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In this paper behavior during the teaching–learning process is modeled by means of a fuzzy cognitive map. The elements used to model such behavior are part of a generic didactic model, which emphasizes the use of cognitive and operative strategies as part of the student–tutor interaction. Examples of possible initial scenarios for the teaching–learning process are developed, along with the results provided by the model.  相似文献   

Intelligent Tutoring systems (ITSs) and Intelligent Learning Environments (ILEs) have been developed and evaluated over the last 40 years. Recent meta-analyses show that they perform well enough to act as effective classroom assistants under the guidance of a human teacher. Despite this success, they have been criticised as embodying a retrograde behaviourist technology. They have also been caught up in broader controversies about the role of Artificial Intelligence in society and about the entry of big data companies into the education market and the harvesting of learner data. This paper concentrates on rebutting the criticisms of the pedagogy of ITSs and ILEs. It offers examples of how a much wider range of pedagogies are available than their critics claim. These wider pedagogies operate at both the screen level of individual systems, as well as at the classroom level within which the systems are orchestrated by the teacher. It argues that there are many ways that such systems can be integrated by the teacher into the overall experience of a class. Taken together, the screen-level and orchestration-level dramatically enlarge the range of pedagogies beyond what was possible with the “Skinner Box.”  相似文献   

Framed by the existing theoretical andempirical research on cognitive and intelligenttutoring systems (ITSs), this commentaryexplores two areas not directly or extensivelyaddressed by Akhras and Self (this issue). Thefirst area focuses on the lack of conceptualclarity of the proposed constructivist stanceand its related constructs (e.g., affordances,situations). Specifically, it is argued that aclear conceptualization of the novelconstructivist stance needs to be delineated bythe authors before an evaluation of theirambitious proposal to model situationscomputationally in intelligent learningenvironments (ILEs) can be achieved. The secondarea of exploration deals with the similaritiesbetween the proposed stance and existingapproaches documented in the cognitive,educational computing, and AI in educationliterature. I believe that the authors are at acrossroads, and that their article presents aninitial conceptualization of an important issuerelated to a constructivist-based approach tothe computational modeling of situations inILEs. However, conceptual clarity isdefinitively required in order for theirapproach to be adequately evaluated and used toinform the design of ILEs. As such, I invitethe authors to re-conceptualize their frameworkby addressing how their constructivist stancecan be used to address a particular researchagenda on the use of computers as metacognitivetools to enhance learning.  相似文献   

主要论述建筑智能化系统工程在施工各个阶段,为保证施工质量采用的质量控制方法和关键的控制点。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new prototype of an intelligent learning environment and the results of an experiment in learning by problem solving. Forty-six French secondary school students solved problems of polynomial factorization by interacting with the learning environment during four forty-five-minute sessions. The intelligent learning environment is a new version of the APLUSIX system, called APLUSIX/M0-V2, that has been implemented on a Macintosh computer. This system checks the validity of the actions a student wants to perform, tells the student why a query is invalid, does the calculations for the student, and gives advice if asked for help. The objective of the learning experiment was to enable students to acquire (i) knowledge in matching formal rules of transformation with a given expression; and (ii) heuristics of choice between possible transformations. The results confirmed the existence of several different levels of matching knowledge as well as several different student learning paths in the acquisition of matching knowledge. Heuristics appeared to be fairly easily learned with the APLUSIX learning environment.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role in both individual and organizational learning of the system of values sustained by a community undertaking a design task. The discussion is based on the results of a longitudinal study of a community of novice information system designers supported by a Web-based shared design memory which allows reuse of design precedents, the sharing of peer reviews and the examination of links established among design cases as a consequence of partial reuse. It is argued that values are primarily constructed and transmitted by 'ways of talking' about the design artifacts, are used by the learners to generate meanings relevant to engage in the design activity and as a way to manage the complexity of the design task. By taking into account some insights concerning values creation and transmission, respectively, from the communities of practice and memetics theoretical frameworks, some conclusions are drawn on how a digital medium, such as the shared memory, can better anchor the learning process.  相似文献   

针对一类由一阶双曲型偏微分方程构建而成的多智能体系统的迭代学习控制(iterative learning control,ILC)问题,基于系统的拓扑网络结构,利用相邻智能体的信息,构建得到基于一致性的ILC协议,当该ILC律作用于系统时,系统的一致性误差在L_2空间有界;当系统的初值偏差为0时,系统的一致性误差能随着迭代学习次数的增加而趋于0。仿真算例验证了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

Many researchers claim that there is a compelling weight of evidence for the effectiveness of PLCs in promoting teachers’ learning and pupil achievement. However, others raise fundamental questions about their nature and purpose. Some of the uncertainties about the nature and purpose of PLCs relate to the ways in which the macro-context of neo-liberalism has shaped the practices of PLCs in particular ways. The fundamental questions raised about PLCs relate to the type of change they are intended to produce, the model of community they are based on and whether the right conditions and skills are in place for them to contribute to change. Some researchers argue that we need to pay more attention to shortcomings within existing PLCs and their internal dynamics. Others argue that little research focuses on the specific interactions of teachers inside PLCs. The research reported here goes ‘inside the teacher community’ of Learning Rounds to explore what the shortcomings of some examples of this model in practice add to what we know about how to assist PLCs to produce change in education.  相似文献   

智能时代,随着大数据、云计算、智能技术等新兴技术在教育领域的应用,衍生出泛在学习、无缝学习、智慧学习等新型学习方式,学习空间作为学习发生的场所也发生着重大改变,其中一个重要的变革趋势是学习空间走向融合。学习空间融合可为学习者构建虚拟和现实无缝融合的环境,使学习者能够轻松、有效和投入地开展正式和非正式学习。文章立足时代背景,对学习空间的主要形态及空间融合的本质内涵进行阐释,指出空间融合具有"教学设计的贯一性"和"学习链条的连续性"两大核心特征,同时指出学习空间存在三种典型的融合样态,分别是物理空间之间的融合、信息空间之间的融合以及物理与信息空间之间的融合。最后,从教与学要素的角度出发提出了目标融合、内容融合、活动融合、场景融合和评价融合五条融合路径,以期为实现学习空间的有效融合提供指导和借鉴。  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):355-371

A growing body of research has emphasized the important role that prior knowledge, experience, beliefs and attitudes play in the interpretation of policy reforms. Spillane, Reiser and Reimer (2002) assert that teachers use their prior knowledge in making sense of new directives to change their practice, pointing out how teachers arrive at different interpretations of the same policy message, sometimes even misunderstanding the policy intent. They highlight how teachers often are biased towards policy interpretations that fit with their prior beliefs and values. However, few of these studies exist in a third world setting. This article tries to bridge this gap by focusing on a case study that was executed in a South African classroom. The findings suggest that the teacher in this study were largely guided by his own beliefs of what constitutes good teaching and that curriculum policy is constantly shaped, reshaped and adapted to the situation in a process of great complexity.  相似文献   

提出一种既简便、又节能的校园网络设备机房温度控制方法.该方法以室外自然空气作为冷源,以换风机商接将室外冷窄气输入机房降低室温为主,以空调机制冷为辅的方式,充分利用户外与室内的温差,自动交替启用新风系统或空调机制冷降温,既保障了网络设备工作的环境温度,义显著节约了电能.  相似文献   

Gugerty  Leo 《Instructional Science》1997,25(6):409-432
The keystones of traditional intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs) have been complex procedures for student diagnosis and adaptive instruction based on diagnostic data. While some of these systems have been shown to be effective, they are also very expensive to develop. This paper describes another class of ITSs, non-diagnostic ITSs, which do little or no student diagnosis, and concentrate their intelligence in other areas. Intelligent features of non-diagnostic ITSs include: modeling of experts' reasoning processes and cognitive representations (often using graphic displays), coaching based on comparison of student and expert performance, and replays and summaries of student performance. While traditional diagnostic ITSs are usually intended to be used in a stand-alone fashion, non-diagnostic tutors are designed to facilitate collaborative learning among students and between teachers and students.This paper presents a framework for comparing the features of non-diagnostic and diagnostic tutors. A number of non-diagnostic and diagnostic ITSs are described, and data on the educational effectiveness of each type of ITS is presented along with estimates of the type and level of development work required for each. Finally, obstacles to wider use of non-diagnostic ITSs are discussed.  相似文献   

The introduction of online delivery platforms such as learning management systems (LMS) in tertiary education has changed the methods and modes of curriculum delivery and communication. While course evaluation methods have also changed from paper-based in-class-administered methods to largely online-administered methods, the data collection instruments have remained unchanged. This paper reports on a small exploratory study of two tertiary-level courses. The study investigated why design of the instruments and methods to administer surveys in the courses are ineffective measures against the intrinsic characteristics of online learning. It reviewed the students' response rates of the conventional evaluations for the courses over an eight-year period. It then compared a newly developed online evaluation and the conventional methods over a two-year period. The results showed the response rates with the new evaluation method increased by more than 80% from the average of the conventional evaluations (below 30%), and the students' written feedback was more detailed and comprehensive than in the conventional evaluations. The study demonstrated the possibility that the LMS-based learning evaluation can be effective and efficient in terms of the quality of students' participation and engagement in their learning, and for an integrated pedagogical approach in an online learning environment.  相似文献   


Scholars have called for new conceptualisations of teachers’ learning that capture the complex, contextualised, and dynamic nature of professional growth. In this article, we describe the Dynamic Systems Model of Role Identity (DSMRI) that portrays teacher learning as inseparable from the complex and dynamic processes by which teachers form their professional identities. The model depicts theoretical and procedural learning about teaching as integrated with other ontological and epistemological beliefs, self-perceptions and self-definitions, purpose and goals in teaching, and perceived action possibilities that constitute the teacher’s professional role identity. After describing the DSMRI, we demonstrate its application with an instrumental case of a science teacher who participated in a professional development (PD) institute designed to foster learning and motivation for implementing student-centred, inquiry-based instruction. DSMRI-guided analysis of pre-, mid-, and post-institute interviews highlighted the role of pre-PD role identities of learner and teacher in the teacher’s PD experiences, which, in turn, fostered both new alignments and new tensions in the teacher’s role identity that promoted an overall change towards a more student-centred teacher role identity. The article demonstrates the utility of the DSMRI for conceptualising teachers’ learning as contextualised and dynamic identity formation processes.  相似文献   

This paper positions the importance of frequency sensitivity in the development of orthographic knowledge throughout childhood and promotes learning to spell as a vehicle which may be used effectively to develop this sensitivity. It is suggested that orthographic knowledge is advanced via a process of ‘frequency sensitivity’ to ‘patterns and sequences’ and ‘rules and regularities’ particular to English orthography and that the process of sensitivity to these coarse grain orthographic patterns is influenced by consistency in sound and by morphological knowledge (knowledge of morphemes; words or word parts that form the smallest unit of meaning in language). A model highlighting the increasing importance of orthography and morphology as reading and spelling development progresses is presented. Discussion of the importance of considering phonology, orthography and morphology throughout literacy development and the relative importance of each is discussed. Distinctions are drawn between the processes involved in children who are good readers and good spellers, children who are good readers and poor spellers, and children who are poor readers and poor spellers. This paper outlines how considering these interrelated and developmentally sensitive contributors to literacy development can contribute to the practice of educational professionals in promoting the development of literacy skills throughout childhood.  相似文献   

Many organisations and institutions have integrated learning objects into their e-learning systems to make the instructional resources more efficient. Like any other information systems, this trend has made user acceptance of learning objects an increasingly critical issue as a high level of learner satisfaction and acceptance reflects that the users are more willing to continue to use the technology. In this study, an extended version of technology acceptance model (TAM) with two external variables (learning object characteristics and individual differences) was developed to investigate the underlying factors and causal relationships in predicting learners' acceptance of learning objects. This study called for the respondents to progress through two phases of learning object participation: introduction and direct-use experience to investigate the students' perceptions in terms of usefulness and ease of use while utilising learning objects. The findings show that both perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are determinants of behavioural intention to use learning objects. Learning object characteristics influence both perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of learning objects; individual differences appear to have no influence upon intention to use learning objects.  相似文献   

Scotland's rich heritage in the field of science and engineering and recent curricular developments led to major investment in education to equip pupils with improved scientific knowledge and skills. However, due to its abstract and conceptual nature, learning science can be challenging. Literature supports the role of multimedia technology in addressing the difficulties associated with science learning. This paper reports on a two‐phase investigation that explored the impact of multimedia resources situated in a national e‐learning portal to (1) assist generalist and specialist science teachers' teaching practices and (2) stimulate pupils' interest, encourage engagement and improve overall science learning experiences. Our research also investigated how portal resources facilitated and/or acted as barriers for teaching and learning. Findings from our research affirm that multimedia technology has transformed science learning; with these resources accessible through a national portal, radically different learning experiences ensued. These findings raise serious implications for teacher education and professional development in ensuring that teachers acquire sound science content and pedagogical knowledge as well as practical strategies for utilising technology‐rich environments, as this is likely to become the norm. Harnessing the fullest potential that information and communication technology, multimedia and e‐learning portals can offer starts by addressing these challenges.  相似文献   

The paper describes the role of metacognitive control activity in self-regulated learning. Metacognitive components are seen as necessary but insufficient for self-regulated learning, and given special status in maintaining system efficiency. Students who can protect their intentions to learn in school from competing goals or interests, as well as distracting stimuli, are likely to accomplish school tasks adequately even if their grades fall short of perfect. Task accomplishment is important to continued motivation for schoolwork, and is also a gauge by which teachers evaluate students. A theory of the psychological processes that define volition provides a useful framework for interpreting data from various classroom investigations. Directions for future experimental research are discussed.  相似文献   

This article examines the learning of different types of graphic information by subjects with different levels of education and knowledge of the content represented. Three levels of graphic information learning were distinguished (explicit, implicit, and conceptual information processing) and two experiments were conducted, looking at graph and geographical map learning. The graph study (Experiment 1) examined the influence of the variables' numerical relationship structure on adolescent students with different levels of education and knowledge of social sciences and also assessed their proportional reasoning skills. The map study (Experiment 2) looked at the learning of a geographical map studied spontaneously by secondary school and university students with different geographical knowledge (experts and novices) and also assessed their spatial skills. The results of both studies show that graph and map learning performance improves with the subjects' educational level. The groups' differential performance varied according to the type of information involved (explicit, implicit, or conceptual). The subjects' knowledge of the domain in question determined the level at which they processed the information. Verbal and superficial processing of graphic information were also found to predominate. This has important educational implications, suggesting the need for differential treatment in teaching different types of information. The results of the study also raise interesting issues regarding the type of expertise involved in learning graphic information: expertise related to the content represented, to knowledge of the syntax (graphicacy), and/or the system of knowledge graphically represented – spatial in the case of maps, numerical in the case of graphs.  相似文献   

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