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培训师资队伍数量不足、质量偏低、比例失调、培训者培训不到位,是“十一五”中小学校长培训工作中暴露出来的非常突出的矛盾,它直接影响培训的质量和校长参与培训的积极性。问题形成的主要原因是因为从事培训教学工作的专职教师青黄不接、一些兼职教师的工作岗位的变换、缺乏对从事培训教学的师资的继续教育和教学的理论性要求不断提高,等其中缺乏对从事培训教学的师资的继续教育是诸多原因中的主要原因。要想有效解决这个问题,必须从加强培训者培训和加强制度建设两个方面入手,在省域区位内统筹解决。  相似文献   

校长新课程培训是课改实验区师资队伍建设的重要一环 ,转变理念的通识培训是关键。选择何种途径、形式施训 ,以提高培训效果 ,是培训者直接面对的重要课题。为此 ,在培训实践中 ,着力引导校长主动参与培训过程 ,尝试“参与式培训” ,试图探索从内容设计到过程形式的统一。以实现培训者与校长、校长与校长在互动中共成长 ,取得了较好的培训效果。  相似文献   

校长是学校发展最宝贵的人力资源。校长培训的重要任务之一,就是挖掘与共享校长的隐性知识。校长有认识、情感、经验、技术、精神五个方面的隐性知识,具有个性化、生成化,传播的互动化、低效率化等特点,挖掘与共享存在难点。培训管理者在对校长隐性知识了解的基础上,必须进一步了解校长隐性知识向显性知识转化的具体步骤、内容,把握隐性知识共享的策略,让校长通过知识共享,来提升、创造新的知识。  相似文献   

生物学科由于具有很强的实践(实验)教学特点,因而有别于其他学科.调研发现,生物学科教育实习存在实习生系统而有效的训练不够、教师基本功薄弱、实习学校实验课开出率低和高校实习指导不到位等突出问题,从改革课程体系,彰显学科特色,建立有效的评价制度,完善指导制度等方面改进生物学科教育实习的模式,提高生物实习生教学的实际能力和实习质量.  相似文献   

The Predictive Evaluation (PE) model is a training and evaluation approach with the element of prediction. PE allows trainers and business leaders to predict the results, value, intention, adoption, and impact of training, allowing them to make smarter, more strategic training and evaluation investments. PE is invaluable for companies that struggle to define the success of training, fight to justify its value, or view training as an expense rather than an investment with predicted return.  相似文献   

着眼于素养的提高,蕴涵了应该掌握的知识、技能和应该获得的能力训练的“任务”,是现代远程教育学员们的“学习愿境”。“学习愿境(任务)”的设置需要考虑到任务的系统性、限制性和可扩展性。为了实现学员的“学习愿境”,培训者与受训者都需具备相应的执行力,即培训者要具有较高的教学能力、文化素养,能制定必要的措施、提出必要的要求、提供相关的学习支持服务体系等等;受训者应具备相应的学习基础、学习能力与基本学习条件。愿景与执行力二者缺一不可。  相似文献   


The cascade model has been widely used as a means of reducing costs and maximizing benefits in large-scale teacher training. This article focuses on the first step in the cascade process, training the trainers, and argues that we need to integrate more social and cultural awareness into this area of training if the cascade approach is to succeed. It does so through reference to two projects in South Africa which used a 'cascade' approach to train trainers, one at secondary level and the other at primary level, and attempts to show not only why we should include such areas in our training, but how this can be done in practice.  相似文献   

This article is centrally concerned with the sort of knowledge that can and should inform educational policy—and it treats this as an epistemological question. It distinguishes this question from the more extensively explored question of what sort of knowledge in what form policy‐makers do in fact commonly take into account. The article examines the logical and rhetorical character of policy and the components of policy decisions and argues that policy demands a much wider range of information than research typically provides. Either the research task or commission has to be substantially extended or the gap will be filled by information or thinking that is not derived from research. One of the gaps between research of an empirical kind and policy is the normative gap. In the final section the article points to the inescapably normative character of educational policy. Of course the values that inform policy can be investigated empirically, but this kind of enquiry cannot tell us what we should do. There is a role for research/scholarship and more rather than less intelligent and critical argumentation in addressing these normative questions as well as the empirical questions that underpin policy.  相似文献   


Purpose: This paper assesses the effectiveness of volunteer farmer trainers in promoting adoption of agricultural technologies in western Kenya. Specifically, the purpose was to assess the type of information they disseminated, farmer trainers' characteristics desirable to farmer trainees, and how trainees evaluate farmer trainers.

Design/methodology/approach: Data were collected through focused group and open discussions, and interviews with 44 farmer trainers (32% women) and 91 trainees (63% women). Effectiveness of training was assessed based on level of learner satisfaction and attributes pertaining to knowledge, skill, attitude and application of the learning on farms. Other topics examined included selection of farmer trainers, organization of training, type, how and to whom information is disseminated, and farmer trainers' constraints and opportunities.

Findings: Farmer trainers played important roles such as mobilizing and training fellow farmers, hosting demonstration plots, bulking and distributing planting materials. They were, however, rated slightly lower in follow-ups and seed bulking. Farmer trainers disseminate on average two to four different types of technology. Crop-based technologies were disseminated more than livestock-based ones because of their simplicity. Technical backstopping from extension workers remains a challenge, which may compromise quality of information disseminated. The survey showed that the approach is sustainable, with farmer trainers continuing their work several years after project support had ended.

Practical implications: The results from this study are of use to development programmes keen on using low-cost, community-based dissemination approaches. Recommendations are also given on selecting farmer trainers, organizing training, types of technologies to disseminate incentives, and sustainability.

Originality/value: The added value lies in filling information gaps in the use and effectiveness of the farmer trainer approach in promoting technology dissemination.  相似文献   

"三个代表"重要思想不仅是新时期全面加强党的建设的行动指南,也是思想政治工作的根本指针,为我们做好新时期党的思想政治工作提供了强大的思想理论武器。用"三个代表"重要思想指导新时期党的思想政治工作,必须坚持以经济建设为中心,体现时代性;必须坚持解放思想,实事求是,深化改革;必须坚持三个文明一起抓,进行理想信念教育。党的思想政治工作,关系"三个代表"能否真正实现,事关改革、发展、稳定大局以及中国特色社会主义事业的成败。  相似文献   

幼儿教育中的师资培训成为决定教育质量的关键因素。"教学做合一"的幼儿教师领雁工程的培训模式具有明确的方向性、适宜的学理性、较强的操作性、深刻的体验性、灵活的迁移性。为了进一步提升幼儿教师领雁工程的培训质量,需要不断提升培训者的综合素养,按照相应的规定选拔有资质的参训者。  相似文献   

实践性教学环节在开放教育中的地位与作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
正确认识实践性教学环节在开放教育中的地位与作用,是确保“人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点”工作成功的关键;积极探索实践教学环节的新思路,是我们必须面对和思考的新课题。  相似文献   


The main problems faced by Russian education and consequently by trainers of school teachers are the question of values, along with finance and the legacy of Soviet power and of the Russian tradition. These problems are illustrated by the position in Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia. Methods of recruiting young teachers, their supply and the institutions in which they are trained are described, and a significant mismatch is discovered between training and the employment patterns of graduates. Deep-seated cultural attitudes towards the status of institutions, training methodology, curricula and workload are revealed which would inhibit the adoption of procedures common in W estern countries, even if that were thought desirable. A need for the considerable extension of joint activities, most of all extended work placements for teacher-trainers, is perceived; the aim of this would be to build up 'global' attitudes in Russia and extend Western understanding of the Russian tradition.  相似文献   

参与式教师培训是指以"参与式"为核心理念和方法,以促进教师的专业发展和提高培训实效性为目的的一种实践。参与式教师培训倡导"双向化的培训过程"、"多元化的培训方法"和"人本化的培训目标",并以变革培训模式、提高培训实效、优化人力资源为内在的价值诉求。实践参与式教师培训的理念,需要在培训观念、培训内容和培训方法以及培训者素质等方面进行探索。  相似文献   

通常认为只要凭借对经验的探讨就能教好阅读课。然而,要科学地回答“为何阅读课要这样上或那样上?”的问题时,经验就无法给出一个明确的答复。作者认为:运用语言学理论知识,就能深化对语言的本质、语言的学习、语言的阅读以及语言的传授的认识,就能对阅读教学作出科学的评价,从而促进阅读教学。  相似文献   

曾维 《柳州师专学报》2011,26(2):117-119
对学生的歌唱性弹奏能力培养是钢琴教学中最主要的课题和教学目标。教师可以从连音弹奏、踏板运用、呼吸训练、内心听觉训练、钢琴曲目分析、音乐作品赏析等方面入手对学生进行系统训练,提高学生的音乐艺术修养和钢琴演奏技巧,引领学生达到更高的艺术境界。  相似文献   

高职旅游教育的根本责任和任务是培养旅游业需要的人才,目前亟需解决这样两个命题:“旅游业需要怎样的人才”和“怎样培养旅游业需要的人才”,也就是旅游人才培养目的创设和实现问题。运用单一的文字表达方式来传播复杂的人才培养目标本身就是一种错误,本文认为应该综合运用图、文、声、像等传播媒介来表述以上两个命题,提出了围绕着“一个中心,五个基本点”,做好六个环节的工作,人才培养目标就能顺利实现的主张。  相似文献   

South Africa is a multicultural, ethnically diverse society, the vast majority (over 80%) of whose members have been oppressed by the white minority under the apartheid system. A model which takes into account the sociopolitical context and is sensitive to culture and class would provide a useful theoretical framework for the formulation of clinical interventions here. Pedersen's Triad Model is considered to constitute such an approach. There have been no known attempts to introduce this model into South African clinics or training centres. Accordingly, this study aimed to investigate the perceptions of the Triad Model's potential effectiveness held by trainers in family counselling. A role-play of a family counselling session was constructed, using a procounsellor and an anticounsellor Triad design, respectively. This was sent to family counselling trainers, together with an evaluation questionnaire. Of the 16 university- and 25 clinic-based trainers approached, 12 returned the questionnaire. Results reflected a significant and consistent preference for the procounsellor over the anticounsellor Triad design, and for the anticounsellor design over conventional family counselling. The findings provide encouragement for the feasibility of the Triad Model's further investigation and adoption in South Africa.  相似文献   

This article addresses teacher training as a process of becoming literate in educational discourse. Through ethnographic research of a project for training science and math lecturers in educational practice, I follow how participants created a concept they called ‘Class-B’ to symbolise progressive educational discourse. Bringing the concept of key symbol and a New Literacy Studies approach to the analysis, I show how literacy in educational discourse is worked out and elaborated around the symbol of Class-B. The ethnography teaches us that key symbols can be keys to literacy, and perhaps be considered as a useful tool for teacher trainers.  相似文献   

This study sought to compare the perceptions of Australian consultants, involved in a three year assignment in the South Pacific of the essential knowledge, attitudes and attributes, and skills needed for ‘effective’ consulting, with those of the client group and a third group of Asian and Pacific consumers and providers of consulting services. This latter group consisted of executive members, sub‐regional coordinators and program facilitators of the Asia South Pacific Bureau of Adult Education.

A two‐round questionnaire was employed to enable them to provide qualitative data on the knowledge, qualities and skills required of ‘effective’ consultants and then to rank order these items, and others obtained from an extensive literature search, to guide project managers and cross‐cultural trainers in the recruitment and preparation of consultants for effective outcomes. These guidelines seemed particularly urgent in the light of the 80% early return rate (premature return of consultants before project completion) at a cost of two billion dollars per annum (in the USA) and the evidence that fewer than one‐in‐three consultants receive cross‐cultural preparation before their departure and are generally recruited on the basis of strong success records at home.

The major findings that emerge are that there are statistically significant differences between the three groups as to the most important ‘competencies’ required for successful overseas consulting; that ‘cultural sensitivity’ is the most important attribute; ‘interpersonal’ and ‘teaching’ skills the most important skills, after ‘technical expertise'; that the composite ‘Mentikit’ effective consultant yielded by the literatureis quite different from that constructed from the survey responses; and that ‘home country success’ is unimportant compared with other traits and skills with major implications for culture‐general and culture‐specificcross‐cultural selection and training.  相似文献   

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