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Too often, because of the static nature of schools and the dominant existence of high-stakes testing, professional learning for teachers is determined by administrators or policy and is facilitated by those who are not part of the school community using prepackaged programs. These initiatives run counter to authentic teacher inquiry where teachers enhance their understanding of students and learning and, ideally, develop new teaching practices (Borko, 2004; Cochran-Smith & Lytle, 1999, 2009; Darling-Hammond, 1997). In this article, we focus on how teachers participating in action research begin to position themselves as teacher leaders.  相似文献   

This investigation documents an intervention that successfully counteracted a grade inflation trend at a small, Catholic, liberal arts university in the eastern United States. The intervention produced a significant drop in grades awarded by full-time faculty, but not by adjunct faculty who were not yet included in the intervention. Institutional factors affecting grade inflation (i.e., class size, course level, academic discipline, day and semester of delivery) were also analyzed before and after the intervention.  相似文献   

While teacher educators may encourage their students to reflect deeply on their teaching, the teachers of teachers rarely seem to examine their own teaching practices. Yet a study of one's own practice can generate profound insights into one's own teaching, can model good teaching to our students, and can serve as the foundation for research about teaching. One teacher–researcher–scholar, Jeff Northfield, developed a powerful set of insights into the value of exploring personal practice while contributing to our general knowledge of teaching. Within the context of the current paradigm wars concerning “best” research in the reform of teaching and teacher education, this paper demonstrates that the work of researchers like Northfield stands as a valuable exemplar of good research of teaching. The paper also explores critical points from Northfield's work that can guide future research into our own teaching.  相似文献   

The authors describe the significant contributions of Robert Ebel to educational measurement theory and its applications. A biographical sketch details Ebel's roots and professional résumé. His influence on classroom assessment views and procedures are explored. Classic publications associated with validity, reliability, and score interpretation are described in terms of their contributions to the field and their relevance to current practice. An analysis of the diversity of Ebel's contributions over his career projects a model of "psychometric statesman" for contemporary measurement specialists to emulate.  相似文献   

大学教师:言传身教的学者   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明确而准确地确认大学教师身份,正确处理好教书与育人、教学与科研的关系具有十分重要的现实意义。大学教师不仅是学者,而且应该是言传的学者,身教的学者。不论从现实来看还是从中外哲学家或学者的理性思考中,都可以感受到大学教师的学者身份。窥视中国传统的授课方式及诸多教育家的自身教学实践,我们亦能读出大学教师是言传身教的学者这一论断。从众多哲学家、教育家的例子中发现,言传与身教都具有知识教育、道德示范、人性陶冶的特点,而现代的教育理论更是突破了师生问单向度的言传,提倡师生主体间互动的言传。  相似文献   

曼纽尔·克利索罗拉斯是文艺复兴时期第一位在西欧大学中任教的拜占庭学者。此后,众多拜占庭学者纷纷效仿他来到意大利担任各个大学的希腊语教师。他在佛罗伦萨大学的教学引发了意大利人学习希腊语言和文化的浓厚兴趣,为意大利培养了众多复兴希腊古典文化的健将,有力地推动了意大利文艺复兴运动的发展。然而,他到意大利不只是为了传播希腊文化,更重要的目的是为陷入困境的拜占庭帝国寻求西方的军事援助。  相似文献   

今年是毛泽东诞辰120周年.毛泽东一生有许多传奇故事,他和美国记者、报告文学家埃德加.斯诺的友谊就是其中的一个.这既是他们的个人友谊,也是两国人民的友谊,是正义、良知和理解主导的友谊.这种友谊超越国界,超越意识形态,促进了世界历史的进程,是国际报告文学史和人类文明史上光辉的一页.  相似文献   

作为一个作文教学的践行者,我认真拜读了肖复兴的《我教儿子学作文》一书。作者是中国当代著名作家,其子肖铁毕业于北大中文系,现在美国攻读博士。肖复兴以自己的写作理念指导儿子  相似文献   


This report provides some recent data on the numbers of students with different types and degrees of disability and special educational need placed in mainstream primary classrooms in South Australia and New South Wales. Information was collected from teachers in seventy‐seven classrooms, representing a total enrolment of 1919 students. The authors have computed the overall prevalence rate for students with special educational needs, together with the prevalence rates for different types of disability or difficulty. These rates have been compared with those reported in the national and international literature. The results suggest that the commonly accepted notion of 20% of the school population as the upper limit for students with special educational needs is almost certainly too low. The indications are that up to 32% of students may need some degree of additional short‐term or longer‐term support. Comparisons are made between the two states, and some implications for the planning and funding of support services and resources are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

叶小凤是一个具有英雄气的作家。他在小说创作中讲究运用寄托和移情来实现文学的教化功能,反对一般的黑幕小说。其《古戍寒笳记》和《前辈先生》代表了通俗小说的两条正路。即侠骨柔情的英雄主义和愤世嫉俗的批判精神,后来为优秀通俗小说继承。因此,叶小凤的创作还应得到进一步重视。  相似文献   

敬业爱生严谨笃学——纪念第23个教师节   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中共中央总书记胡锦涛8月31日在全国优秀教师代表座谈会上发表重要讲话时,对全国广大教师提出"四点希望":希望广大教师爱岗敬业、关爱学生,刻苦钻研、严谨笃学,勇于创新、奋发进取,淡泊名利、志存高远。这"四点希望"是对新时期师德精神的新阐述、新概括,也是新时期新阶段造就德才兼备教师队伍的努力方向。为贯彻落实胡锦涛总书记的这一讲话精神,本期特别组织编发了一组新时期师德建设研究的文章,以飨读者。  相似文献   

鼓励普通教师积极参与科研是目前国内外教师发展的主题,通过一个教师第一次开展一个行动研究的过程记录,详细报道了此教师如何通过同事间私下聊天这种交流方式消除职业孤独、增强反省和解决教学问题的能力,成为善于合作的自信积极的人。通过系统对比分析专业研究者和普通教师研究者的科研条件和目标的区别,提出教师研究、教师发展的运动必须尽快树立教师友善的研究评估标准,以确保科研不会变成教师肩上的新负担、真正促进教师职业发展。  相似文献   

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