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悲伤辅慰有广狭义之分,它是一项涉及生死哲学、伦理学、心理学、民俗、宗教诸方面的系统工程。对丧亲者的悲伤辅慰工作具有重要的社会意义和广阔的增殖空间,但是,目前国内对这一工作的社会意义和发展前景的认识尚不广泛深入,学界与业界缺乏理论与实践的沟通,导致目前国内悲伤辅慰事业发展举步维艰。中西方生死哲学资源必须从理论向实践转化,以心理咨询或心理治疗为主要方式,依托殡葬业的悲伤辅慰工作来展开。殡葬服务在借鉴国外和港澳台地区优质经验的同时,必须强化以"死而上学"为理论支撑的悲伤辅慰工作。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to analyze how school psychologists engage racial/cultural diversity when conceptualizing problems during consultation in a multiracial context. Four school psychologists were recruited to engage in computer-simulated problem-solving consultation. Each school psychologist was presented with three fictional consultation cases. The participants then used a computer-simulated school environment to interact with fictional teachers in a school-based setting to complete the consultation cases. Three themes emerged: (a) limited use of ecological approach, (b) lack of cultural responsiveness, and (c) divergent approaches to problem identification for African American versus European American referrals. Implications for using problem-solving consultation in a multiracial environment are discussed.  相似文献   

Service-learning attitudes among graduate social work students enrolled in a course on human diversity and oppression are presented. A survey was administered at the beginning and at the end of the semester to students enrolled in the course, which was taught using a service-learning approach. Among the results were believing that service-learning aided in meeting learning goals and higher overall satisfaction with the service-learning experience. This article expands the literature on service-learning in social work education and promotes the use of this experiential method in social work diversity curricula.  相似文献   

School consultation is practiced in rapidly changing educational settings, including increasing student diversity and the implementation of a multitiered system of supports. This changing context may shift the boundaries of what it means to consult and how best to achieve change through consultation. The purpose of this study was to explore how early-career school psychologists (ECSPs) defined and implemented consultation and what barriers and facilitators influenced their perceived ability to achieve change through consultation. Triangulated quantitative and qualitative data from a national survey of 262 ECSPs indicated gaps between historical, aspirational views of consultation in school psychology and what these practitioners reported is happening in the field. Tensions in the data are explored with consideration given to implications for consultation practice in current school contexts and in the early career.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of faculty development is to create and sustain a culture of teaching excellence. For social work faculty, an important part of teaching excellence involves incorporating core social work values such as social justice and diversity across the curriculum and developing pedagogical skills and strategies to teach these issues effectively. In this article, we present a model of a faculty development seminar that offers a facilitated space for instructors to discuss how issues of diversity, social identity, and oppression influence their teaching, the classroom environment, student interactions, and the overall campus climate.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT : In recent decades, many organizations have undertaken initiatives aimed at managing a more diverse workforce. Many of these initiatives have been limited in effectiveness because they focused solely on managing or preventing human-resource-related crises, rather than reconceptualizing how the work of the business is accomplished. More effective diversity change initiatives can be implemented if change agents take an overarching perspective of the business and the workforce that considers the importance of engaging both the oppressed and priviledged members of the organization. Such a perspective necessarily requires considering the impact of oppression and privilege in the organization. Common diversity change interventions are discussed and critiqued, and suggestions for formulating optimally effective diversity change initiatives are suggested.  相似文献   

《庄园》是美国当代女作家凯瑟琳·安·波特墨西哥短篇小说的终结之作,也是她墨西哥理想幻灭的最佳代表。波特以墨西哥印第安村落上的封建制庄园为例证,展示了墨西哥土著印第安农民的悲惨处境。在上世纪初墨西哥伪革命完结的大背景下,墨西哥土著印第安既要臣服于国内西班牙贵族的封建统治,又要忍受着外来白人殖民者的压迫。波特笔下所刻画的这片封建庄园即是墨西哥土著印第安人悲惨境遇的一幅缩略图。  相似文献   

Racism is a moral issue and of concern for moral educators, with recent social movements such as #BlackLivesMatter highlighting how far we are from obliterating racial oppression and the unearned privilege whiteness confers. To contribute to a more formalised approach to anti-racist moral education, this article systematically reviews 15 years of peer-reviewed scholarship concerned with anti-racist education, to establish the definitions and aims of anti-racist education drawn on, the theoretical frameworks underpinning these, the methods used in education efforts, and their intended impact. It also considers the geo-political aspects of knowledge production in the field, such as author country location and implementation context of empirical studies. It concludes with implications for moral education in classroom and community contexts and advocates for anti-racist moral education that comprise three interconnected components—making visible systemic oppression (visibilising), recognising personal complicity in oppression through unearned privilege (recognising) and developing strategies to transform structural inequalities (strategising).  相似文献   

This article explores a faculty-facilitated consultation group that was created for MSW students in an academic setting as a response to the paucity of group work supervision and training available in many field placements. This study considers the context in which training occurs, the impact of systemic and professional factors, which includes diminished economic resources, on the quality and availability of direct group work supervision. Moreover, the prevalence of interns facilitating groups without training, consultation, or supervision is discussed. This consultation group was created as a response to felt and expressed need by MSW students. The developmental trajectory of the group from conception to termination is presented, and the article concludes with lessons learned by the facilitator.  相似文献   

The articles written for this series, Consultation Models Revisited, are primarily about the practice of consultation in schools. We found many areas of commonality across the artides and have delineated 7 areas as critical to the understanding of school consultation. We also highlight some ideas presented in individual articles that contribute significantly to school consultation. The last part of this article addresses issues that were not discussed in the series but that we feel are important considerations for consultation in schools today.  相似文献   

Those of us who work within the field of education are finding ourselves drawn to and mandated to work in groups, such as student study teams. However, most of the theorizing and research on consultation is focused on individual consultation. Yet it is clear that the more we work in groups the more important it becomes for us to understand the dynamics involved in group consultation. The purpose of this study is to examine some of the relevant dynamics in mental health consultation groups.  相似文献   

In this article, we conceptualize youth oppression as a social justice issue using SJE frameworks including Adams’ levels of oppression, Bell's defining features of oppression, Hardiman et. al.'s matrix of oppression, Young's Five Faces, and Love's internalized oppression. We examine youth as a social identity group, and youth oppression as a mechanism through which the roles of dominant and subordinate are installed on all humans, and through which we are socialized to participate in the maintenance and perpetuation of other forms of oppression.

This conceptualization of youth oppression is rooted in examination of discourses that create childhood as a subordinate social status in relation to adults, and parallels with certain discourses of colonialism. Examination of parallels between discourses that create childhood and some of the discourses of colonialism illuminate youth oppression as a technology of colonialism. Colonialism, a complex oppressive system operating on multiple levels, maintains unequal, hierarchical relationships. Examining colonialism provides a lens through which to view the broader systemic and global connections that formulate oppression. The relationships within which youth oppression occurs often obscures these systemic, multi-level global connections.

We propose youth oppression as a generative theme in social justice praxis. Implications include transforming how we conceptualize, contextualize, and strategize SJE praxis, and changing how we think about the oppression of humans and possibilities for liberation.  相似文献   

We reviewed 31 articles that explored issues related to gender and sexuality in early childhood education (ECE) settings. This body of literature suggests that ECE programs and elementary schools often reinforce the homophobia, heterosexism, and sexism that characterize contemporary U.S. society. A number of the articles described strategies that the teachers of young children can use to promote gender equality, respect for sexual diversity, and healthy sexual development. We concluded our review with a discussion of third-wave feminism, queer theory, and the important role that community college and university-based teacher education programs can play in helping the teachers of young children actively challenge systems of privilege and oppression based on gender and sexuality.  相似文献   

魏青 《宜宾学院学报》2006,6(9):103-106
“价值中立”是心理咨询的重要原则,强调尊重与相信人的价值和潜能,在心理咨询中坚持不介入、不评价、不指导的基本指导思想。但事实上,心理咨询是一个人际互动的过程,咨询双方必然发生价值的交互影响,无论咨询者怎样努力,都难免将自己的价值观渗透到咨询过程中,对来访者产生影响。“价值中立”是不现实也无法做到的,只有辩证而理性地看待“价值中立”,才能有效地实现咨询目标。  相似文献   

Growing secularisation of the population and the arrival of new culturally and religiously diverse migrants are posing new challenges to schools in the Republic of Ireland (Ireland). These challenges are particularly acute in Irish primary schools, the majority of which are under Catholic patronage. Recent changes have necessitated an extensive consultation process about how to accommodate religious diversity and have resulted in some important policy changes. This article contributes to an ongoing debate about state-run denominational schools and the place of Religious Education in these. While set in the Irish context, the article is also relevant for educators and academics in other jurisdictions as it describes recent policy developments and steps taken in addressing cultural and religious diversity in schools.  相似文献   

The Invitational Conference on the Future of School Psychology held at Indiana University in 2002 had implications for consultation. It addressed projected shortages in school psychologists that provide a rationale for service delivery models integrating consultation and prevention. The conference discussed the need for effective work with children, families, and professionals from diverse cultures; success in fostering productive home-school connections; optimal and ethical use of rapidly changing technologies; and the use of empirical evidence to inform practice. This article presents a model of consultation and prevention informed by recent research in positive psychology as well as public health models. This model is discussed in the context of these and other important developments in the field of school psychology.  相似文献   

"价值中立"是西方心理咨询特别是人本主义取向的"来访者中心疗法"的一条重要原则,但是在我国的高校心理咨询中保持价值中立的原则既是不可能的也是不必要的。本文试从心理咨询本身的性质、特点,东西方文化的差异,以及高校心理咨询的性质和对象的特征等方面来说明":价值干预"是高校的心理咨询的必然选择。  相似文献   

This article concerns itself with those personal variables of the consultant that are considered to be important to effective consultation. The personal characteristics that enhance a working, collaborative relationship are emphasized. Eleven considerations that are deemed important to the consultation process are described. Some comments on how personal variables of the consultant can be trained or modified to become more effective are then presented.  相似文献   


Teaching in predominantly white institutions is a terrific challenge for professors of color. In addition to being expected to fulfill professional obligations, including publishing, teaching, advising, and mentoring students, professors of color constantly have to fight against microaggression, lack of diversity, inclusion, and fairness in the academy. Drawing on critical race theory and testimonios from professors of color from diverse backgrounds, this essay seeks to examine ways in which these professors have experienced these intersecting forms of oppression in the academy. Their testimonios showcase their resilient spirit resisting institutional oppression. This essay presents a very complex portrait of the experiences of professors of color and goes on to offer suggestions that might be helpful to those interested in social justice issues in higher education.  相似文献   

Teaching for diversity and social justice is the teaching of complex abstract ideas about privilege and oppression, such as the social construction of social groups and identity. An effective way to teach this material is with experiential learning, but this approach requires much more than exercises and activities. Courses must be consciously structured to emphasize both the elements and cycle of experiential learning, as well as attending to critical thinking and the potential for cognitive dissonance. An example of this process from an undergraduate course is presented to demonstrate course construction, experiential learning strategies, and initial outcomes.  相似文献   

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