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民主作为人类的共同理想,始终为人们所追求,但是为什么要追求这一理想,人们在观念上并不一致,尤其是对于民主的经济价值,往往未能得到普遍的重视,本认为,民主能够营造良好的,稳定的,持久的社会秩序,而这种秩序是社会经济发展的必要条件;民主可以发挥人的积极性,塑造具有责任心,富有创造性的国民,从而充分发挥绝大多数国民的人力资源,而充足的,高质量的人力资源是经济发展的绝对优势,民主可以最大限度地降低政府成本,从而直接间接地提高社会财富总量,民主政治的运作成本往往低于非民主政治的运作成本,因此,民主不仅是人类政治生活的目标,而且也是社会经济发展的前提和基础。  相似文献   

既是社会现象又是教育现象的微信圈信息依赖,作为资讯民主大众化、科技革命大众化、人际自由大众化和个性情感大众化的反映,实际上是课堂教学大众化在社会时空里的镜像反射。微信圈在不经意间提供了课堂教学能深深嵌入广阔社会时空的条件,微信圈信息依赖则顺势铺设了向课堂教学输送课程资源的网络"管道"。微信圈信息依赖应在批判性思维的基础上实现社会化历程的个人体悟,在文明内化的轨道上实现技术应用的健康化发展,在秩序的心向上实现个体行为的社会性进步,在理性的空间里实现生命的人文化生长。构筑人们在更高追求和更多选择面前的教育平台,使微信圈及其以信息依赖为载体的文明发展成果去推动教育与社会交融共进的互动关系,正是教育本质意义的重要体现。  相似文献   

This paper explores the issue of democracy and the role of the democratic classroom in the development of society in general, and the way in which educators understand and deal with diversity in particular. The first part of the paper explores different meanings of democracy and how they can be manifested in the classroom. We argue that the idea of a ‘democratic classroom’ is far too broad a category; democracy is defined in action and can have realist or pragmatic characteristics, elitist or pluralist roots. The realist form of social education was championed by political scientist Charles Merriam, while a social educative process more dependent on pragmatic problem solving was pursued by educational philosopher John Dewey and those who followed in his theoretical wake. The history of democracy in the United States, and the battles of how to import different meanings of democracy into the classroom over the course of the 20th century is explored, suggesting that the educational establishment has a tendency to adopt more realist/elitist forms of civic education. We present five ‘democratic’ classrooms with different characteristics to illustrate the different characteristics social education can exhibit. In the second part of the paper we discuss the relationship between different types of democratic classrooms and issues of race/ethnicity/culture.  相似文献   

民主的经济条件虽然与民主的其他条件一样,只是民主实现的有利条件或不利条件;但是,经济条件却是民主诸条件中的始源性条件,而其他条件都是派生性条件。因为经济条件最终产生和决定民主的其他客观条件(社会条件、文化条件和政治条件)以及民主的主观条件:对民主有利的经济条件能够且迟早势必创造有利于实现民主的主观条件(庶民阶级争取民主的愿望和行动)、社会条件(公民社会)、文化条件(公民文化)和政治条件(言论、结社和建党自由);相反地,对民主不利的经济条件则能够且迟早势必创造不利于民主实现的主客观条件。这就是为什么经济条件对于是否实行民主并不具有必然的决定作用,却又能够势必导致民主的缘故。这就是为什么经济现代化对于是否实行民主并不具有必然的决定作用,却又势必导致民主的缘故:就经济现代化这一有利于民主的经济条件自身来说,对是否实行民主并不具有必然的决定作用;但就经济现代化迟早势必造成实现民主的全部主客观条件来说,则势必导致民主,使民主的出现成为一种必然趋势。  相似文献   

In this study I investigated how students' mathematical activities, and thereby their mathematical understandings, change as a function of their participation in different social configurations. I examined how the interplay between 2 social configurations-local investigations at a computer simulation and whole-class discussions-contributes to how 7th-grade students learn probabilistic reasoning. I used 2 case studies to investigate (a) how different forms of participation are linked to different social configurations, and (b) how specific discourse practices and ways of reasoning propagate across the classroom and are adopted by individual students. The analyses suggest that classroom mathematical practices are developed, in part, for the social or communicative purpose of settling disputes and not purely for their rational or cognitive value to individuals. Results also provide insight into how to design and orchestrate classroom practice, particularly computer-mediated inquiry, to foster individual learning that is situated within a classroom community oriented toward the construction of a shared understanding of probability.  相似文献   

This study focused on foundational aspects of classroom relations. Specifically, relationships between teachers’ immediacy (interpersonal) behaviours, classroom democracy, identification and learning were considered. Previous work suggests that these variables can be used as a foundation to shape classroom climate, culture and learning outcomes and, by extension, assist educational institutions to achieve their civic mission. This study examined classroom democracy and class identification as variables that mediate the relationship between immediacy behaviours and learning using data collected from 529 students in six institutions of higher learning in Rwanda. Structural equation modeling revealed that classroom democracy mediates the relationship between immediacy behaviours and that classroom democracy and class identification covary substantially. The significant relationships in the final structural model suggest that immediate teachers are likely to have a positive influence on perceptions of classroom democracy, class identification and learning. Based on the growing scholarship of instructional dissent, this study highlights the foundational and strategic aspects underlying these relationships within the context of relating in the classroom and beyond.  相似文献   

教学时空具有教化功能。教师通过创设特定的时间与空间,在一定情境中借助特定时空的社会意义,可以实现对受教育对象的教化与约束。有形时空与无形时空的结合是教学时空教化功能的独有特征,布迪厄的"场域理论"可作为教学中时空教化现象的理论支撑,该现象的发现具有重要的教育学意蕴。  相似文献   

杜威认为,真理是有效用的工具,它永远是一种假设,确立了这一观念,就可以在世界上消灭教条和权威的决断方法.这种真理观为其民主观奠定了思想基础.他认为,民主就是允许提出多种假设的解决方案,通过协商讨论将一种付诸实验,并在实验中对之检验和修正.民主的思想基础是对大众的相信和对少数统治者的不信任.杜威的思想对我们进一步深入理解马克思主义真理观,清除教条主义和个人崇拜,推进社会主义民主的发展,具有一定启发意义.  相似文献   

Research on young children's reasoning show the complex relationships of knowledge, theories, and evidence in their decision-making and problem solving. Most of the research on children's reasoning skills has been done in individualized and formal research settings, not collective classroom environments where children often engage in learning and reasoning together to solve classroom problems. This study posits children's reasoning as a collective social activity that can occur in science classrooms. The study examined how children process their reasoning within the context of Grade 2/3 science classrooms and how the process of collectivity emerges from classroom interactions and dialogue between children as they attempt to solve their classroom problems. The study findings suggest that children's reasoning involves active evaluation of theories and evidence through collective problem solving, with consensus being developed through dialogical reasoning.  相似文献   

对市场经济下的社会道德观念嬗变的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国计划经济体制向市场经济体制的转变,与之相联系的道德观念也发生着巨大的变化。对计划经济及其道德观念的反思,使人们认识到任何一种道德观念形态的存在都必然受到社会大文化背景,尤其是现实经济基础的制约。计划经济体制,决定了其整个社会道德观念是对个人自主性的排斥和对个人绝对服从“集体”与国家的强调。市场经济体制,必然促进社会道德观念的变革,推动基本利益关系和基本行为准则的调整,重塑社会成员的集体观念、社会责任感和道德意识,建立与之相适应的道德规范,并以此推动整个社会道德体系的建立。  相似文献   

Research on political education in schools suggests that an emphasis on formal structure, constitutional principles, formal citizen rights, and debates on current issues is common. The Norwegian national curriculum on political education envisions a different political education emphasizing that students should be critical of political life and social structures, that they should be familiar with democratic ideals, learn how they may influence by means of various forms of political participation, and be motivated to do so. I examine whether these ambitions are realized at the classroom level. Based on qualitative interviews and classroom observations I conclude that Norwegian political education is centred on political parties and on an attempt to help students find out which party is closest to their preferences. Political education takes the form of voter training for competitive élite democracy.  相似文献   

LD, interpersonal understanding, and social behavior in the classroom   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This study used Baron and Kenny's (1986) criteria for mediation to investigate the extent to which interpersonal understanding mediates the relation between learning disabilities (LD) and social adaptation in the classroom. Twenty-two children with and 22 children without a diagnosis of LD completed a semistructured developmental clinical interview measure of interpersonal understanding. They were also rated by their fourth- and fifth-grade teachers on a measure of social adaptation in the classroom. Interpersonal understanding and social adaptation in the classroom were found to be positively correlated. Children with LD exhibited less interpersonal understanding and social adaptation. Although this group difference on social adaptation was greatly reduced when interpersonal understanding was statistically controlled, it remained statistically significant. These results suggest that reduced social adaptation in the classroom and lower interpersonal understanding are both associated with a diagnosis of LD. However, they do not conclusively support the claim that interpersonal understanding mediates the relation between LD and social adaptation. Thus, whether the social difficulties of people with LD stem from the same complex phenomena that produce these people's learning problems remains an open question.  相似文献   

My intention is to explore the link between globalization and higher education restructuring in South Africa and whether it looms as a threat to democracy. I contend that an argument can be made that the ascendancy of market-driven concerns in defining the restructuring of higher education in South Africa may have the effect whereby higher education institutions (universities and technikons) become subordinated to the demands of the market place, which situation in turn, can be detrimental to the consolidation of South Africa's newly found democracy. First, I argue that the restructuring of higher education according to the ‘logic of globalization’ would not necessarily minimize socio-economic inequality, thus providing a major barrier to the move towards deepening democracy. However, the economic, political and cultural effects of globalization as determinants of higher education restructuring in South Africa are not going to disappear, at least not for the immediate future. Already the South African government considers as a central feature of its economic policy the meeting of the ‘challenge of international competitiveness … (and) an inability to compete will increasingly marginalise the South African economy (and), have profound effects on its rate of growth and consequences for the social well-being and stability of South African society’ (CHE 2000a: 20)

Second therefore, in order to safeguard and promote democracy, in spite of the market-bound trend, I assess some democratic prospects of a globalizing world in the restructuring of higher education. Like Jones (1998: 153), I contend that an argument can be made for achieving democracy in a sphere of corporate dominance if higher education is considered as a public good that allows space for the development of relations of trust, individual autonomy and democratic dialogue.  相似文献   

马克思主义的大学生化是马克思主义的大众化的重要路径之一。人民大众是社会实践的主体,大学生是当前和未来人民大众的有生力量和重要内涵。只有实现马克思主义的大学生化,才能真正实现马克思主义的大众化。实现马克思主义的大学生化,重中之重就是要搞好"三进",即让马克思主义理论"进教材"、"进课堂"、"进头脑"。  相似文献   

随着当前教育领域中的公民主体意识和权利意识的觉醒,以“控制”为核心逻辑的学校公共生活模式遭受了愈来愈多的批判。在控制型的学校公共生活下,教师与学生之间所形成的是控制与被控制、管理与被管理、灌输与被灌输的扭曲关系,它违背了学校教育的公共价值取向,阻碍了学校教育的民主变革,限制了学生的公民品质发展。与控制模式不同,“治理”作为一种新型的管理理念与实践模式,它致力于解构学校组织中的权威主义、技术理性、强制灌输、心灵隔离等弊病,使学校公共生活回归到公共性与民主性的轨道上来。“治理”赋予教师与学生以平等的公民身份和治理权利,鼓励学校生活中的公民伙伴关系,从而使学校和课堂成为一个民主治理的空间,提升和扩大学校组织的公共利益,稳固而持久地培育学生的公共精神和公民品质。  相似文献   

"蚁族"是人们用来描述那些无法找到工作或工作收入很低而聚居在城乡结合部的大学毕业生的一个新名词。采用社会支持评定量表、心理弹性量表和主观幸福感量表,以南京、成都两市310名"蚁族"为被试,发现"蚁族"群体的主观幸福感水平极低;"蚁族"群体的社会支持与主观幸福感之间、社会支持与心理弹性之间、心理弹性与主观幸福感之间呈极其显著的正相关;"蚁族"群体心理弹性在社会支持与主观幸福感之间起不完全中介作用,中介效应占总效应的49.7%,但心理弹性的调节作用不显著。  相似文献   

建立地方政府与群众的互信关系,是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要组成部分.由于种种原因,当前一些地方政府在这样那样的问题上频频失信于民,违法办事,致使人民利益受到损害,干群关系僵化紧张,产生了一些不和谐的因素,政府的形象与威信受到严重损害.构建地方政府与群众的互信关系,要从简政放权、依法行政;发扬民主、维护民权;了解民意、掌握民情;关注民生、善解民困;凝聚民心、依靠民众等方面认真去做,并要做到长抓不懈.  相似文献   

和谐党群关系是指党和人民群众的关系处于和睦、协调的良好状态。它要求党和人民群众相互信任、相互支持,在根本利益、奋斗目标、社会价值和行动上保持高度一致性。随着我国改革开放的不断深化,以及社会关系和社会结构的不断变革,出现了少数领导干部作风不正、贪污腐败,贫富差距过大,分配不公,民主政治建设滞后等问题,使党群关系面临新的挑战。为此,全党必须以科学发展观为统领,切实加强党的利益整合功能,深入开展党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争,进一步创新群众工作机制,始终保持党同人民群众的血肉关系,扎实推进党群关系和谐发展。  相似文献   

This article examines how undergraduate instructors of pre-service educators can address complex issues of sexuality and sexual orientation within the classroom. First, we explain our own backgrounds and positionalities to provide a context for our ensuing ideas and discussions. Second, by reviewing the literature on homophobic bullying, we outline why it is imperative that preservice teachers understand and mobilize around issues of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex rights. Third, we offer suggestions as to how to relate to undergraduate students when talking about sexuality and sexual orientation. We propose that using popular culture is an effective and engaging way of connecting to preservice teachers who have not previously had to confront their own homophobia and heterosexism. We suggest that using popular films or TV shows, such as Ugly Betty, has the potential to open up space for dialogue and critical engagement with issues such as explicit or implicit homophobia. We believe that critical media literacy skills are necessary tools for young people who are constantly bombarded with oftentimes stereotypical images and personifications of GLBTQI people within the mainstream media. Consequently, although we propose that popular culture be used as an educative space within the undergraduate classroom, it must be used both carefully and critically. Finally, we discuss why it is imperative that undergraduate professors address these issues within the classroom by referencing recent tragedies that are directly connected to homophobic bullying.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to gain knowledge about what it means to be a learner using social media in an educational setting. The article presents an ethnographic study of students in a multiethnic community in Oslo who participate in a social networking site called Space2cre8 (S28). In this article, we set out to explore the kind of space for learning that can be created in a lower secondary classroom by a social networking site. The article provides a detailed study of how two students made use of this social networking site as part of school activities, and it outlines two specific ways in which to be a learner using social media in school. The findings suggest that a social networking site such as S28 can provide different resources for different students with different learner identities, and might represent a space in which everyday knowledge and school knowledge merge to offer a hybrid space for learning.  相似文献   

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