on increasing the quantity of educational recommendations, and consultation regarding specific recommendations on individual cases, followed by a 4-week return to the no consultation condition. Results show increases in numbers of recommendations during treatment and follow-up. Quality of recommendations improved as quantity increased. It was recommended that future research investigate replications with various types of consultees in different settings, including increasing prereferral and/or post-referral recommendations for at-risk children.  相似文献   

存在人际交往障碍的大学生作为高校特殊群体,他们的心理发展极不稳定、不平衡,遇到诱发因素容易出现困惑、矛盾、冲突,进而引发情绪和行为障碍,这一群体已成为高校思想政治教育工作者应重点关注的对象之一。本文结合一个实际案例,从高校辅导员角度,探索如何运用个案管理的方法帮助存在人际交往障碍的大学生走出困境,使其全面健康发展。  相似文献   

从行为与心理的关系角度来看,案例教学法将柯拉斯沃所主张的实现教学目标的五个程序统一于教学过程,既实现了现代教育的情感认知目标,又实现了心因动作目标。按照认知发展理论,案例教学法并不适用所有层次的教学,只适用大学及其以后的学生群体;并不适用所有课程,只适应需要学生运用抽象思维分析社会实践素材的课程;并不适应所有案例,只适应对研究命题具有组合性争议的案例。在案例教学法实施过程中,教师应当不断激励学生进行思想辩驳,营造活跃的课堂氛围,推动"皮格马利翁效应"的产生,注意处理好案例教学法和其他教学法的关系,使学生学习产生正迁移效果。  相似文献   

黄波 《教育教学论坛》2020,(10):330-331
被拒绝幼儿是指在群体中受到排挤和拒绝的幼儿。在幼儿成长过程中,幼儿良好的交往行为有利于其健康人格形成。文章运用同伴提名法选出班级内被拒绝幼儿,对其进行行为观察、家庭访谈、与教师沟通等方式了解幼儿交往行为状况并分析其成因,提出改善其同伴交往行为的策略。  相似文献   

阐述对教育改革的舆论支持状况进行判断的依据,分析我国教育改革舆论支持的基本特征及其面临的严峻挑战,并提出改变教育改革舆论支持方式的基本思路。  相似文献   

教育信息化进程和教师专业化发展对教师的信息素养提出了新的要求,作为未来教师的小学教育专业学生必须掌握寻找知识和信息的能力。基于此,对当前小教专业学生的信息素养培养的现状进行分析,提出小教专业学生信息素养教育类课程设置的方案及相应的实施措施:以期进一步提高小学教育专业学生的培养质量。  相似文献   

人才培养目标是各级各类学校依据教育目的的总体要求和不同类型教育的性质任务,对受教育者提出的特定的规格标准。地方高职院校在确立人才培养目标时,哲学层面必须以马克思主义关于人的全面发展学说为指导;心理学层面必须充分认识到人的智能的多元性;教育学层面必须遵循我国社会主义教育的基本价值观和目的观,并在实践中体现高职教育的高等性、职业性、地方性的属性特点。番禺职业技术学院结合自身特点,把人才培养目标定位为培养"一技之长 综合素质"的高技能人才,这一定位充分彰显了番禺职业技术学院的办学特色。  相似文献   

中国法学教育语境下的案例教学法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
认为案例教学法与普通法的判例法思维传统和美国式法律职业教育理念相契合,对法科学生法律思维能力和实践能力的培养具有独特优势,但也存在着无法为学生提供体系化的法律知识和成本高昂等特征。指出我国法学教育的理念、法律思维习惯、法学教育传统、师资力量、案例来源等因素制约着案例教学法在我国法学教育中的实施效果。提出在我国法学教育过程中引入案例教学方法,应当采用坚持与创新相结合的原则,完善案例库建设、规范案例教学法实施机制,并充实师资力量、建立激励机制、完善教学硬件设施,采用综合性方式实施案例教学法,以增强案例教学的实际效果。  相似文献   

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