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As universities seek to bolster enrollment through distance education, faculty are tasked with maintaining comparable teaching/learning standards in traditional, blended, and online courses. Research has shown that there is an achievement gap between students taking courses exclusively offered online versus those enrolled in face-to-face classes. In an effort to mitigate these observed differences, the School of Business faculty at the research institution investigated various course models to meet the needs of a diverse, non-traditional, and multifaceted student population. Ultimately, a blended course model for statistics and quantitative method courses was developed that allowed students to choose between online, remote (via interactive television), and traditional course delivery modes each week. This model is more flexible and agile than existing blended courses that have more static components. Multiple regression analysis, χ2, and t-tests are used to demonstrate the efficacy of our model in maintaining student performance standards.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to analyse teachers’ perceptions of using the modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment (Moodle) platform as a learning management system in a small-scale blended learning (b-learning) Advanced Certificate in Education (ACE) programme for in-service secondary school mathematics teachers in South Africa. It describes how the Moodle platform was used in combination with on-campus and later off-campus contact sessions for a widely dispersed population of 76 in-service mathematics teachers over a four-year period. Qualitative data was gathered by means of a questionnaire with open-ended items, while quantitative data was gathered from the centre's archives. The main findings were that Moodle enabled in-service teachers to experience social, cognitive and teaching presences, through synchronous and asynchronous discussions with peers and facilitators, and a teaching presence by submitting their inquiries and assignments online for facilitators to provide them with answers and feedback. The main obstacles to the integration of Moodle were limited availability of technology, slow speed, and unaffordable cost when available. With increased broadband connectivity Moodle holds the prospect for diversifying b-learning experiences that can support teachers’ professional learning outcomes and throughput for distributed populations of practising mathematics teachers, in particular.  相似文献   

There is currently strong and widespread support among university administrators for blended learning at the college level, or courses that incorporate some degree of online instruction. As instructors are called on to incorporate online and face-to-face elements into their instruction, they face the critical question of how to intentionally connect the two modalities in ways that strengthen learning. This article first outlines the historical context of social-constructivism's presence in online instruction, and then presents a rationale for the use of “crossover” discussion protocols that connect online forums and face-to-face discussions. The article argues that by drawing deliberately on the benefits of both online and in-person learning environments, crossover protocols help students make more insightful connections among ideas and push their own—and each others'—thinking in unexpected ways. A set of crossover protocols is then provided, along with considerations for implementing them effectively. These practical strategies for facilitating conversations across the two modalities were developed in the author's undergraduate and graduate level courses in English and education and are adaptable across course levels and disciplines. The article concludes with a discussion of how students experience the learning benefits of crossover protocols.  相似文献   

构建混合式学习(B-learning)模式的策略探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先介绍了混合式学习的基本概念,然后讨论了混合式学习的两大组成要素,脱机学习部分和在线学习部分。最后重点探讨了构建混合式学习的策略问题,将构建混合式学习模式分为三个部分分别研究。  相似文献   

目前,混合学习已经成为国内高校广泛采用的学习模式。针对混合学习评价存在的弊端,借鉴"学本评估"理论,设计并实施了基于混合学习的"数据结构"课程教学实验,将学习评价贯穿于整个课程教学环节。通过实践研究表明,以"学本评估"理论为指导,结合在线课程学习平台,混合学习评价更为客观和科学,不仅能鉴定学生的学习成果,还能促进学生的学习能力提升,也得到了学生的广泛认同。  相似文献   

Distance education has provided the foundation for new generations of learning, including courses delivered through various web-based educational technologies, also referred to as online learning. Many post-secondary institutions face the challenge of creating processes and systems to support instructors who are required to design, deliver, and frequently update online courses. Effective online course design prioritizes a student-centered pedagogical approach through active learning and meaning-making using modern technologies. This requires a wide spectrum of experience, technological skills, and pedagogical knowledge that is difficult to achieve. On one hand of the spectrum, are instructors with experience in online course delivery, learning technologies, and knowledge of online learning pedagogies. On the other hand of the spectrum, are instructors with insufficient experience, technological skills and awareness of online pedagogies. This disparity in instructors’ experiences, skills and knowledge results at times in a gap in ability. By providing a flexible and interactive model of support to instructors, instructional designers can shorten this gap in theoretical knowledge and practical skills. This paper explores the skill gap that some instructors face in the online learning domain and presents selected approaches to support instructors when transitioning to online courses based on the authors’ professional experiences. This paper considers two models of course design support from two unique higher educational institutions in the United States and in Canada, using different learning management systems. The results show that while these models have different contexts, they offer significant insights about common goals, flexible content, and learner-centered course design.  相似文献   

While prior literature reviews provide insights into the characteristics and outcomes of teacher collaboration, they minimally address the theories and methods undergirding studies. However, these factors profoundly shape research, including how meaning is drawn from findings. Foregrounding theory and methods, this review examines approaches to studying teacher collaboration for instructional improvement. The 43 reviewed publications illustrate that while research on teacher collaboration is methodologically robust and often theoretically grounded, the use of interdisciplinary and critical theories could expand knowledge on collaboration as a pathway for transformation. Findings also illuminate the need for additional longitudinal research as well as studies with a focus on contextual factors such as school funding, size, and student demographics. Such work could inform how productive collaboration can be supported across a range of school contexts.  相似文献   

线上线下融合的混合教学成为推动教育变革及促进教育内涵式发展的重要方式。然而,混合教学对学生学习成效的实证研究结果存在较大差异,因而有必要探究混合教学的有效性及影响因素。本研究采用循证研究的元分析方法,对2000年1月~2021年9月的106篇国内外实验和准实验研究进行量化分析,系统检验混合教学的有效性。研究发现:1)纳入研究的样本总效应量为0.669(n=142),表明混合教学对学生学习成效具有中等偏上的促进作用,其中尤以学习动机和情感态度的提升最显著;2)就不同学段、实验周期以及实验人数而言,混合教学对初中生和高中生的学习促进作用最大,1~3个月的教学周期效果最好,而实验人数在51~100人之间的效果最佳;3)就在线学习比例、混合顺序和交互类型而言,50%的混合教学对学生学习的促进作用最大,同步和同步+异步的形式对学生学习的促进作用最明显;4)就教学方法和学习方式而言,基于任务的学习、角色扮演法、探究教学法以及案例教学法具有较大的效应作用,小组学习对学生学习促进最大。文章最后提出了有效开展混合教学的对策和建议。  相似文献   

A first-year tertiary-student structural equation modelling approach builds understanding of blended learning. The Biggs' 3P teaching-and-learning-systems model displays significant two-way interactions between each of its presage, process and product constructs. This study validates the Biggs' approach as a dynamic interactive learning system. The student learning processes occur through teacher contributions, mixed with learning interactions and feedback systems. Greater learning, knowledge and skills transfer is possible when students are suitably pre-prepared/pre-skilled for their ensuing learning experiences and for the varieties of teaching/learning interactions that they encounter.  相似文献   

In courses using a virtual learning environment (VLE), some students like to work together, and some do not. If we give students the opportunity to choose either teamwork or individual study, how does this affect their marks and their appraisal and assessment of the course? This question has been investigated in the context of an English Literature course at the University of Utrecht. In this course, students work intensively with a VLE, and attend lectures: a blended learning environment. Previous research has shown that the pedagogical design used provides a powerful learning environment. This time, students had the choice of working on the course assignments in small teams (2–4 students), or individually. Both groups were compared based on their study results, and the answers to a questionnaire. Students valued the choice. Mainly those students with high marks for a previous course, which had a similar pedagogical design, preferred collaboration. Statistical analysis showed that collaboration resulted in significantly better marks.  相似文献   

基于新时期学生的特点,结合新工科人才培养的契机,通过线上学习和课堂教学相结合的混合式教学方法进行课程的改革,使学生能够从根本上改变学生的学习思维方式,培养学生为主体的学习能力、问题解决能力、实践动手能力和合作沟通能力。  相似文献   

Blended learning (BL) is still in its infancy in the United Arab Emirates, but is gaining growing attention and acceptance. The particular university under investigation offers its nationally accredited graduate programs with a BL format that makes use of synchronous virtual classrooms, asynchronous self-study, and face-to-face sessions. The current qualitative research study investigates students' perceptions about their experience with the BL model within their relatively conservative cultural context. In addition, the project aimed at gauging their suggestions for course design considerations that would meet their needs as adult learners and enhance their learning experience. Twenty-one graduate students participated in the study, with findings indicating an overall positive perception about the BL experience with a strong positive impact on female empowerment. The most salient themes for successful instructional strategies indicated the importance of student-centered practices, particularly collaborative projects and student-led activities.  相似文献   

推动学生由浅层学习走向深度学习是提升混合式教学质量的关键.本文通过文献述评、案例分析与课堂观察,以促进情感深度参与、行为深度参与和认知深度参与为目标建构了指向深度学习的"三维度十六方面"的混合式教学策略体系,并开展为期一个学期教学实证.随后,采用问卷调查、内容分析法对学习态度数据、学习行为数据以及学习认知数据进行分析,...  相似文献   

If we are to realise the potential of blended learning in higher education, then further research into academic practice and relevant academic development is essential. Our review of literature on blended learning in higher education reveals an interesting scholarship landscape which, when described in detail, pointedly directs attention to the lack of literature seeking to understand academics’ current blended practices. We argue that this is problematic in terms of formulating the required professional development and support. In essence, this paper uncovers the need for further research into understanding not only why academics may choose to engage in blended learning, but also, once engaged, why some choose to integrate technology to create transformative blends while others choose minimally impacting blends. This paper may interest those supporting academics in developing blended learning. It provides a guiding resource both for researchers investigating blended practices and those embarking on blended learning implementations.  相似文献   

结合成人教育教学特点,从学习过程整合的内涵及意义出发,以学习过程为主线,从学习内容、学习活动以及学习评价三个环节构建了成人教育混合教学的实施路径,并对每个环节的整合设计提出了明确要求。从学习支持服务、教学交互设计、教学平台功能及政策制度保障四个方面构建了成人教育混合教学实施的保障体系。  相似文献   

大学英语教学改革的本质是要变革传统的教学结构,创建新型的、既能发挥教师主导作用又能充分体现学生主体地位的"主导--主体相结合"的教学结构,从而使学生的口语能力、自主学习能力和创新能力都得到培养.结合我校大学英语教学改革实践,从混合学习方式的实施过程分析和讨论传统大学英语教学结构的变革,旨在为推动我国大学英语教学改革提供...  相似文献   

The changing work roles and resulting workloads of distance educators hold significant implications for the wellbeing and mental health of academics. New work roles include redesigning curricula for online delivery, increasing staff-student ratios and demands for student-support, management of part-time staff, and 24-h availability. This research was conducted to investigate the perceived importance of various job roles constituting the quantitative and qualitative workload of distance educators at an open and distance learning university in South Africa. A quantitative, cross-sectional self-report survey design was employed. A stratified random sampling technique was used to ensure generalisability. The questionnaires were completed online, and the results were statistically analysed. The findings include a priority list of 40 distance educators’ work roles that may impact on their perceived workload. The article offers recommendations for policy development to facilitate a healthy workload allocation for distance educators.  相似文献   

"泛在学习"逐渐成为人们生活的一部分,教师培训工作者如何使受训教师们更好地习得在"泛在学习"背景下开展教育、教学的相应能力,成为教育技术人共同面临并尝试解决的问题。微信支持下的混合式学习,立足微信的及时通信,支持语音短信、视频、图片、文字,支持多人群聊等功能,并利用微信公众平台面向受众系统传播、多元定制的功能,从教学到学习的开展都极好地实现了"泛在",很大程度上改善与提高职前教师教育技术能力培养工作能效,有效地促进了职前教师对教育技术能力的深入掌握。  相似文献   

Anatomists are well placed to tackle the transition from face-to-face to blended learning approaches as a result of the rapidly forced changes brought about by Covid-19. The subject is extremely visual and has, therefore, previously been a target for the development of technology-enhanced learning initiatives over the last ten years. Today's students have come to expect the integration of technology in the classroom and remotely. They adjust quickly to the innovative use of new applications and software and have begun to integrate it within their own workflow for note taking and study aids. Given the intense drive toward blended deliveries of anatomy as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is easy to picture how the benefits of working in partnership with students (in order to achieve many of these aims) would be possible, particularly in difficult subjects like neuroanatomy. In doing so, it provides anatomists with new opportunities to engage students in a way that aligns well with best practice frameworks for engaging students through partnership. The current United Kingdom guidelines set out by Advance HE (a professional membership organization for promoting excellence in higher education) strongly encourages the higher education community to seek out appropriate academic contexts where a balance of power can be struck between staff and student to create a community of practice. If such an approach can be fully embraced by anatomists, a strong argument can be made for seizing the opportunity to optimize the benefits of student partnership work in this discipline.  相似文献   

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