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本文探讨了设计网络协作学习时虚拟学习环境的重要性,具体阐述了如何创设网络协作学习的虚拟学习环境.并且从三个方面提出了虚拟学习环境创设的原则。  相似文献   

Collaborative inquiry learning affords educators a context within which to support understanding of scientific practices, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts. One approach to supporting collaborative science inquiry is through problem-based learning (PBL). However, there are two key challenges in scaffolding collaborative inquiry learning in technology rich environments. First, it is unclear how we might understand the impact of scaffolds that address multiple functions (e.g., to support inquiry and argumentation). Second, scaffolds take different forms, further complicating how to coordinate the forms and functions of scaffolds to support effective collaborative inquiry. To address these issues, we identify two functions that needed to be scaffolded, the PBL inquiry cycle and accountable talk. We then designed predefined hard scaffolds and just-in-time soft scaffolds that target the regulation of collaborative inquiry processes and accountable talk. Drawing on a mixed method approach, we examine how middle school students from a rural school engaged with Crystal Island: EcoJourneys for two weeks (N=45). Findings indicate that hard scaffolds targeting the PBL inquiry process and soft scaffolds that targeted accountable talk fostered engagement in these processes. Although the one-to-one mapping between form and function generated positive results, additional soft scaffolds were also needed for effective engagement in collaborative inquiry and that these soft scaffolds were often contingent on hard scaffolds. Our findings have implications for how we might design the form of scaffolds across multiple functions in game-based learning environments.  相似文献   

This design-based research study is aimed at two goals: (1) developing a feasible case-based instructional model that could enhance college students’ ill-structured problem solving abilities, while (2) implementing the model to improve teacher education students’ real-world problem solving abilities to deal with dilemmas faced by practicing teachers in elementary classrooms. To achieve these goals, an online case-based learning environment for classroom management problem solving (CBL-CMPS) was developed based on Jonassen’s (in: Reigeluth (ed.) Instructional-Design Theories and Models: A New Paradigm of Instructional Theory, 1999) constructivist learning environment model and the general process of ill-structured problem solving (1997). Two successive studies, in which the effectiveness of the CBL-CMPS was tested while the CBL-CMPS was revised, showed that the individual components of the CBL-CMPS promoted ill-structured problem solving abilities respectively, and that the CBL-CMPS as a whole learning environment was effective to a degree for the transfer of learning in ill-structured problem solving. The potential, challenge, and implications of the CBL-CMPS are discussed.
Ikseon ChoiEmail:


The current study focused on scaffolding programmes, including cognitive and meta-cognitive components, for science problem solving in a computerised learning environment to identify their unique effects on aspects of student motivation. Using expectancy-value theory as a conceptual framework, the current study focused on two motivational aspects: intrinsic value and perceived cost. Four scaffolding components were identified (structural, reflective, subject matter and enrichment) and used in different configurations to construct four scaffolding programmes ranging from low support (Enrichment) to partial support (Operative and Strategic) to full support (Integrated). The participants were seventh-grade students (N?=?458) sampled from 15 different classes in 3 middle schools. The classes were randomly assigned to the five treatment groups (four ‘scaffolding programmes’ and one control). The intervention was conducted over approximately 6 months as part of the regular class curriculum. The first phase of the study was based on self-report surveys distributed twice to all participants, and the second phase was based on observations of a sub-sample (N?=?145). The findings indicated that the integrated group demonstrated the most adaptive patterns of motivation. Specifically, the integrated group was the only group that showed no decline in intrinsic value or increases in perceived cost. Both the strategic and integrated groups had higher levels of observed willingness to invest effort and reports of intentional learning when using the scaffolding software. The common feature of these groups is the reflection component, which implies that reflection and its combination with subject matter have positive effects on motivation.  相似文献   

Having students inspect and use each other's work is a promising way to advance inquiry-based science learning. Research has nevertheless shown that additional guidance is needed for students to take full advantage of the work produced by their peers. The present study investigated whether scaffolding through an integrated support tool could bring about the desired effect. This tool was embedded in an online inquiry learning environment and outlined the steps in searching for information in peer-created concept maps. It also contained specific directions to assess the quality of the retrieved information. The effectiveness of this search guidance tool was investigated during an inquiry-based science project. Main results indicated that high school students who were supported by the tool (n?=?19) developed a more differentiated and interconnected conceptual understanding than students who did not receive this scaffold (n?=?23). However, the search guidance tool also seemed to put additional demands on students' self-regulatory abilities, and might therefore require some practice or regulatory support to reach its full potential.  相似文献   

学习型社会要求全民确立终身学习的意识,全社会形成浓厚的学习氛围,以促进人的终身发展与完善。为此,要创建良好的学习环境,形成以家庭、社区和跨区域的网络学习环境。  相似文献   

One hundred and fifty-nine doctoral students, majoring in Computing Technology in Education (CTE), were tracked during the coursework phase in a Web-based learning environment. At the beginning of the coursework, each student completed a demographic data form and Kolb's Learning Style Inventory (LSI). Due to the type of program, it was hypothesized that students would primarily fall into Kolb's Converger and Assimilator categories, and learning style would predict completion of the required courses. Results indicated 84.3% (n=134) of all students finished the required coursework. One hundred and twenty-four of the students (78%) fell into the predicted categories and, of these, 87.1% (n=108) finished the coursework. Students not falling into the predicted categories (n=35) had a 74.3% (n=26) completion rate.An examination of the means scores for both groups indicated that students with a preference for Abstract Conceptualization dropped out of the program at significantly lower rates, t(157)=1.667, p=.045(one-tailed), than students with other preferred learning strategies. The implications are clear. First, students, for the most part, are able to adapt their personal learning styles in order to succeed in a Web-based learning environment. Second, students with a preference for systematic planning and an intellectual understanding of a situation are more likely to succeed than students preferring concrete experience and interaction with other students. Institutions offering programs of this type should be prepared to address learning style issues when developing and offering such programs.  相似文献   

Collaborating closely with a tenth-grade science teacher, we designed a Web-Based Learning Environment (Web-LE) to improve the students’ motivation to learn science. Factors believed to enhance intrinsic motivation (challenge, control, curiosity, and fantasy) were integrated into the instructional design of the Web-based learning tool. The Web-LE was implemented in the teacher’s tenth-grade classroom as a three-day student-centered learning activity. Data collection methods included individual student interviews, teacher interviews, motivation questionnaires, and observations. This study revealed multiple forms of evidence that the Web-LE and the associated learning activity improved students’ motivation. This study illustrates the benefits of educational researchers working closely with teachers using design-based research methods to successfully solve instructional problems and identify reusable design principles. Design principles for the integration of intrinsic motivation factors into the development of similar Web-LEs are presented as well as directions for future research.  相似文献   

This study investigated tutoring during collaborative role-play dealing with environmental dilemmas in a synchronous network environment. The relationships of different tutor scaffolding styles with students' discourse acts and their decision-making variables were studied. A role-play with a jigsaw design was developed using the model of real-life environmental negotiations. Tutor scaffolding supported the process of making judgements. Five role-plays consisting of 31 decision-making discussions were carried out with 14–17-year-old students (N = 62) from Estonian secondary schools. The findings indicated that the activeness of tutor scaffolding was related to the higher frequency of students' task-related discourse acts, as well as their ability to generate a mutually accepted ownership of problem representations in teams.  相似文献   

The article aims to explore the nature of problems in action learning. Beginning with Revans' distinction between problems and puzzles, it draws parallels with the notion of wicked and tame problems. It offers four means of considering problems in action learning – in terms of the locus of a set's work; from the viewpoint of an organisation using action learning; in terms of the different ways in which learning is used and as distinguishing between technical and practical knowledge. It addresses the question of whether action learning is suited for wicked problems only. The challenge to action learning provided by appreciative inquiry is examined and a range of conclusions is offered.  相似文献   

We investigated whether perceived inclusion and exclusion with peers at school, as well as self-reported bullying exposure, affected positive and negative affect among 1161 students from grades five through seven. Positive affect was significantly, but only weakly, affected by perceived exclusion and inclusion. Negative affect was not related to perceived inclusion; however, both perceived exclusion and self-reported bullying exposure gave effects on negative affect. Our research points to the need of creating a learning environment that promotes inclusion and caring and supportive interpersonal relationships. This will probably increase student functioning.  相似文献   

本文结合当前高职院校学生的英语学习现状,论述了学习环境对于知识获得的重要性,并提出把课堂教学实践与课外活动相结合的策略,尽量为学生创设良好的英语学习环境,帮助他们将有意识和无意识的学习活动完整结合起来,培养他们的学习主动性、积极性和良好的学习习惯,切实提高他们的英语水平和运用英语知识的能力。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effectiveness of different types of feedback content (elaborate versus global) and feedback timing (immediate versus delayed) for learning genetics in a web-based learning environment as a function of learners' prior knowledge. It was hypothesized that learning outcomes of students with low prior knowledge would be fostered by immediate elaborate feedback, whereas those of students with more prior knowledge would be enhanced by delayed global feedback. Students' perceptions of the feedback they received were explored. Results showed a significant positive effect of global feedback on learning outcomes for higher prior knowledge learners, although those who received elaborate feedback gave a higher appreciation rating. The findings are discussed in terms of implications for the design and delivery of feedback in web-based learning environments.  相似文献   

Current reforms in the Maltese and Scottish educational contexts can only be fully implemented if teachers radically transform the way they teach. Teacher professional learning is an important mechanism that policy-makers, school leaders and administrators have to achieve this. Teacher professional learning is, above all, situated within the specific social workplace environment of teacher practice. Thus, schools need to be recognised as important sites of professional learning for teachers. In Malta and Scotland teachers were asked about their professional learning to identify how the learning environment within individual schools affects professional learning. In both countries, collaboration and school leadership were key components in determining a school’s learning environment. Data analysis led to the production of examples of expansive and restrictive features. Policy-makers, school leaders and administrators can use these features to examine how schools operate in terms of helping or hindering professional learning in the school environment.  相似文献   

本文试图从教师、学生、探究资源和时间安排、探究环境等因素分析其对农村课堂探究教学的影响。进一步了解影响农村课堂实施探究式教学的各种因素,以便农村教师能顺利地在课堂教学中实施探究式教学法。  相似文献   

Creating a classroom learning environment that is suitably designed for promotion of learners’ performance in geometry, a branch of mathematics that addresses spatial sense and geometric reasoning, is a daunting task. This article focuses on how grade 8 teachers’ action learning changed the learning environment for the promotion of geometry teaching. This was an exploratory study in which a sample of 13 grade 8 mathematics teachers from the rural schools of a district in the Eastern Cape Province in South Africa participated in a project aimed at creating mathematical learning environments through action learning while supporting and promoting the teaching of geometry. The study was qualitative and data was collected using questionnaires, classroom observations and semi-structured interviews with the teachers on a participatory action research conducted in two cycles. Results indicated that 92% of teachers changed their classroom environments by modifying instructional strategies, learner -interactions, and engagements, but could not change how they managed the classrooms due to some factors related to power dynamics andthe education policy. It is recommended that teachers be workshopped on modifying their classroom learning environments while they undergo learning in action on the promotion of teaching and learning geometry in their school defining contexts.  相似文献   

This article describesexperiences of 610 Dutch students and 241students from other European countries whostudied at least three months abroad within theframework of an international exchange program.The Dutch students went to a university inanother European country and the foreignstudents went to a Dutch university. By meansof a questionnaire students' perceptions ofthree main characteristics of the universitylearning environment were measured concerningthe home university, the host university andthe ideal learning environment. The studentswere also asked about their way of learning atthe home university and at the host university,in particular about the extent of constructivelearning and reproductive learning. Evidencewas found for the influence of aspects of thelearning environment on the two learningapproaches; e.g., a learning environmentcharacterized as student-oriented discouragesreproductive learning and promotes constructivelearning, especially when conceptual andepistemological relations within the learningdomain are stressed. The learning environmentpreferences of the students were partly relatedto their learning orientations at the homeuniversity, but they were strikingly similarfor students from different countries. Therewas a strong preference for those learningenvironment aspects that promote constructivelearning.  相似文献   

Cognitive styles have been regarded as a crucial factor that affects the effectiveness of web-based learning (WBL). Previous research indicated that educational settings that match with students' cognitive styles can enhance students' learning performance, which is, however, linked to their emotion. Various physiological signals can be applied to measure emotion but the pulse is perhaps the most effective indicator. Thus, we conduct an exploratory research, which looks for a link between emotion and the matching/mismatching instructional approach with the condition of cognitive styles through a continuous pulse rate monitoring. The matching/mismatching instructional approach was delivered via a WBL system, which includes an index version and map version. The pulses of individual learners are collected by using a non-intrusive sensor. Our results indicate that the matching condition enables learners to feel more positive emotions than the mismatching condition, and is also linked to better learning performance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate how hybrid learning instruction affects undergraduate students' learning outcome, satisfaction and sense of community. The other aim of the present study is to examine the relationship between students' learning style and learning conditions in mixed online and face-to-face courses. A quasi-experimental design was used and 140 sophomores were recruited in this study. Students' learning outcomes, satisfaction, sense of community and learning styles were measured. Results showed that students in a hybrid course had significantly higher learning scores and satisfaction than did students of the face-to-face courses. The result also indicated that students of hybrid learning classrooms felt a stronger sense of community than did students in a traditional classroom setting. Analysis of learning style indicated that learning style had significant effect on learning outcome in the study group. Accommodator learners had higher e-learning effectiveness than other style learners. Possible reasons of results were discussed.  相似文献   

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