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今天要认识这些单词哦: Britain是“英国”。除此之外,我们在说“英国”时,还可以用Great Britain和the United Kingdom(简称the U.K.)。其实,英国的正式名称是The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland(大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国)。它包括England(英格兰)、Wales(威尔士)、Scotland(苏格兰)和Northern Ireland(北爱尔兰)这四个部分。大家要注意了,在说“英国”时,千万不要用England哦,因为England只是英国的一部分而已。  相似文献   

他们为什么而笑呢?请看图然后把正确的答案和相应的图一一连线。1.Monkey wins the game.2.Giraffe gets many birthdaygifts.3.Baby Squirrel helpsmother wash the dishes.4.Today is Pig’s birthday.5.Bear is dreaming of eatinghoney.6.Giraffe’s mother buys ared bag  相似文献   

One of the strongest arguments for the raising of the school leaving age (ROSLA) has been that it will bring us some way to "equality of opportunity".M any people like to think of our present system of schooling as pro-viding plenty of steps up the ladder…  相似文献   

Community colleges have seen dramatic enrollment increases (Kasper, 2002 Kasper , H. ( 2002 ). The changing role of community colleges . Occupational Outlook Quarterly , Winter 2002–03 , p. 19 . [Google Scholar]), and some are now offering 4-year degrees (Evelyn, 2003 Evelyn , J. ( 2003 , April 11 ). Making waves in Miami . The Chronicle of Higher Education , 49 ( 31 ), p. A34 . [Google Scholar]). They are eligible for more grants than in the past, and community college funding from state and federal appropriations is shrinking (Lawrence & Marino, 2003 Lawrence , S. & Marino , L. ( 2003 , September ). Update on funding for higher and graduate educational institutions . New York : The Foundation Center .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]). For these reasons, it is imperative that community college faculty become involved in grant proposal preparation and submission. They will also gain professionally from participating in grant development activities.  相似文献   

Differentpeoplehavedifferentcolourskin(皮肤).Somehaveblackskin,somehaveyellowskin,andsomehavewhiteskin.Therewasawo-maninAlaska.Herskinwasanorangecolour.Itwasalmostthecolouroforangejuice.Howdidthiswomanbecomeorange?Sheatealotoftomatoes,car-rotsandsquash(南瓜).Sheatetoomanyorangethings.Thatswhysheturnedorange.Thewomandidntwanttobeorange.Shewenttoadoctor.Thedoctorsaid,“Stopeatingorangethings.Eatsomegreenthings.”Thewomandidso,andshewasntorangeanymore.Why Did the Wo…  相似文献   

Mybrother,Henry,hadaverygoodjobatabank.Icouldntbelievehimwhenhetoldmethathehaddecidedtoleavethere.Itriedtomakehimchangehismind,butIfailed.“Youshouldreconsideryourdecision,”Isaid.“Youhaveal-readyspentfiveyearsinthebankandyoucouldhaveawonderfulfuture.Youmightbecomeabankmanager(经理)bythetimeyouarethirty-five.”“Iknow,”Henryanswered.“Ihavegotnocomplaints(抱怨)withthebank.Itisapleasantjob.Thebankmanagertoldmethatmyfuturewasbrilliant.”“Thenwhydoyouwanttoleave?”Ia…  相似文献   

A young man went to a car shop.He was wearing rubber boots(胶靴子)and a dirty jacket.And he needed a haircut badly.The young man looked at an expensive car carefully and then turned to speak tothe shopkeeper.“Howmuch is this car?”he asked.“One thousand two hundred and eighteen  相似文献   

Neuroeducation—a recent approach to educational policy—claims that a bridge should be established between education and mind‐brain sciences, with the double aim of devising educational methods that work and of understanding why they work. The success of this encounter depends, among other conditions, on getting the science right; otherwise, neuroeducation and science‐informed policies risk doing more harm than good. On several occasions, the cognitive and brain sciences have been misunderstood, and misused: neuromyths—the misconceptions about the mind and brain functioning—have blossomed, thus raising both theoretical and pragmatic concerns. This article addresses the origin, persistence, and potential side‐effects of neuromyths in education. The hypothesis is put forward that the persistence of neuromyths is sustained by specific cultural conditions, such as the circulation of pieces of information about the brain and the appetite for brain news, but has its roots in deeper cognitive intuitions.  相似文献   

Tom:Whydodoctorsandnurseswearmasks?Peter:Sothatifsomeonemakesamistakenoonewillknowwhodidit.他们为什么戴口罩?汤姆:为什么医生和护士们都戴口罩?彼得:目的就是如果有人出了错,没有人知道是谁干的。Why Do They Wear Masks  相似文献   

24第二音收罗秋天一 、漫化妆How Did They Become Mr. and Mrs. Rich?~~  相似文献   

Writing is a real life activity. Whether it is in social,work or study situations,we write to get things done:to form and maintain social relationships (email,chat groups,text messaging)and for business purposes  相似文献   

Whether it is in social, work or study situations, we write to get things done: to form and maintain social relationships (email, chat groups, text messaging) and for business purposes (emails, reports and more formal correspondence). Academic writing may also be important for foreign students wishing to study in anglophone countries.[第一段]  相似文献   

notlikedoinghishomework.Whenhedidit,healwaysmadealoofmistakes.Oneday,hismathsteachercorrectedTomshomeworkandfoundthathegotallhisexercisesright.Sohewaspleasedandquitesurprised.HecalledTomtohisofficeandsaidtohim,“Yougotallyourhomeworkrightthistime.Whathappened?Didyourfa-therhelpyouwithit?”UsuallyTomsfatherhelpedhimwithhishomework,butthaeveninghewasnotathome.SoTomanswered,“No,sir.HewasWhy Did Tom Always Make a Lot of Mistakes in His Homework?@一兵…  相似文献   

Did I begin?     

Mamba: Y m glad I' m not poisonous.Snake: Why?Mamba: I just bit my tongue.  相似文献   

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