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In this essay, Oded Zipory assigns a different meaning to presentism in education: one that signifies respect for the present, especially for the actual student in his here‐and‐now. Zipory suggests that the key component of such a presentist pedagogy is interest and argues that focusing on children's current and possible interests instead of, or at least in addition to, working toward their expected future achievement is both respectful of children as meaning‐makers and promising in regard to their autonomy. First, he lays out principles for a presentist pedagogy of interest. Following Harry Frankfurt's work on the concept of care, Zipory suggests that schools should pay attention to the fact that students care about various things in addition to focusing on children's required knowledge and desired behavior. He then shows that being interested in something is a particular form of caring about it, and that this form is closely connected to education and learning. After showing the importance of interests to education, Zipory presents the challenges to incorporating them into a curriculum, and, drawing on P. S. Wilson's work, suggests strategies for coping with these challenges. He concludes by addressing the temporal tension embedded in the word “interest” itself and suggests that, in order to distance education from instrumentalization and commodification, a present‐oriented meaning of interest should be adopted.  相似文献   

This article proposes a theoretical framework for understanding the possibility of Talmudic stories (as well as other narratives and scenes of interactions among two or more characters) to nurture the growth of the moral imagination as it is expressed in two related but distinct ways. At the intersection of work by educators, literary critics, and Talumdists, the approach suggested in this article offers a foundation for a Talmud pedagogy that provides a sophisticated, nuanced, and morally imaginative engagement with the text that is not restricted to technically or linguistically advanced students, and is independent of the subject matter of the text and other curricular goals.  相似文献   

Toward an Eco-justice Pedagogy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper will address three issues: (1) the nature and importance of an eco-justice pedagogy; (2) how an eco-justice pedagogy differs from the recommendations of critical pedagogy theorists who rely upon key root metaphors (e.g. emancipated individualism, linear view of progress, anthropocentrism) that co-evolved with the Industrial Revolution and are now the basis of the globalization process; and (3) the reforms that need to be undertaken in teacher education in order for teachers to balance critical inquiry with helping students recognize and participate in the non-commodified aspects of community life. The latter will involve giving special attention to what teachers need to understand about how the language of the curriculum is based on root metaphors that organize thinking in ways that ignore environmental racism and the marginalization of different cultural approaches to community not oriented toward dependency upon modern technology and consumerism.  相似文献   

This essay explores what it takes to work toward a future of equitable pedagogy and schooling through the presentation of a short ethnographic play entitled The Card (2004). The play is 1 of 5 critically performed ethnographies written to engage pre-service teacher education students in thinking about social justice in education. The essay begins with a discussion of how critical performed ethnography works as an example of "engaged pedagogy" and the ways in which its form and content can promote anti-oppression teacher education. This discussion is followed by the presentation of the play. The Card tells the story of Roberto Rodriguez, a high school teacher, who comes out as a gay man when he tries to help a student being bullied. Embedded in the ethnographic play are the kinds of social practices and beliefs needed to achieve an educational future that recognises social difference and strives for equity. Following the play, a short commentary discusses these practices and beliefs in a more explicit way. The essay concludes with a brief discussion of the questions and issues a recent performance of The Card raised for other teacher educators. This discussion allows for the examination of how the play encourages readers, performers, and spectators to both recognise and respond to social difference in ways that will move schools toward a more equitable future.  相似文献   

作为思辨教育学的对应范畴,经验教育学力图把教育学从传统的、思辨的和形而上学的体系中解放出来,建立起一门与其他经验科学相媲美的真正科学的教育学。立足德国教育学之发展,勾勒出了经验教育学在方法论上的四次变革:经验—规范型、实验—实证型、事实—描述型、经验—分析型,从而阐明方法论变革之于教育知识建构的深层意义。  相似文献   

This article proposes a postcolonial intercultural pedagogy, one that can create Liberating Interdependence among communities and across boundaries. First, the author examines conflicting ways that the Exodus is told in different communities: as a story of the God of the oppressed and as a story about an unjust God. Second, after analyzing the conflicting explanations of the same story, she critically reviews the ethnocentrism latent in many liberation pedagogies, ones based on multiculturality. Then she proposes an intercultural pedagogy to bring communities at odds with traditional interpretations of the God of the Exodus to a same forum that creates Liberating Interdependence.  相似文献   

In our increasingly interconnected global society, learning to think about ourselves in a border context, making crossings and connections, reflecting on our position and power, and articulating a vision of social justice are necessary civic skills. Developing educational border crossers who have moved beyond stereotyping and the tourist's gaze to have a sensibility for social justice can enrich public life and stimulate the deepest forms of civic engagement. This study examines a teacher education program's nascent efforts to develop multicultural competencies, specifically border pedagogy, in future teachers.  相似文献   

小学教育专业是由中师并入高等院校以后新兴的一门专业,作为从事小学教育专业教学的教师要认真研究探讨中师教学与小学教育专业(以下简称小教专业)教学之间的联系与区别,适应新形势的要求,锐意教学改革,探索新的教学模式,以更好的完成培养高素质小学教师的任务。  相似文献   

教育学是执著于知识的探索还是钟情于意义的发现,从认识上澄清这个问题无疑具有重要意义。教育学的研究要突破认识上的局限,突出意义的生成。生成的过程恰恰也是本质无限澄明和敞开的过程,也许这就是教育学认识发展之路。  相似文献   

从教师教育的变革看教育学的专业改造   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育学专业是以教育学知识体系为核心,在多学科知识体系基础上构成的专门从事教育教学活动和教育研究的职业。教育学的专业设置和教师教育的专业性质归属既有密切关系,又有时代特征。我国目前的教育学专业设置及其教师编制已很难适应当代社会发展的要求。当代社会教育学的专业建设应该借鉴国际经验,通过专业改造、加强教师队伍建设和教学改革等措施,理顺教育学各专业及其与其他学科专业的关系,促进教育学学科、专业与教师教育的改革和发展。  相似文献   

教育模式的转型问题是当前中小学心理健康教育实现跨越式发展的根本问题。在中小学心理健康教育过程中,拘泥于心理学体系开展心理健康教育的"心理学取向"常常使其步入误区,其中,心理健康教育的矫正模式、小众模式、学科模式和单一模式等具有代表性,这是对心理健康教育的片面性理解。基于教育学的视角,心理健康教育属于教育性质,是一个"教育命题",需要从教育整体上进行设计,由"心理学取向"向"教育学取向"的转型势在必行。与之对应的具有代表性的心理健康教育模式是发展模式、大众模式、活动模式和辐合模式,以此实现心理健康教育的整体提升。  相似文献   

In the two decades since Audre Lorde (1984) pointed out that we have no patterns for relating across our differences as equals (p. 115), struggles to transform higher education have come to focus on communication about and across differences. Despite these efforts, conversations in higher education about group difference and equity too often exacerbate feelings of cynicism and disenfranchisement. In this article we discuss research into the actual discourses at work in communication about the cultural politics of institutional practices. We report on an analysis of qualitative data, using this data to help clarify the challenges of relating across differences as equals.Patrick Bruch is Assistant Professor of Writing Studies in the General College at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. He received a B.A. in English from Western Michigan University and a Ph.D. in English from Wayne State University. His teaching and research focus on struggles for equality within and through higher education. He thanks Mark Pedelty for helpful feedback on an earlier draft of this article. Rashné Jehangir received her B.A. in Psychology from Lawrence University and her M.A. in Counseling and Student Personnel Psychology from the University of Minnesota. She currently serves as an Associate Counselor Advocate for first-generation, low-income students in the TRIO Student Support Services program in the General College, University of Minnesota. Her current publications focus on cooperative learning, learning communities, and social justice and access policy to higher education. Dana Britt Lundell is Director of the Center for Research on Developmental Education and Urban Literacy (CRDEUL) in the General College at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. She received her M.A. in English and Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Minnesota. She is Co-Editor of the CRDEUL monograph and 2004 President of the Minnesota Association for Developmental Education (MNADE). Jeanne L. Higbee received her B.S. in Sociology from Iowa State University and earned both her M.S. in Counseling and Guidance and Ph.D. in Educational Administration from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She currently serves as Professor and Senior Advisor to the Center for Research on Developmental Education and Urban Literacy, General College, University of Minnesota. Her research interests are related to student development and the access and retention of student populations that traditionally have been underserved in postsecondary educational institutions. Karen L. Miksch is an Assistant Professor at the University of Minnesota, General College. She received her J.D. from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law. Affirmative action programs designed to recruit, admit, and retain a diverse student body, as well as access to college preparatory programs, are two ongoing areas of her research. All correspondence should be addressed to Patrick L. Bruch, General College, University of Minnesota, 128 Pleasant St. SE, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455  相似文献   

哲学的思维方式直接关系着我们对问题的态度,在现代哲学从科学世界观向回归生活世界的转向的背景下,我们应该及时重新理解教育问题,并把这种变化带到教育实践当中,本文主要阐述了现代哲学视野的转变过程,及在这种背景下对教育的再思考。  相似文献   

国民党政府在战后结束中日战争状态,实施对日处置的整个过程中都受到当时美国亚洲政策的影响。政策制定理循美国意志;具体实施随美国亚洲政策的转变而逐渐由减绥到停止;最后在法律上放弃对日处置的一切权利,在某种程度上也是出于美国的压力。美国给中日战争终结处理造成严重恶果,应负历史责任。  相似文献   

This response to Nelson and Neufeldt (1998) and Granello and Hazler (1998) discusses their reviews of the constructivist and developmental models in guiding counselor education. Models for diverse learners are suggested.  相似文献   

教学:一种理性的探险   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教学包括“教学目标、师生关系、教学内容和教学伦理”四种基本要素,正确理解和把握这四种基本要素才能实现真正的、成功的、有效的教学。  相似文献   

为适应内蒙古科技大学环境工程专业转型发展的背景,《环境管理与法规》课程拟采用角色扮演教学法。该教学法包括主题情境导入、剧本编制和演出、观众任务指定、演出后的课堂讨论、教师的客观评价与概括总结五个步骤。教师可从多个环节采取措施,以保证教学质量。  相似文献   

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