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多元文化教育与公民的多元文化伦理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不同民族的文化之间的伦理态度和行动方式是重要的公民品质的内容,是公民道德教育的重要组成部分。不同民族与文化的相互尊重、共同发展、相互学习、相互欣赏,是多元社会中的公民应当具有的意识和能力。形成多元文化意识和文化发展能力,应该是公民公共道德教育的重要内容。多元文化教育不仅反映了对少数族群的文化的认可的政治价值的诉求,更重要的是把多元文化的共生和共存放置在积极的教育追求上,通过教育不仅实现文化的发扬和发展,而且养育多元文化的伦理关系和公民人格。培养公民的多元文化伦理是教育文化建构的重要任务。  相似文献   

论多元文化教育的基本理念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多元文化教育是一种以多元文化主义为指导思想的教育。多元文化教育的目标是通过教育中的文化平等实现受教育者的政治权利平等。多元文化教育的内容主要是消除文化偏见,整合课程知识,建立和谐的群际关系等。多元文化教育的策略主要包括更新课程内容、改革教学方法、改变学业评价模式等方面的内容。  相似文献   

现代远程教育中的多元文化教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数字技术在不断加快全球文化同质化的同时,也给以它为核心的现代远程教育赋予了当代社会进行多元文化教育的最有效的功能。由于传统教育在历史习惯和时空等方面存在着进行多元文化教育的各种桎梏,不能构建不同民族文化深层次的课程展现模式,而形式多样的动态化数字文本却可以在教育机会均等、民族同一性、文化理解等多元文化教育方面虚拟出准实境化的、传统教育欠缺的、富有层次感的多维教育环境,以使远程学习者在核心价值、态度情感方面养成具有批判力的媒体素养。本文即是对现代远程教育日益作为工具和手段,在多元文化教育中具备的性质和功能的阐述。  相似文献   

This paper is based on the outcomes of a 6‐month study in a multicultural inner‐city primary school and involved twenty‐four pupils representing seventeen nationalities. The object of the study was to explore how imagination and concentration might promote language awareness and cultural pluralism. Among other techniques, the children used meditation as a way of exploring themselves and others. The study suggested that the children were open to new ways of learning, imagination being for them a meaningful medium for making sense of their world. The results supported the idea that for these children meditation could be an instrument of self‐knowledge and knowledge of others.  相似文献   


This paper outlines a problem-based approach to the teaching and learning of multicultural education for pre-service teachers at the University of Canberra during the second semester, 1999. Within the context of this research, problem-based teaching and learning will be considered as both curriculum and as a process. The curriculum consisted of carefully designed problems focusing on theoretical constructs relevant to the unit under scrutiny; the process involved problem solving, self-directed learning strategies and team participation at both the seminar and tutorial level (Gallagher, 1997). The decision to adopt this approach was driven by a need to connect practical classroom scenarios with the theoretical basis of the course. It was through the adoption of an Action Research model that these issues were explored.  相似文献   

多元文化教育与比较教育研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
杜钢 《外国教育研究》2003,30(10):14-17
多元文化教育思潮兴起于20世纪六七十年代的西方发达国家,至今已成为当代颇令世人瞩目的一大教育思想与理论潮流,而其独具特色的以追求多元种族、民族与文化群体乃至全球社会共同平等和谐发展与进步为标志的价值理念与实践方式也逐渐为越来越多的国家和人民所接受和奉行。多元文化教育与比较教育研究之间存在着一种密不可分的内在关联,目前两者之间的这种互动关系正处于急速发展与变革的状态之中。  相似文献   

学校中的教师与学生携带着"看不见的行李",导致教师与学生之间、学生各种亚群体之间的文化差异与碰撞。现代学校教育应该成为多元文化教育。"多元文化教育"不等于"跨文化教育",其实质是追求文化平等与社会民主的教育,是文化上的充分个性化的教育。由于基础教育的基本特性、社会主义性质和社会现实以及全国建设小康社会目标的要求,我国的基础教育课程改革应重视多元文化教育,这也是回应世界教育改革大潮的必然要求。  相似文献   

多元文化教育的理念在于肯定人的价值,重视发展个人的潜能,使每个人既能珍惜自己族群的文化,也能欣赏并重视其他族群的文化.培养具有多元文化观和多元教育能力的教师是实践多元文化教育理念的关键,不仅要设计出具有多元文化精神与内涵的教师培训课程,而且要根据教学实际采取恰当的教学策略.  相似文献   

Common schooling and multicultural education intuitively seem to be mutually reinforcing and possibly even mutually necessary: each is motivated by and/or serves the aims of promoting social justice and equality, common civic membership, and mutual respect and understanding, among other goals. An examination of the practical relationship between the two, however, reveals that neither one is a necessary or sufficient condition for achieving the other; in fact, each may in fairly common circumstances make the other harder to achieve. In other words, there is no direct instrumental relationship between multicultural education and common schools. Nor is there a clear expressive relationship between the two. Although common schools may serve as explicit, public symbols of our multicultural civic commitment to diversity, mutual respect and egalitarian inclusiveness, many demographically common schools neglect or even betray multicultural ideals, while many restricted entry and even segregated schools may express these ideals better than most comprehensive and integrated schools. Hence, while multicultural education and common schooling do intuitively stand for similar, mutually reinforcing ideals, in practice they may be linked more closely in the confusions and dilemmas of implementation they both raise than in their mutual realisation.  相似文献   

"多元文化教育"探究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
多元文化教育是当今世界的一个教育思潮,目前人们对于多元文化教育的理解逐步从狭义的理解发展到更广义的理解,本文介绍分析了它的内涵、理论基础,以及在西方产生和发展的背景和主要内容等,目的在于对我国实现全民教育和教育全球化能有一定的积极作用。  相似文献   

地方性知识与多元文化教育之价值   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
学校教育课程的设置与知识的关系,经历了由地方性知识主宰下的学校课程到主流文化主宰下的学校课程,再到以主流文化为国家课程、以地方性知识为地方课程和校本课程的多元文化教育。地方性知识已经成为当今多元文化教育课程设置的主要内容,并通过民族地区的地方课程与校本课程来体现。  相似文献   

This paper introduces briefly the background and the situation of multicultural education movement in the United States and presents the application of some approaches of multicultural education in an American high school.  相似文献   

多元化教育是对民族同化教育的否定,它的一个最本质特征就是只认可各不同民族化相互独立的价值,它对世界民族高等教育的发展功不可没,但又有其自身无法克服的缺陷。中国的民族高等教育不能简单套用多元化教育的模式,多元一体化才是中国民族高等教育发展的最佳选择。  相似文献   

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